Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded,
So some Jew foments profound Christian-hatred. And this supposed to make us, what, embrace subjugation?

No idiot, it's supposed to make you realize the historical role the Cathokic church played in oppressing, persecuting, torturing and murdering Jews throughout history. Which culminated with the German Nazi Holocaust.

Oh yeah?

Rescue of Jews by Catholics during the Holocaust - Wikipedia

Pinchas Lapide, a Jewish theologian and Israeli diplomat to Milan in the 1960s, estimated in Three Popes and the Jews that Pius "was instrumental in saving at least 700,000 but probably as many as 860,000 Jews from certain death at Nazi hands."

When the Nazis came for Italy's Jews, some 4715 of the 5715 Jews of Rome found shelter in 150 Church institutions - 477 in the Vatican itself and he opened his Castel Gandolfo residence, which took in thousands.

Rhineland massacres - Wikipedia

The massacre of the Rhineland Jews by the People's Crusade, and other associated persecutions, were condemned by the leaders and officials of the Catholic Church.[28] The bishops of Mainz, Speyer, and Worms had attempted to protect the Jews of those towns within the walls of their own palaces, but the People's Crusade broke in to slaughter them
Meanwhile, the Vatican helped all the top wanted Nazis escape after WWII was over.

Ratline escapees
Some of the Nazis and war criminals who escaped using ratlines include:

  • Adolf Eichmann, fled to Argentina in 1950; captured 1960; executed in Israel on 1 June 1962
  • Franz Stangl, fled to Brazil in 1951; arrested in 1967 and extradited to West Germany; died in 1971 of natural causes
  • Gustav Wagner, fled to Brazil in 1950; arrested 1978; committed suicide 1980
  • Erich Priebke, fled to Argentina in 1949; arrested 1994; eventually died in 2013
  • Klaus Barbie, fled to Bolivia in 1951, captured in 1983; died in prison in France on 23 September 1991
  • Eduard Roschmann, escaped to Argentina in 1948; fled to Paraguay to avoid extradition and died there in 1977
  • Aribert Heim, disappeared in 1962; most likely died in Egypt in 1992
  • Andrija Artuković, arrested in 1984 after decades of delay and extradited to Yugoslavia, where he died in 1988 from natural causes
  • Ante Pavelić, escaped to Argentina in 1948; died in Spain, in December 1959, of wounds sustained two years earlier in an assassination attempt
  • Walter Rauff, escaped to Chile; never captured; died in 1984
  • Alois Brunner, fled to Syria in 1954; died around 2010
  • Josef Mengele, fled to Argentina in 1949, then to other countries; died in Brazil in 1979.
The Truth About Pius & The Nazi Ratlines

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Let's not forget that Jews did something Poles didn't do.

Which is throw money to the Nazis.

Such as the Haavara Agreement where Jews indirectly financed the Nazis, to have Nazis send 60,000 Jews, and their personal belongings to Palestine.
OMG! Jews paying ransom to save Jews!

That was in 1933, before Nazis killed Jews.

But, can you explain this?

Explain M.M/ Warburg, and Mendelsohn banks floating loans for the Nazi government?

Or maybe you can explain why Polish officials and townspeople committed genocide on Jews in several regions in Poland, even after the Holocaust and war were over.
Maybe they were like you, then who could blame them?
No actually they were like you. There has never been a single instance of The Jewish people committing genocide on another people. Check White Catholic Europeans for that.
You fucking idiot. The founding document of your so-called culture is full of exactly that you low-life subhuman piece of dog shit. Have someone read Deuteronomy to you. Not only does it recount genocide, it justifies it (on totally justifiable grounds like, these people didn't allow you to enslave them, so...genocide), you bloodthirsty vile scum. And right on up to the modern era--Jews responsible for at least 20 million Russian Christians from 1917-1928. And then there is the big one you people are planning even now, with your Iron Dome, etc. Thank God, the people of the world are waking up to your blood lust and you will be stopped once and for all. And, ironically, it will be the Chinese who will be forever revered as the people who were finally able to exterminate your evil once and for all.
OMG! Jews paying ransom to save Jews!

That was in 1933, before Nazis killed Jews.

But, can you explain this?

Explain M.M/ Warburg, and Mendelsohn banks floating loans for the Nazi government?

Or maybe you can explain why Polish officials and townspeople committed genocide on Jews in several regions in Poland, even after the Holocaust and war were over.
Maybe they were like you, then who could blame them?
No actually they were like you. There has never been a single instance of The Jewish people committing genocide on another people. Check White Catholic Europeans for that.
You fucking idiot. The founding document of your so-called culture is full of exactly that you low-life subhuman piece of dog shit. Have someone read Deuteronomy to you. Not only does it recount genocide, it justifies it (on totally justifiable grounds like, these people didn't allow you to enslave them, so...genocide), you bloodthirsty vile scum. And right on up to the modern era--Jews responsible for at least 20 million Russian Christians from 1917-1928. And then there is the big one you people are planning even now, with your Iron Dome, etc. Thank God, the people of the world are waking up to your blood lust and you will be stopped once and for all. And, ironically, it will be the Chinese who will be forever revered as the people who were finally able to exterminate your evil once and for all.
Jews as a community never committed genocide, if you have to go back to an unproven biblical verse taken out out of context, occurring over 4000 years ago to find a genocide it shows how desperate and fulla shit you are. If anything, it's you and your demented ilk that is getting thrown into the trash bin of history.
OMG! Jews paying ransom to save Jews!

