What a week I've had...all I asked for is that the school stop messing with my kid


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
and you would think it was just the most unreasonable request ever.

Last week my son came home from high school and was upset. He said the boys had been subjected to a session in their *free period* (called PRIDE) where the male *educators* of the school and probably the resource officer, all came together to teach them how scary they are, and how they should always respect the authority represented in the room (i.e., teachers and cops), and how they are innately abusive and scary and have to be super careful about how they interact with girls because they just can't help themselves, if they act like they naturally act, they are evil and abusive.

Being me, I took the opportunity to reach out to our fake educators. I sent an email, politely expressing that my son was upset by the session, asking what it was exactly...and also advising the school that the boy had been interviewed by the police in the school some time back, despite the fact that he had told them he wanted me there. I explained to them that I expected to be contacted when the police interviewed my child.

Lord God you would think I had asked them to cut off their own heads.

The vice principal responded back and forth with me..without actually providing me with any information. I simply reiterated that I didn't want the boy interviewed by the cops at the school, and I would like to know what future behavior modification exercises the fake educators were going to inflict upon the kids, so I could make sure he wouldn't be available for those.

The principal responded to me, said they would definitely let me know in the future if the cops decided to bring in my kid for questioning, or if they felt he needed behavior modification, before just going ahead and doing whateer.

Then I went on my happy way, thinking well that's that, just more school bs but confident I had (again) reminded them that I don't want my kid interrogated by cops, or subjected to their half assed indoctrination crap.

Then I came home where my son told me that as I was emailing back and forth with the vice principal, he was actually being interviewed by 3 cops in the school office.

At this point, I became extremely unhappy.

I told them to immediately stop that shit. I spoke to 3 attorneys, one of which is a retired judge. All said the situation is not acceptable, that it is a violation of civil rights for the schools to allow the police to just come in at will and question kids at will and not provide an opportunity for them to contact their parents, to ignore them when they ask for their parents, and to fail to let the parents know that they have been talking to them at the school.

I then managed to get another retired judge to agree to represent my son, so that I could tell the fucking cops and the school, "Look here you pieces of shit, do not interview my child. If you want to talk to my kid, here is his attorney, you can talk to him."

They are grooming him as an informant, the low life scumbags. Or, alternately they are trying to railroad him. They are routinely going into the school and just pulling kids into the resource officer's office to grill them about their activities and the activities of other kids off school grounds. This last one involved a fight between a couple of younger kids, that my son broke up. Nobody was hurt, there was no imminent danger to anybody. But the resource officer maintains they interviewed all the kids (days later, in the school) in case there was any *danger*. The kids involved in the fight don't even go to high school. They are literally grade school kids.

Anyway that's been my life over the past week or more. There is more but at this point I've gone over it all so many times with so many different people I don't want to go over it all again. I'm pretty sure the school is now convinced I'm not fucking kidding about it, though. The cops, I might have to trot a letter and a tort claim notice over to their dumb asses.

What worthless pieces of shit.
Time for private school or home schooling.

Fuck those Marxist pigs.
I can't afford private school, and because I work I can't manage home schooling believe me I tried.

I'm sick of this shit and I'm finished with keeping my mouth shut about it.

So get this..they kids are forced to use one period a day for PRIDE. It's supposed to be a *free period* where they do their homework...but in reality, it's a special period of time set aside so the school can inflict these ORI research surveys on them. They use these surveys, which ask intensely person questions about the kids and their families, to then *direct* behavior modification sessions put on by the school leadership team..which consists of the fucking principal and some students.

It's fucking brain washing. And these ORI surveys...they are supposed to be anonymous, there is supposed to be no way to trace them back to the individual children but the principal told me herself they use these surveys in house to fine tune and direct behavior modification towards small groups of kids.

Now the behavior modification model they use specifically states in their own materials that the modification sessions aren't supposed to be administered as *classes* but instead applied over the entire curriculum as just a sort of general advisory thing. But what they are doing is they have set this period aside for *homework* and then they are just using that class for almost nothing else but surveying and brainwashing the kids. They have 8 sessions that are either surveys, lessons (based on survey results), or assemblies called "Dude Be Nice!" between now and May 5.

I advised them all that believe it or not, my child has an engaged family, a church, and a community dedicated to him and willing to apply their own behavior modification techniques to help him develop into a decent human, and that I had no desire to turn that role over to the school. I let them know that if they noticed particular behavioral issues that needed to be addressed, they could of course let me know, and I would apply my own methods of behavior modification. And I told them that I didn't want him to be subjected to ANY more of that garbage.
I explained that I didn't want him counseled, interviewed, or interrogated by the police at school. I told them to stop fucking with his head and stop fucking with me, that if there was a problem, I didn't want them to solve it, I wanted to solve it.

