What are the key factors that turn a city, state or nation blue?

Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)
Most young people lean left. Many Gov't employees sans police and fire lean left. Most medical professionals lean left. So for example MA has a lot of students, medical professionals and employees who work for companies with Gov't contracts like Raytheon and MITRE. So MA will be Blue. Why? They believe that Bigger Govt is better for their jobs. Healthcare professionals generally have some nobility factor where they believe the Democrats give back more. Students are young and idealistic.
I believe in maximum freedom. As much as possible without harming others. That includes freedom to buy weapons.

I believe we all have the right to decide what we do with our own bodies. That means I believe you should be allowed to smoke pot if you want without any legal issues. I don’t. I’m allergic. But you should have the right to do as you please.

I believe a woman has the right to do with her body as she chooses. It is none of my business.

I believe that people are people no matter what color they are or where their ancestors came from.

I believe the Constitution is intended to restrict Government. And I believe all the exceptions we created to those restrictions are abominations.

I believe in the Bill of Rights. All the rights are vital and all of them need to be vigorously defended.

I believe that nobody has the right to tell anyone else how to live. I believe that racists are an abomination before God and the Constitution.

I don’t care if you are gay. I don’t care if you are straight. It is none of my business.

I believe in the Wiccan Rede. As long as you harm none do what you will. I believe in God. I believe God has spoken or enlightened many people. No one person has all the answers.

I believe things can always improve. I believe in education and I believe in learning as many lessons from events as possible.

In rural Georgia I am left of center. I’m a member of the NRA and ACLU. In San Francisco I would be a raving right wing lunatic.

So you believe that every individual is an island unto themself with no social responsibility to others, including family, community, and Country!
This is a recipe for either disaster or what is occurring today!!

Thank God that you have no real power.

You can not force someone to a civic duty. The draft resulted in a poorer quality Army than we had after the draft ended. The difference was obvious. The people wanted to be there.

You can’t force someone to run into a burning building to save strangers. The individual has to want to. And no amount of propaganda will create more of those who want to.

During Gulf War One whole units of Iraqi Army soldiers surrendered. I am talking whole units. A lifetime of propaganda and religious indoctrination did not create sufficient civic duty ideals to get them to fire a single shot in most cases.

On the other hand soldiers from totalitarian regimes who would obviously want to be free in a sane world would fight to the death.

Take a look at enlistments per capita from our states.

Oddly California. Or Commiefornia, or Mexifornia, or the land of Fruits and Nuts sends more people per capita to the military than Iowa, a solid Conservative State.

So what defines Civic Duty? If we decide that it is willingness to serve the nation in the Military than Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina are overflowing with Civic Duty. The willingness to sacrifice themselves for the safety of home would seem to be a fair indicator.

Or is it willingness to do the mundane? Jury Duty? Pay taxes? Is that what defines Civic Duty in your book?

Georgia that elected Democrats to the White House and Senate is overflowing with civic duty. Way more Patriotic than Texas.

How many kids from good solid Republican Families March down and sign up?

Isn’t serving in the Military a sign of Social Responsibility?

Or is your idea of Social Responsibility being closed minded and intolerant towards groups you don’t approve of.
I believe in maximum freedom. As much as possible without harming others. That includes freedom to buy weapons.

I believe we all have the right to decide what we do with our own bodies. That means I believe you should be allowed to smoke pot if you want without any legal issues. I don’t. I’m allergic. But you should have the right to do as you please.

I believe a woman has the right to do with her body as she chooses. It is none of my business.

I believe that people are people no matter what color they are or where their ancestors came from.

I believe the Constitution is intended to restrict Government. And I believe all the exceptions we created to those restrictions are abominations.

I believe in the Bill of Rights. All the rights are vital and all of them need to be vigorously defended.

I believe that nobody has the right to tell anyone else how to live. I believe that racists are an abomination before God and the Constitution.

I don’t care if you are gay. I don’t care if you are straight. It is none of my business.

I believe in the Wiccan Rede. As long as you harm none do what you will. I believe in God. I believe God has spoken or enlightened many people. No one person has all the answers.

I believe things can always improve. I believe in education and I believe in learning as many lessons from events as possible.

In rural Georgia I am left of center. I’m a member of the NRA and ACLU. In San Francisco I would be a raving right wing lunatic.

So you believe that every individual is an island unto themself with no social responsibility to others, including family, community, and Country!
This is a recipe for either disaster or what is occurring today!!

