What has the conservitive party of old turned into


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
This is one of their leaders at his and his parties best. Notice this new conservative even waring the colors of his party. These aren't the Republicans of our parents.
Those terms have been sodomized into meaninglessness, both "conservative" and "liberal".
This is one of their leaders at his and his parties best. Notice this new conservative even waring the colors of his party. These aren't the Republicans of our parents.

Funny, appears to me, both parties in that were wearing the same colors. Aren't most B-ball fans regressives?
"What has the conservitive party of old turned into" Conservative party? Where is this "Conservative Party"? Who are their candidates?

There is a conservative party of Canada, and a conservative party of the UK.

Republican is not a conservative party. It's a Republican party, which typically attracts conservatives, but that's not the same thing.
This is one of their leaders at his and his parties best. Notice this new conservative even waring the colors of his party. These aren't the Republicans of our parents.

Trump is certainly leading in the White Vote, but not by enough that you can assume that a random white guy is a Trump supporter.
"What has the conservitive party of old turned into" Conservative party? Where is this "Conservative Party"? Who are their candidates?

There is a conservative party of Canada, and a conservative party of the UK.

Republican is not a conservative party. It's a Republican party, which typically attracts conservatives, but that's not the same thing.
I love it when people start stuttering and twisting trying to respond to the opinion that the majority of their party has to be hate driven to Elect Trump, My favorite though is he's a democrat. You made him, you elected him and you deserve him,I pity this group but can't forget, nor should anyone else, that these 2016 conservative are the biggest threat to this countries values and its future.
This country can't operate in a civilized way with the right wing required hatred , Women, Gays, Trans-gender, Muslims, Education, The poor , the needy, Government workers , Unions, Immigrants, Poor Mexicans and the 47% Just a few on their list.
This is one of their leaders at his and his parties best. Notice this new conservative even waring the colors of his party. These aren't the Republicans of our parents.

Trump is certainly leading in the White Vote, but not by enough that you can assume that a random white guy is a Trump supporter.

That is your misinterpretation , It's the old White mans party, not the mans party. You usually can add Fat in the first description above as the example in the Video I posted.
"What has the conservitive party of old turned into" Conservative party? Where is this "Conservative Party"? Who are their candidates?

There is a conservative party of Canada, and a conservative party of the UK.

Republican is not a conservative party. It's a Republican party, which typically attracts conservatives, but that's not the same thing.
I love it when people start stuttering and twisting trying to respond to the opinion that the majority of their party has to be hate driven to Elect Trump, My favorite though is he's a democrat. You made him, you elected him and you deserve him,I pity this group but can't forget, nor should anyone else, that these 2016 conservative are the biggest threat to this countries values and its future.
This country can't operate in a civilized way with the right wing required hatred , Women, Gays, Trans-gender, Muslims, Education, The poor , the needy, Government workers , Unions, Immigrants, Poor Mexicans and the 47% Just a few on their list.

Well.... that's actually not true either. I supported everyone but Trump.

But this is a democracy, and the loudest group wins, so some fringe people made him the Republican candidate.

If all things were equal, I would be voting for the Constitutional Party. Unfortunately the Democrats also picked the absolute worst possible candidate, who is a known criminal, and has been scandal plagued for 30 years.

So if I have to choose between an egotistical loud mouth, or a flat out criminal with no moral values, who has lied so much, not even her own party really trusts her.... Yeah, I'll have to vote Trump.

Even Obama was a step up from Hillary. If she had fallen off the planet back in 2008, we wouldn't be having this conversation now. I'd still vote Constitutionalist. But this miserable criminal... no, I have to vote for whoever has the best chance of beating her.
"What has the conservitive party of old turned into" Conservative party? Where is this "Conservative Party"? Who are their candidates?

There is a conservative party of Canada, and a conservative party of the UK.

Republican is not a conservative party. It's a Republican party, which typically attracts conservatives, but that's not the same thing.
I love it when people start stuttering and twisting trying to respond to the opinion that the majority of their party has to be hate driven to Elect Trump, My favorite though is he's a democrat. You made him, you elected him and you deserve him,I pity this group but can't forget, nor should anyone else, that these 2016 conservative are the biggest threat to this countries values and its future.
This country can't operate in a civilized way with the right wing required hatred , Women, Gays, Trans-gender, Muslims, Education, The poor , the needy, Government workers , Unions, Immigrants, Poor Mexicans and the 47% Just a few on their list.

