What Black Supremacists and Their Allies Really Mean When They Label Their Racism “Prejudice”

You ain't going to do shit but step aside.
I have already done more for this world than your entire family ever will.

Your black supremacist dystopia is already dead.

All you've done is talk bullshit on the internet boy.
I have done much more than that actually, but if you were smart you would realize that the vast majority of social interaction is now on the internet.

Except I socially interact and the black groups I associate with are stronger than ever.
You are pampered and protected.

We are attacked and hunted.

We are far stronger than you ever will be.

Psychotic delusions of granduer. That is what happens when you allow some faceless manipulator to stroke your ego on the internet.

You would shit your panties if faced with a genuine revolutionary conflict.
Mass immigration did destroy what was left of America, and America already had its identity thoroughly destroyed by the late 80s early 90s so the damage that immigration from the 3rd world did was so pronounced that even I could see it after materialism had taken its course before I was born.

European countries actually had healthy indigenous cultures as late as the mid 2000s and that is now being visibly destroyed and churches are being burned every other week, mass rapes are uncovered every year, mass shootings and bombings are happening more and more frequently by invaders and the censorship that was previously only limited to Germany has spread to the entire continent in an attempt to keep the smart people in Europe from organizing and taking power to get rid of all this shit. “Far right” is just another word for intelligent thinking white person. That is why Europe banned Jared Taylor. They can’t handle someone who went to Yale and is now using that prestige against them. None of the pushes for mass immigration or “diversity” in Europe have ever been legitimate, they have always been done by disgusting racist people who don’t have the slightest appreciation for European art and history and that is why they will no longer be able to exist once racism against white people and the demolishing of beautiful indigenous cultures in Europe is stigmatized.

On the contrary, YOU don’t know what the fuck you are talking about you pathetic media drone. You claim to go to Europe and you undoubtedly see the destruction but yet you dare to tell me that I am crazy and stupid for not believing the insidious lies that Europe tells about “no-go zones” not existing when that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren turn against you and your cult of idiocy, denial and heartlessness either.

How could I be a "media drone", when unlike you, I have gotten out and sctually gone to Europe, as well as Africs, when it is you who has cowered at home and filled your empty head with outlandish stories of how Europe has been "destroyed" because of immigration?

How the fuck do you even manage to function on a day to day basis?

You ARE crazy. Any nut who spins the elaborate conspiracy hoaxes that you do,

You have still yet to name ONE individual who is currently incarcerated in Europe for "having a higher IQ".

As for you using Jared Taylor as sn example of someone who is being "victimized"by being BBC banned, give your stupid self a break.

He is banned because he is a racist nutcase who thinks he has reinvented himself by spewing white supremacist ideologies then denies what he actually is by having the audacity to call himself a"racial realist", when in fact, he is the same variety of dangerous lunatic that is capable of enciting cowardly social outcasts like you and taking you further to the brink of insanity and finally off of the edge.

My grandchildren will be just fine because they have been taught from an early age how to decipher the unhinged rhetoric of vermin like Jared Taylor and his followers like you.

You need professional intervention by a psychiatrist.

have you ever "gotten out" and listened to or read anything Jared Taylor has said or do you just judge him based on reputation alone?

Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

Defend your "heritage" to your hearts content.

I have no dog in that fight....however. I have family here that goes back many generations and your "heritage" is no more sacred than any other American citizens.

When the Jared Taylors of the world wage a verbal assault on non white citizens of America or any other country as less intelligent or civilized than him, and his gaggle of racist goons, that does not equal defense of any heritage.

That is ignorance that deserves to be exposed.
Jared Taylor went to Yale back when it wasn’t a Democrat diploma mill and when it actually meant something to get a college degree from any university.

He is far more intelligent and civilized than anyone who disputes his claims.
I have already done more for this world than your entire family ever will.

Your black supremacist dystopia is already dead.

All you've done is talk bullshit on the internet boy.
I have done much more than that actually, but if you were smart you would realize that the vast majority of social interaction is now on the internet.

Except I socially interact and the black groups I associate with are stronger than ever.
You are pampered and protected.

We are attacked and hunted.

We are far stronger than you ever will be.

Psychotic delusions of granduer. That is what happens when you allow some faceless manipulator to stroke your ego on the internet.

You would shit your panties if faced with a genuine revolutionary conflict.
The only true fear I have is losing control of my own mind(which is partly why I so oppose intoxicants of any kind). That is the only reason why a revolution might scare me a bit.

Otherwise I laugh at the future that most people dread more than anything. After I realized that the world wasn’t anything like I had been taught it was as a child I realized that mass bloodshed is the only option for this world and once that happens things will actually be a lot better than the twilight zone that we are living in now.
How could I be a "media drone", when unlike you, I have gotten out and sctually gone to Europe, as well as Africs, when it is you who has cowered at home and filled your empty head with outlandish stories of how Europe has been "destroyed" because of immigration?

How the fuck do you even manage to function on a day to day basis?

You ARE crazy. Any nut who spins the elaborate conspiracy hoaxes that you do,

You have still yet to name ONE individual who is currently incarcerated in Europe for "having a higher IQ".

As for you using Jared Taylor as sn example of someone who is being "victimized"by being BBC banned, give your stupid self a break.

