What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

..... a hateful judgmental condescending liberal ... you rich white boys living in your secluded gated rich white communities. Sorry, but you just are out of the loop here, boyo.


Wow, you are approaching the world record for most hilariously stupid false assumptions in one thread.

1) "liberal"? :lol: No

2) "rich"? :lmao: Hardly

3) "gated community"? :lol: Too funny

4) "out of the loop"? Further in the "loop" than you can imagine, dimwit. Your racism isn't a mark of insight or expertise, dopey.

Put down the cooking sherry.
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It`s strange how many Americans have forgotten; you are all children of exiles

Noble, invokes warm and fuzzy feelings...OH, but wait, there are those little things that are just slightly important to consider....REALITY, ECONOMY, SOCIETY...then the intelligent must look past tears and emotions and admit that times, things, and humans have changed and so should laws, policy and standards.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Ask yourself:
What is the difference between somone seeing your front gate's "do not enter sign" and asking permission to come in the gate before opening and entering or someone seeing the sign and disobeying it and waltzing in without permission?
Then ask yourself why the disobedient one won't let you just come into his yard unnanounced without permission?

Now, ask yourself; what is the difference between someone ringing your doorbell and asking permission to come in your house compared to someone unexpectingly just opening your door or window and coming in unnanounced? What do you call an unannounced home invader?
Then ask yourself what is the difference
when the home invader steals your S.S. number, personal info, credit cards and Identity-is there a difference and what do you call the invader I.D. thief?
Then ask yourself: "Why won't this invader let me come in and out of their house anytime with their I.D.?"

Then ask yourself: why should the future people who ask permission to come through the front gate or ring your bell asking permission be punished or held from access to reach you all because of those who don't follow simple fair guidlines.

Now you were saying about what is the difference, well are you completely ignoring that you literally know this answer and practice it at home, business, and places you frequent? Get real.
*Folds arms like Run of RunDMC
*Drops the Verizon mic and walks away

Have you directly answered the title question? I did in my OP. I could ask myself all the questions you posed, and the answers to none of them would indicate that I have or have not by an illegal immigrant been deprived of anything.

Other people who've posted in this thread want to talk about the bigger picture of illegal immigration. Truly, I didn't create this thread expecting that I'd post past my OP, aside from saying, "TY for your reply," to people who directly answer the title question. All I wanted from this thread is members' direct answers to the title question I asked. That's it.

Y'all want to talk about immigration and not about your own experiences of having been deprived specifically of something, fine, but please just answer the title question. The people who did so aren't finding that I'm complaining about their discussing all manners of things, immigration-related or not. I didn't ask a difficult question to answer. It doesn't even make sense that people are unable/reticent to answer it.

I find you to be an ignorant, yet educated, nonworking douche. Tell me more about how you contribute to society.

Whatever....You can't/won't even answer a simple clarifying question. We're done, only unlike you, I mean it.
It's funny, when asked if illegal aliens hurt me, it gets minimized as racism or xenophobia. Ask a question, then bash anyone that answers. Real question is :Why minimize illegal immigration? Why minimize the harm they do? Nobody is above the law. Not even Mexicans. Shock and amazement, but, yes, even illegal aliens from Mexico have to follow the law, too.

So, you do believe that all illegals are Mexican?
I have known a Mexican or two, Illegals rarely are fleeing death or dire consequences. They can sneak in, and leave and come back again. Out of convenience, they are depending on rich whites "enabling their dysfunctional behavior", as liberals put it. Illegals threaten me, displace and change the demographics to their benefit. And if I see that, if I dare go against the current popular liberal paradigm, I am the bad guy, a "racist". The real racist are rich white classist that hire and enable illegals, and hide it under pretenses and excuses.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
What have they done?

They broke the laws of our country to come here. They violated the borders of our sovereign nation to steal one of the most cherished things afforded to us by the Constitution. Citizenship.

It isn't even citizenship really, but you get my point. Many people come here legally willing to wait in line and go through the rigors of being vetted for citizenship, however, these illegals don't just skip to the head of the line, they skip the line, and the process all together.

To break the law, law that we all are required to follow is an affront to all of us. There needs not be a specific impact on just one person. And that's what these illegals have done.
..... People like you are the problem, not the solution.

What problem, racist? How is your dimwitted racism a problem of my making?
Racism my sweet bippy,......

Nobody believes your bippy is anything like sweet, but anyone reading your whiny nonsense can see what a dimwitted racist you are. Own it.
Wow, the trifecta here, a hateful judgmental condescending liberal .I live with Mexicans, not you rich white boys living in your secluded gated rich white communities. Sorry, but you just are out of the loop here, boyo.
I find this interesting...

