What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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People that sneak into the country have about as much interest in our elections as we have in theirs. Any foreigner who would risk deportation and jail time to vote would have to be nuts since the chance of their vote making any difference is about 1 in million.

I have a list of links if you care to read them about just that. So what happens if an illegal is caught trying to vote? They tell him or her they can't vote. Nobody calls the cops, nobody informs ICE; especially in sanctuary cities, nobody is hauled away. They just get turned down at the polls.

ILLEGALS ARE NOT TRYING TO VOTE. You fucking ignorant lying POS.

That's just a lie. They had hundreds of illegal voters in Virginia. The only reason they knew about them was all they did was ask them, nothing else. Not even ID. Imagine if hundreds admit they are not citizens how many are actually voting.

And you know States like California are actively encouraging illegal voters, you're just another leftist fake news pwned liar

There is no end to how fucking stupid you are,.

Illegal Aliens is different than illegal votes.

The bulk of illegal votes come from absentee ballots. Next are LEGAL ( In case you were too fucking stupid to read that, it said LEGAL) resident non-citizens. NOT illegal aliens,.

Trump supporters are the dumbest people on the planet. OMG OMG OMG an illegal might vote while welcoming Russian help.

It's both and it's wrong both ways. Dildo
Guys need results not excuses; and invented the double headed dildo. so there.
his trade wars will spark a recession and he'll be gone... and we'll all be better off for it.

Nobody ever "won" a trade war.
The trade war started when Bush 41 took over and moronically gave China unrestricted access to our massive, rich market. The trade war has existed since then, and won by China, Mexico, et al. Only now have we shifted the balance back at least to equal (almost). Wonder why it took so long.
Are voter id's racist? Maybe. The idea is based on the believe that blacks will not go to the trouble of voting if they have to remember to bring their id to the polls. I guess people think they are too stupid or lazy.:cuckoo: That idea seems pretty racist to me

You're the one fighting checking voter ID, moron. You're the one who is worried about that.

So is airline security based on the idea that terrorists are too lazy to bring their ID? Is checking ID for cashing a check based on that bank customers are too lazy to bring their ID? Or are those based on validating people are who they say they are.

If you weren't such a racist race baiter, like checking the ID of travellers and banks, people lie about who they are. Best way to check they aren't doing that is to ... wait for it ... check their ID

I am NOT fighting voter ID, I am fighting photo voter ID requirements that your America hating party try to use to suppress the vote.,

As for race? The photo Voter ID requirements target poorer people that are disproportionately minority. So yes, it has to do with race.

Yes, racistdave, you think blacks are too stupid and lazy to get and use an id. Sure, granddragon

Look you fucking racist asshole, 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. These are disproportionately minority.

So I would assume that even a stipid fuck racist like you would see how YOUR party is targeting these people to keed them from voting. Making them get this ID when most Republicans already have them.

Here in PA, most counties have one location to get this idea. Most communities don't have public transportation. These are people that do not drive.

But hey, You & your orange butt buddy keep calling black people stupid.
Look you fucking racist asshole, 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. These are disproportionately minority.

So I would assume that even a stipid fuck racist like you would see how YOUR party is targeting these people to keed them from voting. Making them get this ID when most Republicans already have them.

Here in PA, most counties have one location to get this idea. Most communities don't have public transportation. These are people that do not drive.

But hey, You & your orange butt buddy keep calling black people stupid.
Wow!!!! what argument did you lose?
There is no end to how fucking stupid you are,.

Illegal Aliens is different than illegal votes.

The bulk of illegal votes come from absentee ballots. Next are LEGAL ( In case you were too fucking stupid to read that, it said LEGAL) resident non-citizens. NOT illegal aliens,.

Trump supporters are the dumbest people on the planet. OMG OMG OMG an illegal might vote while welcoming Russian help.
The most obvious thing in this forum is you blabbering pure :bsflag:about that which you have no clue whatsoever.
Look you fucking racist asshole, 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. These are disproportionately minority.

So I would assume that even a stipid fuck racist like you would see how YOUR party is targeting these people to keed them from voting. Making them get this ID when most Republicans already have them.

Here in PA, most counties have one location to get this idea. Most communities don't have public transportation. These are people that do not drive.