That was in 1933, before Nazis killed Jews.

But, can you explain this?

Explain M.M/ Warburg, and Mendelsohn banks floating loans for the Nazi government?

Or maybe you can explain why Polish officials and townspeople committed genocide on Jews in several regions in Poland, even after the Holocaust and war were over.
Maybe they were like you, then who could blame them?
No actually they were like you. There has never been a single instance of The Jewish people committing genocide on another people. Check White Catholic Europeans for that.
You fucking idiot. The founding document of your so-called culture is full of exactly that you low-life subhuman piece of dog shit. Have someone read Deuteronomy to you. Not only does it recount genocide, it justifies it (on totally justifiable grounds like, these people didn't allow you to enslave them, so...genocide), you bloodthirsty vile scum. And right on up to the modern era--Jews responsible for at least 20 million Russian Christians from 1917-1928. And then there is the big one you people are planning even now, with your Iron Dome, etc. Thank God, the people of the world are waking up to your blood lust and you will be stopped once and for all. And, ironically, it will be the Chinese who will be forever revered as the people who were finally able to exterminate your evil once and for all.
Jews don't kill law abiding people but we will sue you to death.
But you Christian whites of European ancestry never harmed anyone, now did you, Adolf? Ha ha ha. What a fucking ignorant dufus.
No, you pathetic piece of porcine garbage, we have committed our share of atrocities along with everyone else. The difference is, you putrid piece of shit, we own our contribution to the human tragedy. That means we can improve. Unfortunately, there is one particularly vile segment of us bipeds that refuses to do that out of, I guess, racial insecurity or, perhaps, subhuman development. The tragedy of that is it negates every effort at improvement, because the (((subhumans))) will only see any acknowledgement of moral failure as a weakness to be exploited, thus consigning all to a depraved condition of all against all. Thanks, Jews!
So please let us know the National and International Holocaust(s) that the Jews wreaked against non-Jews.
We'll wait.

Jew Abe Foxman denies the Armenian Genocide, which is rich coming from someone who cries profusely about those who deny the Holocaust.

Israel also doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide.

One thing is true, as Jew Joel Stein of the LA Times pointed out, Jews totally run Hollywood..... Of course Hollywood hasn't produced much on other genocides of history against other ethnic groups.
Israel doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide due to your beloved Islamic Turks.
But I bet you love the Turks.

My screen-name only celebrates Polish Jan III Sobieski's defeat of the Islamic Turks at the Battle of Vienna in 1683.

I don't know where you come up with such crap.

No, I don't love Turks, but Turks aren't half as anti-Polish as Jews.
Jews are anti-Polish? Poland and Poles aren't even on the radar of concerns of the Jewish community.
Jews don't kill law abiding people but we will sue you to death.
That law being, of course, Mosaic.
Do you prefer the Roman Catholic "Burn You On The Cross" Law?
You do know that's where Christians got the Cross Efigy Burning ritual from.
Damn, you guys know how to have a good ole time!
Poor cnelson, like all Neo Nazis, he is torn apart. On one hand he hates Jews, but on the other he worships a devout Jew named Jesus as "Son of G-D", who followed the same Mosaic law and practiced Judaism.
Jews don't kill law abiding people but we will sue you to death.
That law being, of course, Mosaic.
Which of course, is the foundation for US and Western Law.
Which is why, under federal law, if a groom accuses his bride of not being a virgin, and her parents can't prove otherwise, the bride is dragged to the door of her father's house and all the men from the neighborhood throw rocks at her until she is dead.
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Besides the fact those numbers are bullshit, everyone used Chemical Weapons around that time period... I realize they probably didn't cover the first world war in your Home School.

Those numbers are not bullshit you disgusting holocaust denier. And not everyone was using them on their own civilian populations.

Yes they are dumbass!

The Bolsheviks were the original revolutionaries that started the movement. What took over, because communism is a highly flawed concept, was much different. You know a common neo-Nazi theme is to say all the atrocities of the USSR were caused by the Jews. Yet these ignorant inbreds conveniently ignore the fact that the Jews were one of the Soviets biggest victims.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Jews don't kill law abiding people but we will sue you to death.
That law being, of course, Mosaic.
Which of course, is the foundation for US and Western Law.
Which is why, under federal law, if a groom accuses his bride of not being a virgin, and her parents can't prove otherwise, the bride is dragged to the door of her father's house and all the men from the neighborhood throw rocks at her until she is dead.
Of course not having actually studied Talmud you don't realize it's virtually technically impossible for a Sanhedrin to arrive at a guilty verdict; but that part you don't read.
Unlike the RCC who burned humans at the cross every time they wanted a barbeque.
No, you pathetic piece of porcine garbage, we have committed our share of atrocities along with everyone else. The difference is, you putrid piece of shit, we own our contribution to the human tragedy. That means we can improve. Unfortunately, there is one particularly vile segment of us bipeds that refuses to do that out of, I guess, racial insecurity or, perhaps, subhuman development. The tragedy of that is it negates every effort at improvement, because the (((subhumans))) will only see any acknowledgement of moral failure as a weakness to be exploited, thus consigning all to a depraved condition of all against all. Thanks, Jews!
So please let us know the National and International Holocaust(s) that the Jews wreaked against non-Jews.
We'll wait.

