Western States The Most Wasteful With Water


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
California, Idaho and Utah the worst in the nation.

California uses the most water of any state. Considering its population and agriculture, that is not too surprising.
Idaho uses the most total water per person, and most domestic water per capita.
Utah public supply customers use the most water per capita.

As the mega drought worsens, there are few limitations on water usage in many Western states.

And this is how some of those states are dealing with this:


Notice that the source you lined to makes no mention of wasting water whatsoever.

You're a fucking idiot.
HAve they done anything to lower it....know Vegas has done next to nothing and they had more than a decade to do it
HAve they done anything to lower it....know Vegas has done next to nothing and they had more than a decade to do it

LOL. There is zero truth to that. Nevada has done more than any of those states. The water authority has been paying people to replace their grass with xeriscape. We did ours last year. The legislature passed a law last year that all ornamental grass on public property has to be replaced by 2026. Despite the massive growth in Clark County our water usage is actually lower than it used to be.

The biggest water waster is California and I'm not talking about agriculture. Drive through any city and town in southern California and everyone has grassy green lawns being watered several times a day. Last year the governor "encouraged" people to use less, but guess how that went over?
LOL. There is zero truth to that. Nevada has done more than any of those states. The water authority has been paying people to replace their grass with xeriscape. We did ours last year. The legislature passed a law last year that all ornamental grass on public property has to be replaced by 2026. Despite the massive growth in Clark County our water usage is actually lower than it used to be.

The biggest water waster is California and I'm not talking about agriculture. Drive through any city and town in southern California and everyone has grassy green lawns being watered several times a day. Last year the governor "encouraged" people to use less, but guess how that went over?
BS ......was in Vegas when the bathtub ring was higher.....water was running full time everywhere.....doing something now is too little too late.....,its called lack of leadership

Notice that the source you linked to makes no mention of wasting water whatsoever.​

You're a fucking idiot.

You really are stupid. I mean, not your garden variety stupid, but unable to read and comprehend stupid.

Even when someone provides you the information, you are still too stupid to understand it.
BS ......was in Vegas when the bathtub ring was higher.....water was running full time everywhere.....doing something now is too little too late.....,its called lack of leadership

You're wrong, no city in the West is doing more to conserve water than Las Vegas. You literally could not be more wrong.

But at least you're not as dumb as Muhammed
You really are stupid. I mean, not your garden variety stupid, but unable to read and comprehend stupid.

Even when someone provides you the information, you are still too stupid to understand it.
Actually, I simply pointed out the fact that your thread title is not in any way backed up by your source.

You are conflating using water with wasting water because you are too stupid to comprehend the difference.

You are what is known as a hard learner. You could have learned something new today, but you willfully chose to remain ignorant.

You're a fucking idiot.
Actually, I simply pointed out the fact that your thread title is not in any way backed up by your source.

You are conflating using water with wasting water because you are too stupid to comprehend the difference.

You are what is known as a hard learner. You could have learned something new today, but you willfully chose to remain ignorant.

You're a fucking idiot.

When you are in the middle of a mega drought, and you are using more water, per capita, than any other state in the nation, you are using water you don't have, which is wasting water. You have to conserve in this situation, not be the largest consumer.

Little has changed in 7 years.

I know this concept is hard for you, but it is reality. So do me a favor, and fuck off.

You're wrong, no city in the West is doing more to conserve water than Las Vegas. You literally could not be more wrong.

But at least you're not as dumb as Muhammed
They may be doing more now ....but again....its too little too late........I was shocked by the carefree attitude with what I saw at the dam.....enjoy your real estate implosion when it goes bad
Better to discover the beneficiaries of water use in those western states. If someone in Wisconsin buys potatoes grown under irrigation in Idaho who gets debited (or credited) with water use?

I just paid $1.50 more for 5 pounds of Idaho russets because they are a bit larger than Wisconsin grown russets. Size matters.

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