What European 'governments' did good for peoples since 2014?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A simple answer: NOTHING

They robbed in the name of their Climate Utopia, they flooded Europa with 'refugees', they stole billions of tax money, they 'vaccinated',
they lockdowned, they cheated, they lied, they suffocated GDPs, shortly said they did anything in the name of their god Satan and their communist Utopia.
Now they started WWIII, killed Euro and European industry, want to starve and freeze European idiots
It will be daily worse, nothing good in the long view.
Why they do it?

Because their true religion Satanism demands it.

If you disagree with please to explain why
A simple answer: NOTHING

They robbed in the name of their Climate Utopia, they flooded Europa with 'refugees', they stole billions of tax money, they 'vaccinated',
they lockdowned, they cheated, they lied, they suffocated GDPs, shortly said they did anything in the name of their god Satan and their communist Utopia.
Now they started WWIII, killed Euro and European industry, want to starve and freeze European idiots
It will be daily worse, nothing good in the long view.
Why they do it?

Because their true religion Satanism demands it.

If you disagree with please to explain why

Why are you so pro Russia and demeaning of Europeans and Americans? You seem like a twerp to me. What have you done in the world?
Why are you so pro Russia and demeaning of Europeans and Americans? You seem like a twerp to me. What have you done in the world?

Like Paul Craig Roberts I'm not a friend of Putin's corrupted criminal regime, but I don't want to burn in the upcoming nuclear war
And I have something against satanic western 'rulers' who instigate WWIII

Where are condemnations of f..... NATO which murdered tens of millions in numerous 'exports of democracy'
Why there are not any sanctions against 50% of another countries who violate all possible human rights

Why blamed Russia only which refused to give its natural resources for free to the West now?

Only banksters, Schwab and satanists benefits from the war.
Not western citizens

Don't trust western MS presstitutes and lying judas 'politicians'


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