What have you done?!

I have skied on KY Lake.

I have walked on the Great Wall....I know others have done that, but not many.

I have been inside a pyramid in Egypt.

I have flown over the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Mediterranean.

I have prescribed medications.

I have taught in a college.

I have put people in 4 point cuff and belt restraints. Again, not many have likely done that. And certainly not for work! :D

I have come down with a terminal illness. I may not be the only one, though, those things can sneak up on you.

I actually worked for my retirement. Again, not many here have done that. It shows.

I own 3000 books. And I snicker thinking that my kids will have to deal with them!

I actually park my car in the garage instead of using it to house a bunch of useless junk.
I have walked on the Great Wall....I know others have done that, but not many.


I can top that one. I have slept overnight on the Great Wall. Nobody around for miles and miles but me. Hid out at closing time in the old ruins section then got out my sleeping bag, snacks, booze; good to go. Got up in the middle of the night and did Taijiquan for a while on the wall, under the moon (it was sort of misty-raining a bit but the moon was still out). Morning came and I slipped out with the incoming tide of tourists.
Used to go mountain climbing on New Year's eve every year. I would go alone. It was so tranquil and beautiful. Going alone is not too smart in any event and naturally it was snowy and icy.

I reached the top and lit a fire and a small deer was curious enough to come close to me. This was such a spiritual experience.

On my way down I hit a patch of ice and was taking the express lane to the bottom of the mountain. I was nearing the edge where it was a straight drop and I thought that was it for me. My boot got caught on a sapling and it stopped me near the edge.

This was not the first or last time I faced death there was a peace that I felt, a quiet confidence, a calm, the nearness of God.

My experience is not a can you top this or unique just something this thread reminded me of. Nice thread.
Used to go mountain climbing on New Year's eve every year. I would go alone. It was so tranquil and beautiful. Going alone is not too smart in any event and naturally it was snowy and icy.

I reached the top and lit a fire and a small deer was curious enough to come close to me. This was such a spiritual experience.

On my way down I hit a patch of ice and was taking the express lane to the bottom of the mountain. I was nearing the edge where it was a straight drop and I thought that was it for me. My boot got caught on a sapling and it stopped me near the edge.

This was not the first or last time I faced death there was a peace that I felt, a quiet confidence, a calm, the nearness of God.

My experience is not a can you top this or unique just something this thread reminded me of. Nice thread.
By "spiritual experience," do you mean you gave thanks before filling up on venison?
Used to go mountain climbing on New Year's eve every year. I would go alone. It was so tranquil and beautiful. Going alone is not too smart in any event and naturally it was snowy and icy.

I reached the top and lit a fire and a small deer was curious enough to come close to me. This was such a spiritual experience.

On my way down I hit a patch of ice and was taking the express lane to the bottom of the mountain. I was nearing the edge where it was a straight drop and I thought that was it for me. My boot got caught on a sapling and it stopped me near the edge.

This was not the first or last time I faced death there was a peace that I felt, a quiet confidence, a calm, the nearness of God.

My experience is not a can you top this or unique just something this thread reminded me of. Nice thread.
By "spiritual experience," do you mean you gave thanks before filling up on venison?

No, I enjoy nature in the manner I described.
Used to go mountain climbing on New Year's eve every year. I would go alone. It was so tranquil and beautiful. Going alone is not too smart in any event and naturally it was snowy and icy.

I reached the top and lit a fire and a small deer was curious enough to come close to me. This was such a spiritual experience.

On my way down I hit a patch of ice and was taking the express lane to the bottom of the mountain. I was nearing the edge where it was a straight drop and I thought that was it for me. My boot got caught on a sapling and it stopped me near the edge.

This was not the first or last time I faced death there was a peace that I felt, a quiet confidence, a calm, the nearness of God.

My experience is not a can you top this or unique just something this thread reminded me of. Nice thread.
By "spiritual experience," do you mean you gave thanks before filling up on venison?

No, I enjoy nature in the manner I described.
Oh. I was confused, then.

I've seen an alligator and a manatee up close. Yes, nature looking us in the eyes is rather spiritual.
Dove hunting season. One was shot by someone and it was floundering in the lake. The hunter didn't bother to go fetch it so I ran out to the edge and jumped in. The dove was further from the shore than I thought...and the lake was deeper than I thought. Oops. I got to the dove finally...but was so exhausted, I couldn't hold it and paddle with one arm. So I stuck it on my head where it clamped on tight to my hair and scalp. I almost drowned. Hubby came running and swam out to meet me, took the dove and I floated awhile to catch my breath, then swam to shore.
We doctored the dove and it flew away.
That was a close one. I almost didn't make it.
hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and then hiked back up....which is a mother fucker....we left at 10 pm to avoid the heat.....made it back up by 7 AM....whew!....camped out in the middle of no where in Bryce Canyon in the middle of those giant natural amphitheaters.....camped out at the foot of a Glacier in Garibaldi Provincial Park in British Columbia Canada....been to Disneyland and Knotts Berry farm...
I have walked on the Great Wall....I know others have done that, but not many.


