What advice would you give Trump on how to win in 2024?

Exactly when did Hunter ByeDon hold any position in government? And I know know you are dying to get to the bottom of how or why the Saudis would give Jarded $2,000,000,000 to invest when he has 0, zip, nada experience in doing so. You are aren't you?
I'd say he needs to be ubiquitous.. (all over the place.. .seen everywhere)

I had forgotten so much about Trump (the libs love hearing that) until I saw thatstory of him going to the train wreck site... AHEAD of Sec of Transportation going there. In fact, the former likely led to the latter..

so yeh, my advice is keep up that kind of thing... People should never forget (not even unconsciously) what Trump did... probably the best president we've ever had. HE.. unlike some.. actually listens to the People

he didn't even take a paycheck for being president. That may not be the case if he wins again, though... He needs all the money he can get to fight those *^%$#@ in the swamp/sewer

Flee to a Nation that he can't be extradited from.
1. Don't be about hate. Don't attack LGBT rights. Instead focus on winning people over with asking them for their vote and be accepting of our differences.
2. Focus on cleaning up our cities and ending crime. Democrats lost the house in 2022 because of this. Biden has to be very careful about this issue.
3. Promise to bring jobs back and attack outsourcing and the people that stabbed the American worker in the back. He very much won in 2016 based on this.
4. Promise leadership in tech, education and science. Promise to go to mars and have real vision. Also a national cure for cancer or fusion by 2030 would be awesome too.

DeSanist greatest weakness is he can't do this but Trump can. Trump needs to stay away from division and hate. He didn't win in 2016 based on them but for what he promised to do for the betterment of society. His greatest problem is convincing the moderates and union democrats that he fucked up with the division part and that we need to finally do what he promised in the first place.
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Trump could very well win the White House in 2024 by following a simple three-step plan: be outrageous, create controversy and stir up his loyal base.

First, he needs to continue to present himself as the ultimate anti-establishment crusader by voicing off the wall ideas and making bold claims to stand apart from other candidates.

Second, he must ensure that his platform is firmly rooted in polarizing topics and buzzwords like immigration and foreign borders.

Finally, he must get out there on social media and spread his message far and wide to rally up his loyal set of followers who will remain fiercely devoted until Election Day. After all, what's politics without a little bit of drama?

Source : An alternative AI ( classified ) lol :)
Exactly when did Hunter ByeDon hold any position in government? And I know know you are dying to get to the bottom of how or why the Saudis would give Jarded $2,000,000,000 to invest when he has 0, zip, nada experience in doing so. You are aren't you?

Jarad only represented the company making those investments and we know all about them. Hunter on the other hand is selling his finger paintings for more than Rembrandt's to anonymous Chinese buyers. It's called influence peddling. Jarad on the other hand made his deals after Trump left office.
Jarad only represented the company making those investments and we know all about them. Hunter on the other hand is selling his finger paintings for more than Rembrandt's to anonymous Chinese buyers. It's called influence peddling. Jarad on the other hand made his deals after Trump left office.

Ten minutes after The Fat Orange Shit Giblet left office. Your right no influence peddling there. None whatsoever, ROTFLMFAO! Oh by the way Affinity Partners is HIS company. He started it, he is the head of it and he has NO expertise in those investments yet somehow the Saudis thought it was a great idea to give this neophyte $2,000,000,000! Yup nothing suspicious here at all.
Ten minutes after The Fat Orange Shit Giblet left office. Your right no influence peddling there. None whatsoever, ROTFLMFAO! Oh by the way Affinity Partners is HIS company. He started it, he is the head of it and he has NO expertise in those investments yet somehow the Saudis thought it was a great idea to give this neophyte $2,000,000,000! Yup nothing suspicious here at all.

It's a hell of a lot less suspicious than anonymous people in China buying worthless crap for up to a half-million dollars.
We need to know every promise. Foreign and Domestic. A reduction of negative influence including family members. He ran in that direction in the 2016 election. We must know everything. If against Joe, destroy him in the debates, if any. Give Joe the benefit of nice. until he is not then go full tilt on him and the whole administration. If he does not win, then the United States is finished as it is.
I don't believe he can redeem himself, to win anything ever again! And anyone who would preplan the big lie the way he did, about election fraud because he could not face being a loser, and use his government power illegally the way he did, and to do so in the pubic square instead of the courts, against us fellow American citizens who simply exercised their right to vote as our constitution grants, showed and confirmed he is not, and never will be, qualified or deserving, to ever again, hold the position of president of this Nation or any office of government imho.... IF there is a fiery hell, this unrepentant man, deserves to burn in it, for eternity as far as I'm concerned! :eek:

He can kiss my grits! There is nothing he can do, to change that....

And that's the truth!
I don't believe he can redeem himself, to win anything ever again! And anyone who would preplan the big lie the way he did, about election fraud because he could not face being a loser, and use his government power illegally the way he did, and to do so in the pubic square instead of the courts, against us fellow American citizens who simply exercised their right to vote as our constitution grants, showed and confirmed he is not, and never will be, qualified or deserving, to ever again, hold the position of president of this Nation or any office of government imho.... IF there is a fiery hell, this unrepentant man, deserves to burn in it, for eternity as far as I'm concerned! :eek:

He can kiss my grits! There is nothing he can do, to change that....

