Attacks on Women in Cologne Highlight Double Standard of Multiculturalism


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
When forced to choose, from what I've seen here and all over the internet, Libs will choose Muslims and their beliefs over Feminists, Gays, Trans, etnic minorities, etc.

The horrendous attacks on women in Cologne, Germany, on New Yearā€™s Eve have exposed a deep crack in the faƧade of radical multiculturalism. On one side are radical feminists who argue that sexism, no matter how innocently expressed, must be vigorously repressed. On the other are the mavens of racial and ethnic identity politics who preach that Muslim refugees must be exempt from too much censure for sexual assault, lest we be guilty of ā€œIslamophobia.ā€
Forced to choose between the two, some feminists come down on the side of anti-Islamophobia. Harvard University International Nieman Fellow Laurie Penny, for example, was far more outraged by the supposed ā€œtheft of feminist rhetoric by imperialism and racismā€ than by the attacks themselves. She doesnā€™t excuse the attackers outright, but itā€™s clear sheā€™s far more worried about confirming the ā€œnarrativeā€ of Islamophobia than defending the rights of women.
Why is that? One reason is that Muslim refugees now enjoy the pre-eminent position in the canon of multiculturalism. They are thought to be the most victimized, so they get most of the attention, even to the point of sacrificing the feminist cause.
But there are deeper philosophical reasons. Many people think multiculturalism is all about defending common humanity. It isnā€™t. Itā€™s about creating a new power structure that divides humanity into competing and unequal groupings.
As I explain in my upcoming book, ā€œThe Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Leftā€:
ā€œIn order to justify the plethora of self-generated identities, the very notion of the human being must be eradicated. It must be sliced and diced only according to what each identity establishes as its own local truth. ā€¦ If we believe, as identity theorists do, that the individual human being as we commonly understand him or her is a social fiction, then it is not that big of a tragedy if some people are sacrificed for the sake of others. Without a respect for all human beings, regardless of their place in the identity pecking order, it is fairly easy, even necessary, to separate people into winners and losers in the power game.ā€
In the Cologne case, the losers of this new power game are women. In the current sweepstakes of multicultural victimhood, they are lower in the pecking order than Muslim refugees.
Itā€™s a blatant double standardā€”one for Western women and another for Muslim refugees. But we really shouldnā€™t be surprised. After all, radical multiculturalism is philosophically grounded in the logic of the double standard. According to the canon of ā€œwhite privilege,ā€ all white people, regardless of their individual views, are assumed to be racist by definition. Racial minorities, on the other hand, cannot by definition be racist. Only white people can be. Thereā€™s one standard for one and another standard for another.
In the case of Cologne, the same is true for not only for Western women and Muslim refugees in Germany. It also is true for German and Muslim refugee men as well. Does anyone doubt for a second that Penny would have bent over backwards to explain away the import of Cologne attackers if they had been German men?
Hereā€™s the root of the problem: Multiculturalism and its offshoot identity politics are supposed to be about equality, but they are not. They are actually about pretending that different things are the same. According to the canon of identity theory, a white woman who claims sheā€™s black is ā€œreallyā€ a black woman. A male who insists heā€™s a woman is ā€œreallyā€ a woman. A Muslim refugeeā€™s victimhood status entitles an assailant to be treated ā€œas ifā€ he were innocent because heā€™s a victim of Western cultural oppression. In all these cases, people claim to be something they are not. And yet they grab the mantle of equality as if they were.
This contradiction is why the defenders of multiculturalism must always change the subject. As Ralf Jaeger, minister of the Interior for North Rhine-Westphalia, explained after theCologne attacks, ā€œ[w]hat happens on the right-wing platforms and in chatrooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women.ā€
Never mind all the actual acts of rape and gropingā€”what matters more are the words of people who committed no crimes.
Yes, we all know Germanyā€™s horrible past, but Jaegerā€™s hyperbole is not merely overcompensation. Jaeger is descending into the very same moral abyss he claims (and I assume sincerely) to abhor. By invoking such a false moral equivalence, not only are the actual crimes of men minimized, but the equal rights of women are sacrificed. It represents an astonishing Faustian bargain with a new and different kind of intolerance.
As I explain in ā€œThe Closing of the Liberal Mindā€:
ā€œIn practice, identity and equality work against each other. The more the former is pushed, the more the doctrine of equality is Balkanized. It becomes a contest between competing demands for recognition and privilege.ā€
In that contest, there are winners, and there are losers. And in Cologne, it looks as though the losers are women and the cause of feminism.
Kim R. Holmes, a distinguished fellow at The Heritage Foundation, oversaw the think tankā€™s defense and foreign policy team for more than two decades.
Editor's Note: This piece was originally published by The Daily Signal.
Kim Holmes
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Attacks on Women in Cologne Highlight Double Standard of Multiculturalism
Not just women. We all know that importing more muslims will lead to more attacks on jews and gays too.
Not just women. We all know that importing more muslims will lead to more attacks on jews and gays too.

