What Happens Next."Donald Trump Acquitted For Life".Well Nancy Pelosi?He Really Wasn't Impeached.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
looks like Senate wants to rap this up soon. especially being the democrats still have no case, no evidence. just rumors from other democrats over what they think Trump did that was impeachable.
So soon, Trump will be acquitted, found not guilty, and therefore was never really impeached. hey, thats kinda like when the dumbest democrats say "Donald Trump Really Didn't Win" !!!
looks like Senate wants to rap this up soon. especially being the democrats still have no case, no evidence. just rumors from other democrats over what they think Trump did that was impeachable.
So soon, Trump will be acquitted, found not guilty, and therefore was never really impeached. hey, thats kinda like when the dumbest democrats say "Donald Trump Really Didn't Win" !!!

He was impeached. There is no takesbackskies on that. The only thing the Senate gets to decide is if Rump stays in office or not. Meanwhile, in an election year, some mighty nasty things are coming out about Rump. Guess he is going to find out what it felt like for Hillary only he'll have a bit more time to think about it.

Rump right now

Rump on December 3, 2020

Rump on Jan 22, 2021

looks like Senate wants to rap this up soon. especially being the democrats still have no case, no evidence. just rumors from other democrats over what they think Trump did that was impeachable.
So soon, Trump will be acquitted, found not guilty, and therefore was never really impeached. hey, thats kinda like when the dumbest democrats say "Donald Trump Really Didn't Win" !!!

He was impeached. There is no takesbackskies on that. The only thing the Senate gets to decide is if Rump stays in office or not. Meanwhile, in an election year, some mighty nasty things are coming out about Rump. Guess he is going to find out what it felt like for Hillary only he'll have a bit more time to think about it.

Rump right now
View attachment 303354

Rump on December 3, 2020
View attachment 303355

Rump on Jan 22, 2021
View attachment 303356

Daryl, you ARE an idiot. The Senate would have to vote TWO-THIRDS Yes to remove President Trump from office. It's NOT going to happen, ya knucklehead. And the Dim Dems have NO candidates that have a realistic chance of winning in November. So most likely Donald Trump will not be officially leaving the White House until January of 2025. Thank you.
looks like Senate wants to rap this up soon. especially being the democrats still have no case, no evidence. just rumors from other democrats over what they think Trump did that was impeachable.
So soon, Trump will be acquitted, found not guilty, and therefore was never really impeached. hey, thats kinda like when the dumbest democrats say "Donald Trump Really Didn't Win" !!!

He was impeached. There is no takesbackskies on that. The only thing the Senate gets to decide is if Rump stays in office or not. Meanwhile, in an election year, some mighty nasty things are coming out about Rump. Guess he is going to find out what it felt like for Hillary only he'll have a bit more time to think about it.

Rump right now
View attachment 303354

Rump on December 3, 2020
View attachment 303355

Rump on Jan 22, 2021
View attachment 303356

Daryl, you ARE an idiot. The Senate would have to vote TWO-THIRDS Yes to remove President Trump from office. It's NOT going to happen, ya knucklehead. And the Dim Dems have NO candidates that have a realistic chance of winning in November. So most likely Donald Trump will not be officially leaving the White House until January of 2025. Thank you.

he's already been impeached. All the Senate has to do is to figure out is the charges serious enough to remove him from office or if they are not, allow him to stay in office. Rump is being given one hell of a gift from the Republican Senators.

That means he's safe until Jan 22, 2021 no matter what unless he really goes crazy with another "Here, Hold My Beer" moment of all moments and oversteps into the criminal side of things. At that point, it's not going to be the Congress that handles it but the Judicial because Impeachment was never designed for Criminal Acts. But I dont' think even Rump is brazen enough to cross that line. So it goes to the vote on Nov 2, 2020.

Meanwhile, over 50% of the population now want him removed from office. it's not high enough for him to be removed from office. Well, unless he pulls another "Here, Hold my Beer" moment. The numbers had to seriously threaten the Republican Senators reelection in 2020. Right now, it's nip and tuck. But I know of 3 that are post toasties over this. Not to say that the Dems won't lose one or two seats possibly themselves. But there is an even chance that it will end up being a 50-50 split in November.

