What "concessions" would you accept if Trump demanded them from Democrats?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?
Last edited:
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?

No concessions needed or warranted. He lost. That's the way elections in this country work.
There's no "bargaining" here. He needs to concede and agree to an orderly transition of power.
If he wants to keep filing his wanking lawsuits, he may.
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?
As already correctly noted: Trump has lost the election; he’s been voted out of office – he’s in no position to ‘demand’ anything.

The only appropriate action for Trump is to give a concession speech, stop the baseless, meritless lawsuits, and not interfere with the transition to the new administration.
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?
The impeachment of Trump was perfectly appropriate and warranted – and the people have acted accordingly by doing what Senate Republicans failed to do – the people remove Trump from office.
No concessions needed or warranted. He lost. That's the way elections in this country work.
There's no "bargaining" here. He needs to concede and agree to an orderly transition of power.
If he wants to keep filing his wanking lawsuits, he may.

Dear JackOfNoTrades
if only the Taxpayers who agree to press a Class Action lawsuit
can claim shares in receipts of debts or damages reimbursed,
are you SURE you want to be in the class of taxpayers that PAY TAXES for all the abuses and grievances named?

Wouldn't you prefer to be in the class of taxpayers COMPLAINING and demanding reimbursement
of any and all taxes, debts and damages incurred due to party abuses of govt?
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?
As already correctly noted: Trump has lost the election; he’s been voted out of office – he’s in no position to ‘demand’ anything.

The only appropriate action for Trump is to give a concession speech, stop the baseless, meritless lawsuits, and not interfere with the transition to the new administration.

Dear C_Clayton_Jones
Are you willing to bear the cost of abuses, debts and damages as a taxpayer?
If you don't mind sharing the tax burden and debts, you are free to waive your right to
collect as a complainant.

Decide which class you want to belong to.
The people denouncing abuses and demanding reimbursement to taxpayers for wrongs of abusing govt,
or the people "denying" these are wrongful and thus being blamed for how the violations occur.

You can name your own grievances and demands as well.
If you prefer to be refunded for wrongs by any party, the Republicans or Trump,
just name the wrongs and abuses, assess the costs incurred,
and the solutions where you would agree to invest those credits
in order to fully resolve the conflicts, objections, wrongdoing and grievances.

If you do not participate, others will decide for you what
does and does not get resolved, addressed or reimbursed.

It's your choice.

If you don't want your tax money abused, then we need
a better system of managing where it gets paid.
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?

No concessions needed or warranted. He lost. That's the way elections in this country work.
There's no "bargaining" here. He needs to concede and agree to an orderly transition of power.
If he wants to keep filing his wanking lawsuits, he may.
Tata shitta do notta worka any mora! Should Non Progs do what Progs do like start Forest Fires?
No concessions needed or warranted. He lost. That's the way elections in this country work.
There's no "bargaining" here. He needs to concede and agree to an orderly transition of power.
If he wants to keep filing his wanking lawsuits, he may.

Dear JackOfNoTrades
if only the Taxpayers who agree to press a Class Action lawsuit
can claim shares in receipts of debts or damages reimbursed,
are you SURE you want to be in the class of taxpayers that PAY TAXES for all the abuses and grievances named?

Wouldn't you prefer to be in the class of taxpayers COMPLAINING and demanding reimbursement
of any and all taxes, debts and damages incurred due to party abuses of govt?

WTF are you blathering about? Donald Trump LOST the election.
There is nothing to negotiate. Nothing to bargain for. There ARE NO grievances.
The people spoke and voted him out.
Agree to an orderly transition of power.
If he has no interest in being President anymore, step down and let Pence drive the bus for two months.
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?
Like Clinton … IF he's entitled to state paid recount, he should have it. No concessions are needed or requested. IF he's entitled to a recount he pays for, he should get it, but if it's my state I'd hope they made him prepay because he is notorious for not paying legal costs.

IF he has any evidence of fraud, he should present it to state authorities. IF he has evidence of systemic fraud that could flip a state, he should use any legal avenue available. If he files any court actions based on obviously false facts, or facts that can't support the remedy he wants, he should be personally sanctioned monetarily to cover the cost of legal proceedings.

There's no real comparison to Fla. The total votes there were just a 100 or so. The real issue was whether Gore should have gotten the votes to Buchanan from Dade County, that really were intended for Gore. But of course, he was not. Voters messed up their ballots. If there were any messed up ballots with multiple markings or missing pages or something, they should already have been set aside.
No concessions needed or warranted. He lost. That's the way elections in this country work.
There's no "bargaining" here. He needs to concede and agree to an orderly transition of power.
If he wants to keep filing his wanking lawsuits, he may.

Dear JackOfNoTrades
if only the Taxpayers who agree to press a Class Action lawsuit
can claim shares in receipts of debts or damages reimbursed,
are you SURE you want to be in the class of taxpayers that PAY TAXES for all the abuses and grievances named?

Wouldn't you prefer to be in the class of taxpayers COMPLAINING and demanding reimbursement
of any and all taxes, debts and damages incurred due to party abuses of govt?

