What do you think of this?


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
A Nigerian girl beaten at school for drinking alcohol. Her father was ok with it but the community is outraged. The school principal suspended from his job. In America a girl is raped at school, it was not the trans boys first offense, her father arrested for his outrage at a school board meeting and the community demand the school board step down. Sharia and American liberalism responsible for similar incidents? What do you think? What do you think of two different ideologies being mirror images or flip sides of same coin?
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Although teens are going to be teens, no matter what religion or race they are, nor no matter where they live............it's still the parents responsibility.

The schools aren't responsible for neglective parents or over zealous stupid teens.

For the past few decades, kids go from toddlers directly into adulthood. Who is to blame for this? The parents.
Place blame where it belongs, on the useless parents.
Although teens are going to be teens, no matter what religion or race they are, nor no matter where they live............it's still the parents responsibility.

The schools aren't responsible for neglective parents or over zealous stupid teens.

For the past few decades, kids go from toddlers directly into adulthood. Who is to blame for this? The parents.
Place blame where it belongs, on the useless parents.
The principal in Nigeria has been suspended for allowing this. in America the boy should have been prosecuted before. The school is accused of cover up. Authority figures are responsible.
Mooslams is what I think of it.

But hey, it's Africa. Even African Christians sometimes hack people up with machetes in that godforsaken shithole of a continent. Not because they're Christians or any thing. They're just Africans.
I know, it's sort of hard to say too since I'm not familiar with their laws.
Not really familiar with Sharia myself. Northern Nigeria is Moslem while the south is more christian. This happened in northern province but the community is outraged over it. What i was trying to say is do you see a comparison to the incident in Virginia? i am not saying it well because English is not my first language but I am trying.
Not really familiar with Sharia myself. Northern Nigeria is Moslem while the south is more christian. This happened in northern province but the community is outraged over it. What i was trying to say is do you see a comparison to the incident in Virginia? i am not saying it well because English is not my first language but I am trying.

Yeah, I see and don't worry about it,.. your English is really good. :)
Many teenagers rebel from authority, whether parental or government.
Plato (circa: 300 B.C.): "What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders. They disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"
As you can see, the problem's not new. Youth needs positive role models and while that role model may be the parent, if it isn't, their role model becomes someone else they admire and it that person(s) that is admired, isn't a positive role model, you have problems, but no matter how positive a role model can be, young people are going through a transition whereby they are trying to separate from their dependence mentally, to a more independence craving. This desire for more "independence" can manifest itself through negative behavior.
Parents should find positive outlets for their children/teens to keep them occupied when not actually under parental supervision, such as seeing what positive enjoyments/hobbies they prefer and channeling them into similar groups for shared experiences.
I was comparing two incidents one did happen in your country.
I only saw a link for the incident in Africa.

I can't confirm that other incident even happened, I don't really know the details of that incident.
True...........to a point.
I think it's responsible to POINT OUT OPTIONS to any particular thought or action.
But unless I'm asked to HELP, then I leave it at that. Unless it involves abuse, then I tend to get a little pissy about it.
We'll just have to agree to disagree.

I believe the Republic and the founder's vision for our nation, and our people, can only work, if we stick as close to their genius as we can.

Our close alliance to NATO and Israel in the past century has been our biggest downfall and greatest drag to this nation, it has embroiled us needlessly into international intrigue, and brought us nothing but headaches, and heartaches. Not to mention how it has soaked the poor and middle class taxpayers.

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Several threads have been posted about it already.

I guess I don't understand why you want to compare the two situations.

IMO, they are two different nations, and two different cultures.

All people should have the sovereignty to have self-government and self rule.

It is none of Washington D.C.'s business what or how the citizens of Virginia conduct their affairs, nor is it any of London's, Washington's or Jerusalem's business what goes on in Nigeria, those folks are sovereign as well.

We should keep our judgements to our selves, and let the creator judge their behavior and how they treat their own.

. . Now, if you are asking me how I think my fellow American's are behaving in Virginia?

Yeah, none of this comes as a surprise. It is a big fat, "I told you so," to folks that have been pushing this sexual gender twisting bender shit on the young.

But what are you going to do?


It is the new clown world.

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