Well.... that's actually not true either. I supported everyone but Trump.

But this is a democracy, and the loudest group wins, so some fringe people made him the Republican candidate.

If all things were equal, I would be voting for the Constitutional Party. Unfortunately the Democrats also picked the absolute worst possible candidate, who is a known criminal, and has been scandal plagued for 30 years.

So if I have to choose between an egotistical loud mouth, or a flat out criminal with no moral values, who has lied so much, not even her own party really trusts her.... Yeah, I'll have to vote Trump.

Even Obama was a step up from Hillary. If she had fallen off the planet back in 2008, we wouldn't be having this conversation now. I'd still vote Constitutionalist. But this miserable criminal... no, I have to vote for whoever has the best chance of beating her.
Ok hero Tell us which crime is Clinton Guilty of and bring your proof and source to support it. I don't give a shit about your opinion or anyone else's opinion. Proof , Otherwise screw you. Why would anyone believe a person who belongs to a hate party.
"What has the conservitive party of old turned into" Conservative party? Where is this "Conservative Party"? Who are their candidates?

There is a conservative party of Canada, and a conservative party of the UK.

Republican is not a conservative party. It's a Republican party, which typically attracts conservatives, but that's not the same thing.
I love it when people start stuttering and twisting trying to respond to the opinion that the majority of their party has to be hate driven to Elect Trump, My favorite though is he's a democrat. You made him, you elected him and you deserve him,I pity this group but can't forget, nor should anyone else, that these 2016 conservative are the biggest threat to this countries values and its future.
This country can't operate in a civilized way with the right wing required hatred , Women, Gays, Trans-gender, Muslims, Education, The poor , the needy, Government workers , Unions, Immigrants, Poor Mexicans and the 47% Just a few on their list.

Well.... that's actually not true either. I supported everyone but Trump.

But this is a democracy, and the loudest group wins, so some fringe people made him the Republican candidate.

If all things were equal, I would be voting for the Constitutional Party. Unfortunately the Democrats also picked the absolute worst possible candidate, who is a known criminal, and has been scandal plagued for 30 years.

So if I have to choose between an egotistical loud mouth, or a flat out criminal with no moral values, who has lied so much, not even her own party really trusts her.... Yeah, I'll have to vote Trump.

Even Obama was a step up from Hillary. If she had fallen off the planet back in 2008, we wouldn't be having this conversation now. I'd still vote Constitutionalist. But this miserable criminal... no, I have to vote for whoever has the best chance of beating her.
Ok hero Tell us which crime is Clinton Guilty of and bring your proof and source to support it. I don't give a shit about your opinion or anyone else's opinion. Proof , Otherwise screw you. Why would anyone believe a person who belongs to a hate party.

There is tons of proof in the Star Report.

I've read it. Have you?

Beyond that, we know that the Rose Law Firm billing records for example, disappeared until after Clinton got a deal of immunity. Then they magically turned of in the White house. Hillary Clinton herself said she had no idea where they came from. Yet the FBI checked for finger prints, and discovered.... shockingly.... Hillary's prints were all over the records... .but they had a deal, so she couldn't be prosecuted.

That's not opinion. It's fact. She is guilty, no question. They just can't touch her on it.

Similarly, we know that Hillary's personal aids were seen entering the office of Vince Foster, the night he was murdered. Why this wasn't investigated, is beyond me. But it is a fact. Not opinion.

We also know that Hillary trumped up false charges against the people of the travel office, to replace them with Hillary cronies. The case was never settled, because Ken Starr simply refused to investigate it completely. He was replaced by Robert Ray who then closed the case stating that although there was evidence, and there was memos and conversations between people claiming Hillary pushed for the firings and trumped up charges, there was no enough evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Again, very Mafia like. First convince the prosecute to simply ignore the case... then claim there isn't enough evidence and close it.

Then there was Filegate, where 900 FBI files on Republican officials ended up being rifled through by an obscure "security" official at the White House.

Now this one is particularly bad in my book, because to me, is show a pattern of incompetence by the Clinton's, if not out right corruption.

So 900 FBI files show up at the White House. They claim it was an "innocent bureaucratic snafu". A mighty convenient one it would seem. Nevertheless, these files end up being handled by a Craig Livingstone, who was in the position of head of White House Security.

