What Americans should know about Vote by Mail in Europe.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
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Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
We shouldn't ignore the drastic side effects and lack of security that has happened elsewhere in the world with "liberalizing" mail-in ballots. Even to the point of mailing them out unrequested -- like pizza coupons.

It's NOT a unique US experience and we ARE "slow learners". Other countries like the UK have reacted and tightened up security in matter of 5 or 8 years from awful and confidence-killing "unintended consequences".

Mail-in or, in British parlance, postal voting on-demand was introduced by Labour prime minister Tony Blair in the 2000s, with one of the most notorious and egregious scandals involving its abuse breaking not long afterwards.

In 2005, Labour councillors Shafaq Ahmed, Shah Jahan, Ayaz Khan, Mohammed Islam, Muhammed Afzal, and Mohammed Kaziwere found guilty of electoral fraud after it was established that a “vote-forging factory” had been set up in a disused warehouse in Aston, Birmingham, to swing local elections to their party with postal ballots.

The newspaper described how “Bags of postal votes, which were clearly identifiable, were wheeled through the streets in sacks by temporary staff or carted to the count in plastic bags dumped in the boot of a car” ahead of election results which were “little short of astounding”, with turnout up 100 per cent in one area and an astonishing 350 per cent in another.

Ruling on the scandal, which had to be brought before the authorities by private individuals under the Representation of the People Act, Richard Mawrey QC said the scale of the fraud “would disgrace a banana republic” and criticised the police, who had had multiple allegations put before them, for their “Olympian detachment” from the proceedings.

Some changes were made to the postal voting in 2006 in the wake of the scandal, but an international investigation by a committee of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) found that it was still “childishly simple to register bogus voters on the voters’ list” in 2007, and that the system provided “the anonymity to carry out fraud without detection”.

Postal vote fraud remains in an issue in Britain to this day, with Conservative parliamentarian and former government minister Steve Baker MP writing that constituents “would be shocked if they knew the extent of corrupt election practices and voter fraud” as recently as December 2019.

“There is widespread abuse of postal votes. In one case, private data held by a third party for legitimate purposes was used to apply for postal votes, and then intercepted before electors had a chance to complete them. The victims would not make a formal complaint as they feared retribution,” he revealed, indicating that many scandals do not see the light of day.

Birmingham and Tower Hamlets judge Richard Mawrey QC, for his part, weighed in on the possibility of mail-in voting fraud in the United States ahead of the November 3rd election, concluding that it was very much a risk.

“Even the pro-Biden press in America admits that the system is shambolic,” he wrote in an article for the Spectator, noting that in some states ballots are sent out without even having to be requested, and can be returned and counted after the polls have closed — not permissible in the United Kingdom.

In general -- very FEW European countries have managed to screw up elections with low security "postal balloting". They just WONT condone it like some of us have here.

A new report highlights the restrictive laws most European countries and other developed areas throughout the world have in regards to mail-in voting, contrasting highly permissive U.S. regulations, as the debate over the security of the practice ramps up ahead of the presidential election.

The report's analysis of these countries' voting laws, specifically on how restrictive their rules are on mail-in ballots, leads the study to conclude that the permissiveness of American laws toward widespread mail-in voting is rather unique in the developed world. It comes as most states in the U.S. have made some changes to loosen their absentee ballot rules, but Republicans in many cases are fighting back in the courts, arguing that such changes open up elections to potential fraud.

Among OECD countries besides the United States, the report states that 78% of the countries either do not allow mail-in ballots "for people living in the country" or require a photo ID to get a mail-in ballot. In the EU, 85% of countries either bar mail-in ballots for people not living abroad or require a photo ID for such a ballot, according to the report. And every European country that is not a member of the EU has mail-in policies that fall into that category.

The report cites a number of cases of mail-in fraud that have happened in other countries that it says motivated these changes.

