What greed has done.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Bill Moyers interview with Chris Hedges on the destruction of America's manufacturing base as well as the effect that unfettered and unregulated capitalism has had on the poor and vulnerable.

This is a perfect example of what happens when capitalism goes left unchecked.

The top 1/10th of 1 % own more wealth than the bottom 92%.
Yeah, I'm going to have to go with Oddball on this one.

The left gate keepers are fooling you into MORE government here Angelo. It is the current regulations that are doing the harm. Big business WANTS the regulation. It guarantees them monopolies and market share.

What we have is a type of economic system called Dirigisme. This is the type of economic system that was favored by fascist Germany and Italy. This is why Mussolini and Hitler praised FDR.

The reason companies can get away with the environmental violence and degradation is because of these corporate lobbyists and government corruption shielding these companies from class action lawsuits.

For example, take a look at the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. That set up the (VAERS) and a payout system for deaths and injuries. At only $250,000 dollars, for injury or death, and disallowed any lawsuits to companies, this guarantees big pharma billions of dollars, since the entire establishment nearly forces folks to take vaccines. And yet?

"Comparative data provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reveal that nobody has died from measles in more than 10 years, while at least 108 deaths reported in VAERS during the same time frame have been linked to measles vaccines."
Measles Vaccines Kill More People than Measles, CDC Data Proves - Global Research

It is the same in industry after industry. It worked the same in oil, farming, energy, cars, you name it.

The biggest, of course, is currency itself. DON'T YOU DARE try to create an alternative competing tradable local currency, backed by gold or silver. To my knowledge, competing with the federal government or the federal reserve is against the law, and will land you in jail. If you are overseas, it will land you dead.

Funny how the most important videos YouTube doesn't allow you to embed, eh?

How Big Oil Conquered the World
Even Nixon knew we need clean fucking air and water at the very least.
Straw man argument....shut the fuck up oddball Mc dookie.

So if that was true, why did that asshole take away your ability to get gold for your dollars?
If you are relying on MSM, corporate CFR media, chances are, your argument is wrong.
Even Nixon knew we need clean fucking air and water at the very least.
Straw man argument....shut the fuck up oddball Mc dookie.

So if that was true, why did that asshole take away your ability to get gold for your dollars?

We can discuss the gold standard and Jekyll Island or whatever else on another thread.
This is about the destruction of our environment and life as we once knew it . Go to Camden NJ sometime
and see if you don't feel like your in a third world country.
Even Nixon knew we need clean fucking air and water at the very least.
Straw man argument....shut the fuck up oddball Mc dookie.

So if that was true, why did that asshole take away your ability to get gold for your dollars?

There's that...And then there's the additional straw man in arguing that pollution and environmental degradation are equal to "unfettered capitalism".
Even Nixon knew we need clean fucking air and water at the very least.
Straw man argument....shut the fuck up oddball Mc dookie.

So if that was true, why did that asshole take away your ability to get gold for your dollars?

We can discuss the gold standard and Jekyll Island or whatever else on another thread.
This is about the destruction of our environment and life as we once knew it . Go to Camden NJ sometime
and see if you don't feel like your in a third world country.

Now you're going to try to blame a giant slum on "unfettered capitalism"?!?

Holy fuck! :auiqs.jpg:
Even Nixon knew we need clean fucking air and water at the very least.
Straw man argument....shut the fuck up oddball Mc dookie.

So if that was true, why did that asshole take away your ability to get gold for your dollars?

We can discuss the gold standard and Jekyll Island or whatever else on another thread.
This is about the destruction of our environment and life as we once knew it . Go to Camden NJ sometime
and see if you don't feel like your in a third world country.

Now you're going to try to blame a giant slum on "unfettered capitalism"?!?

Holy fuck! :auiqs.jpg:

Who signed NAFTA ?
Capitalism has been done a grave disservice by our political parties.

The GOP refuses to understand that regulation is not a bane to capitalism; rather it's a critical component of capitalism.

A large part of the Democratic party can barely hide its contempt for capitalism and wants to paint business as demonic.

The result is an uneven, inefficient, distorted, patchwork approach to capitalism that is badly flawed and counterproductive.

Our "leaders" (ha) and their obedient sycophants continue to fail us.
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Even Nixon knew we need clean fucking air and water at the very least.
Straw man argument....shut the fuck up oddball Mc dookie.

Your counter argument is that a Republican knew there was a problem and did something to fix it despite that fact it would cost corporations money.

Brilliant, because that is exactly what President Trump is doing.
Capitalism has been done a grave disservice by our political parties.

The GOP refuses to understand that regulation is not a bane to capitalism; rather it's a critical component of capitalism.

A large part of the Democratic party can barely hide its contempt for capitalism and wants to paint business as demonic.

The result is an uneven, inefficient, distorted, patchwork approach to capitalism that is badly flawed and counterproductive.

Our "leaders" (ha) and their obedient sycophants continue to fail us.

What exactly needs to be regulated in manufacturing? The problem is companies are taking all the manufacturing and moving it to China where there are no regulations.
Even Nixon knew we need clean fucking air and water at the very least.
Straw man argument....shut the fuck up oddball Mc dookie.

Your counter argument is that a Republican knew there was a problem and did something to fix it despite that fact it would cost corporations money.

Brilliant, because that is exactly what President Trump is doing.

Trump's first EPA director was a Koch Brothers stooge. Trump so far has signed several bills and taken actions that
will be harmful to the environment and our health for decades.
Democrats of course, can't understand how someone can defend Trump on one thread and then trash him on another. And it should be the same with whoever is president- it's called transparency which Trump claims to have (more than any other president), but that's highly questionable.
Unfettered indeed. Great topic and videos, Angelo. Don't get derailed by these do nothing reactionaries. Focus on what Hedges finishes with. The many must begin by reining in the scientifically exposed, megalomaniacal, psychopathic, insatiable few (billionaires). Permanently so through corporate and campaign finance regulations, tax laws that absolutely limit relative wealth at both the top and bottom percentiles, and through creation of human rights, including minimal heath care, education, equality, and legal dominion over abstract entities including government itself. We the People rule together or die apart. No more hiding behind class protecting corporate or civil impediments to public disclosure including any fake cries of Presidential immunity..

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the President is entitled to absolute immunity from liability for civil damages based on his official acts. The court emphasized that the President is not immune from criminal charges stemming from his official (or unofficial) acts while in office.

The court noted that a grant of absolute immunity to the President would not leave the President with unfettered power. The Court stated that there were formal and informal checks on presidential action that did not apply with equal force to other executive officials. The court observed that the President was subjected to constant scrutiny by the press. It noted that vigilant oversight by Congress would also serve to deter presidential abuses of office, as well as to make credible the threat of impeachment.
Unfettered is definitely the operative word. We believe in squishy stuff like "freedom" and "liberty" with a hard core vengeance, yet could define neither satisfactorily if our lives depended upon it. We need to fetter things because it's the natural solution to widespread abuse of any kind. We fetter murderers, energy prices, water usage, punishments, etc. Upper and lower sustainable limits apply to everything. It is the nature of Nature itself. There is a rationale upper and lower limit to personal wealth. The irrational dwell outside that range. Pretty simple place to begin advancing the discussion.. minus all the real nuts.

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