What Did John Brennan Secretly Gift Our Terror-Sponsoring Communist Enemies?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
What Did John Brennan Secretly Gift Our Terror-Sponsoring Communist Enemies?

What Did John Brennan Secretly Gift Our Terror-Sponsoring Communist Enemies?
12 Oct 19 ~By Humberto Fontova
“(In Aug. 2015) an unmarked U.S. government plane landed at an airstrip in Havana, carrying…John Brennan, the director of the C.I.A. Brennan was there to meet with Alejandro Castro-Espin (Raul Castro’s son, the KGB-trained head of Cuba’s counterintelligence service, who authored a book titled “U.S.-Empire of Terror”) and discuss increasing intelligence cooperation between the two countries. Brennan considered Cuba’s spy agencies the most capable in Latin America, and hoped to work with them against drug cartels and terrorist networks.” Brennan definitely had a point. Thanks to the CIA’s historic penchant for hiring and promoting people like John Brennan, Castro’s DGI and DI has historically run rings around the CIA, while guffawing.
Presumably the head of the CIA at the time, John Brennan, who had been a close national security advisor to Barack Obama since his 2008 campaign, signed-off on (and maybe even encouraged) Obama’s decision to whitewash and legitimize the Castro-Family-Crime-Syndicate. Never mind that this whitewash required taking one of modern history’s most infamous liars at his word. In February 2015, Colombian authorities found 99 missile heads, 100 tons of gunpowder, 2.6 million detonators, and over 3,000 artillery shells hidden under rice sacks in a ship bound from Red China to Cuba that docked in the port of Cartagena, Colombia. Most Cuba-watchers immediately guessed what was up. And crackerjack Colombian (NOT CNN or New York Times, heaven forbid!) reporters quickly investigated and exposed the Castro-regime’s terror-sponsoring scheme. “Panamanian authorities on Saturday (May, 18, 2019) intercepted 46 suitcases containing an estimated $90 million in illegal drugs on a cargo ship that arrived from a Cuban port and was en route to Istanbul, Turkey. The suitcases contained 1,517 packages of drugs hidden in a container declared as containing charcoal.” Needless to add: no mainstream U.S. media portal (not even Fox!) bothered reporting on this blockbuster embarrassment to the Obama/Brennan “national security” team.

I think Brennan is schiitting razor blades right now because investigators from the DOJ are getting close to this closet communist. It's apparent by his tirades against the President and the GOP each time he appears on CNN. I expect that he will do many more interviews where he calls Trump a clear and present danger to our country, of course the clear and present danger is to this traitor.
See: https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy....sm-and-sharia/
Let's assume that everything stated by Mr. Fontova is true. The question for all of us should be - Who IS John Brennan and how did he get appointed to head the CIA?
The guy really seems to be an avowed Leftist. How does he get past some sort of scrutiny or oversight process with his record? Unbelievable.
No doubt, you sometimes have to make a deal with the Devil but far too often, the CIA's "intelligence" seems to have been WAY off the mark - so much so that it almost seems to have been "Fake" intelligence. How could the CIA have been "fooled" into thinking that Castro and Che Guevara were harmless revolutionaries who would bring democracy to Cuba?
Did the CIA really know that Saddam had WMDs? If so, where are those weapons? Were the weapons all shepherded out of Iraq into Syria?
How many times did the CIA have bin Laden pinpointed but were unable to persuade the President to apply the death blow?
Has the CIA been fooled for decades into believing that Pakistan was really helping in our efforts to destroy the Taliban and al Qaeda?
Why did the CIA involve the Five Eyes nations in spying on Trump? How could the CIA possibly think that Trump could have been a Russian agent?
How and why does a former CIA head get a gig on CNN and why? Who could possibly believe anything this man has to say?
Did the CIA really know that Saddam had WMDs? If so, where are those weapons?
Word on the street is yes. We covertly sold him some anthrax weapons ( which he never used against Iran in the 80's, then when he invaded Kuwait, the higher ups knew he had them, but
had to hide the fact that he got them from us.) and made thousands of our troops take untested anthrax vaccines before deploying .

One of my brothers has epilepsy from it . (Marines - FA-18 mechanic in Gulf 1)

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