France, a country that does not allow mail-voting except for citizens living abroad, banned general mail voting in 1975 after a spate of fraud, the report says. The U.K., which has somewhat more permissive rules, saw six Labour Party members of the Birmingham City Council found guilty of vote fraud in 2005, according to The Telegraph.

Many, however, have argued that vote fraud by mail in the United States is exceedingly rare and that Americans should trust that an election conducted largely by mail will be secure and fair.
Multiple states have done mail in voting for several cycles.

Nobody has ever questioned the legitimacy of their elected officials or the security of the election. Until the blob got here.

Now either every loser in all of these previous elections was a rube, all of the voters whose candidates didn't win were fine with it, and all of the election officials looked the other way for all of these elections or the blob and his idiotic supporters are just sore losers.
Nobody has ever questioned the legitimacy of their elected officials or the security of the election. Until the blob got here.

Audit finds 2018 election in Broward County was marred by waste, extra votes, unnecessary delays​


. . . and. . .


The establishment, since it runs both parties, and corrupts the system, tends to black out stories on this. I have bookmarked this. It is queued up if you care to learn, so you need not watch this whole two and one half hour pod-cast, it goes straight to Prof. Cannova's Interview. It doesn't even concern a Republican either, it concerns corruption inside the DNC. And this doesn't even go back to 2000.

CN LIVE! S1E17 DNC Corruption: Tim Canova, Niko House & The Becks​

Why would a socialist professor, a Bernie Bro, be worried about corruption in 2020, if this is not a real thing he experienced first hand?

So, as usual, no actual voter fraud to report, even from the likes of Breitbart and Faux Noise. Reduced to scraping the bottom of the barrel for long dead, smelly scraps. Sad.

Audit finds 2018 election in Broward County was marred by waste, extra votes, unnecessary delays​

View attachment 735233

. . . and. . .

View attachment 735234

The establishment, since it runs both parties, and corrupts the system, tends to black out stories on this. I have bookmarked this. It is queued up if you care to learn, so you need not watch this whole two and one half hour pod-cast, it goes straight to Prof. Cannova's Interview. It doesn't even concern a Republican either, it concerns corruption inside the DNC. And this doesn't even go back to 2000.

CN LIVE! S1E17 DNC Corruption: Tim Canova, Niko House & The Becks​

Why would a socialist professor, a Bernie Bro, be worried about corruption in 2020, if this is not a real thing he experienced first hand?


Florida isn't one of the states that conducts their elections via mail in ballots.

But thanks for playing.
Florida isn't one of the states that conducts their elections via mail in ballots.

But thanks for playing.
If you aren't even going to be bothered to make honest statement, I am going to ignore you. Every state in the union has many absentee ballots. Every military person stationed overseas is cast absentee, and Florida has many.

On top of this, if you bothered to inform yourself on this controversy, it went way beyond just absentee ballots, to electoral integrity.

Your statement was, "Nobody has ever questioned the legitimacy of their elected officials or the security of the election. Until the blob got here."

This, is, of course, demonstrably false. In a big way.

I just proved it.
If you aren't even going to be bothered to make honest statement, I am going to ignore you. Every state in the union has many absentee ballots.
Every military person stationed overseas is cast absentee, and Florida has many.

What I was talking about though were states that mail ballots to every registered voter. If you had bothered to inform yourself, you would have known this.

Dozens of elections with hundreds of officials dating back (I belive) to the early 2000's. Never, not once did anyone (even the losers in those states) float the idea of massive voter fraud. Those are the facts you are ignoring.
On top of this, if you bothered to inform yourself on this controversy, it went way beyond just absentee ballots, to electoral integrity.

Your statement was, "Nobody has ever questioned the legitimacy of their elected officials or the security of the election. Until the blob got here."

This, is, of course, demonstrably false. In a big way.

I just proved it.
So, as usual, no actual voter fraud to report, even from the likes of Breitbart and Faux Noise. Reduced to scraping the bottom of the barrel for long dead, smelly scraps. Sad.
Democrats are against Voting Rights
Multiple states have done mail in voting for several cycles.