Thank God that you have no real power.

You can not force someone to a civic duty. The draft resulted in a poorer quality Army than we had after the draft ended. The difference was obvious. The people wanted to be there.

You can’t force someone to run into a burning building to save strangers. The individual has to want to. And no amount of propaganda will create more of those who want to.

During Gulf War One whole units of Iraqi Army soldiers surrendered. I am talking whole units. A lifetime of propaganda and religious indoctrination did not create sufficient civic duty ideals to get them to fire a single shot in most cases.

On the other hand soldiers from totalitarian regimes who would obviously want to be free in a sane world would fight to the death.

Take a look at enlistments per capita from our states.

Oddly California. Or Commiefornia, or Mexifornia, or the land of Fruits and Nuts sends more people per capita to the military than Iowa, a solid Conservative State.

So what defines Civic Duty? If we decide that it is willingness to serve the nation in the Military than Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina are overflowing with Civic Duty. The willingness to sacrifice themselves for the safety of home would seem to be a fair indicator.

Or is it willingness to do the mundane? Jury Duty? Pay taxes? Is that what defines Civic Duty in your book?

Georgia that elected Democrats to the White House and Senate is overflowing with civic duty. Way more Patriotic than Texas.

How many kids from good solid Republican Families March down and sign up?

Isn’t serving in the Military a sign of Social Responsibility?

Or is your idea of Social Responsibility being closed minded and intolerant towards groups you don’t approve of.

Social Responsibility is an extension of personal responsibility.
The key factors line up uniquely for a particular city and state.
The major two are:
1) -a dumbed down electorate
2) -a politically captured liberal biased local and mass media.

Well, yeah.. Hitler shut down most German Newspapers.

Trump LOVES the uneducated.

Why would Trump love liberals?
I believe in maximum freedom. As much as possible without harming others. That includes freedom to buy weapons.

I believe we all have the right to decide what we do with our own bodies. That means I believe you should be allowed to smoke pot if you want without any legal issues. I don’t. I’m allergic. But you should have the right to do as you please.

I believe a woman has the right to do with her body as she chooses. It is none of my business.

I believe that people are people no matter what color they are or where their ancestors came from.

I believe the Constitution is intended to restrict Government. And I believe all the exceptions we created to those restrictions are abominations.

I believe in the Bill of Rights. All the rights are vital and all of them need to be vigorously defended.

I believe that nobody has the right to tell anyone else how to live. I believe that racists are an abomination before God and the Constitution.

I don’t care if you are gay. I don’t care if you are straight. It is none of my business.

I believe in the Wiccan Rede. As long as you harm none do what you will. I believe in God. I believe God has spoken or enlightened many people. No one person has all the answers.

I believe things can always improve. I believe in education and I believe in learning as many lessons from events as possible.

In rural Georgia I am left of center. I’m a member of the NRA and ACLU. In San Francisco I would be a raving right wing lunatic.

So you believe that every individual is an island unto themself with no social responsibility to others, including family, community, and Country!
This is a recipe for either disaster or what is occurring today!!

Thank God that you have no real power.

You can not force someone to a civic duty. The draft resulted in a poorer quality Army than we had after the draft ended. The difference was obvious. The people wanted to be there.

You can’t force someone to run into a burning building to save strangers. The individual has to want to. And no amount of propaganda will create more of those who want to.

During Gulf War One whole units of Iraqi Army soldiers surrendered. I am talking whole units. A lifetime of propaganda and religious indoctrination did not create sufficient civic duty ideals to get them to fire a single shot in most cases.

On the other hand soldiers from totalitarian regimes who would obviously want to be free in a sane world would fight to the death.

Take a look at enlistments per capita from our states.

Oddly California. Or Commiefornia, or Mexifornia, or the land of Fruits and Nuts sends more people per capita to the military than Iowa, a solid Conservative State.

So what defines Civic Duty? If we decide that it is willingness to serve the nation in the Military than Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina are overflowing with Civic Duty. The willingness to sacrifice themselves for the safety of home would seem to be a fair indicator.

Or is it willingness to do the mundane? Jury Duty? Pay taxes? Is that what defines Civic Duty in your book?

Georgia that elected Democrats to the White House and Senate is overflowing with civic duty. Way more Patriotic than Texas.

How many kids from good solid Republican Families March down and sign up?

Isn’t serving in the Military a sign of Social Responsibility?

Or is your idea of Social Responsibility being closed minded and intolerant towards groups you don’t approve of.

