what are white people superior at?

Are you concerned about blacks being 13% of our population while being responsible for more than 50% of our our crime rate?

I'm more concerned that your insane enough to believe what you wrote.

There is no bigger crime than the system of racism-white supremacy

Are you concerned about blacks being 13% of our population while being responsible for more than 50% of our our crime rate?

I'm more concerned that your insane enough to believe what you wrote.

There is no bigger crime than the system of racism-white supremacy

its not a crime to think youre better,,,
progressive hunter
not a crime to think youre better

I don't give a sh*t if white ppl think they better than me. Call me inferior all day. Knock yourself out. Who gives a fk ?

All I care what are white supremacist going to do about it
I do not agree with your second point. Everyone has a family and if it is a good family, they will like them regardless of what skin they happen to have.
Not so. Some families are abusive, some families are crime families, some people are viciously hated by their own communities even though they have done nothing wrong there. Some families put unwanted members away in mental hospitals, psychiatric wards, and insane asylums on false pretenses of mental illness.
As far as culture goes, it is only relevant as long as the traditions one relates with are rational. If they are stupid, every individual has the ability to break free and choose his/her own set of ideas.
When we come of age, i.e., reach an "age of reason" --- "age of consent" --- "age of majority" --- call it what you will, we need to be free to make our own decisions including the possession and carrying of firearms, handling and use of alcohol or tobacco, and all other things adults may do of their own free will without forcing it on others.

This freedom isn't cheap, and we must continually shed the blood of our oppressors, tormentors, and persecutors in order to maintain our basic freedoms and human rights.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.

Are you concerned about blacks being 13% of our population while being responsible for more than 50% of our our crime rate?

I'm more concerned that your insane enough to believe what you wrote.

There is no bigger crime than the system of racism-white supremacy

here you say white supremacy is a crime,,, WTF???
they keep talking about their pets...constantly

Putting a man on the moon? Curing polio? Creating the internet? Democracy? Incessant necrotic self blame for humanities problems?

Creating weapons of mass destruction?

Oh people of color NEVER do bad things? Lets see here: Ruanda 1994. A genocide driven by blacks, (no repressed white guilt need apply here). This is not blame white people for everything channel. its human nature, kiddos. Now lets get beyond that. White Europeans are not perfect. Blame whites for everything is getting out of hand. Lets end it.
As long as people like you deny the problem, you guarantee more generations of Fatherless Black kids.

How does a blk kid without a father affect white people ?

Why aren't you concerned with fatherless white kids ?

Hello Paul. I am trying to figure out why an avowed Intra Racial Discrimination practicing ProBlack Supremacist and Segregationist like yourself, is NOT concerned about the future or well-being for children of African descent?

Paul, are you not concerned that for several decades children of African descent mostly raised by single mothers often mature into angry, frustrated, depressed teen and adult citizens composing popular music hatefully informing our entire world that black or American women of African descent should reviewed as whores, thots, hood rats, hoes and treated like inhuman BIT©HES?

Paul, with all due respect, are you going to spend your entire life in HATE WHITEY mode, or are you going to engage in constructive behaviors designed to improve the Quality Of Life for children of African descent WHO THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN are willfully and intentionally introduced to a traumatic, potential life scarring childhood upbringing fraught with Struggles, Hardships, Pain, Depression, Uncertainty, Sadness, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, Sorrow, Community Fear and Community Violence?

Paul Essien, I look forward to reading your thoughtful, intelligent reply, including solutions for reducing POVERTY...

...as well as suggestions for PREVENTING our Nation's most precious assets from SUFFERING, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, an unhealthy childhood upbringing fraught with Pain, Struggles, Hardships, Uncertainty, Depression, Community Violence, Community FEAR, Uncertainty, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, Sadness and Sorrow.

#AFRECAN >>> America's Firm Resolve to End Child Abuse & Neglect

"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

"Are Single Mothers Destroying Their Sons?" by Neko Cheri

The article:

Child Brain Development Scientist MD, PhD Educates a billionaire:

The effects of Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect, Maltreatment and ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:


Peace ♥️


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they keep talking about their pets...constantly

Apparently looking at the republicans these days we excel at being gullible, useful, idiots.

If we have forced socialism, we all want our cut. It seems favored groups for the Progs get "paid". Class warfare within the class is a Saul Alinsky thing. It will lead to a planned people killing people within the same class to whittle down the herd eventually.
they keep talking about their pets...constantly

Apparently looking at the republicans these days we excel at being gullible, useful, idiots.

If we have forced socialism, we all want our cut. It seems favored groups for the Progs get "paid". Class warfare within the class is a Saul Alinsky thing. It will lead to a planned people killing people within the same class to whittle down the herd eventually.

Like most tRumplings, you don't know what the word "socialism" means.

Look it up. (Not on infowars) and get back to us.

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