Western Europe shows no sign of waking up.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.
A few days ago, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer told the media that Germany was one of the safest countries in the world. On Saturday, November 6, he was eating his words as he was forced to make the standard statement of shock when a 27-year-old Syrian refugee stabbed three passengers on a train from Regensburg to Nuremberg. Thus far, none have died.

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^ As things stand now, the attacker is In a PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL due to indications he is mentally ill. That is the standard line in Germany and other Western European countries. German police have stated that there is no indication of an Islamic-inspired terrorist attack. Pending his psychiatric evaluation, the man is charged with attempted murder.

Meanwhile, out-going German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, when asked about the refugee issue in her country, told interviewers that “We have done it”. This is a reference to her remark when the invasion began in earnest in 2015, (“Wir schaffen dass”-We can do this). The phrase has become a punch line for her critics.

Meanwhile, the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, continues to send thousands of Middle Eastern migrants across his borders into Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. As I wrote, hundreds of migrants are storming the Belarus-Poland border trying to break into the latter country, from where the next stop with be Germany. Poland, along with her East European neighbors, is doing all it can to stop them.
^ As things stand now, the attacker is In a PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL due to indications he is mentally ill. That is the standard line in Germany and other Western European countries.

What means "standard line"? Symptoms of a paranoid schizophrenia are symptoms of a paranoid schizophrenia. In case of this man was one of the worst problems that he did not try to communicate with his victims - so his attacks were very surprising.

German police have stated that there is no indication of an Islamic-inspired terrorist attack.

Exactly. They spoke with a lot of people who knew this man all over Germany and found not any indication for a terroristic background.

Pending his psychiatric evaluation, the man is charged with attempted murder.

Meanwhile, out-going German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, when asked about the refugee issue in her country, told interviewers that “We have done it”. This is a reference to her remark when the invasion began in earnest in 2015, (“Wir schaffen dass”-We can do this). The phrase has become a punch line for her critics.

And again many people were angry about her when she said so. It's an empty phrase. Still is not clear what means "schaffen" - that's also another word for "to work", "to create" also for "to survive". It is a strenous activity, a creative process. But what to do on what reason is not clear.

Meanwhile, the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, continues to send thousands of Middle Eastern migrants across his borders into Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. As I wrote, hundreds of migrants are storming the Belarus-Poland border trying to break into the latter country, from where the next stop with be Germany. Poland, along with her East European neighbors, is doing all it can to stop them.

That's not a problem a cruise missile fired directly into the ass of Lukashenko is not able to solve. To make this clear again: Lukashenko is not the legal leader of the government of Belarus. Lukashenko is not Belarus !!! Everyone who supports Lukashenko is a criminal high traitor.
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Never mind. You don’t get it.

50% of all human beings in all cultures have one or more schizophrenic boosts in their life. In average are schizophrenic people not more or less criminal or dangerous than others. Not to forget: Specially Cannabis and Cocaine and other drugs - I guess also alcohol - are able to cause an incurable schizophrenia.
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50% of all human beings in all cultures have one or more schizophrenic boosts in their life. In average are schizophrenic people not more or less criminal or dangerous than others. Not to forget: Specially Cannabis and Cocaine and other drugs - I guess also alcohol - are able to cause an incurable schizophrenia.

Nothing to do with it.
Nothing to do with it.

What did you mean when you said "Never mind. You don’t get it." I'm a German. If this had been kind of sophisticated attack in sense of "you are schizophrenic" - then I did not understand it.

And sure it has to do with. The main drug supporters of the world are the English speaking cultures - and not the Islam. And to know the drug history of this man could be very interesting. Perhaps we should make in general much more drug and alcohol tests.
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Mindful is anti Muslim... 'standard line' means blaming Germany for not accusing the perpetrator of radical Islam.