Nobody has ever questioned the legitimacy of their elected officials or the security of the election. Until the blob got here.

I'm sorry you missed it. A LOT of discussion was on mail-in ballots once the Dems ILLEGALLY destroyed election security, accuracy, and timeliness with pre-election court cases -- BECAUSE COVID...

And THEN -- your party as it's FIRST ACT under a unified ONE PARTY govt and Biden TRIED to FEDERALIZE election law and make those AWFUL "covid emergencies" ILLEGAL CHANGES -- the NORM for all 50 states with H.R. 1 bill.

The fact that you "cant quit the blob" makes you part of a problem that has DESTROYED trust in election integrity. Europeans OTHand -- have SO MANY parties and so many different power hungry/mad politicos that THEY HAVE TO AGREE on this "existential threat" to Democracy. So in general -- THEY have learned the lessons and fixed this shit so that random PAID 3rd parties aren't convening in dark rooms to mess the trusted legal documents that ballots are to "farm or harvest" votes....
We do it right here in Florida but in most Democrat controlled big city shitholes in the US it becomes an instrument of fraud. Blatant fraud like we saw in 2020.
So, as usual, no actual voter fraud to report, even from the likes of Breitbart and Faux Noise. Reduced to scraping the bottom of the barrel for long dead, smelly scraps. Sad.

THe links to Brit Press and all the court docs are IN THAT Breitbart piece. I've viewed them. So shove the crappy excuse for ignoring this "threat to Democracy".

NO RANDOM 3rd party volunteers or paid activists SHOULD EVER BE HANDLING BALLOTS outside the purview of the registrars office. And ALL post by mail ballots should be matched for ID and date of posting. That's the MINIMUM required to repair CONFIDENCE in our system that's DAMAGED -

MOSTLY in "one party states (or even Big Blue cities in ANY STATE)" where there ARE NO "checks and balances" to the hokum they can invent to screw accuracy, security, timeliness of elections.


What I was talking about though were states that mail ballots to every registered voter. If you had bothered to inform yourself, you would have known this.

Dozens of elections with hundreds of officials dating back (I belive) to the early 2000's. Never, not once did anyone (even the losers in those states) float the idea of massive voter fraud. Those are the facts you are ignoring.

That early history does not apply. And that's just going back 20 years ago. That was BEFORE many states (and even cities by themselves) started to ENROLL EVERYONE regardless of citizenship or immigration status. And the period you're quoting also did not have MASSIVE mail-outs anywhere but in a tiny fraction of the country. And most of those places (states and cities) are now one-party controlled.

Also during those years -- the BALLOT REJECTION RATES on mail-ins -- were QUITE HIGH. Sometimes approaching 10%. NOW -- in MANY ELECTIONS -- we see only 0.2% of mail-ins rejected because of the "covid emergency" work-arounds. Because of mass mail outs and people not properly securing the mail-back docs and NO CHECKS on the security features and less "challenges" to ballots allowed.

Going back to 2000 -- means that you are ignoring the BURGEONING errors in registration rolls caused by "motor voter" -- "same day registration" and the wicked OVERUSE of "provisional ballots" that cannot be cleared (IF AT ALL) for WEEKS following an election. There is also INCREASED "ballot curing" that is applied NON-UNIFORMLY in diff precincts in the same states which is a CLEAR violation of the Constitutional law of "equal protection".

"Back to 2000" is ALSO the "days of hanging chad" -- BEFORE paperless kiosks and "touch screen" voting systems where (for a LONG WHILE) there WAS NO "paper trail". And NOW, because we let POLITICIANS design our voting tools, the equipment is TOO COMPLEX for local registrar offices to set-up and maintain causing MASSIVE FAILURES on "day of voting".