And that's the truth!

Why would he care what you think? You'd never vote for him no matter what he did.

What advice would you give Trump on how to win in 2024?​

Get some serious speech coaching lessons. Trump suffers from the same problem he has had since 2015: he may be a good businessman and a nice guy but he still sucks at public speaking. In 2016, he skated in on his popularity and originality and boldness, but he really needs to up his game now to out politic the politicians and out strategize the strategists. He really needs to learn how to put ideas into salient words that gets across the points he wants clearly and diplomatically without constantly circling around repeating stuff or casting irrelevant aspersions at his opponents or detractors and get right down to the meat and bone, conveying the seriousness of his station.

He needs to show the country GROWTH from where he left off.

Someone needs to teach this guy how to effectively convey the points that he ought to be conveying to remind people of just how bad and corrupt Biden and the democrats have really become and what they have really screwed up and done to this country in a succinct, effective way, and not just off the cuff, but with well-considered and well-rehearsed and practiced aplomb.

He needs to begin by wrapping up 2020 with closure saying he really believed that he won or should have won but has just never been able to prove it to the satisfaction of any court and move on without further comment, why he thinks Washington wanted him out so badly, what it has cost the country since then, and what he intends to do to turn it around if reelected.
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"What advice would you give Trump on how to win in 2024?"​

Can we suggest he start by correcting what was perceived to have lost him the 2020 election (per his own paid-for polls by his long-time pollster, Tony Fabrizio).

To wit:
1. Earn the perception that people should trust him. (Fabrizio told him that his perceived untrustworthiness was the #1 reason he received fewer votes than Biden in 2020).
2. Earn the perception that he is not an incompetent leader and businessman. That he was perceived to be such was the #2 reason Republican voters told Fabrizio why they didn't vote for Trump in 2020.

So those two issues should be pretty darn high on his 'Things-To-Do' list.

Don't be about hate. Don't attack LGBT rights. Instead focus on winning people over with asking them for their vote and be accepting of our differences.
1) Launch a vote harvesting operation, where it is legal.
2) Say "we" instead of "I."
OK, that would be sound advice from poster Jim H.

3) Capitalize on all the ongoing disasters
And that too, is sound advice. It is an old and oft-used tactic for candidates for political office at any level....from city councilman, to Governors, to Presidential candidates.
Sometimes it works spectacularly, other times, not so much.

- Biden's giving your jobs and your tax dollars to illegals with a completely open border
- Cites are full of homeless and drug addicts.
- Inflation is out of control. Eggs are $6 per dozen
Well, now it gets a little more screechy.
NO.....Joe Biden is NOT giving your jobs or tax dollars to illegals. If poster Jim thinks so....he needs to prove it to us. And NO the border is not "completely" open. If poster Jim thinks so....he needs to prove it to us.
And NO....inflation is NOT out of control. It is higher than it has been for some time. But prices are being reduced, and being raised, now and in the past. Some obvious and noticeable things ARE higher....gasoline (coming off the Covid reduced lows); and eggs, because we have just suffered an enormous die-off and liquidation of layer flocks due to a widespread outbreak of avian flu. (btw, I paid $2.89 per dozen at Costco on Wednesday of this week).

- Progressives are indoctrinating our youth
- They can't define what a woman is, and they let biological men unfairly compete against them, stealing their dreams and livelihoods.
No, progressives are not. If Jim thinks so (see above)
I think Joe is saying 'Progressives" cannot define what a woman is. ?????
Where did he come up with a sillyism like that?
So, Jim.....prove to us that Progressives can't define a woman. Batter up.

- They fired tens of thousands of people for choosing not to get vaccinated.
- We are on the verge of WWIII.
No, "they" did not fire tens of thousands. If Joe believes that is the case.....then Jim, show us your chops and prove it to us.
And while you are at it......define for us who "They" would be. And how do you know?

On the verge of WWIII? Hasn't that ALWAYS been a risk we have lived with and feared since 1945? The war in Ukraine and the belligerence of Putin and the murderous henchman who runs the Wagner group
is concerning. Can their criminality leverage us into a worldwide conflagration? I don't know. And I doubt Jim does either.
But, at this point, there not sufficient reason to go all Chicken-Little now.

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Of course you believe that, $2,000,000,000.

For an idiot that has never done anything in his life remotely close to investment of funds.

A very successful real estate investor is not remotely close to investment funds? A man that took over his fathers company making multi-million dollar deals? Well that kind of sounds like somebody we know....... let's see......who is it now? Oh, that's right, Hunter Biden. A man that had zero experience in the energy field and out of all the 1.5 million US attorneys in our country, Burisma chose this burned out drug addict to handle their legal affairs even though he was never in Ukraine before and didn't understand a word of their language.

And I bet you probably didn't know Kushner is a big lib now did you? His friends include Bill and Hillary and he even took a loan from his pal George Soros to get one of his businesses off the ground.

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