But hey, You & your orange butt buddy keep calling black people stupid.
They're not stupid. YOU are.
Are voter id's racist? Maybe. The idea is based on the believe that blacks will not go to the trouble of voting if they have to remember to bring their id to the polls. I guess people think they are too stupid or lazy.:cuckoo: That idea seems pretty racist to me

You're the one fighting checking voter ID, moron. You're the one who is worried about that.

So is airline security based on the idea that terrorists are too lazy to bring their ID? Is checking ID for cashing a check based on that bank customers are too lazy to bring their ID? Or are those based on validating people are who they say they are.

If you weren't such a racist race baiter, like checking the ID of travellers and banks, people lie about who they are. Best way to check they aren't doing that is to ... wait for it ... check their ID

I am NOT fighting voter ID, I am fighting photo voter ID requirements that your America hating party try to use to suppress the vote.,

As for race? The photo Voter ID requirements target poorer people that are disproportionately minority. So yes, it has to do with race.

Yes, racistdave, you think blacks are too stupid and lazy to get and use an id. Sure, granddragon

Look you fucking racist asshole, 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. These are disproportionately minority.

So I would assume that even a stipid fuck racist like you would see how YOUR party is targeting these people to keed them from voting. Making them get this ID when most Republicans already have them.

Here in PA, most counties have one location to get this idea. Most communities don't have public transportation. These are people that do not drive.

But hey, You & your orange butt buddy keep calling black people stupid.
What a racist piece of shit trump voter you are. Blacks cant get and use an id? No wonder you look through orange colored glasses, trumpanzee
Are voter id's racist? Maybe. The idea is based on the believe that blacks will not go to the trouble of voting if they have to remember to bring their id to the polls. I guess people think they are too stupid or lazy.:cuckoo: That idea seems pretty racist to me

You're the one fighting checking voter ID, moron. You're the one who is worried about that.

So is airline security based on the idea that terrorists are too lazy to bring their ID? Is checking ID for cashing a check based on that bank customers are too lazy to bring their ID? Or are those based on validating people are who they say they are.

If you weren't such a racist race baiter, like checking the ID of travellers and banks, people lie about who they are. Best way to check they aren't doing that is to ... wait for it ... check their ID

I am NOT fighting voter ID, I am fighting photo voter ID requirements that your America hating party try to use to suppress the vote.,

As for race? The photo Voter ID requirements target poorer people that are disproportionately minority. So yes, it has to do with race.

Yes, racistdave, you think blacks are too stupid and lazy to get and use an id. Sure, granddragon

Look you fucking racist asshole, 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. These are disproportionately minority.

So I would assume that even a stipid fuck racist like you would see how YOUR party is targeting these people to keed them from voting. Making them get this ID when most Republicans already have them.

Here in PA, most counties have one location to get this idea. Most communities don't have public transportation. These are people that do not drive.

But hey, You & your orange butt buddy keep calling black people stupid.

You don't even have Voter ID in PA any longer.

10 to 12% of voters have no ID whatsoever? You're telling me that this 10 to 12% don't purchase alcohol, tobacco products, have no bank account, never applied for a home loan, never left the country where a passport was required, never boarded a plane, never cashed a check at the grocery store, never drove a car in their lives, never got hired for a job, never questioned by police for anything?

Oh yes, anybody can believe that.
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Are voter id's racist? Maybe. The idea is based on the believe that blacks will not go to the trouble of voting if they have to remember to bring their id to the polls. I guess people think they are too stupid or lazy.:cuckoo: That idea seems pretty racist to me

You're the one fighting checking voter ID, moron. You're the one who is worried about that.

So is airline security based on the idea that terrorists are too lazy to bring their ID? Is checking ID for cashing a check based on that bank customers are too lazy to bring their ID? Or are those based on validating people are who they say they are.

If you weren't such a racist race baiter, like checking the ID of travellers and banks, people lie about who they are. Best way to check they aren't doing that is to ... wait for it ... check their ID

I am NOT fighting voter ID, I am fighting photo voter ID requirements that your America hating party try to use to suppress the vote.,

As for race? The photo Voter ID requirements target poorer people that are disproportionately minority. So yes, it has to do with race.

Yes and no.

Yes because Democrats understand that most lowlifes vote for them. They are lazy, on welfare, and could give a F about voting in the first place. Sure, they will vote if it's convenient enough, but to put a little effort into voting, forget about it.

