WHAT... Hydroxychloroquine? Mayo suggests it should be used???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Mr. President, I was born with a disease called sarcoidosis, and from the day I was born, I was considered uninsurable,"
So said Ellesia Blaque, an assistant professor, pressed Trump during an ABC News town hall with voters in Philadelphia.
Blaque: Should preexisting conditions ― which Obamacare brought into ― brought to fruition ― be removed…
Trump: No.
Blaque: Please stop and let me finish my question, sir. Should that be removed, within a 36- to 72-hour period, without my medication, I will be dead.
So I went to Mayo Clinic...and hmmm one of their recommended medication?
  • Hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) may be helpful for skin lesions and elevated blood-calcium levels.
And further Rarely, sarcoidosis can be fatal. Death usually is the result of complications with the lungs, heart, or brain.

So here we have ABC news blowing this Ms. Blaque's question out of proportion as the BIASED MSM is wont to do.
Ms. Blaque says she would die in 72 hours if not for her medications. And because of Trump altering Obamacare... she would die!

This is one of many reasons I don't believe the MSM, much less ABC and definitely NOT Ms. Blaque.. who has little if any knowledge about Pre-existing conditions!
And if any of you uninformed people want to know more about Pre-existing conditions... ask questions and I'll provide how this gigantic lie of Obama is so wrong!
Obama said and this was a motive for banning Pre-existing conditions in ACA:
Read the below and see how Obama's lie was totally exposed by the reality of who signed up for ACA "pre-existing conditions Insurance Plan"?
Not 169 million as Obama lied about... not 1 million... FACTS!

Blaque: Should preexisting conditions ― which Obamacare brought into ― brought to fruition ― be removed…
Trump: No.
Blaque: Please stop and let me finish my question, sir. Should that be removed, within a 36- to 72-hour period, without my medication, I will be dead.
President Trump answered his question.
Blaque: Should preexisting conditions ― which Obamacare brought into ― brought to fruition ― be removed…
Trump: No.
Blaque: Please stop and let me finish my question, sir. Should that be removed, within a 36- to 72-hour period, without my medication, I will be dead.
President Trump answered his question.
The fake news media has brainwashed the feeble minded into thinking that Trump wants to outlaw health care insurance for people with preexisting conditions.

Democrats are easily brainwashed idiot.
Blaque: Should preexisting conditions ― which Obamacare brought into ― brought to fruition ― be removed…
Trump: No.
Blaque: Please stop and let me finish my question, sir. Should that be removed, within a 36- to 72-hour period, without my medication, I will be dead.
President Trump answered his question.
The fake news media has brainwashed the feeble minded into thinking that Trump wants to outlaw health care insurance for people with preexisting conditions.

Democrats are easily brainwashed idiot.
Remember... The "pre-existing conditions Insurance Plan (PCIP) an Obamacare product was suppose to help those 169 million americans with Pre-Existing Conditions (an exaggeration as ALL employer health plans ... 180 million covered... don't have "pre-existing conditions"!
And the proof there NEVER were over half of all Americans, when only 115,000 people signed up for the PCIP plan!
Check out the attached!

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