WTF are you blathering about? Donald Trump LOST the election.
There is nothing to negotiate. Nothing to bargain for. There ARE NO grievances.
The people spoke and voted him out.
Agree to an orderly transition of power.
If he has no interest in being President anymore, step down and let Pence drive the bus for two months.
Dear JackOfNoTrades
There are still grievances not resolved from billions in contested war spending under Bush, and likewise under Obama's unconstitutional ACA mandates and corporate handouts to insurance interests.
Because citizens cannot be taxed without representation and consent, which causes involuntary servitude, we have the right to redress grievances.

I know these are still outstanding because I hear from citizens from various parties and beliefs who do not agree to have their rights violated but demand corrections and public education to prevent further violations and abuses.

You have every right to give your consent, but no right to void the grievances of others who do not agree.

If you don't believe reparations are due to taxpayers, then don't pay, donate or invest in demands for corrections.

But neither you nor I have any right to prevent others from demanding, investing and paying for corrections to abuses, violations, and complaints by other citizens who have equal rights to representation, due process, and redress of grievances.
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?
You lost. The losers don't get to ask for concessions.

Get over it.
No concessions needed or warranted. He lost. That's the way elections in this country work.
There's no "bargaining" here. He needs to concede and agree to an orderly transition of power.
If he wants to keep filing his wanking lawsuits, he may.

Dear JackOfNoTrades
if only the Taxpayers who agree to press a Class Action lawsuit
can claim shares in receipts of debts or damages reimbursed,
are you SURE you want to be in the class of taxpayers that PAY TAXES for all the abuses and grievances named?

Wouldn't you prefer to be in the class of taxpayers COMPLAINING and demanding reimbursement
of any and all taxes, debts and damages incurred due to party abuses of govt?

WTF are you blathering about? Donald Trump LOST the election.
There is nothing to negotiate. Nothing to bargain for. There ARE NO grievances.
The people spoke and voted him out.
Agree to an orderly transition of power.
If he has no interest in being President anymore, step down and let Pence drive the bus for two months.
Dear JackOfNoTrades
There are still grievances not resolved from billions in contested war spending under Bush, and likewise under Obama's unconstitutional ACA mandates and corporate handouts to insurance interests.
Because citizens cannot be taxed without representation and consent, which causes involuntary servitude, we have the right to redress grievances.

I know these are still outstanding because I hear from citizens from various parties and beliefs who do not agree to have their rights violated but demand corrections and public education to prevent further violations and abuses.

You have every right to give your consent, but no right to void the grievances of others who do not agree.

If you don't believe reparations are due to taxpayers, then don't pay, donate or invest in demands for corrections.

But neither you nor I have any right to prevent others from demanding, investing and paying for corrections to abuses, violations, and complaints by other citizens who have equal rights to representation, due process, and redress of grievances.

While this is very flowery prose, it's also a complete waste of time and energy. No reparations are forthcoming for anyone who feels aggrieved.
Your assertion of abuses, violations, and complaints are opinion, not fact. Taxes, even the ACA were enacted by law voted on and approved by Congress and the President.
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?
As already correctly noted: Trump has lost the election; he’s been voted out of office – he’s in no position to ‘demand’ anything.

The only appropriate action for Trump is to give a concession speech, stop the baseless, meritless lawsuits, and not interfere with the transition to the new administration.

Dear C_Clayton_Jones
Are you willing to bear the cost of abuses, debts and damages as a taxpayer?
If you don't mind sharing the tax burden and debts, you are free to waive your right to
collect as a complainant.

Decide which class you want to belong to.
The people denouncing abuses and demanding reimbursement to taxpayers for wrongs of abusing govt,
or the people "denying" these are wrongful and thus being blamed for how the violations occur.

You can name your own grievances and demands as well.
If you prefer to be refunded for wrongs by any party, the Republicans or Trump,
just name the wrongs and abuses, assess the costs incurred,
and the solutions where you would agree to invest those credits
in order to fully resolve the conflicts, objections, wrongdoing and grievances.

If you do not participate, others will decide for you what
does and does not get resolved, addressed or reimbursed.

It's your choice.

If you don't want your tax money abused, then we need
a better system of managing where it gets paid.
What part of ‘Trump was voted out of office’ do you not understand.
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?
Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam'

Clinton also pushed for recounts in multiple states, and Gore spent 37 days seeking legal recourse before conceding.

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING and reimbursing taxpayers for all wrongful abuses and violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care.

These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.
www.earnedamnesty.org www.ethics-commission.net

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?

Wrong, right from the start. Clinton didn't request any recounts. She was advised to, particularly in the Terrible Trio of Michigan/Wisconsn/Pennsylvania which she lost by under 80,000 votes combined, but she declined and conceded within a day.

Biden by the way has now won those three by approximately 234,000 votes, with a few left to count, so he's effectively cancelled Rump's margin and then tripled it with his own. Let alone the other states he flipped.

Not exactly a position to be offering "concessions", is it.

The only "concessions" the Biden team needs to think about are the food vendors at the inauguration.

Hee hee.
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