Western Civilization Has Run Its Course


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Tomorrow, August 17th is a significant anniversary in the history of Western Civilization....
This is the probable date, in 480 BC, of the beginning of the three day encounter at Thermopylae, in which Xerxes’ huge army was (temporarily) bottled up by a small force of Greeks, led by Leonidas and the famed Spartan 300. Their heroic sacrifice is encapsulated in Simonides’ lines:

Go tell the Spartan, passerby,

That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

A Greek traitor, Ephialtes, knew about a path around Thermopylae, and showed the Persians how to outflank the Greeks: ephialtis is today the modern Greek word for “nightmare.” Fighting to the end (Leonidas to his men: “Tonight we shall dine in Hades”), they slew over twenty thousand of the Persians. The time that Leonidas held up the Persians allowed the Greek fleet to wreak havoc on the Persian navy at Artemisium. The final battle of the Greco-Persian war was at Plataea in 479.

2. There have been traitors throughout the history of our civilization...Quizlings and others.
Often they are part of and deeply embedded in society itself.

"A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack.

Emilio Mola, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War, told a journalist in 1936 that as his four columns of troops approached Madrid, a "fifth column" (Spanish: Quinta columna) of supporters inside the city would support him and undermine the Republican government from within."
Fifth column - Wikipedia

3. ...way back in 1973, Jean Raspail published The Camp of the Saints, in which millions of immigrants traveled from the Ganges to France. An all-powerful, multiculturally correct intelligentsia that has taught Europe that it must atone for its racist, colonial guilt welcomes the invasion. European culture is destroyed. Prescient.

...he imagined the third world invading Europe. He wrote it nearly half a century ago....a Third Armada of starving hordes intent upon the death of the West.

And aided by the Fifth Column: the Left Wing coalition of revolutionary, Marxist,nihilist, anti-racist, anti-colonial movements....and the West's own humanitarian sentiments.

The Liberals mob simply could not defend its own survival.

The nightmare has come to pass.

4. "Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
  • "The biggest migration movements are still ahead: Africa's population will double in the next decades. A country like Egypt will grow to 100 million people, Nigeria to 400 million. In our digital age with the internet and mobile phones, everyone knows about our prosperity and lifestyle." — German Development Minister Gerd Müller.

  • "Young people all have cellphones and they can see what's happening in other parts of the world, and that acts as a magnet." — Michael Møller, Director of the United Nations office in Geneva.

  • "If we do not manage to solve the central problems in African countries, ten, 20 or even 30 million immigrants will arrive in the European Union within the next ten years." — Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament." Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
a. Our Fifth Column, the Democrats/Liberals are on track to do the same damage here.

Ephialtes the traitor who fought against western civilization....

...exhibited very same traits embodied in the Left Wing coalition of revolutionary, Marxist,nihilist, anti-racist, anti-colonial movements....and the West's own humanitarian sentiments.


Xerxes: Unlike the cruel Leonidas, who demanded that you stand. I require only that you kneel. ..

Of course, that quote applies as well to Islam and to Liberalism
What better way to end Western Civilization than to stop reproducing?

There is a certain sympatico between Liberalism's offshoot, environmentalism, and not having children...,

And sure enough....that's Liberalism's advice:

"Having children is one of the most destructive things you can to do the environment, say researchers"
Having children is bad for the environment, say researchers

In a recent discussion about the enemies of Western Civilization, Raheem Kassam

puts his finger on that very element that explains why so many Western leaders are willing to undermine their own heritage, and it relates to Liberalism's view of children....as Hussein Obama said, they are a 'punishment.'

@3:35 "When you look at the political leaders across the world who simply don't have a vested interest in the future of the West, if you look across Europe, for instances, the leaders in Germany, Angela Merkel, in Italy, in the United Kingdom, in France, are all childless.

....the leaders that do have children are far more invested in the future of their nations than the leaders without....

...you do have a different perspective when you've gotta think through the next 70 years...."

Liberalism...not inane......insane!
What kind of a sick fuck views a baby as "punishment"?

Oh yeah.


If makes one wonder if his wife, Michael, actually birthed either of his 2 daughters
What kind of a sick fuck views a baby as "punishment"?