He is banned because he is a racist nutcase who thinks he has reinvented himself by spewing white supremacist ideologies then denies what he actually is by having the audacity to call himself a"racial realist", when in fact, he is the same variety of dangerous lunatic that is capable of enciting cowardly social outcasts like you and taking you further to the brink of insanity and finally off of the edge.

My grandchildren will be just fine because they have been taught from an early age how to decipher the unhinged rhetoric of vermin like Jared Taylor and his followers like you.

You need professional intervention by a psychiatrist.

have you ever "gotten out" and listened to or read anything Jared Taylor has said or do you just judge him based on reputation alone?

Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

Defend your "heritage" to your hearts content.

I have no dog in that fight....however. I have family here that goes back many generations and your "heritage" is no more sacred than any other American citizens.

When the Jared Taylors of the world wage a verbal assault on non white citizens of America or any other country as less intelligent or civilized than him, and his gaggle of racist goons, that does not equal defense of any heritage.

That is ignorance that deserves to be exposed.

When has he ever "waged a verbal assault" on other countries?

Whites are censoring themselves if and when these laws take effect.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.

Mass immigration did not "destroy America". So why would i
I already knew that it had not taken effect yet, you dunce. I've been to Europe several times, and going again this summer.

That was my point. You are attempting to make it appear that the oppresion and discrimination is happening this very moment.

It is not even a guaranteed fact that article 10 and 13 will not be ammended before it is implemented.

As far as my grandchildren go, they will surpass you in leaps and bounds.. by the time they are in their first year of college.

So, by name, WHO is IN PRISON, IN EUROPE this very moment "for having a higher IQ"?

Name just one person and the facts surrounding their sentencing.
The oppression and discrimination have been going on in Europe for decades. Hate speech laws only affect indigenous Europeans because “hate” is interpreted to mean “racism” and “racism” is considered to be a white thing(as is the point of this very thread that you are too stupid to grasp).

Only stupid people don’t understand how fucked up Europe is and the smarter people who do try to give the government the verbal retribution that they deserve are usually arrested. Institutionalized censorship protects stupid people, and the people who are hiding behind censorship are the idiots of the European left.

You don't know WTF you're rambling about.
For the last time, name someone there who has been arrested for being "smarter" than the rest of the population as it relates to immigration,

You will not because you can't.
Mass immigration did destroy what was left of America, and America already had its identity thoroughly destroyed by the late 80s early 90s so the damage that immigration from the 3rd world did was so pronounced that even I could see it after materialism had taken its course before I was born.

European countries actually had healthy indigenous cultures as late as the mid 2000s and that is now being visibly destroyed and churches are being burned every other week, mass rapes are uncovered every year, mass shootings and bombings are happening more and more frequently by invaders and the censorship that was previously only limited to Germany has spread to the entire continent in an attempt to keep the smart people in Europe from organizing and taking power to get rid of all this shit. “Far right” is just another word for intelligent thinking white person. That is why Europe banned Jared Taylor. They can’t handle someone who went to Yale and is now using that prestige against them. None of the pushes for mass immigration or “diversity” in Europe have ever been legitimate, they have always been done by disgusting racist people who don’t have the slightest appreciation for European art and history and that is why they will no longer be able to exist once racism against white people and the demolishing of beautiful indigenous cultures in Europe is stigmatized.

On the contrary, YOU don’t know what the fuck you are talking about you pathetic media drone. You claim to go to Europe and you undoubtedly see the destruction but yet you dare to tell me that I am crazy and stupid for not believing the insidious lies that Europe tells about “no-go zones” not existing when that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren turn against you and your cult of idiocy, denial and heartlessness either.

How could I be a "media drone", when unlike you, I have gotten out and sctually gone to Europe, as well as Africs, when it is you who has cowered at home and filled your empty head with outlandish stories of how Europe has been "destroyed" because of immigration?

How the fuck do you even manage to function on a day to day basis?

You ARE crazy. Any nut who spins the elaborate conspiracy hoaxes that you do,

You have still yet to name ONE individual who is currently incarcerated in Europe for "having a higher IQ".

As for you using Jared Taylor as sn example of someone who is being "victimized"by being BBC banned, give your stupid self a break.

He is banned because he is a racist nutcase who thinks he has reinvented himself by spewing white supremacist ideologies then denies what he actually is by having the audacity to call himself a"racial realist", when in fact, he is the same variety of dangerous lunatic that is capable of enciting cowardly social outcasts like you and taking you further to the brink of insanity and finally off of the edge.

My grandchildren will be just fine because they have been taught from an early age how to decipher the unhinged rhetoric of vermin like Jared Taylor and his followers like you.

You need professional intervention by a psychiatrist.
I function in this world because I know that I am better than everything this world wants me to believe is great. I function in this world because I know that I am always on the right side of history. I am not on the side of the demons who tried to cover up Rotherham or Cologne, but YOU are. I function in this world because I know that if I am imprisoned tomorrow or sometime in the future for what I have said and will continue to say, then at the very least I am as much of a martyr as any civil rights icon that has been deified today. I function in this world because I know that if Hell exists all of my enemies and foes will be going to the deepest circle. I function in this world because I know I have been right about everything for longer than most people have ever even been able to contemplate being wrong.

Everyone imprisoned for “hate speech” is more intelligent than anyone who helped create the law that imprisoned them. The only people capable of understanding the importance of free speech all belong to the right, and the only people dumb enough to want to get rid of it are on the left. In Europe “the right” is almost exclusively comprised of pro-white nationalists, so that makes them the most intelligent of the European population just by that fact alone.