Then the stupid school cop got in on the action and sent me an email telling me all the wonderful reasons for grilling my kid at school, and how wonderful my kid was and all that garbage. He then asked me to please detail exactly how my son's civil rights were violated. I told him to stop interviewing my kid at school without my knowledge or presence, and to contact his attorney if he had any more questions.

What a worthless piece of shit.
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This was my first missive to them..before I even knew they were interviewing my kid AGAIN:

....came home yesterday and said he had participated in some sort of activity or session yesterday that wasn't a part of his regular curriculum. Could you explain to me what it was, and who directed it or was engaged in it?

Also, I have and never would give permission for my son to speak to law enforcement outside my presence. In the future, if you want him to participate in a sit down with law enforcement for any reason, postpone it until you can get ahold of me and I can be there. If you can't reach my by phone to receive authorization, then the police can come and get me at work, or postpone their interview until I've been reached. "We can't get ahold of her and we're ready to do this now" is not sufficient for law enforcement or the school to just bypass a child's request to have his mom present.
This was vice principal's response..sent to me when my son was actually in the presence of three cops about 20 feet from where he was seated:

All of the freshman boys were pulled in yesterday to discuss good
decision making and behavior. All of the male teachers helped to lead
this discussion and share with the boys good problem solving strategies.
Inversely, we had a similar conversation with the freshman girls
earlier this year. Our leadership team helped to put this discussion
Moving forward, if ... is requested to talk to law enforcement I
will be sure to contact you first.
Let me know if you need to know anything more,
She can't afford private school. Damn, at least you do have some backup.

Once you get over x many kids, private school and fancy clothes are off the table, for most people.

I learned this from my friends and their dad. He make $100K/year, but with so many kids, corners had to be cut.
My response:
Thank you. I know that the police maintain that unless parents are physically present to stop them, they are *allowed* to interview kids, which is why they like to do it in the schools. They can be assured that the parents will not be present....and that the parents who work are unlikely to be able to be reached. I just want to be clear that I will always decline authorization of police interviews of my children at school. I don't want them pulled out of class or pulled out of lunch or pulled out of PRIDE or whatever they are calling the empty periods, to meet with the police at school. I have told my son the same but he is a boy and can be intimidated (and impressed) by men in positions of authority. I also object to the school asking students to provide information to the police, if that happens. We are obliged to send our kids to school...we should be able to do so without them being groomed as informants. If the police want information from my kids, they can come to my house and interview them in my presence.

Moving forward, do you have some sort of outline, agenda and/or materials for the discussion about the boys' behavior and decision making? I wasn't aware the leadership team was now engaged in teaching our kids about our sons' inherent compulsion to engage in domestic violence. Understood, I am only working from .....'s take on the event and I would be extremely relieved to see that he completely misread the situation. Is this class, or whatever, something that came up (or comes up) for discussion at the school board meetings? Is it a yearly event? Did I just miss the boat by not attending when it was on the agenda? Does it have a name? Do you advise parents that it's going to take place ahead of time? I would really like to know what was presented. I am also interested in the materials/information distributed during the girls' session. Maybe you have a packet of materials or a link that you can send me?

Thanks so much for taking time to address this with me.
Then the principal pitched in with some feel good pr about the PRIDE garbage. Then I went home and found out that the cops had spoken to my son while I was telling the school I didn't want them to have free unfettered access to my fucking kid:

Did the police pull my son in again yesterday and speak to him? He says they did. He also says that when they do, he tells them that he wants his mom present, yet nobody from the school or the police has ever contacted me, before or after these interviews. In this exchange with you and Mr. Gerot, you have refused to even reference the police exchanges.

It is inappropriate for the school to facilitate police interrogations of my son without providing an opportunity for me to be present, or even advising me after the fact. I am aghast that not only are you refusing to discuss it with me, but **** may have actually been in the presence of the cops at the same time I was exchanging emails with your office about the previous incident(s?) If that is so, it seems the school is actively hiding these sessions from me and I want to know why you would do it, or how you justify that?

