What do you like about Biden & Harris?

I like how they both claim to be Catholic but both are ardent supporters of the mass genocide of abortion.

It really shows why this country is in the shape its in. The country has sold their souls to the DNC.
I love war, and boy did I enjoy the last few weeks watching Israel kick Muslim ass after 4 years of Trump peace. I was so bored.
What do you like about Biden?

What do you like about Harris?
-What about not having to argue about if it's right or not to blackmail an ally in order to win an election?
-What about not having to argue that if you have to choose between Putin and your own intelligence community, Putin is a better choice?
-What about not having to argue that when faced with a global pandemic the prudent choice is to wear masks?
-What about not having to argue whether or not it's a good idea to ingest bleach to kill the virus?

What about being able to argue again about whether or not taxing the rich in order to fund social programs is a moral thing to do?

What about listening to Hannity talking about Biden's dog trying to make an argument that somehow signals a fault in the US president instead of listening to him justifying insurrection in order to protect a US president?

What about just enjoying the peace and quiet of not having to be confronted by daily stupidity coming out of the Twitter feed of the sitting US president?
what about basic logic dumbass?

Sure...Trump should have threatened Putin and called him a liar. How would that pan out ?
The fact that despite millions of dollars spent on an investigation, there was no reasonable evidence of blackmail. Yet, you still repeat it.
As for the pandemic, Trump escalated the situation to come up with a vaccine within a year. Something "the science" said was not possible.
He never said one should inject bleach to kill the virus. That was parody.

You are what we call a sheeple.

Fuck off, dumbass. You have zero credibility.
What do you like about Biden?

What do you like about Harris?

Biden? He's not Trump

Harris? She's not Pence

There are plenty of things I disliked about Pence. When Trump picked him I thought that Trump better make the four years so Pence doesn't become president.

One can point out though that he was no where near as two faced as Harris.
Sure...Trump should have threatened Putin and called him a liar. How would that pan out ?
He didn't call him a liar he AGREED with him.
The fact that despite millions of dollars spent on an investigation, there was no reasonable evidence of blackmail. Yet, you still repeat it.
Just because you don't accept the evidence doesn't mean it wasn't reasonable. He released the damn transcript. 5th grade reading skill is the only thing required to come to the reasonable conclusion he did try to blackmail the Ukrainian president.

It's a fact most Republican senators didn't even try to deny. They simply tried to justify it as a normal foreign policy iniative.
As for the pandemic, Trump escalated the situation to come up with a vaccine within a year. Something "the science" said was not possible.
Show me, anybody, saying it wasn't possible? The only thing that was said about the time is that it NORMALLY takes years. It didn't say anything that it was impossible if shown sufficient will. A will that any nation would show in a virus that has such an effect on society.
He never said one should inject bleach to kill the virus. That was parody.
Yea because everybody knows that nobody ever would take the word of POTUS seriously?

Oh wait....
What is there to like... seriously?
Biden is a career politician at least a decade too old personally to be President. By personally, I mean his aging specifically. He is clearly in mental decline. We will all be there someday. Doesn't make anything wrong with the guy... but he has no business being a President.
Harris is a ladder climbing brass ring grabber. Nothing to like there either.

Like I say, other than someone stating an opinion "at least not Trump" - a positive answer is full of shit.
Would this be what you’d call a BDS thread?
Nope. A valid question. No where did the OP talk about how bad they were.

But the best you gots is criticize the question as opposed to answering it.

Speaks volumes.
I gave a detailed and respectful answer to the OP. Scroll up. I was speaking to the reply’s where everybody listed how bad they were.
What is there to like... seriously?
Biden is a career politician at least a decade too old personally to be President. By personally, I mean his aging specifically. He is clearly in mental decline. We will all be there someday. Doesn't make anything wrong with the guy... but he has no business being a President.
Harris is a ladder climbing brass ring grabber. Nothing to like there either.

Like I say, other than someone stating an opinion "at least not Trump" - a positive answer is full of shit.

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