Oh yeah.


If makes one wonder if his wife, Michael, actually birthed either of his 2 daughters

Can you believe that pertinent quote came from the individual that the Liberals called 'God,' and 'the Messiah,' and 'Jesus.'

If the rest of us are to survive, the Leftists must be purged.
The correct ideology still has fire arms and the revolution has just begun as the wrongs seem to have just found their balls in Charlettsville. We await your next move.
The correct ideology still has fire arms and the revolution has just begun as the wrongs seem to have just found their balls in Charlettsville. We await your next move.

1. What is the 'correct ideology'?
2. What 'wrongs'?
3. Who is the 'you' whose move your await?

Try to post an articulate and cogent answer.....

...and be prepared for me to shred it.
1. Tomorrow, August 17th is a significant anniversary in the history of Western Civilization....
This is the probable date, in 480 BC, of the beginning of the three day encounter at Thermopylae, in which Xerxes’ huge army was (temporarily) bottled up by a small force of Greeks, led by Leonidas and the famed Spartan 300. Their heroic sacrifice is encapsulated in Simonides’ lines:

Go tell the Spartan, passerby,

That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

A Greek traitor, Ephialtes, knew about a path around Thermopylae, and showed the Persians how to outflank the Greeks: ephialtis is today the modern Greek word for “nightmare.” Fighting to the end (Leonidas to his men: “Tonight we shall dine in Hades”), they slew over twenty thousand of the Persians. The time that Leonidas held up the Persians allowed the Greek fleet to wreak havoc on the Persian navy at Artemisium. The final battle of the Greco-Persian war was at Plataea in 479.

2. There have been traitors throughout the history of our civilization...Quizlings and others.
Often they are part of and deeply embedded in society itself.

"A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack.

Emilio Mola, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War, told a journalist in 1936 that as his four columns of troops approached Madrid, a "fifth column" (Spanish: Quinta columna) of supporters inside the city would support him and undermine the Republican government from within."
Fifth column - Wikipedia

3. ...way back in 1973, Jean Raspail published The Camp of the Saints, in which millions of immigrants traveled from the Ganges to France. An all-powerful, multiculturally correct intelligentsia that has taught Europe that it must atone for its racist, colonial guilt welcomes the invasion. European culture is destroyed. Prescient.

...he imagined the third world invading Europe. He wrote it nearly half a century ago....a Third Armada of starving hordes intent upon the death of the West.

And aided by the Fifth Column: the Left Wing coalition of revolutionary, Marxist,nihilist, anti-racist, anti-colonial movements....and the West's own humanitarian sentiments.

The Liberals mob simply could not defend its own survival.

The nightmare has come to pass.

4. "Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
  • "The biggest migration movements are still ahead: Africa's population will double in the next decades. A country like Egypt will grow to 100 million people, Nigeria to 400 million. In our digital age with the internet and mobile phones, everyone knows about our prosperity and lifestyle." — German Development Minister Gerd Müller.

  • "Young people all have cellphones and they can see what's happening in other parts of the world, and that acts as a magnet." — Michael Møller, Director of the United Nations office in Geneva.

  • "If we do not manage to solve the central problems in African countries, ten, 20 or even 30 million immigrants will arrive in the European Union within the next ten years." — Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament." Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
a. Our Fifth Column, the Democrats/Liberals are on track to do the same damage here.

Speaking of traitors...
You've lost your last shred of hope for the 4th Reich, PC?
...true .

Also, the communists never went away, apparently, but make no mistake, we all still have guns. We will always have guns. The revolution is dead, Mao.

Nothing in that dunce's post is true.
It is true that there is no 4th Reich, because there are, like 20 nazis. There are quite a few more communist revolutionaries that will not dare do a damn thing. The Revolution will be over in about 10 minutes, because the NON-commies have, and can use, fire arms.