Rump is gone. Get over it. His Circus act had some sever losses. His Fat Lady lost weight and ran off with the clown. His Donkey died. And the Midget can't find work without being able to hide inside the Fat Lady (use your imagination). The timing of Bolton's book is just too close to the election. Bolton to Rump is to Comey to Hillary.

The problem is, all of you don't have a replacement for Mafia Don, the Ringleader. A Ham Sandwich can win against him in November. The sad part is, that is about what the Dems are running, we have a choice of a Ham Sandwich, a Salami Sandwich, a Baloney Sandwich and a Tuna on Rye. You have insulted the ones that can replace Rump and win hands down as republicans. The only thing left for you to do is to burn it all down to the ground. Unless Rump can be convinced to not run and a selection can be made in the next couple of months that is at least a Ham Sandwich with a bowl of soup. But there are 4 Republicans that would make good Presidents that are willing. But the first thing that needs to be done is to stop with the Party of the Rump crap and do what really IS best for the Party of the Republicans.

So either face reality or we have another train wreck for another 4 years except it's going to be a Dem as President driving the train wreck.
looks like Senate wants to rap this up soon. especially being the democrats still have no case, no evidence. just rumors from other democrats over what they think Trump did that was impeachable.
So soon, Trump will be acquitted, found not guilty, and therefore was never really impeached. hey, thats kinda like when the dumbest democrats say "Donald Trump Really Didn't Win" !!!

He was impeached. There is no takesbackskies on that. The only thing the Senate gets to decide is if Rump stays in office or not. Meanwhile, in an election year, some mighty nasty things are coming out about Rump. Guess he is going to find out what it felt like for Hillary only he'll have a bit more time to think about it.

Rump right now
View attachment 303354

Rump on December 3, 2020
View attachment 303355

Rump on Jan 22, 2021
View attachment 303356

Daryl, you ARE an idiot. The Senate would have to vote TWO-THIRDS Yes to remove President Trump from office. It's NOT going to happen, ya knucklehead. And the Dim Dems have NO candidates that have a realistic chance of winning in November. So most likely Donald Trump will not be officially leaving the White House until January of 2025. Thank you.

Three presidents have been impeached but none removed from office so far, I doubt Trump will be.
looks like Senate wants to rap this up soon. especially being the democrats still have no case, no evidence. just rumors from other democrats over what they think Trump did that was impeachable.
So soon, Trump will be acquitted, found not guilty, and therefore was never really impeached. hey, thats kinda like when the dumbest democrats say "Donald Trump Really Didn't Win" !!!

He was impeached. There is no takesbackskies on that. The only thing the Senate gets to decide is if Rump stays in office or not. Meanwhile, in an election year, some mighty nasty things are coming out about Rump. Guess he is going to find out what it felt like for Hillary only he'll have a bit more time to think about it.

Rump right now
View attachment 303354

Rump on December 3, 2020
View attachment 303355

Rump on Jan 22, 2021
View attachment 303356

Daryl, you ARE an idiot. The Senate would have to vote TWO-THIRDS Yes to remove President Trump from office. It's NOT going to happen, ya knucklehead. And the Dim Dems have NO candidates that have a realistic chance of winning in November. So most likely Donald Trump will not be officially leaving the White House until January of 2025. Thank you.

Three presidents have been impeached but none removed from office so far, I doubt Trump will be.
but this time,,Trump was impeached because some liberals just dont like him
If the senate does wrap up impeachment without calling any more witnesses TRUMP needs to put the pressure on for the senate to investigate the Biden's. Graham has been saying he would call Hunter and Biden in to give testimony.
The house can still go after Bolton, although Bolton should keep in mind what happened to Cohen when he agreed to be used by the democrats to go after TRUMP.
If the senate does wrap up impeachment without calling any more witnesses TRUMP needs to put the pressure on for the senate to investigate the Biden's. Graham has been saying he would call Hunter and Biden in to give testimony.
The house can still go after Bolton, although Bolton should keep in mind what happened to Cohen when he agreed to be used by the democrats to go after TRUMP.