It is only your limited intellect that keeps you from seeing how fucked up it is for Jared Taylor to be banned from Europe when he has never harmed a fly and when he is a rightful descendant of Britain more than even the Queen herself and yet any ISIS member can come to Europe any time they want after murdering countless numbers of people and kill Europeans with no one even watching them. Jared Taylor is far far too soft spoken for this world. He really believed that if biology was truly taken seriously when it comes to human beings that integration and globalism would be stopped. He was wrong. It isn’t ignorance that caused the rape and destruction of Europe and the west, it was pure evil. Whether that is all the Jews or just psychopaths in general it matters not.

Your grandchildren will either step aside and allow justice to be done, or they will be pushed aside. Retribution will be exacted either way.

My grandchildren will be just fine and will thrive in a world that embraces education instead of ignorance.

They will be making decisions in ventures of their own or in the fortune 500 sector, while ignorant, laborer miscreants like you clean up the shit left behind by that those who understand that education is the new currency and will take advantage of what the world has to offer, instead of cowering from society in secrecy on the internet.

I hope I live to see it.
have you ever "gotten out" and listened to or read anything Jared Taylor has said or do you just judge him based on reputation alone?

Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

Defend your "heritage" to your hearts content.

I have no dog in that fight....however. I have family here that goes back many generations and your "heritage" is no more sacred than any other American citizens.

When the Jared Taylors of the world wage a verbal assault on non white citizens of America or any other country as less intelligent or civilized than him, and his gaggle of racist goons, that does not equal defense of any heritage.

That is ignorance that deserves to be exposed.

When has he ever "waged a verbal assault" on other countries?

None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.

Mass immigration did not "destroy America". So why would i
The oppression and discrimination have been going on in Europe for decades. Hate speech laws only affect indigenous Europeans because “hate” is interpreted to mean “racism” and “racism” is considered to be a white thing(as is the point of this very thread that you are too stupid to grasp).

Only stupid people don’t understand how fucked up Europe is and the smarter people who do try to give the government the verbal retribution that they deserve are usually arrested. Institutionalized censorship protects stupid people, and the people who are hiding behind censorship are the idiots of the European left.

You don't know WTF you're rambling about.
For the last time, name someone there who has been arrested for being "smarter" than the rest of the population as it relates to immigration,

You will not because you can't.
Mass immigration did destroy what was left of America, and America already had its identity thoroughly destroyed by the late 80s early 90s so the damage that immigration from the 3rd world did was so pronounced that even I could see it after materialism had taken its course before I was born.

European countries actually had healthy indigenous cultures as late as the mid 2000s and that is now being visibly destroyed and churches are being burned every other week, mass rapes are uncovered every year, mass shootings and bombings are happening more and more frequently by invaders and the censorship that was previously only limited to Germany has spread to the entire continent in an attempt to keep the smart people in Europe from organizing and taking power to get rid of all this shit. “Far right” is just another word for intelligent thinking white person. That is why Europe banned Jared Taylor. They can’t handle someone who went to Yale and is now using that prestige against them. None of the pushes for mass immigration or “diversity” in Europe have ever been legitimate, they have always been done by disgusting racist people who don’t have the slightest appreciation for European art and history and that is why they will no longer be able to exist once racism against white people and the demolishing of beautiful indigenous cultures in Europe is stigmatized.

On the contrary, YOU don’t know what the fuck you are talking about you pathetic media drone. You claim to go to Europe and you undoubtedly see the destruction but yet you dare to tell me that I am crazy and stupid for not believing the insidious lies that Europe tells about “no-go zones” not existing when that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren turn against you and your cult of idiocy, denial and heartlessness either.

How could I be a "media drone", when unlike you, I have gotten out and sctually gone to Europe, as well as Africs, when it is you who has cowered at home and filled your empty head with outlandish stories of how Europe has been "destroyed" because of immigration?

How the fuck do you even manage to function on a day to day basis?

You ARE crazy. Any nut who spins the elaborate conspiracy hoaxes that you do,

You have still yet to name ONE individual who is currently incarcerated in Europe for "having a higher IQ".

As for you using Jared Taylor as sn example of someone who is being "victimized"by being BBC banned, give your stupid self a break.

He is banned because he is a racist nutcase who thinks he has reinvented himself by spewing white supremacist ideologies then denies what he actually is by having the audacity to call himself a"racial realist", when in fact, he is the same variety of dangerous lunatic that is capable of enciting cowardly social outcasts like you and taking you further to the brink of insanity and finally off of the edge.

My grandchildren will be just fine because they have been taught from an early age how to decipher the unhinged rhetoric of vermin like Jared Taylor and his followers like you.

You need professional intervention by a psychiatrist.
I function in this world because I know that I am better than everything this world wants me to believe is great. I function in this world because I know that I am always on the right side of history. I am not on the side of the demons who tried to cover up Rotherham or Cologne, but YOU are. I function in this world because I know that if I am imprisoned tomorrow or sometime in the future for what I have said and will continue to say, then at the very least I am as much of a martyr as any civil rights icon that has been deified today. I function in this world because I know that if Hell exists all of my enemies and foes will be going to the deepest circle. I function in this world because I know I have been right about everything for longer than most people have ever even been able to contemplate being wrong.