They will keep trying, but they will NEVER get our guns. The Revolution will never happen for the poor mini-Mao, Bolsheviks.
View attachment 144082
1. Tomorrow, August 17th is a significant anniversary in the history of Western Civilization....
This is the probable date, in 480 BC, of the beginning of the three day encounter at Thermopylae, in which Xerxes’ huge army was (temporarily) bottled up by a small force of Greeks, led by Leonidas and the famed Spartan 300. Their heroic sacrifice is encapsulated in Simonides’ lines:

Go tell the Spartan, passerby,

That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

A Greek traitor, Ephialtes, knew about a path around Thermopylae, and showed the Persians how to outflank the Greeks: ephialtis is today the modern Greek word for “nightmare.” Fighting to the end (Leonidas to his men: “Tonight we shall dine in Hades”), they slew over twenty thousand of the Persians. The time that Leonidas held up the Persians allowed the Greek fleet to wreak havoc on the Persian navy at Artemisium. The final battle of the Greco-Persian war was at Plataea in 479.

2. There have been traitors throughout the history of our civilization...Quizlings and others.
Often they are part of and deeply embedded in society itself.

"A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack.

Emilio Mola, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War, told a journalist in 1936 that as his four columns of troops approached Madrid, a "fifth column" (Spanish: Quinta columna) of supporters inside the city would support him and undermine the Republican government from within."
Fifth column - Wikipedia

3. ...way back in 1973, Jean Raspail published The Camp of the Saints, in which millions of immigrants traveled from the Ganges to France. An all-powerful, multiculturally correct intelligentsia that has taught Europe that it must atone for its racist, colonial guilt welcomes the invasion. European culture is destroyed. Prescient.

...he imagined the third world invading Europe. He wrote it nearly half a century ago....a Third Armada of starving hordes intent upon the death of the West.

And aided by the Fifth Column: the Left Wing coalition of revolutionary, Marxist,nihilist, anti-racist, anti-colonial movements....and the West's own humanitarian sentiments.

The Liberals mob simply could not defend its own survival.

The nightmare has come to pass.

4. "Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
  • "The biggest migration movements are still ahead: Africa's population will double in the next decades. A country like Egypt will grow to 100 million people, Nigeria to 400 million. In our digital age with the internet and mobile phones, everyone knows about our prosperity and lifestyle." — German Development Minister Gerd Müller.

  • "Young people all have cellphones and they can see what's happening in other parts of the world, and that acts as a magnet." — Michael Møller, Director of the United Nations office in Geneva.

  • "If we do not manage to solve the central problems in African countries, ten, 20 or even 30 million immigrants will arrive in the European Union within the next ten years." — Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament." Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
a. Our Fifth Column, the Democrats/Liberals are on track to do the same damage here.

Speaking of traitors...

They don't come any dumber than you, do they.

1. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425


3. "Nazi" has 'Socialist' right in the middle
"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?
The correct ideology still has fire arms and the revolution has just begun as the wrongs seem to have just found their balls in Charlettsville. We await your next move.

1. What is the 'correct ideology'?
2. What 'wrongs'?
3. Who is the 'you' whose move your await?

Try to post an articulate and cogent answer.....

...and be prepared for me to shred it.
If you can not understand my post as written you cannot shred much of anything.
You've lost your last shred of hope for the 4th Reich, PC?
...true .

Also, the communists never went away, apparently, but make no mistake, we all still have guns. We will always have guns. The revolution is dead, Mao.

Nothing in that dunce's post is true.
It is true that there is no 4th Reich, because there are, like 20 nazis. There are quite a few more communist revolutionaries that will not dare do a damn thing. The Revolution will be over in about 10 minutes, because the NON-commies have, and can use, fire arms.

They will keep trying, but they will NEVER get our guns. The Revolution will never happen for the poor mini-Mao, Bolsheviks.

I'm not quite as optimistic as you are, BLF.....I'll put together another post along those lines...

...but welcome to the board and the battles.
The correct ideology still has fire arms and the revolution has just begun as the wrongs seem to have just found their balls in Charlettsville. We await your next move.

1. What is the 'correct ideology'?
2. What 'wrongs'?
3. Who is the 'you' whose move your await?

Try to post an articulate and cogent answer.....

...and be prepared for me to shred it.
If you can not understand my post as written you cannot shred much of anything.

I just wanted to prove that you were incapable of an articulate and cogent post.