Jew Abe Foxman denies the Armenian Genocide, which is rich coming from someone who cries profusely about those who deny the Holocaust.

Israel also doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide.

One thing is true, as Jew Joel Stein of the LA Times pointed out, Jews totally run Hollywood..... Of course Hollywood hasn't produced much on other genocides of history against other ethnic groups.
Israel doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide due to your beloved Islamic Turks.
But I bet you love the Turks.

My screen-name only celebrates Polish Jan III Sobieski's defeat of the Islamic Turks at the Battle of Vienna in 1683.

I don't know where you come up with such crap.

No, I don't love Turks, but Turks aren't half as anti-Polish as Jews.
Jews are anti-Polish? Poland and Poles aren't even on the radar of concerns of the Jewish community.

That's hilarious, considering all the screeching, you, and various other Jews do about Poland.
Jews don't kill law abiding people but we will sue you to death.
That law being, of course, Mosaic.
Which of course, is the foundation for US and Western Law.
Which is why, under federal law, if a groom accuses his bride of not being a virgin, and her parents can't prove otherwise, the bride is dragged to the door of her father's house and all the men from the neighborhood throw rocks at her until she is dead.
Maybe in your neck of the woods. Mosaic law is the foundation for the Western Justice system, the ethics, moral laws, and social justice that has been part of modern civilization, and also part of the New Testament, but you're too fucking ignorant to know it.
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So please let us know the National and International Holocaust(s) that the Jews wreaked against non-Jews.
We'll wait.

Jew Abe Foxman denies the Armenian Genocide, which is rich coming from someone who cries profusely about those who deny the Holocaust.

Israel also doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide.

One thing is true, as Jew Joel Stein of the LA Times pointed out, Jews totally run Hollywood..... Of course Hollywood hasn't produced much on other genocides of history against other ethnic groups.
Israel doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide due to your beloved Islamic Turks.
But I bet you love the Turks.

My screen-name only celebrates Polish Jan III Sobieski's defeat of the Islamic Turks at the Battle of Vienna in 1683.

I don't know where you come up with such crap.

No, I don't love Turks, but Turks aren't half as anti-Polish as Jews.
Jews are anti-Polish? Poland and Poles aren't even on the radar of concerns of the Jewish community.

That's hilarious, considering all the screeching, you, and various other Jews do about Poland.
Eh get over it. Nobody cares about Poland. There's good and bad in all people, and a vein of antisemtism in Polish people that hopefully will be eliminated in a few generations. if humanity and the future is to exist, that is.
who followed the same Mosaic law and practiced Judaism.
Which is why the Jews killed him, no doubt. You bore me. Don't you have somebody to sue, or something?
Once again you prove your ignorance. The Jews did not kill Jesus, the Romans did. He was one one of thousands that the brutal Romans crucified on a regular basis, and he certainly wasn't the only Jew in occupied Judea that this happened to.

Have you Nazi dickheads ever figure out exactly how did Jews "outsmart" the Son of G-D and then kill him? Ha ha ha!
Jews don't kill law abiding people but we will sue you to death.
That law being, of course, Mosaic.
Which of course, is the foundation for US and Western Law.
Which is why, under federal law, if a groom accuses his bride of not being a virgin, and her parents can't prove otherwise, the bride is dragged to the door of her father's house and all the men from the neighborhood throw rocks at her until she is dead.
Maybe in your neck of the woods. Mosaic law is the foundation for the Western Justice system, the ethics, moral laws, and social justice that has been part of modern civilization, and also part of the New Testament, but you're too fucking ignorant to know it.
No, that would be your neck of the woods, Jew, since it's right out of Mosaic law. Thankfully, Western law, like western culture, looks to the Greeks and the Romans for it parentage. Far more civilized, as even the early Church fathers recognized. St Paul is Platonic, not Mosaic.
who followed the same Mosaic law and practiced Judaism.
Which is why the Jews killed him, no doubt. You bore me. Don't you have somebody to sue, or something?
Once again you prove your ignorance. The Jews did not kill Jesus, the Romans did. He was one one of thousands that the brutal Romans crucified on a regular basis, and he certainly wasn't the only Jew in occupied Judea that this happened to.

Have you Nazi dickheads ever figure out exactly how did Jews "outsmart" the Son of G-D and then kill him? Ha ha ha!
You are tiresome, but the only record of the death of Jesus is what is contained in the New Testament. Jews had him killed, period.

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