Zone1 What does it mean to be Good/Evil?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I heard a monologue on a radio talk show recently, where the host set forth his beliefs about thoughts and actions. It was prompted by a friend who was caring for a sickly, elderly parent. The friend admitted to wishing his mother would die - end her misery and his. The friend felt guilty about this wish/feeling.

But the host responded that there is no such thing as a thought-sin. We are judged properly by our actions. Indeed if people (mainly men) are to be judged by our thoughts, we are all going to hell. Evil thoughts pervade our consciousness. We MUST be judged by our acts and not our thoughts.

On the other side of it, good intentions and kind wishes are meaningless and of no value, if not accompanied by overt action. In fact, good acts coupled with evil thoughts are, on balance, virtuous. Good wishes coupled with inaction are worthless and of no value, morally or ethically.

And the same must be said about Christian "love." If I do many things to help the downtrodden or those in need, but in my heart I hold them in contempt, the thoughts don't matter. I am virtuous.

Ponder the case of the Good Samaritan. This is the parable, you will recall, that Christ used to illustrate Christian "love." The Good Samaritan had no emotional or even kindly feelings about the person by the road who had been robbed, beaten, and given up for dead. But the G.S. respected the basic humanity of the wretched soul and for that reason he did what he felt he needed to do. No "love" as most people would define it.

Judge yourself and others by what they DO; disregard what they think - to the extent you know that
I heard a monologue on a radio talk show recently, where the host set forth his beliefs about thoughts and actions. It was prompted by a friend who was caring for a sickly, elderly parent. The friend admitted to wishing his mother would die - end her misery and his. The friend felt guilty about this wish/feeling.

But the host responded that there is no such thing as a thought-sin. We are judged properly by our actions. Indeed if people (mainly men) are to be judged by our thoughts, we are all going to hell. Evil thoughts pervade our consciousness. We MUST be judged by our acts and not our thoughts.

On the other side of it, good intentions and kind wishes are meaningless and of no value, if not accompanied by overt action. In fact, good acts coupled with evil thoughts are, on balance, virtuous. Good wishes coupled with inaction are worthless and of no value, morally or ethically.

And the same must be said about Christian "love." If I do many things to help the downtrodden or those in need, but in my heart I hold them in contempt, the thoughts don't matter. I am virtuous.

Ponder the case of the Good Samaritan. This is the parable, you will recall, that Christ used to illustrate Christian "love." The Good Samaritan had no emotional or even kindly feelings about the person by the road who had been robbed, beaten, and given up for dead. But the G.S. respected the basic humanity of the wretched soul and for that reason he did what he felt he needed to do. No "love" as most people would define it.

Judge yourself and others by what they DO; disregard what they think - to the extent you know that
Oh without question. People also hide behind optics of a false narrative: "we are the good guys" and paint so-called "bad guys" as they wish, often exponentially worse than is the reality. the know the unimpressive population and resource strapped media lack the critical skills and time. People just read the headlines and make a judgement. The worst people I have ever known talked a good game but in reality were the most dishonest and vile of men. It isn't my decision to make but if there is indeed a hell...
I heard a monologue on a radio talk show recently, where the host set forth his beliefs about thoughts and actions. It was prompted by a friend who was caring for a sickly, elderly parent. The friend admitted to wishing his mother would die - end her misery and his. The friend felt guilty about this wish/feeling.

But the host responded that there is no such thing as a thought-sin. We are judged properly by our actions. Indeed if people (mainly men) are to be judged by our thoughts, we are all going to hell. Evil thoughts pervade our consciousness. We MUST be judged by our acts and not our thoughts.

On the other side of it, good intentions and kind wishes are meaningless and of no value, if not accompanied by overt action. In fact, good acts coupled with evil thoughts are, on balance, virtuous. Good wishes coupled with inaction are worthless and of no value, morally or ethically.

And the same must be said about Christian "love." If I do many things to help the downtrodden or those in need, but in my heart I hold them in contempt, the thoughts don't matter. I am virtuous.

Ponder the case of the Good Samaritan. This is the parable, you will recall, that Christ used to illustrate Christian "love." The Good Samaritan had no emotional or even kindly feelings about the person by the road who had been robbed, beaten, and given up for dead. But the G.S. respected the basic humanity of the wretched soul and for that reason he did what he felt he needed to do. No "love" as most people would define it.

