What anyone already knew


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

with a political IQ above sea level (which does not include most democrats)

with a political IQ above sea level (which does not include most democrats)
The evidence can be boiled down as follows. Trump won a fair election on Nov. 3, but lost a fraudulent one late on Nov. 3 (about 22:00) and on to Nov. 4 and beyond, in some important Electoral College states. The Dems believed their own (fake) polling data that had said Trump was far behind. But they were shocked when they saw that he was about to win by a huge margin in those states. No matter. That's when they went to Plan B and did their dirty work, in the early hours.

Instead of calling the election for Trump, the Dems, with their allies in the lying media, unprecedentedly stopped the normal vote count "coincidentally" around the same time in some of those states, sent the monitors home, and in the late hours illegally rammed through numerous lopsided ballots (a "surge"), favoring Basement Biden, such that he "won" by 10,000 to 30,000 votes, on Nov. 4+ in the targeted Electoral College States. By video, we fortuitously saw boxes filled with votes pulled out from under tables after the observers were told to go home, in Fulton County, Atlanta (Chapter 10). (In contrast, Texas and Florida got their vote counting done on time, and their populations are larger than the selected "special states.") Don't let the media gaslight you. Those ballots really were fixed and unaccounted for.


Over the next decade or two, the Dems plan to flip red states blue by their methods. They have been doing this in carefully selected states already, over several election cycles. Here is the Dem's long-range, gradual strategy, which was exposed most visibly during election "season" (not day): (1) Find dark blue vote counting centers. (2) Promote mail-in ballots and call anyone a racist who objects (huge bundles of ballots have been found at drop-boxes). (3) Ram through those fake, lopsided Dem ballots. (4) Or the vote counters in dark-blue cities will count many Dem ballots twice. (5) They may even employ questionable vote counting software. (6) Result: The Dem nominee wins!
at the drop of the hat, my friends, the American electoral system went from irredeemably broken in 2016 to bulletproof in 2020
This was violated in Pennsylvania, when the Executive and Judicial branch of the government changed laws only the Legislature is authorized to change.

  • Clause 2
  • Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
France abolished mail in voting in 1975 because of fraud

my friends, there is only 1 solution to stop rigging of elections: 1)abolish mail in voting 2)abolish the secret ballot
France abolished mail in voting in 1975 because of fraud

my friends, there is only 1 solution to stop rigging of elections: 1)abolish mail in voting 2)abolish the secret ballot
Several other nations abandoned mail-in voting after our demonstration of massive fraud / election theft...
Political cartoon from 1871 about Boss Tweed: “As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it? say?”


with a political IQ above sea level (which does not include most democrats)

All elections have been rigged. The US has never had proper democracy. It's not an equal vote for all people.

So either you care, and you want to change the system to a Proportional system.
Or you don't care, in which case, why are you complaining about it being rigged?
So the same people who rigged Michigan (for example) didn't rig the House races which sent 7 republicans to the US Congress?



Why didn't they rig Georgia to deliver the 2 senate seats on 11/3? Seems odd.

Feel free to answer. We all need a good laugh and you're freakin' hilarious.
The evidence can be boiled down as follows. Trump won a fair election on Nov. 3, but lost a fraudulent one late on Nov. 3
Not exactly True/
trump lost by a massive popular vote, and a LANDSLIDE electoral Vote.
So the same people who rigged Michigan (for example) didn't rig the House races which sent 7 republicans to the US Congress?

View attachment 561266


Why didn't they rig Georgia to deliver the 2 senate seats on 11/3? Seems odd.

Feel free to answer. We all need a good laugh and you're freakin' hilarious.
Where did the votes come from? We are sensitized to racism accusations that people do not question votes coming from deep black inner city areas. Closer elections can be stolen. And are. And have been by Progs at every level. Repubs need to operate the same way in holding back votes and doing tit for tat or go nuclear and find the purveyors of cheating and deal with them no matter their cultural background.
So the same people who rigged Michigan (for example) didn't rig the House races which sent 7 republicans to the US Congress?

View attachment 561266


Why didn't they rig Georgia to deliver the 2 senate seats on 11/3? Seems odd.

Feel free to answer. We all need a good laugh and you're freakin' hilarious.
Laugh all you want its the only thing you can do. theft is not a loss and just because courts ignored legit evidence in a number of these cases on the Presidential level means you left drips got away with fraud.

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