What are some of the benefits you see with Covid. Always good in something bad.

Hang on Sloopy

Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2015
Well you don't have to worry about smelling someone's foul garlic and onion breath or offensive BO.

A lot of chicks look way better. They got that mysterious sexy half burka look.

Ugly mofos definitely look better.

Lot more people are washing their hands after they crap.

I notice masks help keep your face warm in Winter.

I really appreciate everyone's jobs better and how vital every day jobs are to our comfort and happiness.

Normal people are seeming a lot more nice to each other in public I said normal people. Lol

Well you don't have to worry about smelling someone's foul garlic and onion breath or offensive BO.

A lot of chicks look way better. They got that mysterious sexy half burka look.

Ugly mofos definitely look better.

Lot more people are washing their hands after they crap.

I notice masks help keep your face warm in Winter.

I really appreciate everyone's jobs better and how vital every day jobs are to our comfort and happiness.

Normal people are seeming a lot more nice to each other in public I said normal people. Lol

Actually I read an article yesterday, saying that scientists were using the Covid attack on the sick and old as a way to research the aging process since the virus knows which people to attack based on this criteria.
The end of the uncomfortably close talker that insists on being two inches from your face and patting your back.
Respect the personal bubble.
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Seeing that even when you are left with a stock pile of one mask and gown from the previous ass wiper, one can muster the energy and coordinate resources like Orange Bad Man did.
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Seeing Obama not have to deal with this or we'd have 2 million deaths of nearly dead people by now.

Even Abdullah Muhamad Obama's own Virus Czar saying how lucky they were.

Or maybe we should have just had this under Obama.
Seeing Obama not have to deal with this or we'd have 2 million deaths of nearly dead people by now.

Even Abdullah Muhamad Obama's own Virus Czar saying how lucky they were.

Or maybe we should have just had this under Obama.
You a goddamned genius like Trump,, eh...? You have already blown yer topic and derailed your own thread, congrats..I myself love the free money thrown at us by the govt.
Well for the first few months my yard looked liked something out of a magazine photo shoot as that was where all my extra free time and money went. After those 90+ degree temps started in though, well I suppose it was still magazine worthy if they have one called "Weeds & Junkyard Monthly"
Seeing Obama not have to deal with this or we'd have 2 million deaths of nearly dead people by now.

Even Abdullah Muhamad Obama's own Virus Czar saying how lucky they were.

Or maybe we should have just had this under Obama.
You a goddamned genius like Trump,, eh...? You have already blown yer topic and derailed your own thread, congrats..I myself love the free money thrown at us by the govt.
I don't give a flying fuck what I derailed or what I did to my topic if ya want me to be honest.
Seeing Obama not have to deal with this or we'd have 2 million deaths of nearly dead people by now.

Even Abdullah Muhamad Obama's own Virus Czar saying how lucky they were.

Or maybe we should have just had this under Obama.
You a goddamned genius like Trump,, eh...? You have already blown yer topic and derailed your own thread, congrats..I myself love the free money thrown at us by the govt.
I don't give a flying fuck what I derailed or what I did to my topic if ya want me to be honest.
Do you do a fuck while stationary on the ground or is it more of a "fuck me running" variation?

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