Okay - still we did not find any indicator for this. One problem in this context is it that often within a few month some people seem to change their complete personality - specially if they are young. This is often shocking the parents very much, because they seem often not to know their own children any longer after a relativelly short phase of indoctrination and brainwash. The virtuality of modern media (Internet, smart phones) and the loss of sense for reality is also a problem in this context.
What means "standard line"? Symptoms of a paranoid schizophrenia are symptoms of a paranoid schizophrenia. In case of this man was one of the worst problems that he did not try to communicate with his victims - so his attacks were very surprising.

Exactly. They spoke with a lot of people who knew this man all over Germany and found not any indication for a terroristic background.

And again many people were angry about her when she said so. It's an empty phrase. Still is not clear what means "schaffen" - that's also another word for "to work", "to create" also for "to survive". It is a strenous activity, a creative process. But what to do on what reason is not clear.

That's not a problem a cruise missile fired directly into the ass of Lukashenko is not able to solve. To make this clear again: Lukashenko is not the legal leader of the government of Belarus. Lukashenko is not Belarus !!! Everyone who supports Lukashenko is a criminal high traitor.
it is undeniable that the muslims/Middle East are much more terroristic --it's part of their culture
just in the US:
Ft Hood
San Bernadino
Shoe bomber
..out of a population of 600,000, with just ONE percent muslim, the Boston Bombers were muslim

...in the Beslan SCHOOL killings and Moscow Theater, it was not 1 or 5 terrorists, but DOZENS--including females!!!!!!
.and this is not counting all the world wide terrorism
Achille Lauro
Mindful is anti Muslim... 'standard line' means blaming Germany for not accusing the perpetrator of radical Islam.
see post # 10.....a muslim ban is just common sense/self defense/etc
What did you mean when you said "Never mind. You don’t get it." I'm a German. If this had been kind of sophisticated attack in sense of "you are schizophrenic" - then I did not understand it.

And sure it has to do with. The main drug supporters of the world are the English speaking cultures - and not the Islam. And to know the drug history of this man could be very interesting. Perhaps we should make in general much more drug and alcohol tests.

The Germans I hang out with aren’t like you. They understand nuance and context. In English!
Okay - still we did not find any indicator for this. One problem in this context is it that often within a few month some people seem to change their complete personality - specially if they are young. This is often shocking the parents very much, because they seem often not to know their own children any longer after a relativelly short phase of indoctrination and brainwash. The virtuality of modern media (Internet, smart phones) and the loss of sense for reality is also a problem in this context.
Yes. Mindful is coding that is irrelevant and the only true explanation is 'radical Islam', if Germany was brave enough to use it.
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Mindful is anti Muslim... 'standard line' means blaming Germany for not accusing the perpetrator of radical Islam.

You only said that to wind me up. Those threads are downstairs. Did you not know that?

So do your doxxing down there.

You have no honesty or integrity. You’re a creep
A few days ago, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer told the media that Germany was one of the safest countries in the world. On Saturday, November 6, he was eating his words as he was forced to make the standard statement of shock when a 27-year-old Syrian refugee stabbed three passengers on a train from Regensburg to Nuremberg. Thus far, none have died.

Eek... scary Muslims!

Okay ,so a mentally ill person stabs some people on a subway and nobody dies.

In America, a mentally ill person buys a gun and shoots up a school or a theater or a shopping mall, and we all shrug and say, "Yup, that's how it is."
Yes, I usually slam your Zionist ass down pretty hard.

Germany does have an odd relationship with it's underclass of Muslim Guest Workers, the way the US has an odd one with its undocumented immigrants.

But I'd take Germany's crime rates over ours any day of the week.

All of that, totally irrelevant, subjective, and ignorant.

We‘re nor comparing Germany to America.

Although Hezbollah is alive and well here.
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All of that, totally irrelevant, subjective, and ignorant.

We‘re nor comparing Germany to America.

Although Hezbollah is alive and well here.

I'm sure that you don't want to talk about anything that goes outside your narrative that Muslims are going to kill us all and that's why we need to support the Zionist Entity continuing to find new ways to piss them off.

But this was a single mentally ill man who acted out.

Walk in any major US city, you'll find dozens of guys like this.

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