Well, that Bounce didn't last long


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
The popularity of Obamacare is once again dropping.

Pollster, which aggregates multiple polls, shows that Opposition stands at 50.4%, with Support at 40.5%.


Pollster.com: Health Care Plan: Favor / Oppose
Ah, but the polls that count will be in November. And that is a long way off. Long enough for many to realize what is really in the bill. Enough time for an improving economy to add a boost. In fact, enough time for the actions of the wingnut Conservatives to completely offend a great number of independents with their antics.
Economy? a Boost?

LOL that's funny.

My County Government announced today that everyone who works at the Prosecutors office will take off 1 1/2 unpaid days every 2 weeks. The Prosecutor is voluntarily giving up 15% of his salary. They are only one department which is being forced to cut back because of the so called improving economy. I doubt that Tim Ryan will be able to hold onto his seat this November. The other county in his district is as bad or worse.

Go on Timmy, show us some more of your liberal fixes.:clap2:
Big Government is snowballing - and it's all down hill from here.
Ah, but the polls that count will be in November. And that is a long way off. Long enough for many to realize what is really in the bill. Enough time for an improving economy to add a boost. In fact, enough time for the actions of the wingnut Conservatives to completely offend a great number of independents with their antics.

Enough time for everyone to realize they got fucked and exorcise every moron that voted for the bill. :eusa_whistle:
The President enjoyed a modest bounce in the polls following the passage of health care legislation last week. However, his Approval Index rating is now back to where it was last Sunday, just before the House voted in favor of his health care plan. All the bouncing of the past week has come among Democrats. There has been virtually no change in the opinions of Republicans and unaffiliated voters. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports
The popularity of Obamacare is once again dropping

I wonder what the polls would have been on doing away with jim crow laws?


but now for reality:

Overall, 46 percent of those polled said they support the changes in the new law; 50 percent oppose them. That is virtually identical to the pre-vote split on the proposals and similar to the divide that has existed since last summer, when the country became sharply polarized over the president's most ambitious domestic initiative.


I can't help it if loons still think there are death panels. Maybe your boys should have actually worked on the bill instead of being failures.
And nothing that Washington has done has helped local governments at all. States and counties, cities and townships, all over the country going broke.
Just curious, do you use the Socialist VA for your medical care?

No I don't. but i do volunteer there 2 hours a week.
You do realize that the VA is Socialist Healthcare in the true sense of the term. Their hospitals are wholly owned by the US Government, and the doctors take a salary from the government.
That is not the case in the new health care bill that just passed congress.
Just curious, do you use the Socialist VA for your medical care?

No I don't. but i do volunteer there 2 hours a week.
You do realize that the VA is Socialist Healthcare in the true sense of the term. Their hospitals are wholly owned by the US Government, and the doctors take a salary from the government.
That is not the case in the new health care bill that just passed congress.

Give it time, their ultimate goal is socialized medicine for all. And at least the Veterans who use the VA earned it.
Big Government is snowballing - and it's all down hill from here.

And nothing that Washington has done has helped local governments at all. States and counties, cities and townships, all over the country going broke.
Just curious, do you use the Socialist VA for your medical care?

Once again for the truly stupid. He EARNED his VA. He spent 22 years in the Army defending YOUR right to call him names and make fun of him. Unlike Obama care where 30 million people will just get free medical care thanks to Uncle Sam. without doing anything to earn it.

But hey at least my son will have medical coverage, right? He does not work, so Uncle Sam will pay for it.
And nothing that Washington has done has helped local governments at all. States and counties, cities and townships, all over the country going broke.
Just curious, do you use the Socialist VA for your medical care?

Once again for the truly stupid. He EARNED his VA. He spent 22 years in the Army defending YOUR right to call him names and make fun of him. Unlike Obama care where 30 million people will just get free medical care thanks to Uncle Sam. without doing anything to earn it.

But hey at least my son will have medical coverage, right? He does not work, so Uncle Sam will pay for it.
You obviously know nothing about what just passed.
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Just curious, do you use the Socialist VA for your medical care?

Once again for the truly stupid. He EARNED his VA. He spent 22 years in the Army defending YOUR right to call him names and make fun of him. Unlike Obama care where 30 million people will just get free medical care thanks to Uncle Sam. without doing anything to earn it.

But hey at least my son will have medical coverage, right? He does not work, so Uncle Sam will pay for it.
You obviously know nothing about what just passed.

I know enough to realize the foundation for a single payer system was passed. Please just give it time, your going to get what you and barry wanted.
The popularity of Obamacare is once again dropping

I wonder what the polls would have been on doing away with jim crow laws?


but now for reality:

Overall, 46 percent of those polled said they support the changes in the new law; 50 percent oppose them. That is virtually identical to the pre-vote split on the proposals and similar to the divide that has existed since last summer, when the country became sharply polarized over the president's most ambitious domestic initiative.


I can't help it if loons still think there are death panels. Maybe your boys should have actually worked on the bill instead of being failures.
They would have had to phone it in, because they weren't invited behind the closed doors.
The popularity of Obamacare is once again dropping

I wonder what the polls would have been on doing away with jim crow laws?

Nice - equating opposition to ObamaCare to opposition to getting rid of Jim Crow laws.

You know what they say when someone has to resort to the race card....


but now for reality:

Overall, 46 percent of those polled said they support the changes in the new law; 50 percent oppose them. That is virtually identical to the pre-vote split on the proposals and similar to the divide that has existed since last summer, when the country became sharply polarized over the president's most ambitious domestic initiative.


I can't help it if loons still think there are death panels. Maybe your boys should have actually worked on the bill instead of being failures.

That WAPO poll is cooked.

The sampling was a ratio of 34/24/38 for Dem/GOP/Independents - a four point increase in the gap between Dem and GOP.

Washington Post-ABC News (washingtonpost.com)
Ah, but the polls that count will be in November. And that is a long way off. Long enough for many to realize what is really in the bill. Enough time for an improving economy to add a boost. In fact, enough time for the actions of the wingnut Conservatives to completely offend a great number of independents with their antics.

:lol::lol::lol: Nice try--but you are right about one thing---:lol::lol::lol: The 40% of Americans who support this bill--will have lots of time to realise what it means to them prior to the November election---:lol::lol:

Like the new 15,000 IRS agents and the 157 new government agencies that will be set up to insure that Americans are purchasing their own health care. And if not and with all the powers of the IRS who can get into checking/savings accounts--withhold income tax refunds--lien and seize personal property--add fines and penalties they will be overjoyed with compassion for this administration and congress.

We're not even talking about all the political pay-offs or goodies in this bill yet--:lol::lol::lol: Wait until they find about those. They might be so happ....y with them they might even give a democrat who voted for this bill at least a snowballs chance in hell of winning re-election--LOL.
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