Everyone imprisoned for “hate speech” is more intelligent than anyone who helped create the law that imprisoned them. The only people capable of understanding the importance of free speech all belong to the right, and the only people dumb enough to want to get rid of it are on the left. In Europe “the right” is almost exclusively comprised of pro-white nationalists, so that makes them the most intelligent of the European population just by that fact alone.

It is only your limited intellect that keeps you from seeing how fucked up it is for Jared Taylor to be banned from Europe when he has never harmed a fly and when he is a rightful descendant of Britain more than even the Queen herself and yet any ISIS member can come to Europe any time they want after murdering countless numbers of people and kill Europeans with no one even watching them. Jared Taylor is far far too soft spoken for this world. He really believed that if biology was truly taken seriously when it comes to human beings that integration and globalism would be stopped. He was wrong. It isn’t ignorance that caused the rape and destruction of Europe and the west, it was pure evil. Whether that is all the Jews or just psychopaths in general it matters not.

Your grandchildren will either step aside and allow justice to be done, or they will be pushed aside. Retribution will be exacted either way.

My grandchildren will be just fine and will thrive in a world that embraces education instead of ignorance.

They will be making decisions in ventures of their own or in the fortune 500 sector, while ignorant, laborer miscreants like you clean up the shit left behind by that those who understand that education is the new currency and will take advantage of what the world has to offer, instead of cowering from society in secrecy on the internet.

I hope I live to see it.
Your grandchildren will be failures just like you are.

Meanwhile I will be educated and infiltrating everything just like I am doing right now.
How could I be a "media drone", when unlike you, I have gotten out and sctually gone to Europe, as well as Africs, when it is you who has cowered at home and filled your empty head with outlandish stories of how Europe has been "destroyed" because of immigration?

How the fuck do you even manage to function on a day to day basis?

You ARE crazy. Any nut who spins the elaborate conspiracy hoaxes that you do,

You have still yet to name ONE individual who is currently incarcerated in Europe for "having a higher IQ".

As for you using Jared Taylor as sn example of someone who is being "victimized"by being BBC banned, give your stupid self a break.

He is banned because he is a racist nutcase who thinks he has reinvented himself by spewing white supremacist ideologies then denies what he actually is by having the audacity to call himself a"racial realist", when in fact, he is the same variety of dangerous lunatic that is capable of enciting cowardly social outcasts like you and taking you further to the brink of insanity and finally off of the edge.

My grandchildren will be just fine because they have been taught from an early age how to decipher the unhinged rhetoric of vermin like Jared Taylor and his followers like you.

You need professional intervention by a psychiatrist.

have you ever "gotten out" and listened to or read anything Jared Taylor has said or do you just judge him based on reputation alone?

Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

Defend your "heritage" to your hearts content.

I have no dog in that fight....however. I have family here that goes back many generations and your "heritage" is no more sacred than any other American citizens.

When the Jared Taylors of the world wage a verbal assault on non white citizens of America or any other country as less intelligent or civilized than him, and his gaggle of racist goons, that does not equal defense of any heritage.

That is ignorance that deserves to be exposed.
Jared Taylor went to Yale back when it wasn’t a Democrat diploma mill and when it actually meant something to get a college degree from any university.

He is far more intelligent and civilized than anyone who disputes his claims.

I suppose that he is. He figured out that there was a future in manipulating demoralized, angry little guys like you.
Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

You aren't defending white heritage. You want to force people into white supremacy. There are plenty of existing celebrations of white heritage.

What celebrations? You mean dumb festivals where fat ass people stand around outside getting drunk on green beer or eating half cooked sausage? No thanks. That's not a celebration of heritage.

White heritage is not in any danger of elimination.

It is though. Nobody else other than white Europeans and Americans are pressured to disavow their ancestors. Does anyone batter you with reminders of the atrocities committed by African warlords every time you express your black pride?

No it isn't. And stop your fucking crying. Whites for 300 years were Mr Bolo bad ass. They oppressed others with impunity and the law allowed them to do it. If you didn't want to be battered , you should not hattered others with white supremacy.

I have said many times that there are laws that supersede mans law. And that whites could change and not face the penalties God imposes on those who have done what whites have done. Those like you laughed at that. One was so bold as to tell me to challenge God to get help. So what you are experiencing now is a lesson. The lord said "what ye sows, ye shall also reap." You sowed hate and misery, That is now what you will reap.

God is no acceptor of excuses. He is not concerned about your whining about the sins of your fathers. You can't gaslight the lord. You are not pressured to do anything but end the racism of your ancestors. You don't get to make white supremacy part of white heritage.

Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

Defend your "heritage" to your hearts content.

I have no dog in that fight....however. I have family here that goes back many generations and your "heritage" is no more sacred than any other American citizens.

When the Jared Taylors of the world wage a verbal assault on non white citizens of America or any other country as less intelligent or civilized than him, and his gaggle of racist goons, that does not equal defense of any heritage.

That is ignorance that deserves to be exposed.

When has he ever "waged a verbal assault" on other countries?

Mass immigration did not "destroy America". So why would i
You don't know WTF you're rambling about.
For the last time, name someone there who has been arrested for being "smarter" than the rest of the population as it relates to immigration,

You will not because you can't.
Mass immigration did destroy what was left of America, and America already had its identity thoroughly destroyed by the late 80s early 90s so the damage that immigration from the 3rd world did was so pronounced that even I could see it after materialism had taken its course before I was born.

