What??? Are there other reasons....say it ain't so!!!!!!!!


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
For all those people that believe in the Climate Change myth, it's hilarious as it may finally be that people are waking up (I dont know what takes so long). Cliamte Change is normal and has always happened...
Love of money the root of all evil and climate BS is just like all the other scams about the money that belongs to others being directed into the pushers pockets.
For all those people that believe in the Climate Change myth, it's hilarious as it may finally be that people are waking up (I dont know what takes so long). Cliamte Change is normal and has always happened...

Of course there's climate change.

The climate always changes.

It always will.

What's bizarre is that people would attempt to steal my money over something that has been happening for millions of years and has nothing to do with me.

Others can go ahead and suck the global warming SJW tit and part with their dollars, if it helps them sleep better at night.. They will keep their hands off mine.

What a load of horse shit ... the Earth's core didn't stop spinning and it sure as fuck ain't reversing directions ... it's called "momentum" ... why bicycles work ...

Climate doesn't change within a human lifespan ... none of us could ever notice the change even if it was changing ... many climates are not changing at all, California, Hawaii and Alaska come to mind ... climate change is just a stupid excuse to ignore all the other pollution Big Oil causes ...

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