I can top that one. I have slept overnight on the Great Wall. Nobody around for miles and miles but me. Hid out at closing time in the old ruins section then got out my sleeping bag, snacks, booze; good to go. Got up in the middle of the night and did Taijiquan for a while on the wall, under the moon (it was sort of misty-raining a bit but the moon was still out). Morning came and I slipped out with the incoming tide of tourists.


I kept in touch with my Chinese guide for a long time, and still occasionally hear from him. We were there when they had SARS. Conversing with him, I came to realize that the way the Chinese government got control of that disease was nothing short of miraculous. Half the US population would have died and we still wouldn't have been over it. We in the US have much to learn. And few in our group attended with an open mind. I also visited the Traditional Medicine Hospital. Their pharmacy was sensational. All the herbs, roots, shells, and stuff they use smelled wonderful. I could have used their garbage to freshen my house!

I would like to have spent the night in the Great Pyramid. I do wonder what Napoleon's experiences were. He said no one would believe it if he told.

Because of my life situation, I am inclined to want to sky dive. But a hard landing on knee replacements could make the overall situation far worse.

On the Great Wall: When I read the crap online about what a wonderful place for a 'stroll' it is, I just laugh. The people who write that drivel are bluffing, have never been there, and know nothing of the booby traps built into it: The pits for horses to fall in, the uneven steps to trip you on, the walls built in it for people and horses to slam into, the straight up and straight down nature of the thing. It's not a nice place to stroll. It's a nice place to fall down and break your neck. Yeah, it has hand rails, but they come about to my knees. LOL
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I was a rodeo princess.

I lived on a property that had its own graveyard.

I have heard wild wolves howling.

I have an old cemetery behind my house. It has fallen into disrepair. If I were well, I would clean it off and see if I could get a monument company to come and right the stones. If I made the effort, I could probably get a civic organization to take it over and clean it up. It is covered in periwinkle (graveyard grass), in the spring has lots of May apples. Stones are missing but you can see the configuration of the graves from the sinking. There is one family plot that is set in a fan pattern. A tree fell after the ice storm of 2009 and I have been unable to get anyone to come get it out. It was once a fine cemetery. Some of the graves may have been moved up here to make way for the lake. But most of it is very old. The nicest monument is to a 21 year old women who likely died in childbirth. There are about 100 babies in it. They are all good neighbors. None of them have paid me a visit. Yet.

My grand parents garden had two graves in the middle of it. They tended them along with the garden, even though they were no relation.

Here I hear mostly coyotes, but there are wolves across the lake in LBL.

This summer, I plan to spend more time near the water.

I don't guess I was ever a princess.
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hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and then hiked back up....which is a mother fucker....we left at 10 pm to avoid the heat.....made it back up by 7 AM....whew!....camped out in the middle of no where in Bryce Canyon in the middle of those giant natural amphitheaters.....camped out at the foot of a Glacier in Garibaldi Provincial Park in British Columbia Canada....been to Disneyland and Knotts Berry farm...

Would like to have done that. The best I managed was to fly over it. But that was still a treat.
Used to go mountain climbing on New Year's eve every year. I would go alone. It was so tranquil and beautiful. Going alone is not too smart in any event and naturally it was snowy and icy.

I reached the top and lit a fire and a small deer was curious enough to come close to me. This was such a spiritual experience.

On my way down I hit a patch of ice and was taking the express lane to the bottom of the mountain. I was nearing the edge where it was a straight drop and I thought that was it for me. My boot got caught on a sapling and it stopped me near the edge.

This was not the first or last time I faced death there was a peace that I felt, a quiet confidence, a calm, the nearness of God.

My experience is not a can you top this or unique just something this thread reminded me of. Nice thread.

Those of us who deal with the tragedies of others often find that type of experience. Being close to the edge, and actually seeing someone go over it even if it is a death bed in a hospital changes you for life. But the walls your build around it have to be strong. Many would destroy that inner world if they could.

I have seen people come into the world, I have held their hands when they went out of this world. My husband died in my arms. Coming into and going out of this world are the most profound things life has for us to witness.
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In the summer of 1993 after I just turned 11 years old, I actually got to go to the field where the Field of Dreams was filmed during a family vacation. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I also went to the Mall of America during that vacation too. :) :) :)
I've been to Dyersville (from Iowa).

I wrote a childrens book. Should be published later this year.

i have been in the process of writing a book

all the pets i had in my life

the title is

Foxy the drunken pony that loved kids
I have been inside a pyramid in Egypt.

Ooh!!! Did you take pics? How long ago was it? What was it like? I am envious!

No pics allowed inside. It was claustrophobic. And it stunk to high heaven. Imagine the mustiest basement you have ever smelt and take that to the power of 100. Stunk like nothing I've ever smelled. I've wondered if this disease I have could have been a parasite from Egypt, but I have also wondered if that air was poisonous to destroy my lungs. Not sure if any others in the group got sick.

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