When the Trial ends, that chapter is done. And the Rump and Biden saga goes into the history books. But the Bolton Book still gets released no matter how hard Rump tries to stop it. And it gets released on an election year. And, yes, it's not real flattering with respect to Rump and his merry band of criminals. Let's face it, when someone like Bolton can no longer tolerate something then it must be pretty damning. It then goes to the voters in November. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?

Well,, before, yes. But not now. You want to keep the pot stirred and the hate going. Keep the circus at the center of attention. The General Public (the voters) have had enough already. No more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments will be tolerated. No more distractions. The Information is out there for the voters to make a vote. Let it happen. And if any candidate wants to keep stirring the pot, let them answer to the voter in November.

It's time to heal America. It's time to elect a President to whom can do that. You will note I am not endorsing any Candidate. But there are people on both sides that could do that job but I don't see the leading Candidates and Rump filling that role. With what we have to choose from, it's going to be another 4 years of a train wreck as we have had for far too many years.
If the senate does wrap up impeachment without calling any more witnesses TRUMP needs to put the pressure on for the senate to investigate the Biden's. Graham has been saying he would call Hunter and Biden in to give testimony.
The house can still go after Bolton, although Bolton should keep in mind what happened to Cohen when he agreed to be used by the democrats to go after TRUMP.

When the Trial ends, that chapter is done. And the Rump and Biden saga goes into the history books. But the Bolton Book still gets released no matter how hard Rump tries to stop it. And it gets released on an election year. And, yes, it's not real flattering with respect to Rump and his merry band of criminals. Let's face it, when someone like Bolton can no longer tolerate something then it must be pretty damning. It then goes to the voters in November. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?

Well,, before, yes. But not now. You want to keep the pot stirred and the hate going. Keep the circus at the center of attention. The General Public (the voters) have had enough already. No more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments will be tolerated. No more distractions. The Information is out there for the voters to make a vote. Let it happen. And if any candidate wants to keep stirring the pot, let them answer to the voter in November.

It's time to heal America. It's time to elect a President to whom can do that. You will note I am not endorsing any Candidate. But there are people on both sides that could do that job but I don't see the leading Candidates and Rump filling that role. With what we have to choose from, it's going to be another 4 years of a train wreck as we have had for far too many years.

You are fooling yourself if you think when the trail ends that chapter is over. The democrats will continue with the impeachment of TRUMP for the next 5 years. And I don't think the Biden stuff will be forgotten when the trial ends, to many are on record saying it's important to know what happened and if there was any corruption.
If the senate does wrap up impeachment without calling any more witnesses TRUMP needs to put the pressure on for the senate to investigate the Biden's. Graham has been saying he would call Hunter and Biden in to give testimony.
The house can still go after Bolton, although Bolton should keep in mind what happened to Cohen when he agreed to be used by the democrats to go after TRUMP.

When the Trial ends, that chapter is done. And the Rump and Biden saga goes into the history books. But the Bolton Book still gets released no matter how hard Rump tries to stop it. And it gets released on an election year. And, yes, it's not real flattering with respect to Rump and his merry band of criminals. Let's face it, when someone like Bolton can no longer tolerate something then it must be pretty damning. It then goes to the voters in November. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?

Well,, before, yes. But not now. You want to keep the pot stirred and the hate going. Keep the circus at the center of attention. The General Public (the voters) have had enough already. No more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments will be tolerated. No more distractions. The Information is out there for the voters to make a vote. Let it happen. And if any candidate wants to keep stirring the pot, let them answer to the voter in November.

It's time to heal America. It's time to elect a President to whom can do that. You will note I am not endorsing any Candidate. But there are people on both sides that could do that job but I don't see the leading Candidates and Rump filling that role. With what we have to choose from, it's going to be another 4 years of a train wreck as we have had for far too many years.

You are fooling yourself if you think when the trail ends that chapter is over. The democrats will continue with the impeachment of TRUMP for the next 5 years. And I don't think the Biden stuff will be forgotten when the trial ends, to many are on record saying it's important to know what happened and if there was any corruption.

Trump is done. His rump is cooked. Get another pitcher to that mound fast.


