What do you think about this mix?


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2004
First of all-c'mon people,let's get this Animal Forum goin!!!! hehe

Some of you know we are moving to a house(close Friday)!!! Well,we were at my sis in law's this past weekend and she is out in the country.Her neighbor had a litter of Australian Shepard/Lab mixes. We immediately fell in love and Kevin wanted a female and I wanted a male. We decided on the male and Kevin will get the t.v. he wants for the new house.

I am a little heistant,because we are going to be busy and new to the house and originally wantefd to be settled in before we got a dog. My sister in law is going to bring him down Memorial Day weekend.That gives us a couple weeks to get settled. NM only worries are that the dog is 5 months old and I'm worried about housebreaking at that age. The owners said that particular dog had been in the house and not had any accidents,but when we were there,he was outside.

I believe this is a great mix and the mother of the pups was just adorable,loved the kids,and friendly as she could be. What do you all think? Are we making a mistake with a 5 month old dog? He seemed obedient,and because of the mix,I'm trying not to worry. Gimme your 2 cents.
I haven't been on in a while so sorry. I think you and your husband know the meaning of the word compromise...very cool!

Post pictures of the puppy!!!!
Thanks Moi!! We will get some pics up as soon as we get him and give him a nice bath!!
Sure thing. I just did some reading on Aussies and found that they are high energy herding dogs. That is a good thing being that mu kids are high energy!!! The info I read says that they are great family dogs too. I know this will be an energetic pup,because Labs are high energy too,but he sounds good to me so far.
Hey Krisy,
Get that throwing arm limbered up . . . this sounds like a dog that will fetch anything . I had a friend with a huge black lab that would chase logs of firewood and drag them back .
Nothing could be worse than the housebreaking problems I had . A girlfriend of mine gave me an Afghan puppy that I had seen in a pet store for Christmas . . . in Denver . This pup had lived his first three months in a cage at the pet store , he had gotten to love the smell of his own crap . Add to that the fact that it was winter in Denver , it was a long struggle .
You might use the garage to let him screw up in,then you can reprimand him and the thoughts that doing it inside is a bad thing , will transfer to the house .
Good luck . I'm sure with a little patience he'll learn quickly.
Krisy - sounds like he/she is going to be a cutie! that is an interesting mix. Yes, I agree with Evil, wee pads are a must - but I have also sworn by the crate training as well. Seems cruel, but vets have said it's the best housebreaking training going. At night it's the best, they don't like to mess in their sleeping area, so it helps them hold it in until you get them out. Good Luck and yes, post some pics!

told to phil by Yoda
Crate training the puppies I did, success there was. To the dark side is the only path taken by wee wee pads

Two pups:
One black lab mix @ 10 mo. Loves her kennel, and will explode before going in there. Found on road at about 3 months. Alone, wet, shivering, you get the idea.

#Two is a shepard mix @ 3-4 months. Loves his kennel. Broke in 5 days.

Key to kennel training is time, patience, and love and rewards. Keep lil mister in kennel except when supervised. Immediately escort outside and stay there until he does his thing. Reward well and often.

But you guys knew that cuz all the smart ones posted already :cof:

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