We're Probably Not Rome...

Based on the thread context, it appears you are suggesting that Christianity, the founding element of America, is accelerating the destruction of America.

Normal folks know that it is the Left/Democrats/Progressives doing it.

Let me know if I can help you further.
Just saying what the guy you quoted said. Don’t put words in my mouth.
Interesting that you bring up the time period when Germans fell under the same Mass Psychosis that Democrat voters today are suffering from.

It's the reason knowledgeable folks refer to today's Democrats as 'Good Germans.'
Just pointing out how Frank was falling into the same trap. Didn’t know he was a Dem!
….but there are reasons why so many bring up, and they weigh heavily on our political situation.

There are reasons whey this book comes up in the discussion.

View attachment 669241

Both Rome and America re-shaped their world.

1.Certainly are a number of similarities between Rome and America, starting with achievements at home and around the world.

When the Aswan Dam was constructed and Lake Nasser flooded, Abu Simbel was about to be destroyed.....unless the entire shrine could be raised to the top of the plateau. And the project was headed by the US Corp of Engineers.
They were missioned with the moving the original Abu Simbel and maintaining the miraculous feature: on the birthday of Ramses the Great, and only on that day, sunlight lit the passage to the holy of holies.

As the Egyptians tell it, it lit up said site only on that day, an amazing feat based on their knowledge of astronomy.
They felt that only the United States has the ability, the computers necessary, to make the re-built temple perform as it had for centuries.

When the temple was moved, and aligned .....it no longer lit the passage on the accustomed day....but now, on February 22.
They say, it originally lit the passage way on the birthday of the great pharaoh of ancient times.....
....and now lit the passage on the birthday of the great man of modern times, George Washington.

View attachment 669242 View attachment 669244
From the outside.............................................................and the sunlight bathing the holy of holies.

Only America could raise this ancient monument and save it.

3. And, a tip of the hat to Rome for the same:

“…aqueducts from Scotland to Africa, and the Roman armies carried the ideals of Greek civilization over millions of square miles.”

Every culture wanted to be Roman...just as modern ones want to be America.

How many rulers have used the title of Caesar or ... - Quora

https://www.quora.com › How-many-rulers-have-used-the...
The name 'Caesar' as title equivalent to 'Emperor, King, Ruler' spread into Europe and even into Russia - both 'Kaiser' (German) and 'Tsar' Russian) and 'Qaysar ...

Even in the Middle East we have 'Shah."

Usually, the comparisons of the two societies are used to predict the demise of America…..but as Twain supposedly noted: History doesn’t repeat itself….

…..but it does rhyme.

We know what happed to the Roman Empire.....and why it happened.

Are there lessons we could learn before it's too late?

A consideration of similarities in this thread.
The Roman Empire declined and fell when the christians took over. :heehee:
9. “It is as a result of their materialistic outlook that the history of Rome contains more crime and violence than that of any other city in world history; to read the story of Rome from the early struggles between the plebs and patricians (common people and aristocracy) to its downfall under Romulus Augustulus is to feel that this is a magnified version of Calhoun’s ‘behavioural sink’.

The poet Robert Graves was one of the first to recognize its possibilities for sensational fiction, and his novels I, Claudius and Claudius the God give an impression of non-stop murder, as- sassination, intrigue, promiscuity and sexual perversion. One is left with the feeling that life under Augustus, Tiberius and Caligula must have been far more dangerous than in Chicago in the days of Al Capone; and, allowing for the exaggeration which springs from the novelist’s selectivity and compression, this impression is not inaccurate. Rome typifies what can go wrong when human evolution is restricted to the purely material level.

"Behavioral sink" is a term invented by ethologist John B. Calhoun to describe a collapse in behavior which can result from overcrowding. The term and concept derive from a series of over-population experiments Calhoun conducted on Norway rats between 1958 and 1962.[1] In the experiments, Calhoun and his researchers created a series of "rat utopias" – enclosed spaces in which rats were given unlimited access to food and water, enabling unfettered population growth.

Calhoun's work became used as an animal model of societal collapse, and his study has become a touchstone of urban sociology and psychology in general.”

Lots of crime, lots of ‘bread and circus’……is that America or Rome??
10. No, returning to the question of whether America is Rome.

No, we are not.

But there are certain qualities......

“ The first Punic war (punic meaning Phoenician), which dragged on for a quarter of a century and which almost brought Rome to its knees, forced them to develop a new set of qualities: ruthless determination, intense patriotism; above all, aggressiveness. And nations are like individuals: once they have developed such qualities, they are stuck with them.” Colin Wilson, “A Criminal History of Mankind”

America and Western Civilization are too many mixtures or ethnicities, of cultures, of ideas. In fact, our generosity and charity would have been considered a weakness in Roman days.
….but there are reasons why so many bring up, and they weigh heavily on our political situation.

There are reasons whey this book comes up in the discussion.

View attachment 669241

Both Rome and America re-shaped their world.

1.Certainly are a number of similarities between Rome and America, starting with achievements at home and around the world.

When the Aswan Dam was constructed and Lake Nasser flooded, Abu Simbel was about to be destroyed.....unless the entire shrine could be raised to the top of the plateau. And the project was headed by the US Corp of Engineers.
They were missioned with the moving the original Abu Simbel and maintaining the miraculous feature: on the birthday of Ramses the Great, and only on that day, sunlight lit the passage to the holy of holies.

As the Egyptians tell it, it lit up said site only on that day, an amazing feat based on their knowledge of astronomy.
They felt that only the United States has the ability, the computers necessary, to make the re-built temple perform as it had for centuries.

When the temple was moved, and aligned .....it no longer lit the passage on the accustomed day....but now, on February 22.
They say, it originally lit the passage way on the birthday of the great pharaoh of ancient times.....
....and now lit the passage on the birthday of the great man of modern times, George Washington.

View attachment 669242 View attachment 669244
From the outside.............................................................and the sunlight bathing the holy of holies.

Only America could raise this ancient monument and save it.

3. And, a tip of the hat to Rome for the same:

“…aqueducts from Scotland to Africa, and the Roman armies carried the ideals of Greek civilization over millions of square miles.”

Every culture wanted to be Roman...just as modern ones want to be America.

How many rulers have used the title of Caesar or ... - Quora

https://www.quora.com › How-many-rulers-have-used-the...
The name 'Caesar' as title equivalent to 'Emperor, King, Ruler' spread into Europe and even into Russia - both 'Kaiser' (German) and 'Tsar' Russian) and 'Qaysar ...

Even in the Middle East we have 'Shah."

Usually, the comparisons of the two societies are used to predict the demise of America…..but as Twain supposedly noted: History doesn’t repeat itself….

…..but it does rhyme.

We know what happed to the Roman Empire.....and why it happened.

Are there lessons we could learn before it's too late?

A consideration of similarities in this thread.
Unfortunately, America ain't an empire. An empire is where you go out into the world and conquer islands/lands/countries etc..
You're still dodging.
I'm only dodging your laziness. Pick up a dictionary or use Google to see the definition of an empire. And then check what hegemony means. Then straight away, you will see the difference and you will inadvertently answer your own pressing question at the same time.

I'm merely pointing you in the right direction.
I'm only dodging your laziness. Pick up a dictionary or use Google to see the definition of an empire. And then check what hegemony means. Then straight away, you will see the difference and you will inadvertently answer your own pressing question at the same time.

I'm merely pointing you in the right direction.

No.....you're ignoring the salient parts of the thread.

Better look that up.

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