What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Most Americans are pro Israel, and consider Palestinians a bunch of terrorists:

Americans' sympathies lean heavily toward the Israelis over the Palestinians, 64% vs. 12%. Americans' partiality for Israel has consistently exceeded 60% since 2010; however, today's 64% ties the highest Gallup has recorded in a quarter century, last seen in 1991 during the Gulf War. At that time, slightly fewer than today, 7%, sympathized more with the Palestinians.

The results are similar to what Gallup measured 12 years ago during another period of heightened Israeli-Palestinian violence, and they are consistent with Americans' generally more positive views of the Israelis than of the Palestinians.


Let us not forget:

All the propaganda and crap being promoted by those on this board and elsewhere are worthless.

Palestinians continue to be viewed as a bunch of intolerant terroristic savages by vast majority of American public.

'nuff said!
Most Americans are pro Israel, and consider Palestinians a bunch of terrorists:

Americans' sympathies lean heavily toward the Israelis over the Palestinians, 64% vs. 12%. Americans' partiality for Israel has consistently exceeded 60% since 2010; however, today's 64% ties the highest Gallup has recorded in a quarter century, last seen in 1991 during the Gulf War. At that time, slightly fewer than today, 7%, sympathized more with the Palestinians.

The results are similar to what Gallup measured 12 years ago during another period of heightened Israeli-Palestinian violence, and they are consistent with Americans' generally more positive views of the Israelis than of the Palestinians.


Let us not forget:

"Let us not forget," you say? Yes, could point, Rowdy, for it appears it was quite the day for 'dancing' to the macabre music of dying and suffering Americans. ~ Susan
That conspiracy bullshit as opposed half a billion Muslims dancing over the dead bodies of 3000 Americans on 9-11? :cuckoo:

Another lame attempt at diverting from the fact that Americans hate Palestinians more than they do Herpes.
Most Americans are pro Israel, and consider Palestinians a bunch of terrorists:

Americans' sympathies lean heavily toward the Israelis over the Palestinians, 64% vs. 12%. Americans' partiality for Israel has consistently exceeded 60% since 2010; however, today's 64% ties the highest Gallup has recorded in a quarter century, last seen in 1991 during the Gulf War. At that time, slightly fewer than today, 7%, sympathized more with the Palestinians.

The results are similar to what Gallup measured 12 years ago during another period of heightened Israeli-Palestinian violence, and they are consistent with Americans' generally more positive views of the Israelis than of the Palestinians.


Let us not forget:

"Let us not forget," you say? Yes, could point, Rowdy, for it appears it was quite the day for 'dancing' to the macabre music of dying and suffering Americans. ~ Susan

Hamas called Bin Laden a hero, a martyr.

I bet you love them for that, right?

"What do normal people, think of the Palestinians(?)," you ask? Other than understandable issues with those stealing their land, most normal people (i.e., those unlike yourself, Rowdy) think they're practically perfect. ~ Susan
'(S)he who condones the theft of another's land is not normal.'
That conspiracy bullshit as opposed half a billion Muslims dancing over the dead bodies of 3000 Americans on 9-11? :cuckoo:

Another lame attempt at diverting from the fact that Americans hate Palestinians more than they do Herpes.

What "conspiracy b*llsh*t," is that, Rowdy?" Obviously you didn't read my link or you would have known that many witnessed the event and stated that they were 'dancing'. ~ Susan
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.

"What do normal people, think of the Palestinians(?)," you ask? Other than understandable issues with those stealing their land, most normal people (i.e., those unlike yourself, Rowdy) think they're practically perfect. ~ Susan
'(S)he who condones the theft of another's land is not normal.'

Perfect? LOLZ. You're one funny poster.

And what's with the weird posting, Suzie? Can't you write normally? why bold and slant?
"What do normal people, think of the Palestinians(?)," you ask? Other than understandable issues with those stealing their land, most normal people (i.e., those unlike yourself, Rowdy) think they're practically perfect. ~ Susan
'(S)he who condones the theft of another's land is not normal.'

