What about Bowling?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I've seen a lot of talk about the re-opening of golf courses, and I have golfed 4-5 times myself in the past month, enduring a range of neurotic precautions against spreading the plague. Not really a "problem," just an irritation.

A bureaucrat in Long Island unwittingly made herself the butt of many jokes speaking the other day about re-opening tennis courts, when she warned her constituents to refrain from grabbing other peoples' balls. (a good bit of advice under any circumstances).

But what about bowling alleys? It seems to me that reasonable precautions could be maintained in a bowling alley, and Governors should include them in the process of getting back to "normal." Maybe bowling doesn't have as many fans as golf, and maybe few bowlers are pining to bowl at this particular time of year, but bowling alley proprietors are HURTING. Most are owned by individuals or families, and there is zero revenue when the doors are locked.

Do any of you live in places where the bowling alleys have been permitted to open?
I have heard bowling is very risky with ball returns, flat surfaces and an indoor environment
Just coat the alleys with sanitizer, problem solved. Open everything, this is horseshit. Fortunately I live in Arizona and the golf courses, hiking trails and bike loops never closed. I believe they did close the bowling lanes.
It's a "sport" where people of already questionable health share shoes with hundreds of other people, then stick their dirty fingers into a ball hundreds of other people have stuck their dirty fingers into. And you know the last guy to use that ball was licking BBQ sauce off his fingers right before every turn.
It's a "sport" where people of already questionable health share shoes with hundreds of other people, then stick their dirty fingers into a ball hundreds of other people have stuck their dirty fingers into. And you know the last guy to use that ball was licking BBQ sauce off his fingers right before every turn.
you forgot to mention the average age of the typical bowler is of the group most effected by death of corona virus. Most bowlers have more greys up top than I do. That means they are fucking ancient. Most bowlersdo not bowl much this time of year any way.
All the bowlers I know have their own balls and shoes. I haven't used a house ball or shoes in at least 50 years.
What if a 20 lane alley skipped lanes, effectively using 10 lanes. And then require all bowlers to have their own bowling equipment or use sanitized equipment provided by the bowling alley people to start our way back
It's a "sport" where people of already questionable health share shoes with hundreds of other people, then stick their dirty fingers into a ball hundreds of other people have stuck their dirty fingers into. And you know the last guy to use that ball was licking BBQ sauce off his fingers right before every turn.
Sort of like dating Madonna.

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