Zone1 What do we "owe" the Homeless?

How about the far more numerous homeless who live out of the cars and RV's or crash on somebody's couch, all of whom have jobs and do work?
This is sad. The result of shipping labour out to 3rd World nations while citizens in the West have to live with 1st World housing costs.
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You are really only helping them be more comfortable in their chosen lifestyle. The empathy and compassion is all for you. It's so you can blossom in your self righteous do goodism.
Yeah, compassion and empathy are now viewed as weaknesses by the Right.

Not sure when that happened.
We don't "owe" them anything.

But we can choose to demonstrate empathy and compassion, and we can choose to try to help them.

Real Christians used to do that, as I recall. Not sure about that any more.
Notice how he lumped together the 2 groups.

With the linked article, the local paper (we only have one) encourages us to be concerned about the changing circumstances of the local homeless community. One downtown shelter is closing down and the nearest alternative is a few blocks away. Incredibly one who is interviewed says that if things get any worse in Pittsburgh he might have to go elsewhere. Can we afford to lose that valuable asset?

There used to be an expression in common usage - "The Deserving Poor." The unfortunate implication is that there is another community to be addressed - the UNdeserving poor. Putting it succinctly, the undeserving poor are those for whom their wretched circumstance are thought to be caused by their own fault.

Consider which column the following people would be listed:
  • Widows and orphans,
  • the physically handicapped,
  • crazy bastards,
  • the mentally incompetent,
  • substance abusers,
  • people bankrupted by medical bills,
  • people bankrupted by college loans to major in Ethnic or Gender Studies, and finally,
  • people who are temporarily "down on their luck" (lost job, lost apartment, lost car, etc.),
  • those who simply refuse to work, or to adopt Middle Class Values.
Is it even possible, I wonder to separate the two groups (deserving and otherwise) so that "we" can help the one group and tell the others to go and commit an impossible autosexual act?

As taxpayers, what do "we" owe these people, especially considering that 99% of them live in urban areas and are simply off the radar screen of anyone living outside The City?
We owe all people humane treatment. We open, staff and fund food banks and homeless shelters to ensure that all have access to food and shelter. All states should maintain mental institutions and those mentally incapable of helping themselves should go there involuntarily if necessary. A caring community does provide for the least among us but not without some rules and guidelines.

Being homeless in itself is not a sin and is not a crime. Theoretically it could happen to anybody. But responsible people who find themselves homeless generally do what they can to help their own situation and in most cases find ways to remedy it. Such people should be encouraged and admired.

To those who refuse private and government services, refuse to help themselves, who are in the country illegally, we owe absolutely nothing. Nor should they be allowed to interfere with the rights of responsible citizens to have safe, peaceful, aesthetic enjoyment of their neighborhoods/communities. The undocumented should be returned to Mexico or wherever they entered the country illegally. The rest should go to the homeless shelters, confined rehab, or they have to leave public premises and find somewhere else to live.

Our local Science and Natural History Museum runs a little cafe most frequented by museum goers. Except for supervisory personnel, it is staffed exclusively by homeless people willing to accept a job. As these people develop skills and references most are able to move into better paying more full time jobs and eventually get off the street. That is real charity at its finest.
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  • Widows and orphans,
  • the physically handicapped,
  • crazy bastards,
  • the mentally incompetent,
  • substance abusers,
  • people bankrupted by medical bills,
  • people bankrupted by college loans to major in Ethnic or Gender Studies, and finally,
  • people who are temporarily "down on their luck" (lost job, lost apartment, lost car, etc.),
  • those who simply refuse to work, or to adopt Middle Class Valu
People deserving special care if they are:
> Too young or too old to care for themselves
> Too disabled to provide for themselves
> Presenting a danger to themselves or others
> Requiring emergency medical treatment