Yeah so perfect, the angels spend all day brushing their halos, one might say. I wonder why most normal people in America think otherwise.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.
So sad, Palestinian Hamas animals even loosing support among fellow Arabs / Muslims.

Pew: Support for Hamas, Hezbollah collapsing in region

Hamas’s favorability ratings are only marginally better. In Turkey, whose government supported the Mavi Marmara ship which tried to reach the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, 80% disapprove of the group.

Egypt (61%), Jordan (61%), and Lebanon (65%) all are heavily anti-Hamas. Somewhat paradoxically, 55% of Lebanon’s Shia have a favorable view of the Sunni group.

The group doesn’t do any better among the Palestinians for whom it purports to fight — but, paradoxically, Hamas is far more unpopular in the Gaza Strip (63%) it dominates than in the Palestinian Authority-run West Bank (47%).

Its support has dropped among Palestinians since it forcibly took over the Gaza Strip. In 2007, Hamas enjoyed a 62% favorable rating, which fell to only 35% in 2014.

Negative opinions of Hamas have grown 12% in Tunisia over the past year, and 8% in Egypt.

Of all the countries surveyed, Palestinians were the most likely to support suicide bombings against civilian targets “in order to defend Islam from its enemies.” Sixty-two percent of Gazans said it was often or sometimes justifiable, while 36% of West Bank residents said the same.
Bangladeshi Muslims were also somewhat supportive of suicide bombings.

And what's with the weird posting, Suzie? Can't you write normally? why bold and slant?

Pishy thinks that she is very special and by making her posts in special fonts, bold that it gives more weight to her argument, I guess. She did try making all her posts in red as well, but that got shut down with a quickness. Thank you mods.
Honestly I think that it is truly sad that the Palestinians have been exploited over these decades as political tools. It is made more sad that they are fed a constant barrage of slanted 'truths', meaning total propaganda with just enough truth mixed in to make it plausible. Now that they have a whole generation (or generations) of folks and their children fed with this crap, all they know now is to hate and/or the 'martyrs' path.

I lay all the blame at the feet of their leaders, from Arafat to Abbas. Arafat kept them angry and Abbas now has to, because if any Palestinian leader comes along today that truly wants peace, said leader will lose their office/leadership role because of the decades of brainwashing to hate and kill the Jews and never give Israel a chance.

The rank and file Palestinian given a chance is just a person. As evidenced with the Palestinians and Jews living side by side in Silwan and/or the old site of the City of David.

Overall, though, it is just a sad, sad, sad and very tragic thing. Something that unfortunately will probably never be able to be reversed.
And what's with the weird posting, Suzie? Can't you write normally? why bold and slant?

Pishy thinks that she is very special and by making her posts in special fonts, bold that it gives more weight to her argument, I guess. She did try making all her posts in red as well, but that got shut down with a quickness. Thank you mods.

Ohhh now, Teddy . . . you'll laugh at me but I enjoy my real life feminine-hand writing ability (I'm bragging here a bit, but it truly is beautiful if I do say so myself <grin>) and on the computer I feel italics best serves me (puts me somewhat in the same mindset, if you will ) as if I was actually writing a letter to you or to whomever. Too, I like bold which easily, at a quick glance, enables one to differentiate my post from whomever I am responding to. Further, please, when I first began posting here, I was used to the old AOL board where everyone wrote in all different colors of the rainbow and, too, different sized fonts. I, too, wish to thank the mods . . . they didn't tell me that I couldn't post in red but merely requested that I didn't do so, so that my posts wouldn't confuse others. Still, further, Teddy . . . I rather like you, if I again do say so myself. Unfortunately in life, you're a confused land-thief supporter that believes your make believe Yahweh gave you and your ilk this land to steal it from its rightful owners. ~ Susan

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