His acceptance rating is now less than 45% with 51% wanting him out of office. That is just 5 points off of when Nixon realized his days were done. And Rumps rating keeps falling as more and more information becomes public in his shady back room deals. So your "Dream" is just about over. Time to talk him into taking one for the team and get another pitcher to the mound in time to have a real candidate for the November Elections. I don't want any of the 4 front runners of the Demos to be President. But I see at least 4 really qualified Republicans that are willing and able to fill that position. (sorry, pence ain't one of them). Right now, a hand sandwich would beat rump in November and that is about what the Dems are presenting.
so what happens next? Trump needs to be impeached for bribing Kim Small Dong?
CNN Quote:

“Looks Like The Democrats Are Really In Trouble”

If the senate does wrap up impeachment without calling any more witnesses TRUMP needs to put the pressure on for the senate to investigate the Biden's. Graham has been saying he would call Hunter and Biden in to give testimony.
The house can still go after Bolton, although Bolton should keep in mind what happened to Cohen when he agreed to be used by the democrats to go after TRUMP.

When the Trial ends, that chapter is done. And the Rump and Biden saga goes into the history books. But the Bolton Book still gets released no matter how hard Rump tries to stop it. And it gets released on an election year. And, yes, it's not real flattering with respect to Rump and his merry band of criminals. Let's face it, when someone like Bolton can no longer tolerate something then it must be pretty damning. It then goes to the voters in November. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?

Well,, before, yes. But not now. You want to keep the pot stirred and the hate going. Keep the circus at the center of attention. The General Public (the voters) have had enough already. No more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments will be tolerated. No more distractions. The Information is out there for the voters to make a vote. Let it happen. And if any candidate wants to keep stirring the pot, let them answer to the voter in November.

It's time to heal America. It's time to elect a President to whom can do that. You will note I am not endorsing any Candidate. But there are people on both sides that could do that job but I don't see the leading Candidates and Rump filling that role. With what we have to choose from, it's going to be another 4 years of a train wreck as we have had for far too many years.

You are fooling yourself if you think when the trail ends that chapter is over. The democrats will continue with the impeachment of TRUMP for the next 5 years. And I don't think the Biden stuff will be forgotten when the trial ends, to many are on record saying it's important to know what happened and if there was any corruption.

Trump is done. His rump is cooked. Get another pitcher to that mound fast.

His acceptance rating is now less than 45% with 51% wanting him out of office. That is just 5 points off of when Nixon realized his days were done. And Rumps rating keeps falling as more and more information becomes public in his shady back room deals. So your "Dream" is just about over. Time to talk him into taking one for the team and get another pitcher to the mound in time to have a real candidate for the November Elections. I don't want any of the 4 front runners of the Demos to be President. But I see at least 4 really qualified Republicans that are willing and able to fill that position. (sorry, pence ain't one of them). Right now, a hand sandwich would beat rump in November and that is about what the Dems are presenting.
Schiff sounds like he is on LSD. He’s making up testimony out of thin air and repeating himself every time he gets up.


“People risked their lives to fight England so they can choose their own leaders.

Please remove Trump so The People cannot choose him as their leader.”

looks like Senate wants to rap this up soon. especially being the democrats still have no case, no evidence. just rumors from other democrats over what they think Trump did that was impeachable.
So soon, Trump will be acquitted, found not guilty, and therefore was never really impeached. hey, thats kinda like when the dumbest democrats say "Donald Trump Really Didn't Win" !!!
Schiff sounds like he is on LSD. He’s making up testimony out of thin air and repeating himself every time he gets up.


“People risked their lives to fight England so they can choose their own leaders.

Please remove Trump so The People cannot choose him as their leader.”

looks like Senate wants to rap this up soon. especially being the democrats still have no case, no evidence. just rumors from other democrats over what they think Trump did that was impeachable.
So soon, Trump will be acquitted, found not guilty, and therefore was never really impeached. hey, thats kinda like when the dumbest democrats say "Donald Trump Really Didn't Win" !!!
i wonder who is writing all of these scripts for the trial? George Soros?
so what happens next? Trump needs to be impeached for bribing Kim Small Dong?

Rump needs to just let it happen, allow things to unfold in November, quickly get back to Florida where he can quickly leave for Cuba and the Russia where they can protect him for 3 States when they freeze his assets. At least he will have some of his overseas assets still. And his buddy Putin will protect him "Bigly".

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