Now, you're dismissed.
View attachment 144082
1. Tomorrow, August 17th is a significant anniversary in the history of Western Civilization....
This is the probable date, in 480 BC, of the beginning of the three day encounter at Thermopylae, in which Xerxes’ huge army was (temporarily) bottled up by a small force of Greeks, led by Leonidas and the famed Spartan 300. Their heroic sacrifice is encapsulated in Simonides’ lines:

Go tell the Spartan, passerby,

That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

A Greek traitor, Ephialtes, knew about a path around Thermopylae, and showed the Persians how to outflank the Greeks: ephialtis is today the modern Greek word for “nightmare.” Fighting to the end (Leonidas to his men: “Tonight we shall dine in Hades”), they slew over twenty thousand of the Persians. The time that Leonidas held up the Persians allowed the Greek fleet to wreak havoc on the Persian navy at Artemisium. The final battle of the Greco-Persian war was at Plataea in 479.

2. There have been traitors throughout the history of our civilization...Quizlings and others.
Often they are part of and deeply embedded in society itself.

"A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack.

Emilio Mola, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War, told a journalist in 1936 that as his four columns of troops approached Madrid, a "fifth column" (Spanish: Quinta columna) of supporters inside the city would support him and undermine the Republican government from within."
Fifth column - Wikipedia

3. ...way back in 1973, Jean Raspail published The Camp of the Saints, in which millions of immigrants traveled from the Ganges to France. An all-powerful, multiculturally correct intelligentsia that has taught Europe that it must atone for its racist, colonial guilt welcomes the invasion. European culture is destroyed. Prescient.

...he imagined the third world invading Europe. He wrote it nearly half a century ago....a Third Armada of starving hordes intent upon the death of the West.

And aided by the Fifth Column: the Left Wing coalition of revolutionary, Marxist,nihilist, anti-racist, anti-colonial movements....and the West's own humanitarian sentiments.

The Liberals mob simply could not defend its own survival.

The nightmare has come to pass.

4. "Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
  • "The biggest migration movements are still ahead: Africa's population will double in the next decades. A country like Egypt will grow to 100 million people, Nigeria to 400 million. In our digital age with the internet and mobile phones, everyone knows about our prosperity and lifestyle." — German Development Minister Gerd Müller.

  • "Young people all have cellphones and they can see what's happening in other parts of the world, and that acts as a magnet." — Michael Møller, Director of the United Nations office in Geneva.

  • "If we do not manage to solve the central problems in African countries, ten, 20 or even 30 million immigrants will arrive in the European Union within the next ten years." — Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament." Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
a. Our Fifth Column, the Democrats/Liberals are on track to do the same damage here.

Speaking of traitors...

They don't come any dumber than you, do they.

1. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425


3. "Nazi" has 'Socialist' right in the middle
"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

So you believe all far RW bs propaganda, even Nazis'?
View attachment 144082
1. Tomorrow, August 17th is a significant anniversary in the history of Western Civilization....
This is the probable date, in 480 BC, of the beginning of the three day encounter at Thermopylae, in which Xerxes’ huge army was (temporarily) bottled up by a small force of Greeks, led by Leonidas and the famed Spartan 300. Their heroic sacrifice is encapsulated in Simonides’ lines:

Go tell the Spartan, passerby,

That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

A Greek traitor, Ephialtes, knew about a path around Thermopylae, and showed the Persians how to outflank the Greeks: ephialtis is today the modern Greek word for “nightmare.” Fighting to the end (Leonidas to his men: “Tonight we shall dine in Hades”), they slew over twenty thousand of the Persians. The time that Leonidas held up the Persians allowed the Greek fleet to wreak havoc on the Persian navy at Artemisium. The final battle of the Greco-Persian war was at Plataea in 479.

2. There have been traitors throughout the history of our civilization...Quizlings and others.
Often they are part of and deeply embedded in society itself.

"A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack.

Emilio Mola, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War, told a journalist in 1936 that as his four columns of troops approached Madrid, a "fifth column" (Spanish: Quinta columna) of supporters inside the city would support him and undermine the Republican government from within."
Fifth column - Wikipedia

3. ...way back in 1973, Jean Raspail published The Camp of the Saints, in which millions of immigrants traveled from the Ganges to France. An all-powerful, multiculturally correct intelligentsia that has taught Europe that it must atone for its racist, colonial guilt welcomes the invasion. European culture is destroyed. Prescient.

