Well Heck, I could have done that.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

I bet it was a long walk up the hill to collect his skis.
I wonder if he had to pay for that lift out of there? I suppose since they dropped him off already, he has to pay extra. He wasn't really close to any rocks so its more of a long rolling action and nothing else. Always hated being covered in snow and having to walk back uphill to grab a ski. Did that a lot when I learned in Colorado.
I grew up skiing in AK & we used to call that a "yardsale" when you leave your equipment scattered on the mountain above you.
Alaska has some of the steepest slopes anywhere so I've seen my share of yardsales but that was about as long as it gets.
Did it say where it was up there?
I'm thinking around Valdez where they used to do the World Extreme Skiing Championships

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