European countries actually had healthy indigenous cultures as late as the mid 2000s and that is now being visibly destroyed and churches are being burned every other week, mass rapes are uncovered every year, mass shootings and bombings are happening more and more frequently by invaders and the censorship that was previously only limited to Germany has spread to the entire continent in an attempt to keep the smart people in Europe from organizing and taking power to get rid of all this shit. “Far right” is just another word for intelligent thinking white person. That is why Europe banned Jared Taylor. They can’t handle someone who went to Yale and is now using that prestige against them. None of the pushes for mass immigration or “diversity” in Europe have ever been legitimate, they have always been done by disgusting racist people who don’t have the slightest appreciation for European art and history and that is why they will no longer be able to exist once racism against white people and the demolishing of beautiful indigenous cultures in Europe is stigmatized.

On the contrary, YOU don’t know what the fuck you are talking about you pathetic media drone. You claim to go to Europe and you undoubtedly see the destruction but yet you dare to tell me that I am crazy and stupid for not believing the insidious lies that Europe tells about “no-go zones” not existing when that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren turn against you and your cult of idiocy, denial and heartlessness either.

How could I be a "media drone", when unlike you, I have gotten out and sctually gone to Europe, as well as Africs, when it is you who has cowered at home and filled your empty head with outlandish stories of how Europe has been "destroyed" because of immigration?

How the fuck do you even manage to function on a day to day basis?

You ARE crazy. Any nut who spins the elaborate conspiracy hoaxes that you do,

You have still yet to name ONE individual who is currently incarcerated in Europe for "having a higher IQ".

As for you using Jared Taylor as sn example of someone who is being "victimized"by being BBC banned, give your stupid self a break.

He is banned because he is a racist nutcase who thinks he has reinvented himself by spewing white supremacist ideologies then denies what he actually is by having the audacity to call himself a"racial realist", when in fact, he is the same variety of dangerous lunatic that is capable of enciting cowardly social outcasts like you and taking you further to the brink of insanity and finally off of the edge.

My grandchildren will be just fine because they have been taught from an early age how to decipher the unhinged rhetoric of vermin like Jared Taylor and his followers like you.

You need professional intervention by a psychiatrist.
I function in this world because I know that I am better than everything this world wants me to believe is great. I function in this world because I know that I am always on the right side of history. I am not on the side of the demons who tried to cover up Rotherham or Cologne, but YOU are. I function in this world because I know that if I am imprisoned tomorrow or sometime in the future for what I have said and will continue to say, then at the very least I am as much of a martyr as any civil rights icon that has been deified today. I function in this world because I know that if Hell exists all of my enemies and foes will be going to the deepest circle. I function in this world because I know I have been right about everything for longer than most people have ever even been able to contemplate being wrong.

Everyone imprisoned for “hate speech” is more intelligent than anyone who helped create the law that imprisoned them. The only people capable of understanding the importance of free speech all belong to the right, and the only people dumb enough to want to get rid of it are on the left. In Europe “the right” is almost exclusively comprised of pro-white nationalists, so that makes them the most intelligent of the European population just by that fact alone.

It is only your limited intellect that keeps you from seeing how fucked up it is for Jared Taylor to be banned from Europe when he has never harmed a fly and when he is a rightful descendant of Britain more than even the Queen herself and yet any ISIS member can come to Europe any time they want after murdering countless numbers of people and kill Europeans with no one even watching them. Jared Taylor is far far too soft spoken for this world. He really believed that if biology was truly taken seriously when it comes to human beings that integration and globalism would be stopped. He was wrong. It isn’t ignorance that caused the rape and destruction of Europe and the west, it was pure evil. Whether that is all the Jews or just psychopaths in general it matters not.

Your grandchildren will either step aside and allow justice to be done, or they will be pushed aside. Retribution will be exacted either way.

My grandchildren will be just fine and will thrive in a world that embraces education instead of ignorance.

They will be making decisions in ventures of their own or in the fortune 500 sector, while ignorant, laborer miscreants like you clean up the shit left behind by that those who understand that education is the new currency and will take advantage of what the world has to offer, instead of cowering from society in secrecy on the internet.

I hope I live to see it.
Your grandchildren will be failures just like you are.

Meanwhile I will be educated and infiltrating everything just like I am doing right now.

No grandchild of mine will drive a foklift or stock shelves at a hardware store by day, and be brainwashed by night on the internet.

They will do far better than I have, which means that a waste of flesh like you will wash their dishes or park their cars.
Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

Defend your "heritage" to your hearts content.

I have no dog in that fight....however. I have family here that goes back many generations and your "heritage" is no more sacred than any other American citizens.

When the Jared Taylors of the world wage a verbal assault on non white citizens of America or any other country as less intelligent or civilized than him, and his gaggle of racist goons, that does not equal defense of any heritage.

That is ignorance that deserves to be exposed.

When has he ever "waged a verbal assault" on other countries?

Mass immigration did not "destroy America". So why would i
You don't know WTF you're rambling about.
For the last time, name someone there who has been arrested for being "smarter" than the rest of the population as it relates to immigration,

You will not because you can't.
Mass immigration did destroy what was left of America, and America already had its identity thoroughly destroyed by the late 80s early 90s so the damage that immigration from the 3rd world did was so pronounced that even I could see it after materialism had taken its course before I was born.