Please stop doing it immediately. If the police need to talk to him, they can contact him outside of school. If he's done something wrong, I guess they can arrest him. >>>>>>has shared with me that he is intimidated and afraid when it happens, and thinks his only option is to answer every question in detail because he's afraid that if he doesn't, he'll be targeted even more. I mentioned it before and I will say it again..this is GROOMING. Stop it now. He also said that he tells those present, at least on one occasion, that he wanted his mother present and they just overrode him and bullied him into talking to them anyway so now he is too cowed to demand it, because he thinks that will make them look at him as a criminal or someone with something to hide (which I'm sure they have encouraged him to believe). I have told him that he just needs to refuse to talk until he can contact me, but when I tell him that, he begins to cry and says that he wants me to tell them, that he is afraid of telling them no.

I expect no more interviews to take place at the school. Don't call him into the office to interview him about anything off campus, don't pull him into the office to meet with the police. Don't call him in to tattle on other kids, don't call him in to get information of what is going on at the parks, don't call him in to give you information about people or whatever it is you're calling him in for. Stop calling him in. You can call me on my phone..I always return calls, just ask Mary and the people in the office. (cell number). Or, during the day, if you need me immediately then call the front office, (phone number) identify yourself and tell them you need to talk to me, and they will interrupt me and I can take your call. I am always able to leave the office, I am literally across (the highway) from the school, I can be there in less than 5 minutes. Which of course, you and the police both know and probably has something to do with why you don't want to tell me when you have pulled Wallace in for..whatever it is that you pull him in for.

I would still like to see the materials and lesson plan for the class I referenced earlier, not just a list of things you are telling me they talked about. Is there a problem with providing those? Is it a secret? It's a simple request, and not an unreasonable one. If there is a tape or recording of the class, I'd like to see it. Then I can reinforce whatever it is you guys are doing at home as well. Believe it or not, families often have their own way of addressing these issues..if the school can be convinced to tell us what's going on.
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then the principal responded:

I was not aware that (my son) was spoken to yesterday so I will need to refer you to (vice principal) for that. I do know that (vice principal) spoke to SRO (pig) this morning and asked him to no longer speak to your son without you present. I thought (vice principal) has cleared that up with you yesterday so that is why I did not address it. I was under the impression I was just addressing the class/lesson.

If you would like to come in and meet with myself, (vice principal) and SRO (pig) next week I would be happy to arrange that. I will ensure that your wishes are carried out from here on out.

The list was the lesson plan for the conversation and there was no recording of it or I would be happy to provide it. I was at the door and at no time felt that anything inappropriate was talked about.

From the principal:

vice principal said he was not aware of it until your email. VP asked SRO (pig) this morning and was informed that it did happen. We then spoke to SRO (pig) and our office staff and reiterated that unless it was an emergency one of us (admin) needed to be present and aware and we needed to contact parents ahead of time.
So that is where we left it on Friday. I had obtained an attorney for the boy and felt pretty good about it, thinking okay they'll back off now. Right? Nope.

The vice principal tried to call me a few minutes after 8, which call I didn't get because I was driving my son to school. He also emailed me x 2 before 8:30, but I didn't read them until after I actually called him back.

During our conversation he told me he wanted me and my son to sit down with him, the principal, the cops, and have a chit chat to *get to the bottom* of the situation.

I explained to him that I felt we had already gotten to the bottom of the situation, which is that they do not have the authority or right to subject my child to any kind of counseling sessions or police interrogations without my knowledge and consent. (There are of course exceptions to that but we all knew that we aren't dealing with that here). He was quite persistent that I come in and chit chat with them, I demurred and said I really didn't have any interest in hearing their reasons for allowing the police to target my kid, or hearing how wonderful all their motives are.

Then I opened my email and reiterated what we shared over the phone:

As per our discussion by phone this morning, I think I have made myself fairly clear on this matter:
No child should be subjected to being interviewed by the police or anybody else at the school, without their parents being provided the opportunity to be present, unless they're being arrested. I find it horrifying that the police come and go at will, and interview children at will, in the school there..and the school principals apparently have no idea it's happening. It is a violation of their civil rights EVERY time it happens, and I know he isn't the only one who is being subjected to this. I appreciate the fact that kids will cooperate when they are intimidated, bullied, or made to feel *special* by authority figures...but I am telling you..again...stop interviewing my child.

If you witness some problem with my son or have any problem with him, of course I want you to contact me and let me know and I will work with you to address it. Likewise, if the police need to question him, we will always cooperate to the best of our ability. However this seems to be a regular thing and concerned us enough that I have obtained an attorney for my son for the purpose of protecting his civil rights in this specific matter. His attorney is ***** from the ***** area. He represents my son, not me, not my family. If you have any need to interview **** or if the police want to interview him, they can speak to Mr.***** and we will move forward from there.