Now this is quite amazing. You see, Livingstone has no degree in security or law enforcement. No experience in law enforcement. The closest thing, was a short job as a bar room bouncer in Washington DC. His only connection to the White House was that he was involved in Democrat campaigns, specifically the Clinton's campaign, and that Hillary Clinton was friends with Livingston's mother.

Not only this, but no FBI check was done on Livingston, and his clearance was the highest level.

To this day, no one knows for sure how Craig Livingston, became head of White House security under the Clinton's.

But just like the Email Scandal, it's either total corruption, or 100% complete incompetence. Both of which should disqualify the Clinton's from office.

So take your pick. Either works for me. Either she is a conniving dirty hag screwing over the country for political cronies, or a bumbling idiot too stupid to be in office of restroom cleaning.

You tell me which. I'll take either one.
This is one of their leaders at his and his parties best. Notice this new conservative even waring the colors of his party. These aren't the Republicans of our parents.

Trump is certainly leading in the White Vote, but not by enough that you can assume that a random white guy is a Trump supporter.

That is your misinterpretation , It's the old White mans party, not the mans party. You usually can add Fat in the first description above as the example in the Video I posted.

Whites do NOT vote in a block like minorities. We are more split than any other ethnic group, politically

THe most recent numbers I've seen show Trump leading among whites, 50 to 39. Hardly enough to justify your nonsense..

Your claim is utter nonsense designed to support a pathetic attempt to smear republicans by holding them responsible for a random rude white guy.

But I do note that you seem to have realized that you cannot win any discussion based on the actual issues in the campaign.

This shows potential growth. Kudos.
"What has the conservitive party of old turned into" Conservative party? Where is this "Conservative Party"? Who are their candidates?

There is a conservative party of Canada, and a conservative party of the UK.

Republican is not a conservative party. It's a Republican party, which typically attracts conservatives, but that's not the same thing.
I love it when people start stuttering and twisting trying to respond to the opinion that the majority of their party has to be hate driven to Elect Trump, My favorite though is he's a democrat. You made him, you elected him and you deserve him,I pity this group but can't forget, nor should anyone else, that these 2016 conservative are the biggest threat to this countries values and its future.
This country can't operate in a civilized way with the right wing required hatred , Women, Gays, Trans-gender, Muslims, Education, The poor , the needy, Government workers , Unions, Immigrants, Poor Mexicans and the 47% Just a few on their list.

Well.... that's actually not true either. I supported everyone but Trump.

But this is a democracy, and the loudest group wins, so some fringe people made him the Republican candidate.

If all things were equal, I would be voting for the Constitutional Party. Unfortunately the Democrats also picked the absolute worst possible candidate, who is a known criminal, and has been scandal plagued for 30 years.

So if I have to choose between an egotistical loud mouth, or a flat out criminal with no moral values, who has lied so much, not even her own party really trusts her.... Yeah, I'll have to vote Trump.

Even Obama was a step up from Hillary. If she had fallen off the planet back in 2008, we wouldn't be having this conversation now. I'd still vote Constitutionalist. But this miserable criminal... no, I have to vote for whoever has the best chance of beating her.
Ok hero Tell us which crime is Clinton Guilty of and bring your proof and source to support it. I don't give a shit about your opinion or anyone else's opinion. Proof , Otherwise screw you. Why would anyone believe a person who belongs to a hate party.

There is tons of proof in the Star Report.

I've read it. Have you?

Beyond that, we know that the Rose Law Firm billing records for example, disappeared until after Clinton got a deal of immunity. Then they magically turned of in the White house. Hillary Clinton herself said she had no idea where they came from. Yet the FBI checked for finger prints, and discovered.... shockingly.... Hillary's prints were all over the records... .but they had a deal, so she couldn't be prosecuted.

That's not opinion. It's fact. She is guilty, no question. They just can't touch her on it.

Similarly, we know that Hillary's personal aids were seen entering the office of Vince Foster, the night he was murdered. Why this wasn't investigated, is beyond me. But it is a fact. Not opinion.

We also know that Hillary trumped up false charges against the people of the travel office, to replace them with Hillary cronies. The case was never settled, because Ken Starr simply refused to investigate it completely. He was replaced by Robert Ray who then closed the case stating that although there was evidence, and there was memos and conversations between people claiming Hillary pushed for the firings and trumped up charges, there was no enough evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Again, very Mafia like. First convince the prosecute to simply ignore the case... then claim there isn't enough evidence and close it.