European countries actually had healthy indigenous cultures as late as the mid 2000s and that is now being visibly destroyed and churches are being burned every other week, mass rapes are uncovered every year, mass shootings and bombings are happening more and more frequently by invaders and the censorship that was previously only limited to Germany has spread to the entire continent in an attempt to keep the smart people in Europe from organizing and taking power to get rid of all this shit. “Far right” is just another word for intelligent thinking white person. That is why Europe banned Jared Taylor. They can’t handle someone who went to Yale and is now using that prestige against them. None of the pushes for mass immigration or “diversity” in Europe have ever been legitimate, they have always been done by disgusting racist people who don’t have the slightest appreciation for European art and history and that is why they will no longer be able to exist once racism against white people and the demolishing of beautiful indigenous cultures in Europe is stigmatized.

On the contrary, YOU don’t know what the fuck you are talking about you pathetic media drone. You claim to go to Europe and you undoubtedly see the destruction but yet you dare to tell me that I am crazy and stupid for not believing the insidious lies that Europe tells about “no-go zones” not existing when that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren turn against you and your cult of idiocy, denial and heartlessness either.

How could I be a "media drone", when unlike you, I have gotten out and sctually gone to Europe, as well as Africs, when it is you who has cowered at home and filled your empty head with outlandish stories of how Europe has been "destroyed" because of immigration?

How the fuck do you even manage to function on a day to day basis?

You ARE crazy. Any nut who spins the elaborate conspiracy hoaxes that you do,

You have still yet to name ONE individual who is currently incarcerated in Europe for "having a higher IQ".

As for you using Jared Taylor as sn example of someone who is being "victimized"by being BBC banned, give your stupid self a break.

He is banned because he is a racist nutcase who thinks he has reinvented himself by spewing white supremacist ideologies then denies what he actually is by having the audacity to call himself a"racial realist", when in fact, he is the same variety of dangerous lunatic that is capable of enciting cowardly social outcasts like you and taking you further to the brink of insanity and finally off of the edge.

My grandchildren will be just fine because they have been taught from an early age how to decipher the unhinged rhetoric of vermin like Jared Taylor and his followers like you.

You need professional intervention by a psychiatrist.
I function in this world because I know that I am better than everything this world wants me to believe is great. I function in this world because I know that I am always on the right side of history. I am not on the side of the demons who tried to cover up Rotherham or Cologne, but YOU are. I function in this world because I know that if I am imprisoned tomorrow or sometime in the future for what I have said and will continue to say, then at the very least I am as much of a martyr as any civil rights icon that has been deified today. I function in this world because I know that if Hell exists all of my enemies and foes will be going to the deepest circle. I function in this world because I know I have been right about everything for longer than most people have ever even been able to contemplate being wrong.

Everyone imprisoned for “hate speech” is more intelligent than anyone who helped create the law that imprisoned them. The only people capable of understanding the importance of free speech all belong to the right, and the only people dumb enough to want to get rid of it are on the left. In Europe “the right” is almost exclusively comprised of pro-white nationalists, so that makes them the most intelligent of the European population just by that fact alone.

It is only your limited intellect that keeps you from seeing how fucked up it is for Jared Taylor to be banned from Europe when he has never harmed a fly and when he is a rightful descendant of Britain more than even the Queen herself and yet any ISIS member can come to Europe any time they want after murdering countless numbers of people and kill Europeans with no one even watching them. Jared Taylor is far far too soft spoken for this world. He really believed that if biology was truly taken seriously when it comes to human beings that integration and globalism would be stopped. He was wrong. It isn’t ignorance that caused the rape and destruction of Europe and the west, it was pure evil. Whether that is all the Jews or just psychopaths in general it matters not.

Your grandchildren will either step aside and allow justice to be done, or they will be pushed aside. Retribution will be exacted either way.

My grandchildren will be just fine and will thrive in a world that embraces education instead of ignorance.

They will be making decisions in ventures of their own or in the fortune 500 sector, while ignorant, laborer miscreants like you clean up the shit left behind by that those who understand that education is the new currency and will take advantage of what the world has to offer, instead of cowering from society in secrecy on the internet.

I hope I live to see it.
Your grandchildren will be failures just like you are.

Meanwhile I will be educated and infiltrating everything just like I am doing right now.

I tell you what, from what I know about katsteve, if his grandchildren fail like he did, they'll be running the country and running you out of it.
How could I be a "media drone", when unlike you, I have gotten out and sctually gone to Europe, as well as Africs, when it is you who has cowered at home and filled your empty head with outlandish stories of how Europe has been "destroyed" because of immigration?

How the fuck do you even manage to function on a day to day basis?

You ARE crazy. Any nut who spins the elaborate conspiracy hoaxes that you do,

You have still yet to name ONE individual who is currently incarcerated in Europe for "having a higher IQ".

As for you using Jared Taylor as sn example of someone who is being "victimized"by being BBC banned, give your stupid self a break.

He is banned because he is a racist nutcase who thinks he has reinvented himself by spewing white supremacist ideologies then denies what he actually is by having the audacity to call himself a"racial realist", when in fact, he is the same variety of dangerous lunatic that is capable of enciting cowardly social outcasts like you and taking you further to the brink of insanity and finally off of the edge.

My grandchildren will be just fine because they have been taught from an early age how to decipher the unhinged rhetoric of vermin like Jared Taylor and his followers like you.

You need professional intervention by a psychiatrist.

have you ever "gotten out" and listened to or read anything Jared Taylor has said or do you just judge him based on reputation alone?

Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

You aren't defending white heritage. You want to force people into white supremacy. There are plenty of existing celebrations of white heritage.

What celebrations? You mean dumb festivals where fat ass people stand around outside getting drunk on green beer or eating half cooked sausage? No thanks. That's not a celebration of heritage.

Then what is? Marching in jackboots and chanting "You will not replace us"?
First of all I am sure everyone knows what the actual definition of the word “prejudice” means, but in case you don’t, here it is:
the definition of prejudice
an unfavorable opinion or feeling formedbeforehand or without knowledge,thought, or reason.

Notice how it has nothing to do with race specifically. And also notice how it doesn’t involve actual action merely thoughts and beliefs.

What these scum are really saying is that when they talk about “killing crackas” and then they go and kill a family member of yours because your family member met their racial criteria for being the murder victim, the perpetrator(in this case, them) is merely guilty of having “misguided thoughts” about nothing in particular. What you are really allowing these pieces of shit to do when they claim they can only be “prejudice” is allowing them to claim VICTIM status, even when they are a racist genocidal murderer. Could you ever imagine Dylann Roof ever being allowed to claim that he was “just prejudice” in any public facility?

I know baby boomers are too far gone to even think that they need to combat this stuff, but the Gen Xers, millennials and Gen Zers need to start learning how to fight these bastards before they claim all of the battlefield when our regiment hasn’t even been sent out yet.
What's a black supremacist? And why is the GOP a nearly all white party?

Nazi, white nationalist running as Republicans

Neo-Nazis Look for New Home in Trump’s Republican Party

Oh, I get it.

Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, George Prescott Bush and many more non-whites would disagree with you on how the GOP is the Nazi Party...
How could I be a "media drone", when unlike you, I have gotten out and sctually gone to Europe, as well as Africs, when it is you who has cowered at home and filled your empty head with outlandish stories of how Europe has been "destroyed" because of immigration?

How the fuck do you even manage to function on a day to day basis?

You ARE crazy. Any nut who spins the elaborate conspiracy hoaxes that you do,

You have still yet to name ONE individual who is currently incarcerated in Europe for "having a higher IQ".

As for you using Jared Taylor as sn example of someone who is being "victimized"by being BBC banned, give your stupid self a break.

He is banned because he is a racist nutcase who thinks he has reinvented himself by spewing white supremacist ideologies then denies what he actually is by having the audacity to call himself a"racial realist", when in fact, he is the same variety of dangerous lunatic that is capable of enciting cowardly social outcasts like you and taking you further to the brink of insanity and finally off of the edge.

My grandchildren will be just fine because they have been taught from an early age how to decipher the unhinged rhetoric of vermin like Jared Taylor and his followers like you.

You need professional intervention by a psychiatrist.

have you ever "gotten out" and listened to or read anything Jared Taylor has said or do you just judge him based on reputation alone?

Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

Defend your "heritage" to your hearts content.

I have no dog in that fight....however. I have family here that goes back many generations and your "heritage" is no more sacred than any other American citizens.

When the Jared Taylors of the world wage a verbal assault on non white citizens of America or any other country as less intelligent or civilized than him, and his gaggle of racist goons, that does not equal defense of any heritage.

That is ignorance that deserves to be exposed.

When has he ever "waged a verbal assault" on other countries?

What does this quote imply?

"To have a bubbling successful melting pot in this country so long as the ingredients are essentially European."

Jared Taylor
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
All you've done is talk bullshit on the internet boy.
I have done much more than that actually, but if you were smart you would realize that the vast majority of social interaction is now on the internet.

Except I socially interact and the black groups I associate with are stronger than ever.
You are pampered and protected.

We are attacked and hunted.

We are far stronger than you ever will be.

Psychotic delusions of granduer. That is what happens when you allow some faceless manipulator to stroke your ego on the internet.

You would shit your panties if faced with a genuine revolutionary conflict.
The only true fear I have is losing control of my own mind(which is partly why I so oppose intoxicants of any kind). That is the only reason why a revolution might scare me a bit.

Otherwise I laugh at the future that most people dread more than anything. After I realized that the world wasn’t anything like I had been taught it was as a child I realized that mass bloodshed is the only option for this world and once that happens things will actually be a lot better than the twilight zone that we are living in now.

You appear to have already lost control of your own mind.
When people like IM2 say some blacks are not racist but rather, they are prejudiced because of the history of white racism, I have to point out to them that racism is just a form of prejudice; prejudging a person based on their race. Ergo, if you prejudge a white person because of white racism then you are prejudging him/her based on their race. In other words, racism.

Prejudice comes in many forms such as racism; sexism; ageism, etc. So, while not all prejudice is racism, all racism is prejudice.
Racism means both thoughts and actions while prejudice is just limited to thoughts. They are not interchangeable even a little bit.

IM2 would literally say that if the black guy who threw that little white boy down 3 stories declared that he hated white people beforehand he would be just “prejudiced”.

Don't speak for IM2 white boy. Because IM2 would say that man needs the death sentence.

You are a racist. The definition of the word is clear. And while your punk white ass tries creating a racial symmetry that has never existed to feed your psychosis, I will say that white racism has created a lot of angry black people. You seem to ignore this in your attempt here. The hate this black man has for whites is because of punk ass f-----ts like you. However, regardless of how spineless white pricks like you have treated us, and you whites have done far worse things to us than what was done here, there is no, AND I MEAN FUCKING ZERO, excuse for this despicable act.