When foolish Western so-called leaders ramble about all nations in Middle East are always Dictatorships....this is why they are Dictatorships, because these savages NEED to be ruled with an iron-rod....if they're NOT, we're witnessing how they act, like the out of control, un-civilised savages they are.

The whip should be cracked NOW and hard. Zero Tolerance.
When forced to choose, from what I've seen here and all over the internet, Libs will choose Muslims and their beliefs over Feminists, Gays, Trans, etnic minorities, etc.

The horrendous attacks on women in Cologne, Germany, on New Yearā€™s Eve have exposed a deep crack in the faƧade of radical multiculturalism. On one side are radical feminists who argue that sexism, no matter how innocently expressed, must be vigorously repressed. On the other are the mavens of racial and ethnic identity politics who preach that Muslim refugees must be exempt from too much censure for sexual assault, lest we be guilty of ā€œIslamophobia.ā€
Forced to choose between the two, some feminists come down on the side of anti-Islamophobia. Harvard University International Nieman Fellow Laurie Penny, for example, was far more outraged by the supposed ā€œtheft of feminist rhetoric by imperialism and racismā€ than by the attacks themselves. She doesnā€™t excuse the attackers outright, but itā€™s clear sheā€™s far more worried about confirming the ā€œnarrativeā€ of Islamophobia than defending the rights of women.
Why is that? One reason is that Muslim refugees now enjoy the pre-eminent position in the canon of multiculturalism. They are thought to be the most victimized, so they get most of the attention, even to the point of sacrificing the feminist cause.
But there are deeper philosophical reasons. Many people think multiculturalism is all about defending common humanity. It isnā€™t. Itā€™s about creating a new power structure that divides humanity into competing and unequal groupings.
As I explain in my upcoming book, ā€œThe Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Leftā€:
ā€œIn order to justify the plethora of self-generated identities, the very notion of the human being must be eradicated. It must be sliced and diced only according to what each identity establishes as its own local truth. ā€¦ If we believe, as identity theorists do, that the individual human being as we commonly understand him or her is a social fiction, then it is not that big of a tragedy if some people are sacrificed for the sake of others. Without a respect for all human beings, regardless of their place in the identity pecking order, it is fairly easy, even necessary, to separate people into winners and losers in the power game.ā€
In the Cologne case, the losers of this new power game are women. In the current sweepstakes of multicultural victimhood, they are lower in the pecking order than Muslim refugees.
Itā€™s a blatant double standardā€”one for Western women and another for Muslim refugees. But we really shouldnā€™t be surprised. After all, radical multiculturalism is philosophically grounded in the logic of the double standard. According to the canon of ā€œwhite privilege,ā€ all white people, regardless of their individual views, are assumed to be racist by definition. Racial minorities, on the other hand, cannot by definition be racist. Only white people can be. Thereā€™s one standard for one and another standard for another.
In the case of Cologne, the same is true for not only for Western women and Muslim refugees in Germany. It also is true for German and Muslim refugee men as well. Does anyone doubt for a second that Penny would have bent over backwards to explain away the import of Cologne attackers if they had been German men?
Hereā€™s the root of the problem: Multiculturalism and its offshoot identity politics are supposed to be about equality, but they are not. They are actually about pretending that different things are the same. According to the canon of identity theory, a white woman who claims sheā€™s black is ā€œreallyā€ a black woman. A male who insists heā€™s a woman is ā€œreallyā€ a woman. A Muslim refugeeā€™s victimhood status entitles an assailant to be treated ā€œas ifā€ he were innocent because heā€™s a victim of Western cultural oppression. In all these cases, people claim to be something they are not. And yet they grab the mantle of equality as if they were.
This contradiction is why the defenders of multiculturalism must always change the subject. As Ralf Jaeger, minister of the Interior for North Rhine-Westphalia, explained after theCologne attacks, ā€œ[w]hat happens on the right-wing platforms and in chatrooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women.ā€
Never mind all the actual acts of rape and gropingā€”what matters more are the words of people who committed no crimes.
Yes, we all know Germanyā€™s horrible past, but Jaegerā€™s hyperbole is not merely overcompensation. Jaeger is descending into the very same moral abyss he claims (and I assume sincerely) to abhor. By invoking such a false moral equivalence, not only are the actual crimes of men minimized, but the equal rights of women are sacrificed. It represents an astonishing Faustian bargain with a new and different kind of intolerance.
As I explain in ā€œThe Closing of the Liberal Mindā€:
ā€œIn practice, identity and equality work against each other. The more the former is pushed, the more the doctrine of equality is Balkanized. It becomes a contest between competing demands for recognition and privilege.ā€
In that contest, there are winners, and there are losers. And in Cologne, it looks as though the losers are women and the cause of feminism.
Kim R. Holmes, a distinguished fellow at The Heritage Foundation, oversaw the think tankā€™s defense and foreign policy team for more than two decades.
Editor's Note: This piece was originally published by The Daily Signal.
Kim Holmes
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Attacks on Women in Cologne Highlight Double Standard of Multiculturalism