Schools are not an avenue for police to have unrestricted access to children without the knowledge of their parents, nor is it the *job* of school employees to engage in behavioral modification sessions with our kids. Schools have a degree of responsibility for protecting children from such acts..and they certainly shouldn't be facilitating and participating in it themselves.

I'll also take this opportunity to make it very clear that I don't want my son to participate in any "behavior" surveys, and I don't want him to be a part of any more focus group behavioral modification sessions based on "behavioral data" that has been compiled. I want to know what days those sessions are taking place ahead of time, so I can make sure he won't be available for that class that day. You can let me know by email, or maybe you can direct me to a curriculum or schedule online that I can access myself for this information. My understanding is that there isn't much of a paper trail that parents can access, but maybe you have a schedule somewhere that I can use that specifically identifies the day you'll be engaging in behavior modification sessions...

I am asking that the school immediately end their practice of interviewing or counseling my son alone, for any reason whatever, or allowing outside community partners, including the police, to interview my son, without notifying me or his attorney and providing us an opportunity to be present. This includes interviewing under the guise of collecting behavioral data. I also want the school to stop subjecting him to whatever behavioral modification sessions you may have planned (or not planned) in the future. I do not want him to be subjected to group counseling sessions done by people I don't know, who may or not be qualified, without my permission or knowledge, based on *behavioral data* you or someone else has compiled. If you think he needs counseling, please contact me, or if you don't want to talk to me, call (attorney). I will do whatever I need to do to address whatever behavior is causing concern.

I never will authorize the school to provide him with counseling in any form, including whatever is happening in PRIDE. We have our own family, our own church, and our own access to mental health and behavioral modification options if he engages in a behavior you can't tolerate. If he is engaging in bullying, anti-social, violent or whatever the other behaviors are supposedly being addressed in PRIDE, I would expect to be contacted about those behaviors before he is subjected to targeted behavior modification to address them. I'm just not sure when we ever gave the school the authority to engage in such tactics, or when they decided they could dedicate a whole period to it..but I don't want my child subjected to it.

I would never want the school to take on those aspects of child rearing for me. I am here and willing, able, and empowered to address any issue that might come up. Including his removal from the school, if you think that he just can't make it without being constantly targeted for behavior modification sessions and police interviews.
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And then the fake cop sent me an email as well:

I really wish we could meet in person so I can explain why I spoke to ****, but I respect your decision not to meet. I will explain through this email instead as it seems best way to communicate.

(the police) took a report of a physical fight that had taken place between some juveniles. The participants of the fight were mostly students and all involved in different capacities to include your son. Given this was physical in nature, injury was sustained and we were still unsure of the specifics yet, I felt this issue needed to be addressed quickly thus brining in ***** along with other students for a quick interview. Not an interrogation. I did this to ensure there was not an immediate safety and security threat to any of the students at any of the schools. **** was interviewed for maybe 2 or 3 minutes and was then praised for doing a great job by pulling the two students off of each other and stopping the fight. At no point and time did he ask for his mother or anyone to be present. I thanked **** again for doing a great job and told him if his parents wanted to speak to me about why I spoke to him to please call me.

When (principals 1&2) say they didn't know I spoke to these students, they are telling the absolute truth. Neither of them were there at the time and I needed to investigate quickly to make a quick good decision about school safety. 99% of the time, standard practice is we will wait until parents can be contacted before speaking to students about whatever the reason. But there are occasions when I simply do not have the luxury of time and need to act quickly for safety and security reasons. Schools have a heightened level of safety, causing a higher level of exigency. It is not my nor the schools intentions to secretly do anything behind anyone's back and we've been very transparent on issues we can speak about. That is not my role in the schools, nor have I seen this from any staff member. ***** was not being investigated as a suspect in anyway and he was told this right at the beginning. I simply needed to know what he knew about the situation so I could quickly determine how to further proceed as there were a lot of students involved, causing a huge unknown, possibly immediate risk to students and staff.

I am sorry you feel that ****'s civil rights were violated. Please cite where you believe I violated his civil rights here. I simply spoke to 3 students given this situation to determine if there was any further threat to the schools.

Your son was very respectful and made a great decision in breaking the fight up between the other students. I appreciate his and his friends statements as it assisted in being able to investigate this case completely and in return we were able to make a safer school.

Copied in the email is my direct supervisor Commander (pig). If you have any questions for me, please call myself or Commander (pig) and we'll be happy to answer.

Yeah, the school was in immediate danger because of a dopey fight between a couple of kids at the skate park days before.

That's why they couldn't be bothered with contacting parents.

And 99 percent of the time..what horseshit. Of the many times that they have done this at our school, exactly zero times have they told parents before or after.

