CDZ What Does This Photo Mean To You?

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For me, it means our government fears We The People.
It is another symptom of the failings of the government to properly guide the approach to domestic tranquility. The reason for the failure is not the principles of the founding, but the antiquated government systems and improper adjustments along the way. The solution is that we need to have a very sophisticated constitutional convention to review and correctly adjust all of the "mechanism."

Your proclamation of "We The People," goes no where. You need to try to generate and compose a solution - a route to some kind of peaceful resolve, or "unity."
It means the former President had a fence put around the WH before the election, and the WH have not taken it down yet because the last time folks came to say hi in D.C they nearly hung the Congress.
Jan 6 was after the election.
The wall in the photo was put up after the election. I asked what that fence meant to folks not what some other fence means.
Hey man, you asked a question about what the photo means to me and I answered. It means BunkerBoy fixin' to go back into his Bunker.
They open the southern border and build a fence around themselves....and some of you morons have no problem with it....
We were attacked by a foreign and domestic power on election day...they are an invading force just as if China had done it alone....
Invading enemies must wall themselves off from the people....
Hey man, you asked a question about what the photo means to me and I answered. It means BunkerBoy fixin' to go back into his Bunker.
What does it mean to you? You still haven't answered. Are you saying that because Trump put up a wall then this wall is OK?
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For me, it means our government fears We The People.
If only that were true.
It is true, they just spent 5 years in fear that Trump would get re-elected, launched a fake inquisition, launched 2 fake impeachments, and stuffed ballot boxes. The People have had enough and the DC bureaucrats know it.
Don't fergit about the 5 yr Russia hoax. Can't miss that one. However there are so many that is easy to do.
They open the southern border and build a fence around themselves....and some of you morons have no problem with it....
We were attacked by a foreign and domestic power on election day...they are an invading force just as if China had done it alone....
Invading enemies must wall themselves off from the people....
It is so incredible isn't it....lolol
Oops. Forgot it was CDZ and I beat the mod. But its on yours now,,,,uhhohhhhh
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I would ask where is the FBI but watching that fucker Wray yesterday lie his way through questioning and acting all powerful and more important than elected senators says it all.....
Your proclamation of "We The People," goes no where. You need to try to generate and compose a solution - a route to some kind of peaceful resolve, or "unity."
I don't really need to do anything. It's obvious The People are pissed.
That fence is a symbolic act by Nancy Pelosi to manifest her lie that the Federal Government is effectively under siege.

The Media has let the Leftists get away with the preposterous claim that a right-wing militia tried to take down the Federal Government on January 6th WITHOUT WEAPONS! Indeed, they have allowed the FBI to deem Bear Repellant as a "lethal weapon" in order to support the fiction.

To paraphrase Ronaldus Maximus, "Mr Biden, tear down that fucking wall!"
That is the best reply so far...Thanks.
I would ask where is the FBI but watching that fucker Wray yesterday lie his way through questioning and acting all powerful and more important than elected senators says it all.....
Speaking of answering questions. You even hear Willie Brown's Fluff Chick answer one. My question. If Gropie gets accused , but you believe Cuomo's bimbos, why dat?
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it means nothing to me.

I have no reverence for government
America is supposed to be a free country.
Democrats allowed all hell to break loose last year....actually encouraged it....but then they stage this riot to stop the GOP from protesting the certification (even though they did the same thing in 2016).....all of the sudden they feel they need to erect walls all over Washington to keep us unwashed pee-ons away from them.......because they don't think they're public servants anymore. They treat us like slaves. Steal from us....lie to us. And it seems...murder us.

Democrats hate the military.....but they need them to do their dirty work.
Now some of them are trying to mistreat the NGs defending them.
They're giving them spoiled with metal shavings in it...uncooked chicken......typical shit BLM and ANTIFA fuckers do to the military.
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For me, it means our government fears We The People.

Enclave D.C. means the worst is yet to come for the average American. The ring of high fences would not be there, enclosing the Capitol, if our current congressional dictatorship did not plan on making all our lives a living hell in the very near future. Why does D.C. need to be protected by ramparts? Well, why does the USDA, EPA, FEMA, IRS and other similar federal government agencies need automatic weapons, millions of rounds of ammunition and armored vehicles? We know don't we? We know deep in our hearts why; America of 2021 is an authoritarian dictatorship. There's no mending these fences . . .

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