[[[ Besides the massive "tabular failures" in Arizona -- I watched in HORROR as one of new House seats in Nashville got TOTALLY SCREWED UP -- by several precincts handing out ballots by mail and early voting that WERE NOT in the CORRECT FEDERAL HOUSE district race]]] Over 100,000 people had to be contacted and I DOUBT that ever got resolved.

The list of SNAFU situations IS GROWING exponentially. And we must simplify again and RESTORE the security, accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of EVERY election or face "threats to Democracy"...

It all needs to be re-designed by people who are QUALIFIED to do the job. NOT by elected officials or politicians.

YOU --- will ignore ALL of that -- because "the blob" -- but YOU are part of the problems.
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THe links to Brit Press and all the court docs are IN THAT Breitbart piece. I've viewed them. So shove the crappy excuse for ignoring this "threat to Democracy".

NO RANDOM 3rd party volunteers or paid activists SHOULD EVER BE HANDLING BALLOTS outside the purview of the registrars office. And ALL post by mail ballots should be matched for ID and date of posting. That's the MINIMUM required to repair CONFIDENCE in our system that's DAMAGED -

MOSTLY in "one party states (or even Big Blue cities in ANY STATE)" where there ARE NO "checks and balances" to the hokum they can invent to screw accuracy, security, timeliness of elections.
Sorry you FEEL that way. NO RANDOM 3rd party volunteers or paid activists SHOULD EVER BE linking such stupid shit here from either Breitbart or Faux Noises.com. That's how I FEEL now matter how much you FEEL otherwise.
That early history does not apply. And that's just going back 20 years ago. That was BEFORE many states (and even cities by themselves) started to ENROLL EVERYONE regardless of citizenship or immigration status. And the period you're quoting also did not have MASSIVE mail-outs anywhere but in a tiny fraction of the country. And most of those places (states and cities) are now one-party controlled.

Also during those years -- the BALLOT REJECTION RATES on mail-ins -- were QUITE HIGH. Sometimes approaching 10%. NOW -- in MANY ELECTIONS -- we see only 0.2% of mail-ins rejected because of the "covid emergency" work-arounds. Because of mass mail outs and people not properly securing the mail-back docs and NO CHECKS on the security features and less "challenges" to ballots allowed.

Going back to 2000 -- means that you are ignoring the BURGEONING errors in registration rolls caused by "motor voter" -- "same day registration" and the wicked OVERUSE of "provisional ballots" that cannot be cleared (IF AT ALL) for WEEKS following an election. There is also INCREASED "ballot curing" that is applied NON-UNIFORMLY in diff precincts in the same states which is a CLEAR violation of the Constitutional law of "equal protection".

"Back to 2000" is ALSO the "days of hanging chad" -- BEFORE paperless kiosks and "touch screen" voting systems where (for a LONG WHILE) there WAS NO "paper trail". And NOW, because we let POLITICIANS design our voting tools, the equipment is TOO COMPLEX for local registrar offices to set-up and maintain causing MASSIVE FAILURES on "day of voting".

[[[ Besides the massive "tabular failures" in Arizona -- I watched in HORROR as one of new House seats in Nashville got TOTALLY SCREWED UP -- by several precincts handing out ballots by mail and early voting that WERE NOT in the CORRECT FEDERAL HOUSE district race]]] Over 100,000 people had to be contacted and I DOUBT that ever got resolved.

The list of SNAFU situations IS GROWING exponentially. And we must simplify again and RESTORE the security, accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of EVERY election or face "threats to Democracy"...

It all needs to be re-designed by people who are QUALIFIED to do the job. NOT by elected officials or politicians.

YOU --- will ignore ALL of that -- because "the blob" -- but YOU are part of the problems.
Nice wall of text there.

Please show me where those who were supposedly victims of mail in ballot fraud were able to prove the election was stolen from them.

You can' do that, right?
I'm sorry you missed it. A LOT of discussion was on mail-in ballots once the Dems ILLEGALLY destroyed election security, accuracy, and timeliness with pre-election court cases -- BECAUSE COVID...

