Debate Now What does MAGA mean ? Specifically ?

What does MAGA mean Specifically 240414 {postā€¢1}. HikerGuy83 Aprā€™24 Swdmms: So I am going to say, I think America is great now. hkrgy 240414 Swdmms00001

What does MAGA mean Specifically 240414 {postā€¢103}

I agree America is great now and has been the greatest nation in the history of nations from the year 1776 when:

Thomas Paine Calls for American Independence, 1776​

Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775ā€“76 that inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for independence from Great Britain in the summer of 1776. The pamphlet explained the advantages of and the need for immediate independence in clear, simple language. It was published anonymously on January 10, 1776, at the beginning of the American Revolution and became an immediate sensation. It was sold and distributed widely and read aloud at taverns and meeting places.
Washington had it read to all his troops, which at the time had surrounded the British army in Boston. In proportion to the population of the colonies at that time (2.5 million), it had the largest sale and circulation of any book published in American history. As of 2006, it remains the all-time best selling American title.
Common Sense presented the American colonists with an argument for freedom from British rule at a time when the question of whether or not to seek independence was the central issue of the day. Paine wrote and reasoned in a style that common people understood. Forgoing the philosophical and Latin references used by Enlightenment era writers, he structured Common Sense as if it were a sermon, and relied on Biblical references to make his case to the people. He connected independence with common dissenting Protestant beliefs as a means to present a distinctly American political identity. Historian Gordon S. Wood described Common Sense as ā€œthe most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire revolutionary era.ā€

Thoughts of the present state of American Affairs​

The sun never shined on a cause of greater worth. ā€˜Tis not the affair of a city, a country, a province, or a kingdom, but of a continent of at least one eighth part of the habitable globe. ā€˜Tis not the concern of a day, a year, or an age; posterity are virtually involved in the contest, and will be more or less affected, even to the end of time, by the proceedings now. Now is the seed time of continental union, faith and honor. The least fracture now will be like a name engraved with the point of a pin on the tender rind of a young oak; The wound will enlarge with the tree, and posterity read it in full grown characters.​
By referring the matter from argument to arms, a new Ʀra for politics is struck; a new method of thinking hath arisen. All plans, proposals, &c. prior to the nineteenth of April, i. e. to the commencement of hostilities, are like the almanacks of the last year; which, though proper then, are superceded and useless now. Whatever was advanced by the advocates on either side of the question then, terminated in one and the same point, viz. a union with Great-Britain; the only difference between the parties was the method of effecting it; the one proposing force, the other friendship; but it hath so far happened that the first hath failed, and the second hath withdrawn her influence.​

What does MAGA mean Specifically 240414 {postā€¢1}. HikerGuy83 Aprā€™24 Swdmmz: ā€œLet me know what you think.ā€ ā€œRule #1: Provide specifics.ā€ hkrgy 240414 Swdmms00001

What does MAGA mean Specifically 240414 {postā€¢103}

The slogan ā€œMake America Great Againā€ as I understand the politicians who say it is not a reference to any previous and since lost American greatness.

It is a political ploy being used to say when my ā€œpoliticsā€ has the White House everything is great and when your ā€œpoliticsā€ has the White House everything sucks.

I donā€™t know if that qualifies for being specific but it is the truth as I see it on its present use .

As Americans we need to get to know the common sense of Thomas Paine.

nfbw 240424 Vwdmms00103 to Swdmms00001
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I've reported all but one of your posts and you have consistently violated rule #3 in the OP.

You've violated the other rules too, but that is what I am reporting.

Like IM2 and Rambunctious, you suck at this.

Please get off the thread and start your own threads where you can bash whoever you want to hearts content

But don't derail an honest request for discussion with you lazy responses.
The problem you have here is that I spelled out why America had not been great in post #33. In fact I did with my first response to you.
America once was great, as in "a great nation", feared by our enemies, loved and respected by our allies and others. America was once "strong" and "good". It was said that America was great because America was good. We need to return to being good. Then we will be great again.
So, when was that?

This gets so old.
We once had an America where the vast majority shared basic values of family, faith, personal integrity, responsibility, accountability, honor. A handshake was as good as a signed contract in most matters, and most accidents and disagreements were settled amicably without lawyers or courts getting involved.

We had the best education system in the world.
We had the best healthcare system in the world.
We had the best economy in the world.
We had the most innovative and creative initiatives in the world.
Democrats and Republicans worked together to provide mostly good government that promoted and accomplished the most free, most powerful, most benevolent, most secure nation in the world allowing for the most liberty, prosperity, choices, options and opportunity ever known on Planet Earth.

That what MAGA stands for.
When was that, please?
We once had an America where the vast majority shared basic values of family, faith, personal integrity, responsibility, accountability, honor. A handshake was as good as a signed contract in most matters, and most accidents and disagreements were settled amicably without lawyers or courts getting involved.

We had the best education system in the world.
We had the best healthcare system in the world.
We had the best economy in the world.
We had the most innovative and creative initiatives in the world.
Democrats and Republicans worked together to provide mostly good government that promoted and accomplished the most free, most powerful, most benevolent, most secure nation in the world allowing for the most liberty, prosperity, choices, options and opportunity ever known on Planet Earth.

That what MAGA stands for.
With a leader like trump, who is the antithesis of all the things you listed, how can you possibly believe that?
I asked what it meant.....specifically.

And you put for some generalities (which, while I am not critical of....I feel deserve a little more attention).

And yes, most people won't go through all that data for the simple reason that in many cases it does not exist.

It's a perception.

I've already said I respect you as a poster, but your response isn't in keeping with the OP.

MAGA is a sales pitch. It appeals to a false nostalgia over things that often did not exist.
I can assure you it existed because I lived it. And if you don't believe the MAGA vision is right that's your prerogative. I think all honorable Americans do.
We should never have a centralized government with enough power to accumulate $34,000,000,000,000 in debt.
You have it because the states were too cheapskate to pay off the Revolutionary War debts.

And now you have that huge national debt because nothing has changed, you're still too cheapskate to pay your bills.

Your definition of freedom must be 'money for nothing'.
Pretty much most of the Twentieth Century.
So, all that segregation and Jim Crow stuff was part of being the greatest country? You know, Redlining, White Flight - where Black GIs were not given the same mortgage guarantees, 'separate but equal' schools.

I can't imagine what countries you must be comparing to the US.
So, all that segregation and Jim Crow stuff was part of being the greatest country? You know, Redlining, White Flight - where Black GIs were not given the same mortgage guarantees, 'separate but equal' schools.

I can't imagine what countries you must be comparing to the US.
There have been no Jim Crow laws for 60 years and only some Americans had them up to then. At some point honorable people learn to judge on what people, societies, countries have become instead of constantly living in the past.
I've reported all but one of your posts and you have consistently violated rule #3 in the OP.

You've violated the other rules too, but that is what I am reporting.

Like IM2 and Rambunctious, you suck at this.

Please get off the thread and start your own threads where you can bash whoever you want to hearts content

But don't derail an honest request for discussion with you lazy responses.
What are you crying about?... don't you think we all know the board rules?... obviously you need to re read them yourself.... no one is violating anything... if you can find a rule any of us has violated spell it out... did you run to the teacher every time someone stepped on your toes as a child?...
Stop complaining and address the issues brought up... by the way.... after 3 pages a thread can wander off topic... read the rules...
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