Of course they can't tell you that. Giving you the truth could be harmful. So they make up this BS race thing to try and convince the sheep that it has something to do with race. It has nothing to do with race, it has to do with a lazy non-caring constituency.
No we won't, but go ahead and talk about the future, since you and all Democrats have been obliterated by the past 19 months, and the present. Yeah, that future talk...I guess you still can wiggle that around.

Actually, we are already seeing the slowdown... Late 2019 or early 2020. But it's okay, when the Dems take the House, you can claim it's Pelosi's fault.

Hmmm. Who led Congress when the economy went to hell? Who owned Congress when things started to get better?

Don't you believe that a President is entirely responsible for either.
Actually, long before that, his trade wars will spark a recession and he'll be gone... and we'll all be better off for it.

Nobody ever "won" a trade war.

Did you hold the same belief when DumBama put a tariff on Chinese tires?

Sure there will be a recession. It happens all the time. What goes up must come down. But it will have nothing to do with anything Trump did. It's just a natural cycle of the American economy.

Yes, I thank President Obama for fixing the economy ten years ago... too bad Trump is working very hard to fuck it all up.

He is? It only got much better during the last less than 2 years. If Trump was fucking it up, we would be seeing results of that, wouldn't you think? Instead, it's doing the exact opposite.
And then you'll take your dumb ass to Walmart and buy Chinese made shit... and wonder why you still don't have a good job.
You buy whatever is available to be bought. And often, there is no choice but to buy Chinese. But we have hope. Trump is changing that, and as time goes by, less and less stuff in WalMart will be Chinese made, and more and more American made.

Sounds like you've got the makings to be a good Trump supporter.

As for "a good job", US unemployment went down to 3.8% this year , lowest in 18 years. Lowest ever for blacks and Hispanics. Rejoice.

One of our customers supplies products to Walmart, and I haven't seen them this busy in the last five years of DumBama. They have 54 docks, and I can always tell how busy they are not just by how much work they give us, but how many other trucks are in the docs waiting to get unloaded.
Yes, we are doing it wrong, we voted Democrat in the past. The best thing we can do right now to protect this country and our jobs is to keep Democrats out of power.

Again- Nine of the last ten recessions where people lost jobs and took pay cuts started when Republicans were in charge.

It's not a bug, buddy, it's a design feature. The one thing the One Percent hates is having to share the wealth with the wage slaves, so we'll have another recession soon enough.

Wishful thinking. Share their wealth? Why should they share their wealth with anybody?

This might be news to you, but a President has very limited power unless he has a Congress of the same party as a majority.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell.
We've always needed immigrant labor. It was just in the past, they came in for the seasonal work and went home when it was done. But because bigots like you freaked out, they found it more practical to just come here with the whole family and stay rather than trying to sneak across the border a couple of times a year.

So who stopped green cards? Who stopped work Visa's? They are still in play today.
Unfortunately for you (and the Democrats) the numbers aren't with you.

All Obama did NINE years ago, was sit back and let the economy naturally RECOIL from an unusual dip. That continued as a normal progression upward for about 6 years. Then in Obama last 2 years, he was on his own, and his performance stunk. Here's the comparison of him (his failure) and Trump (his success) >>

Actually, Trump's growth is still pretty tepid... kind of where we've been for the last six years... about 3% average. One good quarter doesn't really mean that much.

Trump's Trade war is already hurting the economy.
And if you compare the life of the average American then to now, we are so much richer and our lives are so much easier.

No, we aren't.

My dad was able to buy a vacation property on a middle class salary back in the 1950's... No College. Just a HS Diploma, he was able to get a union card and support five kids on his salary.

Speaking of college, when I went to school, you could get a pretty decent college degree for $1500 a year. Not today.

Now this is where I'm a little bit sympathetic the the poor dumb white trash that supports Trump. They see they have less than their parents have, and they look for someone to blame. But they don't understand WHY they've lost it.

They just look for someone to blame, and Trump gives them the Mexicans.
So who stopped green cards? Who stopped work Visa's? They are still in play today.

Yes, we have a system that is broken, and has been broken for a long time... but the bigots won't let us fix it.

It is broken. We shouldn't be letting anybody in based on a lottery. We shouldn't be letting anybody in because they have family here. We shouldn't' allow any immigrant to collect on our social programs.

These are the things Democrats don't want to fix.
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