What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, all three of them are immensely annoying.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, all three of them are immensely annoying.

I concur.

Beck and Hannity especially.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.
I don't care for Hannity much. I don't know why. I agree with him often, he just sets my fur on edge.

I used to love Beck on the radio. I also love how he managed to defeat his worst enemy, a guy named Glen Beck. His autobiographical sketches were great.

Limbaugh is artless and fun. I really don't see why you don't like it. You must be too burned into ideology to understand what makes him good. Rush really is the triumph of the nerd.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, all three of them are immensely annoying.

To you yes. To their audiences no. And their audiences dwarf that of leftist talk radio and cable TV. And seeing as the New York Times has published their study showing the Tea Party has a higher average intelligence than the rest of the population.....I'd say maybe you should join them and watch these men also. You could learn something.
I don't care for Hannity much. I don't know why. I agree with him often, he just sets my fur on edge.

I used to love Beck on the radio. I also love how he managed to defeat his worst enemy, a guy named Glen Beck. His autobiographical sketches were great.

Limbaugh is artless and fun. I really don't see why you don't like it. You must be too burned into ideology to understand what makes him good. Rush really is the triumph of the nerd.

Yep. You get it. Especially with Limbaugh. The lefties just don't get Limbaugh. They don't understand that 90% of what he says is said soley to piss off the left wing, as he KNOWS they are secretly listening and copying transcripts of all his words. And Limbaughs audience, the higher intelligent Tea Party, gets that also. Half the fun of listening to Limbaugh is imagining a whiny liberaly hearing the same things and pissing their pants in anger. Libs just aren't smart enough to figure out his brilliance in that way.
Limbaugh is one of the few who can do satire without being unjustifiably cruel. And he can be way effective. I have never heard anyone return to "Devil's messages on records" after he did the "disgronification" of "little White Dove." That was both brilliant and effective.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hannity banged nails and Rush worked as a P.R. man for the Kansas City Royals for several years.

You really ought to get such easily verifiable facts straight, Skeezicks.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.

Jealous of treason? Now that IS funny.

Hey, let's call Sean and see if he will give a "concert" to raise money for Glenn and Rush. We could pretend it's to help the children of American Veterans. That always works.
To you yes. To their audiences no.

Not sure that is all that complimentary to their audiences.

And their audiences dwarf that of leftist talk radio and cable TV.

And your point is? Have the entire population of the U.S. choose between Mozart and C&W and guess who dwarfs the other? MIght does not always make right.

And seeing as the New York Times has published their study showing the Tea Party has a higher average intelligence than the rest of the population.....I'd say maybe you should join them and watch these men also. You could learn something.

Now this study is interesting. Frankly, I was glad to hear it.

I have watched all three of these guys at some length. I learn something, all right, but I don't think it's the kind of thing you are thinking of.
I don't care for Hannity much. I don't know why. I agree with him often, he just sets my fur on edge.

I used to love Beck on the radio. I also love how he managed to defeat his worst enemy, a guy named Glen Beck. His autobiographical sketches were great.

Limbaugh is artless and fun. I really don't see why you don't like it. You must be too burned into ideology to understand what makes him good. Rush really is the triumph of the nerd.

Yep. You get it. Especially with Limbaugh. The lefties just don't get Limbaugh. They don't understand that 90% of what he says is said soley to piss off the left wing, as he KNOWS they are secretly listening and copying transcripts of all his words. And Limbaughs audience, the higher intelligent Tea Party, gets that also. Half the fun of listening to Limbaugh is imagining a whiny liberaly hearing the same things and pissing their pants in anger. Libs just aren't smart enough to figure out his brilliance in that way.

Limbaugh used to do it in fun. Then he realized the dittoheads took everything he said as gospel and he started to take himself seriously.

Now he is the defacto head of the Republican Party. He gets to make and destroy careers with a 5 min rant. Any moderate Republican knows that trying to appeal to the middle ground will be met with an instant rebuke.

Rush will ensure the GOP is a secondary party for a generation
Rush has ensured that the GOP will be in the minority until he retires or dies or goes to jail.
I think all political talk shows, both left and right are ridiculous. The host attacks the opposition with quotes pulled out of context, monologues designed to convince not educate, and authorities that are paid to support the host's opinion. Naturally, most of the callers or guest support the host. Callers and guest that don't agree with the host are cut off or interrupted with leading or rhetorical questions. Sometimes the host will get a caller or a guest that's a real loony. The host will then let the guest ramble on just to prove how dumb the opposition is. It's like having a trial with a prosecution and no defense.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No wonder they are so despised by the elitists.:lol:
Darling, they are elitists. And they are very, very good at what they do. Watch Maddow and Schultz on the left. They are imitating the Big Three and are getting almost as good.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.

They know their audience, don't they?
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.
I never said they didn't work hard or that they weren't successful. They seem to appeal to people that need to be constantly reassurance that their political beliefs are right. Or as Rush said, "Tune in and I will tell you what to think". Maybe left wing talk radio is not very successful because liberals don't need that reassurance.

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