What Have We Learned In This Election?


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
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Might be an interesting thread to post any random observations you may have had. I'll start.

I learned that politicians are pretty "reflective" to the current political climate, to where people are currently. Example, Hillary moved further to the left on many positions when she was able to see with her own eyes how well he was resonating with liberals. This shows flexibility with Hillary, which I think is important.

That who you are as a person, and why you believe the things you believe goes a very long way to reaching people, as we saw with Bernie Sanders. His campaign was truly revolutionary for someone very unexpected.

That the folks on the right went into a sort of voluntary state of delusion in order to support Trump, an man who otherwise would repulse them if he were a democrat.
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Also learned that there is a major weak point in the media that can be exploited by someone with enough skill, as we saw with Trump. He lives, shits, eats, breathes PR, and he played the media like a musician plays an instrument. He effectively forced every media outlet to give him coverage, 24/7, because he knew that if one outlet decided to not cover his wild antics, that a competitor outlet would, and that they'd lose eyeballs. Very diabolical, but it worked.
We have learned the alt right fascists in America, knowing they can no longer win in our electoral system, learning from the Russians to despise democracies (just as the fascists did in the 1920s and 1930s), will be a continuing electoral, legal, and criminal threat to America.
We have discovered that America is more divided that even the worse predictions...
It has a large section of it's society which xenophobic, homophobic, sexist....

Trump is grossly unsuitable for the job but as soon as he puts on Red they are looking for any reason to vote for him.

If Hillary was 3 times married with kids from three husbands she would have done on the first day.

We have also seen that fact based journalism is leaving with the alternative news where they put up a theory and then find the facts to match that theory...

Look at Hillary, the Alt Right called her a criminal and now they are trying to find a crime to convict her on..
Also learned that there is a major weak point in the media that can be exploited by someone with enough skill, as we saw with Trump. He lives, shits, eats, breathes PR, and he played the media like a musician plays an instrument. He effectively forced every media outlet to give him coverage, 24/7, because he knew that if one outlet decided to not cover his wild antics, that a competitor outlet would, and that they'd lose eyeballs. Very diabolical, but it worked.

This is one reason why I think the GOP and the Clinton Administration can work on campaign finance reform and the two party apparatus leaders can come together to stop another insurgency in their own party. This past time, it was Trump and the GOP but it could just as easily be Kanye West on a Democratic Party ticket or worse for them, a 3rd ticket. If you think about it, that is what happened with Death Row Records....nobody wanted to "hire" Snoop or Dre and they started their own power base. I can easily see a party starting from scratch or a "super empowered" performer or actor or whomever starting their own party. Trump proved that if you create a big compost fire, the press will cover it.
How about the fact that the Dem's and liberals are so hateful that they don't want Republicans on the planet anymore simply because they have an R beside their name.

I will /never/ forget, nor /forgive/ they are a threat to my liberty, my life, and my freedom.
We've learned that no matter how bad their record, or how experienced they are, the elite will push their candidate to the top.
We now have unimpeachable evidence that the repub and democrat parties are in league together. That the political establishment is bought and paid for by the multinational corporations, and that the middle class is being strangled to death. We have learned that the political system is corrupt from bottom to top, and that this Republics days are numbered. One of the greatest political experiments in the history of man is going to be history within 25 years, and the fallout will be horrible.
That George Soros and his NGOs can operate outside the bounds of the law and actually fund groups that promote violence with the blessing of the DNC....duh?
We have learned that we could easily be living in a fascist/populist regime in two months time.

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