...he imagined the third world invading Europe. He wrote it nearly half a century ago....a Third Armada of starving hordes intent upon the death of the West.

And aided by the Fifth Column: the Left Wing coalition of revolutionary, Marxist,nihilist, anti-racist, anti-colonial movements....and the West's own humanitarian sentiments.

The Liberals mob simply could not defend its own survival.

The nightmare has come to pass.

4. "Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
  • "The biggest migration movements are still ahead: Africa's population will double in the next decades. A country like Egypt will grow to 100 million people, Nigeria to 400 million. In our digital age with the internet and mobile phones, everyone knows about our prosperity and lifestyle." — German Development Minister Gerd Müller.

  • "Young people all have cellphones and they can see what's happening in other parts of the world, and that acts as a magnet." — Michael Møller, Director of the United Nations office in Geneva.

  • "If we do not manage to solve the central problems in African countries, ten, 20 or even 30 million immigrants will arrive in the European Union within the next ten years." — Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament." Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
a. Our Fifth Column, the Democrats/Liberals are on track to do the same damage here.

Speaking of traitors...

They don't come any dumber than you, do they.

1. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425


3. "Nazi" has 'Socialist' right in the middle
"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?
View attachment 144082
1. Tomorrow, August 17th is a significant anniversary in the history of Western Civilization....
This is the probable date, in 480 BC, of the beginning of the three day encounter at Thermopylae, in which Xerxes’ huge army was (temporarily) bottled up by a small force of Greeks, led by Leonidas and the famed Spartan 300. Their heroic sacrifice is encapsulated in Simonides’ lines:

Go tell the Spartan, passerby,

That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

A Greek traitor, Ephialtes, knew about a path around Thermopylae, and showed the Persians how to outflank the Greeks: ephialtis is today the modern Greek word for “nightmare.” Fighting to the end (Leonidas to his men: “Tonight we shall dine in Hades”), they slew over twenty thousand of the Persians. The time that Leonidas held up the Persians allowed the Greek fleet to wreak havoc on the Persian navy at Artemisium. The final battle of the Greco-Persian war was at Plataea in 479.

2. There have been traitors throughout the history of our civilization...Quizlings and others.
Often they are part of and deeply embedded in society itself.

"A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack.

Emilio Mola, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War, told a journalist in 1936 that as his four columns of troops approached Madrid, a "fifth column" (Spanish: Quinta columna) of supporters inside the city would support him and undermine the Republican government from within."
Fifth column - Wikipedia

3. ...way back in 1973, Jean Raspail published The Camp of the Saints, in which millions of immigrants traveled from the Ganges to France. An all-powerful, multiculturally correct intelligentsia that has taught Europe that it must atone for its racist, colonial guilt welcomes the invasion. European culture is destroyed. Prescient.

...he imagined the third world invading Europe. He wrote it nearly half a century ago....a Third Armada of starving hordes intent upon the death of the West.

And aided by the Fifth Column: the Left Wing coalition of revolutionary, Marxist,nihilist, anti-racist, anti-colonial movements....and the West's own humanitarian sentiments.

The Liberals mob simply could not defend its own survival.

The nightmare has come to pass.

4. "Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
  • "The biggest migration movements are still ahead: Africa's population will double in the next decades. A country like Egypt will grow to 100 million people, Nigeria to 400 million. In our digital age with the internet and mobile phones, everyone knows about our prosperity and lifestyle." — German Development Minister Gerd Müller.

  • "Young people all have cellphones and they can see what's happening in other parts of the world, and that acts as a magnet." — Michael Møller, Director of the United Nations office in Geneva.

  • "If we do not manage to solve the central problems in African countries, ten, 20 or even 30 million immigrants will arrive in the European Union within the next ten years." — Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament." Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain
a. Our Fifth Column, the Democrats/Liberals are on track to do the same damage here.

Speaking of traitors...

They don't come any dumber than you, do they.

1. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425


3. "Nazi" has 'Socialist' right in the middle
"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?
Fake Clinton Gore button.

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