What it also shows is that Traitor Merkel is obviously criminally insane, open the floodgates to hordes of savages.

They have come to a Western and Civilised Continent, we have customs, rules, etiquette and civility.

They are completely un-civilised and are completely not house-trained.

We respect men and women, we are sexually liberated - Europa and Mitteleuropa over a hundred years - in the United Kingdom, historically a sexually repressed nation TERRIFIED of sex and talking about sex, they are still decades behind Europa and Mitteleuropa on sex in general.

We treat alcohol in sensible way, again United Kingdom decades behind, no alcohol control, idiots binge-drinking and drinking simply to show off to fellow idiots they can drink more etc.

Anyhow, the Muslim savages in their own nations sex not allowed, drinking not allowed.

So Traitor Merkel has unleashed hordes of young savage males who are chronically sexually repressed and have never been near alcohol, she has unleashed them on Europa. This result we have WE said was going to happen, we said this in AUGUST 2015, naturally we all get called "racists", "Nazi's" we have been proven correct all along and now 64% of Europeans are agreeing also....ONLY 18% of Traitors now disagreeing. THIS is why WE are going to WIN. The numbers are with US and NOT with the Traitors.

The Muslim savages, this is like taking a Doberman and locking it in room for four days and not feeding it....then letting it out and throwing it half a cow....not eaten for four days, whats the Doberman going to do? Go crazy and savage the half a cow.

The Muslim savages are the starving Doberman dog....and Traitor Merkel has made the women of Europa the meat.

When Muslim savages see white women, they DON'T see women like NORMAL men do, they see this:



We are ignoring the Leftists now, they are not even there....the fight will begin, we get to this Summer, Leftists in Europa are going to cry like babies and scream for Mama.

Edited to correct spelling error.
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Trying to see consistency in thoughts or morality in liberalism is a lost cause.
Not just women. We all know that importing more muslims will lead to more attacks on jews and gays too.

It just shows that Leftism is a mental illness, there is no logic involved.
It's the democrat version of rock/paper/scissors with the various victim groups trumping another -- except the rules keep changing.
Not just women. We all know that importing more muslims will lead to more attacks on jews and gays too.

It just shows that Leftism is a mental illness, there is no logic involved.
It's the democrat version of rock/paper/scissors with the various victim groups trumping another -- except the rules keep changing.
Liberals basically make a "Feelings Salad".

EVERY issue is viewed in a vaccum. That issue is isolated and to be judged simply on how it makes them feel....with no regard to the consequences or how it affects other issues.

Then....they throw all that shit together and see what happens.

They'd mix a house salad with mayo and soy sauce and tuna fish and steak and mustard and taco seasoning and ketchup and Vienna sausages and Reeses Cups and jelly beans and sprinkle powdered cocoa on it.....splash some lemon juice on it with pistachio ice cream and whipped peanut butter.....and call it a delicious diversity salad.

Some ingredients don't mix liberals.

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