And THEN -- your party as it's FIRST ACT under a unified ONE PARTY govt and Biden TRIED to FEDERALIZE election law and make those AWFUL "covid emergencies" ILLEGAL CHANGES -- the NORM for all 50 states with H.R. 1 bill.

The fact that you "cant quit the blob" makes you part of a problem that has DESTROYED trust in election integrity. Europeans OTHand -- have SO MANY parties and so many different power hungry/mad politicos that THEY HAVE TO AGREE on this "existential threat" to Democracy. So in general -- THEY have learned the lessons and fixed this shit so that random PAID 3rd parties aren't convening in dark rooms to mess the trusted legal documents that ballots are to "farm or harvest" votes....
The Dems destroyed election security in Utah?


Amazing considering that is one of the reddest states in the union.

Back to the drawing board for you sonny.
The list of SNAFU situations IS GROWING exponentially. And we must simplify again and RESTORE the security, accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of EVERY election or face "threats to Democracy"...

It all needs to be re-designed by people who are QUALIFIED to do the job. NOT by elected officials or politicians.

YOU --- will ignore ALL of that -- because "the blob" -- but YOU are part of the problems.
You're always pulling your hair out. Yet you still have no "voter fraud" to report. No significant "voter fraud" that wasn't caught by the system in time to ensure a reasonably fair outcome. Political attempts to tamper with the vote have always existed and always will. Bank on it. It goes to the very essence of "politics" which is bullshitting. Those unsung heroes, who voluntarily, quietly deal with all the very predictable bullshit you allude to, do act to simplify and restore the actual threats to "the security, accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of EVERY election" while the major media does its level best to make mountains out of mole hills, much like you, the Donald, and MTG.
Multiple states have done mail in voting for several cycles.

Nobody has ever questioned the legitimacy of their elected officials or the security of the election. Until the blob got here.

Now either every loser in all of these previous elections was a rube, all of the voters whose candidates didn't win were fine with it, and all of the election officials looked the other way for all of these elections or the blob and his idiotic supporters are just sore losers.
Mail in voting in Europe is not as popular except in Switzerland who vote on the internet (because they vote on laws 3 times a year).

But voting in person is super quick... I voted in Ireland and I ordered a taxi to my house for 15 minutes... I got in my car voted and was back before the taxi...
Why? Every Primary school (Elementary School) is a polling place. There are no lines and they are real close... In a city you struggle to be much more than a mile or two from your closest poll... Voting is on Friday and counting begins o 9am on Saturday morning.. This allows them to have loads of counters (it is all hand count) over the weekend. Even with PR STV which has multiple counts, 95% of counts are finished by Sunday night.
People don't need to mail in votes, hours queuing is just not normal. The count takes a couple of days ad it is like a big long election special on TV. Public attend counts with Election officers telling us the actual counts... All very transparent with 'tallymen' (a lot are women too) giving unofficial indication of the counts.
The counts themselves are attended by candidates and they are usually there chatting to not only there own supporters but other candidates and everyone really. All canvassing and tv ads are banned 3 days before the vote, it is considered a time to think and reflect who you are voting for.
Preference voting and multi seat districts mean there that it is less confrontational and more relaxed than the US style of winner takes all in a two party tribal warfare type like US... Makes good TV but bad politics..
We shouldn't ignore the drastic side effects and lack of security that has happened elsewhere in the world with "liberalizing" mail-in ballots. Even to the point of mailing them out unrequested -- like pizza coupons.

It's NOT a unique US experience and we ARE "slow learners". Other countries like the UK have reacted and tightened up security in matter of 5 or 8 years from awful and confidence-killing "unintended consequences".

Mail-in or, in British parlance, postal voting on-demand was introduced by Labour prime minister Tony Blair in the 2000s, with one of the most notorious and egregious scandals involving its abuse breaking not long afterwards.