I've seen Unkotare's posts, they are far from being liberal. In fact, the positions he/she takes are quite independent.

But let's go on accusing everyone who disagrees with you a liberal and a racist, why don't we?
It's funny, when asked if illegal aliens hurt me, it gets minimized as racism or xenophobia. Ask a question, then bash anyone that answers. Real question is :Why minimize illegal immigration? Why minimize the harm they do? Nobody is above the law. Not even Mexicans. Shock and amazement, but, yes, even illegal aliens from Mexico have to follow the law, too.

So, you do believe that all illegals are Mexican?
Most are! That's why they all should be rounded up and deported.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Ask yourself:
What is the difference between somone seeing your front gate's "do not enter sign" and asking permission to come in the gate before opening and entering or someone seeing the sign and disobeying it and waltzing in without permission?
Then ask yourself why the disobedient one won't let you just come into his yard unnanounced without permission?

Now, ask yourself; what is the difference between someone ringing your doorbell and asking permission to come in your house compared to someone unexpectingly just opening your door or window and coming in unnanounced? What do you call an unannounced home invader?
Then ask yourself what is the difference
when the home invader steals your S.S. number, personal info, credit cards and Identity-is there a difference and what do you call the invader I.D. thief?
Then ask yourself: "Why won't this invader let me come in and out of their house anytime with their I.D.?"

Then ask yourself: why should the future people who ask permission to come through the front gate or ring your bell asking permission be punished or held from access to reach you all because of those who don't follow simple fair guidlines.

Now you were saying about what is the difference, well are you completely ignoring that you literally know this answer and practice it at home, business, and places you frequent? Get real.
*Folds arms like Run of RunDMC
*Drops the Verizon mic and walks away

Have you directly answered the title question? I did in my OP. I could ask myself all the questions you posed, and the answers to none of them would indicate that I have or have not by an illegal immigrant been deprived of anything.

Other people who've posted in this thread want to talk about the bigger picture of illegal immigration. Truly, I didn't create this thread expecting that I'd post past my OP, aside from saying, "TY for your reply," to people who directly answer the title question. All I wanted from this thread is members' direct answers to the title question I asked. That's it.

Y'all want to talk about immigration and not about your own experiences of having been deprived specifically of something, fine, but please just answer the title question. The people who did so aren't finding that I'm complaining about their discussing all manners of things, immigration-related or not. I didn't ask a difficult question to answer. It doesn't even make sense that people are unable/reticent to answer it.

I find you to be an ignorant, yet educated, nonworking douche. Tell me more about how you contribute to society.

Whatever....You can't/won't even answer a simple clarifying question. We're done, only unlike you, I mean it.

I meant what I said when I said I bet you've never had a day of work in your life.

My question is: What have you contributed that's meaningful to society? Chances are you're lower on the pyramid than illegals.
As for the OP, which trots out this logical dilemma on purpose, an illegal doesn't need to do anything to me, or anyone else. The very act of breaching our border makes them a criminal entity. If they are violent, a threat to our security.

The OP dosent care. Because compassion should always supercede the rule of law.
..... People like you are the problem, not the solution.

What problem, racist? How is your dimwitted racism a problem of my making?
Racism my sweet bippy,......

Nobody believes your bippy is anything like sweet, but anyone reading your whiny nonsense can see what a dimwitted racist you are. Own it.
Wow, the trifecta here, a hateful judgmental condescending liberal .I live with Mexicans, not you rich white boys living in your secluded gated rich white communities. Sorry, but you just are out of the loop here, boyo.
I find this interesting...

I've seen Unkotare's posts, they are far from being liberal. In fact, the positions he/she takes are quite independent.

But let's go on accusing everyone who disagrees with you a liberal and a racist, why don't we?
Unko seems to be a tad conflicted on immigration, Mexicans aren't a race. And NOBODY can immigrate illegally, and wanting folks to immigrate legally isn't racist.
He keeps playing that up, and defending illegal aliens. NOBODY has a right to violate immigration laws. He keeps playing up racism to support illegals, which makes me think he's over compensating. It's those classist rich white liberals not effect by them that support illegals and downplay the harm illegals do. No other reason for this nonsense.
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In short Xelor They have deprived me of thousands of dollars I otherwise would have earned.

Real story, baby.

Show me your excuse for illegals being here, so I can show all my crew members and everything.

Your viewpoint is to laugh at.

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