Social Responsibility is an extension of personal responsibility.

Indeed. And you seem to think that is lacking now.

Education and civilization.
Education and wealth are clearly significant determinants.

By Education:
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By Per Capita Income:

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Any so called job that pays less than $15 per hour to start, simply isn't worth applying for today. Our employers around here are offering nice signing bonuses. My grandson is working part time at a convenience chain. He is making $19 pet hour. The place used to pay 13.50. this is a win win.
Maybe where you live, but not all of us have that extreme cost of living courtesy of the red states, (yet!)

Does you grandson live at home or is he paying a mortgage on a $300,000 McMansion?

How much is his grocery bill per week?

Does he have employer provided medical care?

These are important comparisons you simply ignore.
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.
But isn't public education a joke in all blue strongholds?
Aren't blue communities / cities the least civilized with the most homeless? Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles..etc etc

No and no. 40 years of Republican tax codes which funnel all of the income and all the wealth to the top of the left working people at the bottom unable to make sufficient money to house themselves.

Over the past 40 years the cost of housing in urban areas has skyrocketed, while the wages for low income service workers have not kept pace. We now have middle-class office workers in California living in trailers and essentially homeless.

This isn’t a failure of democratic policies in the cities, this is a failure of Republican tax and labour policies federally which suppressed worker wages for 40 years. Executive compensation increased by 1000%, corporations booked record profits, but the frontline workers who used to own homes, saw their good paying jobs disappear, until all they’re left with are low wage service sector work.

A minimum wage worker makes $7.50 an hour. A coffee at Starbucks costs $4. Should you have to work for more than half an hour to be able to buy a cup of coffee?

Companies have absorbed increases in costs for real estate, construction, materials, insurance, transportation, insurance, equipment and every little thing over the past 40 years, and are now more profitable than ever.

Wages as a percentage of costs, are now at the same level as they were during the age of the “Gilded Age” of the Robber Barons. In 40 years, the Republican party has not only wiped out the American middle class, but wiped out 100 years of progress for the American working in middle class.

No first world economy can succeed without a thriving middle class. In destroying the American middle class, Republicans are quite literally killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

Why don't you worry about your own country first?
That isn’t what is happening but it is what you keep focussing on. Illegal immigration decreases under Democrats because Democrats prosecute the employers. The Republican party doesn’t want their biggest donors being prosecuted for hiring illegals.
So hold on a minute....Democrats really aren’t baiting in illegals by offering sanctuary and free shit?
Didn’t your Kenyan King add 25%....2.5 million to the illegal population during his eight year reign of terror?

Illegal immigration from Central and South America decreased under President Obama. 300,000 Mexicans self-deported under President Obama and illegal border crossings at the southern border were at their lowest levels in 50 years.

But the focus on the southern border ignores the fact that 40% of illegal immigration comes through your airports and through students and tourists overstaying their visas. There’s very little follow up and enforcement on that aspect of illegal immigration.

The focus for Republicans is all along the southern border because they can Score score political points, gin up the outrage machine, and then falsely blame Democrats over their failures to address the problems of illegal immigration.

Republicans continue to refuse to tighten laws or increased fines against employers of illegal immigrants. When a republican president is in power, they refused to prosecute the employers of illegal immigrants. And last but not least, Republicans refuse to reform immigration law.

When you offer no solutions, when your current programs consistently make the situation worse not better, and you refuse to change what you’re doing, its readily apparent that you don’t want to solve the problem.

But you take it further. You not only refused to do the things which work, you then lying about the programs Democrats have proven time and time again are more effective. This isn’t about Democrats wanting open borders. This is about Republican donors wanting access to cheap labor.

The Koch Company doesn’t hire hundreds of illegals to work in their chicken processing plants when there’s a Democrat in the White House. Why do you think they donate $80 million to electing Republicans?

Keep the fools out raged against illegal immigration and they’ll vote Republican.

Koch? Chicken plants? I think you better do some more research, dumbass!
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)
Government funded universities.
He is going to college and this is just a job to put gas in his car. He says he doesn't have to expend much effort and can study when it's slow.
So you believe that every individual is an island unto themself with no social responsibility to others, including family, community, and Country!
This is a recipe for either disaster or what is occurring today
What does social responsibility mean in this case? If a person pays taxes, does their best not to break the law, doesnt throw garbage around, then what else should they do to be social responsible?
Not my job to improve my community city or country. Pay my taxes and follow the laws. More than good enough.

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