People who don't deserve special care:
> Repeat criminal offenders
> Bankruptcies
> Able-bodied not seeking employment
> Freeloaders
Yes, parrot that silly projection, like the several million responses you parasites like to babble repeatedly. The fact is it is you who wouldn't have a pot to piss in without Big Daddy cradling you. The last thing you fakes want is a free market. You don't know shit about 'capitalist systems', you're just some fat ass Burb Brat squatter who snivels about nothing.
FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!! I responded to your snivel post and all you can do is claim that I am sniveling. Other than an FHA loan, which a qualified for through my military service, the government has GIVEN me nothing, EXCEPT for the opportunity to succeed in this great country. That pathway has made me very happy so what is your excuse for being such a miserable discontent, leftist?
Jesus is an illegal immigrant on the streets of LA County. He's also homeless.
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With the linked article, the local paper (we only have one) encourages us to be concerned about the changing circumstances of the local homeless community. One downtown shelter is closing down and the nearest alternative is a few blocks away. Incredibly one who is interviewed says that if things get any worse in Pittsburgh he might have to go elsewhere. Can we afford to lose that valuable asset?

There used to be an expression in common usage - "The Deserving Poor." The unfortunate implication is that there is another community to be addressed - the UNdeserving poor. Putting it succinctly, the undeserving poor are those for whom their wretched circumstance are thought to be caused by their own fault.

Consider which column the following people would be listed:
  • Widows and orphans,
  • the physically handicapped,
  • crazy bastards,
  • the mentally incompetent,
  • substance abusers,
  • people bankrupted by medical bills,
  • people bankrupted by college loans to major in Ethnic or Gender Studies, and finally,
  • people who are temporarily "down on their luck" (lost job, lost apartment, lost car, etc.),
  • those who simply refuse to work, or to adopt Middle Class Values.
Is it even possible, I wonder to separate the two groups (deserving and otherwise) so that "we" can help the one group and tell the others to go and commit an impossible autosexual act?

As taxpayers, what do "we" owe these people, especially considering that 99% of them live in urban areas and are simply off the radar screen of anyone living outside The City?
Public service e.g. WPA, CCC. Work at reasonable wages to improve the country's infrastructure, clear forests, etc. They get valuable training, wages and housing and the country benefits from the repair of issues that have been tossed aside for too long. At some point they become productive members of society again. No mollycoddling or free rides, just an honest days wage for an honest days work.
No, but speaking the TRUTH to those of you who think you can (or should even try to) save the whole world stokes the unholy fires of my dead heart quite nicely. 👺
Everyone is guilty of sin. In cases where people want and need help their sin is no reason not to help them. Rather loving them and showing them a way out is more merciful. In the end, they can choose if they want the help. In instances of insanity, a person may not be right in their mind to help themselves. At the very least praying for them to be relieved/healed of the mental illness is still helping.
Everyone is guilty of sin. In cases where people want and need help their sin is no reason not to help them. Rather loving them and showing them a way out is more merciful. In the end, they can choose if they want the help. In instances of insanity, a person may not be right in their mind to help themselves. At the very least praying for them to be relieved/healed of the mental illness is still helping.
Not a government function. Charities exist and they are funded by the charitable folks who WANT to fund them. The American tax-paying public should not be paying charity. We already fund welfare, medicaid and numerous other socialist programs. People need to rediscover the meaning of personal responsibility.
Everyone is guilty of sin. In cases where people want and need help their sin is no reason not to help them. Rather loving them and showing them a way out is more merciful. In the end, they can choose if they want the help. In instances of insanity, a person may not be right in their mind to help themselves. At the very least praying for them to be relieved/healed of the mental illness is still helping
You’re right that everyone sins. We all fail in life. Few of us are willing to accept the consequences on this side of Eternity or the other. I don’t believe in forgiveness and do not ask for it. Nor do I ask for or accept help/charity. That’s a sign of weakness and I’d rather be dead.,
You’re right that everyone sins. We all fail in life. Few of us are willing to accept the consequences on this side of Eternity or the other. I don’t believe in forgiveness and do not ask for it. Nor do I ask for or accept help/charity. That’s a sign of weakness and I’d rather be dead.,
Why don't you believe in forgiveness?
Not a government function. Charities exist and they are funded by the charitable folks who WANT to fund them. The American tax-paying public should not be paying charity. We already fund welfare, medicaid and numerous other socialist programs. People need to rediscover the meaning of personal responsibility.
This is posted under religion. So from that viewpoint why wouldn't you help someone suffering in any way you can, even if the best you can do is pray for them?

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