Then there was Filegate, where 900 FBI files on Republican officials ended up being rifled through by an obscure "security" official at the White House.

Now this one is particularly bad in my book, because to me, is show a pattern of incompetence by the Clinton's, if not out right corruption.

So 900 FBI files show up at the White House. They claim it was an "innocent bureaucratic snafu". A mighty convenient one it would seem. Nevertheless, these files end up being handled by a Craig Livingstone, who was in the position of head of White House Security.

Now this is quite amazing. You see, Livingstone has no degree in security or law enforcement. No experience in law enforcement. The closest thing, was a short job as a bar room bouncer in Washington DC. His only connection to the White House was that he was involved in Democrat campaigns, specifically the Clinton's campaign, and that Hillary Clinton was friends with Livingston's mother.

Not only this, but no FBI check was done on Livingston, and his clearance was the highest level.

To this day, no one knows for sure how Craig Livingston, became head of White House security under the Clinton's.

But just like the Email Scandal, it's either total corruption, or 100% complete incompetence. Both of which should disqualify the Clinton's from office.

So take your pick. Either works for me. Either she is a conniving dirty hag screwing over the country for political cronies, or a bumbling idiot too stupid to be in office of restroom cleaning.

You tell me which. I'll take either one.
You people are so nuts, sure shes a ax murderer , Finger prints on paper could be from 20 years ago.How deep into your hate do you have to be to even suggest her fingerprints on them meant she knew where the were or came from. Your blind ignorants can't see any other scenario because it doesn't fit in your hate bullshit. I responded to your remark about Hillary Clinton, so tell me what something that happened in 1993 Bill Clinton administration has one fricken thing to do with Hillary Clinton. Boy I could have come up with a more daming list then your pile of bullshit, It's Hillary's fault because someone who is possibly guilty of something Mother is Friends with Hillary , are you nuts.
Your list is 100% bullshit and anyone who can think past their hate can see that. IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT!
This is one of their leaders at his and his parties best. Notice this new conservative even waring the colors of his party. These aren't the Republicans of our parents.

Trump is certainly leading in the White Vote, but not by enough that you can assume that a random white guy is a Trump supporter.

That is your misinterpretation , It's the old White mans party, not the mans party. You usually can add Fat in the first description above as the example in the Video I posted.

Whites do NOT vote in a block like minorities. We are more split than any other ethnic group, politically

THe most recent numbers I've seen show Trump leading among whites, 50 to 39. Hardly enough to justify your nonsense..

Your claim is utter nonsense designed to support a pathetic attempt to smear republicans by holding them responsible for a random rude white guy.

But I do note that you seem to have realized that you cannot win any discussion based on the actual issues in the campaign.

This shows potential growth. Kudos.

Funny, The hate party isn't the Old white mans party , why. And you don't think just because the hate party voted him as their candidate that he isn't what, your party's candidate. It took a majority of haters to elect him your candidate , so the majority of your party are haters , so what other name is appropriate then the hate party. You own him, you elected him , you deserve him. He is you and you are him.
All this proof, yet not one conviction? Are you Republicans that incompetent?
100% Blind hatred, they are told how and what to think by their controllers and their propaganda arm of their party, Fox Crap News and that fat guy.
This is one of their leaders at his and his parties best. Notice this new conservative even waring the colors of his party. These aren't the Republicans of our parents.

Trump is certainly leading in the White Vote, but not by enough that you can assume that a random white guy is a Trump supporter.

That is your misinterpretation , It's the old White mans party, not the mans party. You usually can add Fat in the first description above as the example in the Video I posted.

Whites do NOT vote in a block like minorities. We are more split than any other ethnic group, politically

THe most recent numbers I've seen show Trump leading among whites, 50 to 39. Hardly enough to justify your nonsense..

Your claim is utter nonsense designed to support a pathetic attempt to smear republicans by holding them responsible for a random rude white guy.

But I do note that you seem to have realized that you cannot win any discussion based on the actual issues in the campaign.

This shows potential growth. Kudos.

Ya got me on not sticking to the Issues that he talks about, my favorite is the one where he wants to have sex with his daughter and "You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass." Those are his main issues that he believes in.

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