Judge yourself and others by what they DO; disregard what they think - to the extent you know that
Jesus taught so a man thinks, that is who he is. Good thoughts generally cause good acts. Bad thoughts generally can cause bad acts. But not all the time. Bad people will delay bad acts if it helps their cause. Democrats claim with words they are for the Black people to get elected. But then their acts cause more violence and drugs upon Black communities keeping them in a form of slavery.
Jesus taught so a man thinks, that is who he is. Good thoughts generally cause good acts. Bad thoughts generally can cause bad acts. But not all the time. Bad people will delay bad acts if it helps their cause. Democrats claim with words they are for the Black people to get elected. But then their acts cause more violence and drugs upon Black communities keeping them in a form of slavery.
The work of lucifer is real. "Just as every cop is a criiminal and all the sinners, Saints". The lyrics are a perfect reflection of the human condition, impulses and tragedy.
"Good" is helping each other ... "evil" is harming each other ... a bee hive would prosper under such philosophy ... flocks of birds and schools of fishes ... it appears humans too ... we are social animals if you believe that evolution stuff ...

Community is like a cartel ... in that she has the same failings ... someone always gets greedy and spoils everything ...
The work of lucifer is real. "Just as every cop is a criiminal and all the sinners, Saints". The lyrics are a perfect reflection of the human condition, impulses and tragedy.
Every cop is a criminal? No, they are all subject to sins. As with most, we make mistakes because lack of knowledge.
Every cop is a criminal? No, they are all subject to sins. As with most, we make mistakes because lack of knowledge.
It is a song from.the Roling Stones,.spoken from the POV of the devil. He can turn anyone into a hellbound soul if they allow him. I suspect many that I know will never be redeemed.
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It is a song from.the Roling Stones,.spoken from the POV of the devil. He can turn anyone into a hellbound soul if they allow him. I suspect many that I know will never be redeemed.
Awwwww...I'm sure most will. The only people that won't be redeemed and left in perdition with Satan are those who deny the Holy Ghost which is when your eyes are open and you have full empirical knowledge that God lives and Jesus is the Christ because the Holy Ghost is showing you. The atonement is for anyone who bows their knee and confesses Jesus is the Christ.
Awwwww...I'm sure most will. The only people that won't be redeemed and left in perdition with Satan are those who deny the Holy Ghost which is when your eyes are open and you have full empirical knowledge that God lives and Jesus is the Christ because the Holy Ghost is showing you. The atonement is for anyone who bows their knee and confesses Jesus is the Christ.
Many will say so on their deathed out of fear after a life of abusing others. What are we mere mortals to take away from such an approach?
Many will say so on they’re deathed out of fear after a life of abusing others. What are we mere mortals to take away from such an approach?
The Godhead will judge whether a person truly believes and accepts Jesus Christ as the Christ for atonement purposes. The person you are describing is not Celestial or Terrestrial bound. They are those who Paul mentioned in Romans Chapter 1. Even abusers of themselves are Telestial or Perdition bound. We should be taking the mote out of our own eyes should we not? For we are required to forgive all and let the Godhead decide the fates of others. If you can’t then you are no better.
it just means you can choose to be a good person or you can choose to do evil

Then the Lord God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever"--
therefore the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken.
Gen 3:22-23 (NKJV)

because of Adam and Eve, but was Eve
And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.' "
Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die.
For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Gen 3:2-5 (NKJV)
sin 1.jpg

But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted--you may well put up with it!
2 Cor 11:3-4 (NKJV)
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Humans can be good or evil. All humans have good and evil thoughts. Morality is what determines how we act upon those thoughts.
I heard a monologue on a radio talk show recently, where the host set forth his beliefs about thoughts and actions. It was prompted by a friend who was caring for a sickly, elderly parent. The friend admitted to wishing his mother would die - end her misery and his. The friend felt guilty about this wish/feeling.

But the host responded that there is no such thing as a thought-sin. We are judged properly by our actions. Indeed if people (mainly men) are to be judged by our thoughts, we are all going to hell. Evil thoughts pervade our consciousness. We MUST be judged by our acts and not our thoughts.

