Biden regrets ending re-election campaign, says he would have defeated Trump

I think Hillary would have been a good president. I think Bill was.

Nevertheless, I do not think the country is ready for a woman president.
a woman full of hate would not be a good president. Hillary was, and is, full of hate. Bill was a good president because he had the smarts to work with Newt to get things done---------and they did.
a woman full of hate would not be a good president. Hillary was, and is, full of hate. Bill was a good president because he had the smarts to work with Newt to get things done---------and they did.
I never saw Mrs. Clinton that way.
I have always liked Joe Biden, and I still do.
Nevertheless, I think he should have announced shortly after his inauguration in 2021 that he would not run for reelection.
Biden IMO, was the first US president since Eisenhower, who made it evidently clear - that he had nothing to say nor to decide.
I would even go as far as to state - he didn't even have an opinion on his own that he would fight for.

He was a total string puppet to the Democrat party who's goal has always been to upkeep and maintain US global hegemony and bases it's support amongst the US population on providing social subsidies, highlighting minorities, whilst propagating that everyone is supposedly equal.

Trump for that matter is just a human scumbag and a pathological fraudster, thus taking advantage of a disgruntled US population - simply promising them everything they wanna hear. What these Trumpfters can't realize - nor ever willing to realize, is that this scumbag is factually the greatest internal threat - The USA ever had.

Biden IMO, was the first US president since Eisenhower, who made it evidently clear - that he had nothing to say nor to decide.
I would even go as far as to state - he didn't even have an opinion on his own that he would fight for.

He was a total string puppet to the Democrat party who's goal has always been to upkeep and maintain US global hegemony and bases it's support amongst the US population on providing social subsidies, highlighting minorities, whilst propagating that everyone is supposedly equal.

Trump for that matter is just a human scumbag and a pathological fraudster, thus taking advantage of a disgruntled US population - simply promising them everything they wanna hear. What these Trumpfters can't realize - nor ever willing to realize, is that this scumbag is factually the greatest internal threat - The USA ever had.
we have 4 years to test your theory. Bring this back up in 2028 and let's see if you are right. you won't be, but you need to learn for yourself. Were his first 4 years terrible? I remember them as being pretty damn good.
Well if that ain't a kick is the ass for Kamala Harris. His doctors must have taken him off his Adderall prescription and put him on Hopium.

Does anyone but Joe really believe he could have beaten Trump? :laughing0301:

Biden reportedly regrets ending re-election campaign and says he’d have defeated Trump​

President also regrets picking Merrick Garland for attorney general, as he was slow to prosecute Trump for January 6

"Joe Biden regrets having pulled out of this year’s presidential race and believes he would have defeated Donald Trump in last month’s election – despite negative poll indications, White House sources have said.

The US president has reportedly also said he made a mistake in choosing Merrick Garland as attorney general – reflecting that Garland, a former US appeals court judge, was slow to prosecute Donald Trump for his role in the 6 January 2021 insurrection while presiding over a justice department that aggressively prosecuted Biden’s son Hunter.

With just more than three weeks of his single-term presidency remaining, Biden’s reported rueful reflections are revealed in a Washington Post profile that contains the clearest signs yet that he thinks he erred in withdrawing his candidacy in July after a woeful debate performance against his rival for the White House, Trump, the previous month.

The president stepped aside – to be replaced as his party’s nominee by the US vice-president, Kamala Harrisafter mounting pressure from fellow Democrats, who cited polling evidence that appeared to show him heading for a near-certain election drubbing from Trump, who was seeking a historic return to the White House as the Republicans’ nominee.

Harris’s ascent to the top of the ticket led to a surge of enthusiasm and improved poll numbers but ultimately ended in a decisive electoral college and popular vote defeat.

While Biden and his aides have been careful not to blame Harris, they apparently believe the result would have been different if he had stood his ground, according to the Washington Post’s reporting.

It is a view disputed by many Harris supporters, who blame the president for waiting too long before withdrawing, thus leaving the vice-president with little time to mount an effective campaign."

Biden reportedly regrets ending re-election campaign and says he’d have defeated Trump

Considering that Harris probably lost a percentage of the vote to people who didn't like the way she backstabbed her old boss.... Joe just might be right.
nothing there about funding Wuhan or allowing Fauci to send them billions of US taxpayer dollars. The Chinese released covid on the world because they feared a second Trump term and wanted to destroy our economy---they won.
I don’t agree. I think Covid really did escape from the lab in Wuhan and got out of control before the PRC even tried to cope with it. Once they saw the results, the government of the PRC decided to encourage the spread of Covid rather than be the only country taking the economic and public relations hit. That’s why the PRC didn’t lock down international travel when they locked down internal travel.
I don’t agree. I think Covid really did escape from the lab in Wuhan and got out of control before the PRC even tried to cope with it. Once they saw the results, the government of the PRC decided to encourage the spread of Covid rather than be the only country taking the economic and public relations hit. That’s why the PRC didn’t lock down international travel when they locked down internal travel.
you give them too much credit, they are devious and smart, not honest. Our government has been lying to us about covid since it started, why would you believe them now?
you give them too much credit, they are devious and smart, not honest. Our government has been lying to us about covid since it started, why would you believe them now?
I have a better question. Why would the government lie to us about COVID-19?
Yet another example of just how out of touch with reality he is. He may not have taken the utter beatdown Kamala did, but win?

Can you imagine what he would be 4 years from now?


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