That's what IM2 literally says. So punk ass bitch, stop crying about whites in South Africa and excusing crimes far worse.

Let be factual then and you have shown many times over you are a bigoted racist that blame white society for your failures in life.
have you ever "gotten out" and listened to or read anything Jared Taylor has said or do you just judge him based on reputation alone?

Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

Defend your "heritage" to your hearts content.

I have no dog in that fight....however. I have family here that goes back many generations and your "heritage" is no more sacred than any other American citizens.

When the Jared Taylors of the world wage a verbal assault on non white citizens of America or any other country as less intelligent or civilized than him, and his gaggle of racist goons, that does not equal defense of any heritage.

That is ignorance that deserves to be exposed.
Jared Taylor went to Yale back when it wasn’t a Democrat diploma mill and when it actually meant something to get a college degree from any university.

He is far more intelligent and civilized than anyone who disputes his claims.

I suppose that he is. He figured out that there was a future in manipulating demoralized, angry little guys like you.
Although Jared Taylor was one of the first pro-white activists I actually saw give coherent arguments back in 2007, it was ultimately my own naive thoughts as a small child about the world that made me who I am today.

I used to believe that everyone hated evil in all of its forms, that every race and people had protected homelands, that all the racism I occasionally saw on the internet from black people was directed solely at long dead white people who enslaved their ancestors etc, and when all of those images of the world slowly fell apart it was very easy for me to see what was really going on. I was the ultimate SJW before most of the concepts of social justice were even formed, so when they tried to brainwash me into being a self hating white person in even much more subtle subliminal ways than are used today it had the opposite effect. I remember learning about “black power” from a rude and obnoxious inner city black girl in 3rd grade and I remember how she used to say that “white power” was ridiculous, and that caused me to look both of them up and to begin to understand double standards.
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have you ever "gotten out" and listened to or read anything Jared Taylor has said or do you just judge him based on reputation alone?

Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

You aren't defending white heritage. You want to force people into white supremacy. There are plenty of existing celebrations of white heritage.

What celebrations? You mean dumb festivals where fat ass people stand around outside getting drunk on green beer or eating half cooked sausage? No thanks. That's not a celebration of heritage.

Then what is? Marching in jackboots and chanting "You will not replace us"?

Obviously the most important step is to start a family and raise your kids to think right. Easier said than done in this fucked up country where they're constantly subjected to faggot marxist propaganda.
I have done much more than that actually, but if you were smart you would realize that the vast majority of social interaction is now on the internet.

Except I socially interact and the black groups I associate with are stronger than ever.
You are pampered and protected.

We are attacked and hunted.

We are far stronger than you ever will be.

Psychotic delusions of granduer. That is what happens when you allow some faceless manipulator to stroke your ego on the internet.

You would shit your panties if faced with a genuine revolutionary conflict.
The only true fear I have is losing control of my own mind(which is partly why I so oppose intoxicants of any kind). That is the only reason why a revolution might scare me a bit.

Otherwise I laugh at the future that most people dread more than anything. After I realized that the world wasn’t anything like I had been taught it was as a child I realized that mass bloodshed is the only option for this world and once that happens things will actually be a lot better than the twilight zone that we are living in now.

You appear to have already lost control of your own mind.
My mind has never been as sharp as it is now.

Once I lose my mind my endless rage and sorrow will be unleashed and there won’t be a force of nature strong enough to stop me.
Of course I have. It is my responsibility to ensure that the younger people in my family have clarity regarding what lurks out there.

What I have heard and read is reminiscent of the type of ignorant bigotry that existed in the deep south during the 20th century.

Its just a cleaned up version(on the surface), with no burning crosses and white sheets.

He has repackaged the same message from a previous era, when legalized racism and a belief in white superiority was acceptable, into a more sedate and coded version of the same message in order to conform to a so called "more civilized" society to appear to be more palatable than those of the same ilk from the past.

He and his followers are no different than the George Wallaces, members of the John Birch society and the ideological position of the White Citizens Council of if the 1950's.

Nothing new.
The White Citizens Councils

Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

You aren't defending white heritage. You want to force people into white supremacy. There are plenty of existing celebrations of white heritage.

What celebrations? You mean dumb festivals where fat ass people stand around outside getting drunk on green beer or eating half cooked sausage? No thanks. That's not a celebration of heritage.

Then what is? Marching in jackboots and chanting "You will not replace us"?

Obviously the most important step is to start a family and raise your kids to think right. Easier said than done in this fucked up country where they're constantly subjected to faggot marxist propaganda.
His kids and grandkids are probably already mindfucked.
Right...any time a white man defends his heritage it means he wants to put blacks in chains and burn crosses.

You aren't defending white heritage. You want to force people into white supremacy. There are plenty of existing celebrations of white heritage.

What celebrations? You mean dumb festivals where fat ass people stand around outside getting drunk on green beer or eating half cooked sausage? No thanks. That's not a celebration of heritage.

Then what is? Marching in jackboots and chanting "You will not replace us"?

Obviously the most important step is to start a family and raise your kids to think right. Easier said than done in this fucked up country where they're constantly subjected to faggot marxist propaganda.
His kids and grandkids are probably already mindfucked.

I wonder what he will say when one of them declares himself pansexual gender fluid

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