Furious EV Owners Post Videos Of their Expensive Cars ‘Failing To Work In The Cold’ Amid Freezing Blizzard Conditions


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Now the chickens are coming home to roost....

These owners are so mad that they are vowing to sell these boat anchors..

In blizzard conditions around the U.S., angry Tesla owners have been sharing videos of their vehicles failing to start.

Numerous Tesla owners have reported being unable to access their vehicles due to frozen door handles.

Meteorologist Rachel Modestino says she experienced the problem firsthand. When temperatures reached roughly 5º F, the car’s door latch failed to function.

LOL.. Predictable outcomes...

But I'm sure they are still warmed by how virtuous they are by saving the planet. :abgg2q.jpg:
As they stand outside in the cold and freeze to death.. Or sit in their nonfunctioning Telsa and freeze to death.. We have one of the prototype EV trucks sitting in a truck stop. It's been here for two weeks charging and they can't get it to move in the cold.
LOL.. Predictable outcomes.
It's hard to have sympathy


There's reason Biden keeps a Corvette in his garage. When you gotta go..you gotta GO! ..man
(and in Biden's case, there may be more than a Corvette reference))
Sometimes have that problem on my Jeeps and other vehicles gas cover. You push a button inside, but if that sucker is covered in snow and ice you gotta try to pry that pain in the ass to get to actual gas cap.

Seen those door handles on Tesla's. Stupid design going flush with body like that.
I'm posting from the height of a blizzard here in Vermont

the local poco has been out all night

and my farm is warm, goats, chickens , dogs, cats , pig & yours truly

with a tried & true RENEWABLE >>>


Yep! That's what I warm my house with here in the CA mountains. This last snow storm brought down a bunch of oaks. Wood for next year!! The tall pines and cedars usually come through unscathed but I had to cut down 2 of them last summer as they were dying. They're bucked and split.
My car's door handle was frozen but it was because of ice. A little water freed it. Musk should put a heater in his doors just like he does with his satellite dishes.
My car's door handle was frozen but it was because of ice. A little water freed it. Musk should put a heater in his doors just like he does with his satellite dishes.
Oh, i can see the problem with that, get a small short in the handle and you are fried trying to open it in a snowstorm, or when ever it gets wet. Thanks i will stick with the old fashioned way....Living the life in Florida.
A similar thing;
One of the people that recently moved into my area bragged and bragged about how he spent 8k on the "new superior eco lithium batteries" for his solar system. That is literally 6 times the amount I invested in a lead acid battery bank of roughly the same size. Six times as much.
So the past three weeks have been snowstorms and cold. Some nights it has been near zero.
Guess who shows up at my house, from 5 and a half miles away? His system shut down, lithium batteries just don't function in cold. He begged me to let him "borrow" a couple of my batteries, which are enclosed, but are outside. I said no, of course but did connect him with someone that sold him the "dinosaur" batteries like mine.
He had also installed electric heat, so he and his wife were pretty grateful to sit around my wood stove and get warm while they negotiated their new battery purchase.
Believing the propaganda can get you killed friends, remember that as it's important.
Now the chickens are coming home to roost....

These owners are so mad that they are vowing to sell these boat anchors..

LOL.. Predictable outcomes...

Many of us tried to warn the GG's that the EV's would end up torturing them financially if they were Gully Gullible'd up enough to purchase one of those electric powered grenades.

"Kid, there are two kinds of people in this world, those that learn the hard way & those that never learn at all".(my dad; circa 1970's)

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