Well, she certainly didn't kill McCain's chances

Well I can start listing all her lies and half truths but then you'll just try to slander me with a Sexist label for disagreeing with Sarah Palin. :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, sound familiar?

Every person who doesn't vote for Obama is a racist, remember? I sure do.....

But go ahead and provide your evidence. It didn't stop me...
Biden is a plagiarist. This is a fact.

Obama sounds like a retard when asked to speak without the aid of a TelePrompTer™. This is a fact.

Lies are all you have, no facts.

So sad...

here.. ENJOYS some fucking facts, buddy.

<embed FlashVars="videoId=184086" src='http://www.comedycentral.com/sitewide/video_player/view/default/swf.jhtml' quality='high' bgcolor='#cccccc' width='332' height='316' name='comedy_central_player' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' allownetworking='external' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></embed>

Jon Stewart Annihilates Sarah Palin's Media Surrogates | Comedy Central Insider - The Comedy Blog for Comedy Fans
the thing is, Bush didnt lie
Clinton did, and it was under oath
there is a huge difference between the two

listen.. that whole "bush didn't lie" crap despite the mushroom cloud rehtoric and WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION shit is about as convincing as a candy wielding child predator. For real. Clinton got a blowjob. Bush invaded a country to get revenge for his daddy on false presences. Accept that if you want to but W will NEVER live down the reputation of his own political tactics.
Yeah, sound familiar?

Every person who doesn't vote for Obama is a racist, remember? I sure do.....

But go ahead and provide your evidence. It didn't stop me...

I never personally called anyone who didn't vote for Obama a racist.


You on another thread just today called someone Sexist just for disagreeing with Sarah Palin so therefore he must hate women. :wtf:

I was just pointing out how it's no surprise that your using the new GOP Talking Point.

I've posted all over the boards evidence of why I don't think Sarah Palin is qualified at all. This thread included.
listen.. that whole "bush didn't lie" crap despite the mushroom cloud rehtoric and WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION shit is about as convincing as a candy wielding child predator. For real. Clinton got a blowjob. Bush invaded a country to get revenge for his daddy on false presences. Accept that if you want to but W will NEVER live down the reputation of his own political tactics.
please, seek out help for your ABDS, Bush wont be POTUS in a few months
here.. ENJOYS some fucking facts, buddy.

<embed FlashVars="videoId=184086" src='http://www.comedycentral.com/sitewide/video_player/view/default/swf.jhtml' quality='high' bgcolor='#cccccc' width='332' height='316' name='comedy_central_player' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' allownetworking='external' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></embed>

Jon Stewart Annihilates Sarah Palin's Media Surrogates | Comedy Central Insider - The Comedy Blog for Comedy Fans
you are actually using a COMEDIAN to counter Palin
:lol: OMG too precious
listen.. that whole "bush didn't lie" crap despite the mushroom cloud rehtoric and WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION shit is about as convincing as a candy wielding child predator. For real. Clinton got a blowjob. Bush invaded a country to get revenge for his daddy on false presences. Accept that if you want to but W will NEVER live down the reputation of his own political tactics.

No, Clinton sexually harassed women, and got caught for it..then lied when he was under oath.

Difference. It's one thing to have consensual sex, it's another to get Arkansas state troopers to pimp and intimidate women on your behalf. If you choose to make the mistake of using state troopers as pimps and guards, then you'd better be ready to come clean when you find a woman who objects.

Moral of the story: Get your own tail, and you might check to see if they're interested before you expose yourself to them.

Still don't see how that compares opting out of abortion in the realm of "character" but whatever.
listen.. that whole "bush didn't lie" crap despite the mushroom cloud rehtoric and WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION shit is about as convincing as a candy wielding child predator. For real. Clinton got a blowjob. Bush invaded a country to get revenge for his daddy on false presences. Accept that if you want to but W will NEVER live down the reputation of his own political tactics.

This is the mental image I got when you mentioned the candy wielding child predator comment.

In this case, the candy = oil.

I never personally called anyone who didn't vote for Obama a racist.


You on another thread just today called someone Sexist just for disagreeing with Sarah Palin so therefore he must hate women. :wtf:

I was just pointing out how it's no surprise that your using the new GOP Talking Point.

I've posted all over the boards evidence of why I don't think Sarah Palin is qualified at all. This thread included.

Yes, it's because you hate women. Don't feel bad, that's Shogun's reason, too.
you are actually using a COMEDIAN to counter Palin
:lol: OMG too precious

I watch Comedy Central for my news and Fox News for my comedy. :)

Least that's what it come to. Jon Stewart is the least biased person out there on news subjects. (And that's out of ALL media networks)
I watch Comedy Central for my news and Fox News for my comedy. :)

Least that's what it come to. Jon Stewart is the least biased person out there on news subjects. (And that's out of ALL media networks)

But perhaps not quite so well informed.
Yes, it's because you hate women. Don't feel bad, that's Shogun's reason, too.

If I hate women, then God really did tell Sarah Palin that we should be in Iraq. :lol:


I didn't know God spoke to her directly. She would get a standing ovation for that, most people would be thrown in a mental institution.

I don't know if your being sarcastic when you say that but I guess that makes you sexist in return for disagreeing with Barack Obama? :lol:

Oh wait, that's the logic you throw at people. I feel all dirty now, gonna have to take a extra shower later.
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please, seek out help for your ABDS, Bush wont be POTUS in a few months

no, he wont.. But he ALSO won't outlive his version of watergate either. Please, make suggestions about therapy after you get over the SUPER natural feat of living in a fucking fish for 3 days.

Trust me, Palin is the latest Meyers gaffe made by a fumbling republican party.
you are actually using a COMEDIAN to counter Palin
:lol: OMG too precious

no. IM using VIDEO CLIPS.

please... make sure you hope that no one else can watch the words coming from the mouths of rove and palin.

no, he wont.. But he ALSO won't outlive his version of watergate either. Please, make suggestions about therapy after you get over the SUPER natural feat of living in a fucking fish for 3 days.

Trust me, Palin is the latest Meyers gaffe made by a fumbling republican party.
nice cross posting
Yes, it's because you hate women. Don't feel bad, that's Shogun's reason, too.

You are a laughing joke, baba. This is why you dont like Stewarts little video montage. Facts never really did gel with your brain. I don't hate women at all. And, be sure, criticism of your joke of a VP candidate is neither indication of hatred against women OR any other little laughable talking point that puts sean hannity to sleep each night.

nice cross posting

nice bob and weave.

Now, tell me how the videos on Stewarts little Montage are FAKED. You see, in a world where fish can't keep humans alive underwater, THIS is what we call evidence.

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