“What do you mean ‘we,’ white man?”


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Biden says.. “It is zero price tag on the debt. We're going to pay for everything we spend.” ?

Who are the "we" when he said "We're going to pay"???

Which reminded me of the following...

There’s an old joke, apparently drawn from a 1958 issue of MAD magazine, that goes something like this: The Lone Ranger and Tonto are riding across the plains when they see a group of Indians in full warpaint galloping toward them, tomahawks at the ready.
The Lone Ranger digs in his heels and says to his faithful companion, “Well, Tonto old friend, looks like they’ve got us surrounded.”
Tonto replies, “What do you mean ‘we,’ white man?

JOE! Who is "WE"???
The truth is that the democrats will overestimate the additional revenue from their new taxes by around 50%, and they'll underestimate the true cost of the policies and program by around 50%. And then they'll only give us 5 years of benefits but raise taxes over 10 years. It's regular democrat SOP.
The truth is that the democrats will overestimate the additional revenue from their new taxes by around 50%, and they'll underestimate the true cost of the policies and program by around 50%. And then they'll only give us 5 years of benefits but raise taxes over 10 years. It's regular democrat SOP.
And they will stuff the money in to their own pockets and the pockets of their friends, and THE PEOPLE will get little to none of it.

How do you think Joe and Hunter got to be Millionaires?

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