On the other side of it, good intentions and kind wishes are meaningless and of no value, if not accompanied by overt action. In fact, good acts coupled with evil thoughts are, on balance, virtuous. Good wishes coupled with inaction are worthless and of no value, morally or ethically.

And the same must be said about Christian "love." If I do many things to help the downtrodden or those in need, but in my heart I hold them in contempt, the thoughts don't matter. I am virtuous.

Ponder the case of the Good Samaritan. This is the parable, you will recall, that Christ used to illustrate Christian "love." The Good Samaritan had no emotional or even kindly feelings about the person by the road who had been robbed, beaten, and given up for dead. But the G.S. respected the basic humanity of the wretched soul and for that reason he did what he felt he needed to do. No "love" as most people would define it.

Judge yourself and others by what they DO; disregard what they think - to the extent you know that
sounds great

although I do think that God wants us to have better thoughts toward... per your example, the needy whom a person may secretly despise but help just the same. People need to re-evaluate their feelings toward the homeless. Even if, worst case scenrio, the person is on drugs... Well, what got that person to wanting to escape through drugs in the first place? A lot of homeless people.. I venture to say 99% of them were abused as children... the ones I have known WERE and in an egregious way. What happens to you in life affects you... sometimes so deeply you don't even realize it on a conscious level.
I heard a monologue on a radio talk show recently, where the host set forth his beliefs about thoughts and actions. It was prompted by a friend who was caring for a sickly, elderly parent. The friend admitted to wishing his mother would die - end her misery and his. The friend felt guilty about this wish/feeling.

But the host responded that there is no such thing as a thought-sin. We are judged properly by our actions. Indeed if people (mainly men) are to be judged by our thoughts, we are all going to hell. Evil thoughts pervade our consciousness. We MUST be judged by our acts and not our thoughts.

On the other side of it, good intentions and kind wishes are meaningless and of no value, if not accompanied by overt action. In fact, good acts coupled with evil thoughts are, on balance, virtuous. Good wishes coupled with inaction are worthless and of no value, morally or ethically.

And the same must be said about Christian "love." If I do many things to help the downtrodden or those in need, but in my heart I hold them in contempt, the thoughts don't matter. I am virtuous.

Ponder the case of the Good Samaritan. This is the parable, you will recall, that Christ used to illustrate Christian "love." The Good Samaritan had no emotional or even kindly feelings about the person by the road who had been robbed, beaten, and given up for dead. But the G.S. respected the basic humanity of the wretched soul and for that reason he did what he felt he needed to do. No "love" as most people would define it.

Judge yourself and others by what they DO; disregard what they think - to the extent you know that
In the proverbs, it says "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Just sayin'. Christ may have quoted that somewhere in the gospels.
Jesus taught so a man thinks, that is who he is. Good thoughts generally cause good acts. Bad thoughts generally can cause bad acts. But not all the time. Bad people will delay bad acts if it helps their cause. Democrats claim with words they are for the Black people to get elected. But then their acts cause more violence and drugs upon Black communities keeping them in a form of slavery.
As an example, look at what the NAACP leaders said yesterday about the state of Florida. Yet, in predominantly Black housing tracks, 1200 ft homes are selling for $1,000,000!!! When will the Black Democrats wake up and realize they are being duped by the Democrat Party who has always been the Party of White Supremacy.
Jesus taught so a man thinks, that is who he is. Good thoughts generally cause good acts. Bad thoughts generally can cause bad acts. But not all the time. Bad people will delay bad acts if it helps their cause. Democrats claim with words they are for the Black people to get elected. But then their acts cause more violence and drugs upon Black communities keeping them in a form of slavery.
I heard a pastor once say, you can't stop birds from flying over your head but that does not mean you have to let them nest on your head.

Thoughts are not evil but choosing to focus on bad thoughts which lead to bad actions are.
I heard a pastor once say, you can't stop birds from flying over your head but that does not mean you have to let them nest on your head.

Thoughts are not evil but choosing to focus on bad thoughts which lead to bad actions are.
Yes, the concept of not letting bad thoughts fester in one's mind is a key. Feeding the bad thoughts while starving the good thoughts will yield bad outcomes. This is one reason that the good people are slowly starting to fight back against the woke is because they know that more and more bad influence upon their children will cause these bad thoughts to fester in their little minds and yield bad outcomes. My dad used say, "You are who you hang around."

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