In 2005, Labour councillors Shafaq Ahmed, Shah Jahan, Ayaz Khan, Mohammed Islam, Muhammed Afzal, and Mohammed Kaziwere found guilty of electoral fraud after it was established that a “vote-forging factory” had been set up in a disused warehouse in Aston, Birmingham, to swing local elections to their party with postal ballots.

The newspaper described how “Bags of postal votes, which were clearly identifiable, were wheeled through the streets in sacks by temporary staff or carted to the count in plastic bags dumped in the boot of a car” ahead of election results which were “little short of astounding”, with turnout up 100 per cent in one area and an astonishing 350 per cent in another.

Ruling on the scandal, which had to be brought before the authorities by private individuals under the Representation of the People Act, Richard Mawrey QC said the scale of the fraud “would disgrace a banana republic” and criticised the police, who had had multiple allegations put before them, for their “Olympian detachment” from the proceedings.

Some changes were made to the postal voting in 2006 in the wake of the scandal, but an international investigation by a committee of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) found that it was still “childishly simple to register bogus voters on the voters’ list” in 2007, and that the system provided “the anonymity to carry out fraud without detection”.

Postal vote fraud remains in an issue in Britain to this day, with Conservative parliamentarian and former government minister Steve Baker MP writing that constituents “would be shocked if they knew the extent of corrupt election practices and voter fraud” as recently as December 2019.

“There is widespread abuse of postal votes. In one case, private data held by a third party for legitimate purposes was used to apply for postal votes, and then intercepted before electors had a chance to complete them. The victims would not make a formal complaint as they feared retribution,” he revealed, indicating that many scandals do not see the light of day.

Birmingham and Tower Hamlets judge Richard Mawrey QC, for his part, weighed in on the possibility of mail-in voting fraud in the United States ahead of the November 3rd election, concluding that it was very much a risk.

“Even the pro-Biden press in America admits that the system is shambolic,” he wrote in an article for the Spectator, noting that in some states ballots are sent out without even having to be requested, and can be returned and counted after the polls have closed — not permissible in the United Kingdom.

In general -- very FEW European countries have managed to screw up elections with low security "postal balloting". They just WONT condone it like some of us have here.

A new report highlights the restrictive laws most European countries and other developed areas throughout the world have in regards to mail-in voting, contrasting highly permissive U.S. regulations, as the debate over the security of the practice ramps up ahead of the presidential election.

The report's analysis of these countries' voting laws, specifically on how restrictive their rules are on mail-in ballots, leads the study to conclude that the permissiveness of American laws toward widespread mail-in voting is rather unique in the developed world. It comes as most states in the U.S. have made some changes to loosen their absentee ballot rules, but Republicans in many cases are fighting back in the courts, arguing that such changes open up elections to potential fraud.

Among OECD countries besides the United States, the report states that 78% of the countries either do not allow mail-in ballots "for people living in the country" or require a photo ID to get a mail-in ballot. In the EU, 85% of countries either bar mail-in ballots for people not living abroad or require a photo ID for such a ballot, according to the report. And every European country that is not a member of the EU has mail-in policies that fall into that category.

The report cites a number of cases of mail-in fraud that have happened in other countries that it says motivated these changes.

France, a country that does not allow mail-voting except for citizens living abroad, banned general mail voting in 1975 after a spate of fraud, the report says. The U.K., which has somewhat more permissive rules, saw six Labour Party members of the Birmingham City Council found guilty of vote fraud in 2005, according to The Telegraph.

Many, however, have argued that vote fraud by mail in the United States is exceedingly rare and that Americans should trust that an election conducted largely by mail will be secure and fair.
It's good for the GOP that vote-by-mail is again being encouraged by Republicans. The excellent experience of vote-by-mail states like Utah far outweighs the fake aspersions of Losers.

Trump votes by mail. If it's good enough for Trump, it should be good enough for Trumpers.


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