My response to officer dipshit:

I know why he spoke to you. I appreciate that you are encouraging him to bring information to you, and that you're happy with the fact that he does it. I very simply just want you to stop interviewing him without allowing either me (or, now, his attorney) to be there with him.
Immediate security threat. What a piece of shit. The school's in immediate danger because a couple of 12 year olds slapped each other around at the skate park 2 days ago! Perp walk those kids into the office for the official police investigation! Be careful, they might be packing! No time to check with moms... one of which is actually talking to us right now..the other which is at home where she always is, ready and available to do the whole mothering thing that she's been engaged in for 2 decades...this is much to great a risk! No time to wait!
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snowflake alert

You approve of pigs bringing in kids and interrogating them?

My kid is Native American and we are a single parent household. So what do you think of three cops calling him in, by himself, without telling anybody (neither of the principals knew). You think that's ok?

How about subjecting children to behavioral modification techniques based on surveys that parents never see, but which are created to obtain intensely personal information for mental health purposes?

Did you approve of Indians being placed in federal schools, where they were subjected to behavior modification techniques that were the epitome of civilized, educated, and accepted practices to encourage assimilation into the community the government thought the children should belong to?

Because that is exactly what my kid is being subjected to...or attempted.

And what would you say if I told you that of the 3 boys they pulled in, two are native...in a community that is almost entirely white?
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If you would like to come in and meet with myself, (vice principal) and SRO (pig) next week I would be happy to arrange that. I will ensure that your wishes are carried out from here on out.

Girl, enough of the emails already...
You should have already marched your ass up there!

Shit, when my son was in school
they knew shit was hitting the fan
as soon as I walked through the doors!

Behavior modifications, research surveys
police interrogations...get the fuck outta here

My son came home one day with papers...

English words and their Arabic equivalent
Historic/well known figures in Middle Eastern history

I’m like..Jacob...wtf is this shit

Handouts the teacher gave us...
That was what we worked on today in class

What??...why is your Spanish teacher
teaching your class words in Arabic
Middle Eastern history and, of all things, about Islam?

Oh, we don’t have Spanish anymore, it’s Arabic now


The principal, who is a Muslim Arab,
brought in an exchange teacher from Egypt
got rid of Spanish classes and instated Arabic classes

I pulled my kid out of the class
and called the Board of Education

This was just 1 of the many problems
that I marched up to school to deal with

The shit your talking about,
I can’t even wrap my head around

Behavior modification...wtf is that...
What does that fucking mean?

Police interrogations...for no reason?
Without a parent present?
How can that be?
snowflake alert

You approve of pigs bringing in kids and interrogating them?

My kid is Native American and we are a single parent household. So what do you think of three cops calling him in, by himself, without telling anybody (neither of the principals knew). You think that's ok?
Actually I'm sorry I said that. Its a cheap insult and we all can be friends. Didn't your son have an 80s Cutlass he was fixing up? I love those cars.
How about subjecting children to behavioral modification techniques based on surveys that parents never see, but which are created to obtain intensely personal information for mental health purposes?

Did you approve of Indians being placed in federal schools, where they were subjected to behavior modification techniques that were the epitome of civilized, educated, and accepted practices to encourage assimilation into the community the government thought the children should belong to?

Because that is exactly what my kid is being subjected to...or attempted.

And what would you say if I told you that of the 3 boys they pulled in, two are native...in a community that is almost entirely white?
I have exactly zero interest in allowing those pieces of shit to surround and attempt to intimidate me.

Which is exactly what would happen if I allowed them to sit me down to discuss anything.

Then can communicate with me via the written word. That way they can't lie about what they say later. You know, like that principal said he didn't know the cops were in the building interviewing multiple boys, 20 feet from his desk was lying. And like that cop was lying when he said he was really worried about the safety of the school, and so had to hurry and not waste time notifying parents before bringing the boys in! And like he was lying when he said my son didn't ask for his mom. I prefer to keep our serious exchanges all in written form. They ask for face to face specifically because they can physically intimidate, harass, and then lie about it.
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Yeah behavior modification.

You and I know it as brainwashing.

They supposedly are targeting problem behaviors that some boys engage in, as they have learned from the fake anonymous behavior data they have collected for a fake research project of a form that has been found to be super consistently misinterpreted, misapplied and abused.

In reality, it's just targeted brainwashing that allows them to force kids to submit to intense influence from artificial role models, based on the fake educators' weird ass ideas about what those kids need to make them act the way they think they should act.
Sounds like there are pieces of the story missing, which is hard to believe as long as those posts are, but there it is.

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