Well Done, Mr. President

You made me proud. You showed empathy and made many of us feel better. Thank you.
"One does not win by making others lose."
Did He actually say that?
With a straight face?

Liberalism is defined, in part, by the idea that if some people cannot keep up with the Joneses, the solution is to bring the Joneses down to them - that to improve the lives of the have nots, one only need take from the haves.

This is exactly the OPPOSITE of His quote.
it's all well and good He spoke good words. WHERE has he been before NOW?

Does it take these things to wake some up? *I* still don't TRUST HIM based upon his record.


I do not buy into it.

I second that. Well said. He can't reinvent himself merely on the occasion of six innocent dead people.

bunch of garbage boi troll... you and your ilk are the problem. now let the grownups talk, nutter.
Did you need the President to give a speech to feel that way? Things must be worse than I realized in this world.

There is always hope. And we can always be united instead of divided. We just have to work at being the change we want to be in the world. If we stand and lift where we are, so to speak, we can do it.

Why did the Great Unifier wait two years and until six people got their heads blown off?

This is not about him.

you can't give this guy, our President, an inch, can you? It is people like you that have hated him from the get go that have divided our country, and also, given Fox so much more power to divide even further. You and others like you are the most unpatriotic people I've ever seen, and there are A LOT like you... I guess, all dumbass neo-cons. I didn't want Bush in office (I didn't vote for him) but we all gave him a chance, and then he shocked us all, but that was later.

cry us a fucking river whydonchya? We listened to your bullshit for 8 long years. give it a rest.
He had five days to slap down all of his sycophants who villified political speech made by his opponents.

And two years doing nothing but villifying his components.

This guy is no unifier.
Be realistic, if not anything else Revere. Will you?

You can't expect him to slap down The Left, which is what you're suggesting, and also NOT slap down the Right. He did neither, because that would be, in fact, slapping down free speech, or at least so many of people who lean your way tend to like to argue.

Not to dwell on the past, but a comparison is in order. When Bush was in office and even AFTER "the unity" of 9/11 Bush "vilified" his "opponents" for the rest of this administration by the constant rhetoric, of "if you're not with us you're against us/anti-American, etc."

Please keep that in mind.

it's all well and good He spoke good words. WHERE has he been before NOW?

Does it take these things to wake some up? *I* still don't TRUST HIM based upon his record.


I do not buy into it.
Yes, it does take such events to stir such things. And about the trust thing...that's EXACTLY how many of us on the Left felt about Bush during and after 9/11 as well. And you guys hated it.

So please keep that in mind.
Did you need the President to give a speech to feel that way? Things must be worse than I realized in this world.

There is always hope. And we can always be united instead of divided. We just have to work at being the change we want to be in the world. If we stand and lift where we are, so to speak, we can do it.

Why did the Great Unifier wait two years and until six people got their heads blown off?

This is not about him.

Yeah, I wondered the same thing about Bush & 3000 people boiling in jet fuel. I thought, you know Bush this was never about you.

You're disgusting.
it's all well and good He spoke good words. WHERE has he been before NOW?

Does it take these things to wake some up? *I* still don't TRUST HIM based upon his record.


I do not buy into it.

I second that. Well said. He can't reinvent himself merely on the occasion of six innocent dead people.

bunch of garbage boi troll... you and your ilk are the problem. now let the grownups talk, nutter.

try to talk some civil democrat talk dear.
Didn't watch the speech, but have watched excerpts.... President Obama, from what I saw, did a great job.
it's all well and good He spoke good words. WHERE has he been before NOW?

Does it take these things to wake some up? *I* still don't TRUST HIM based upon his record.


I do not buy into it.

I second that. Well said. He can't reinvent himself merely on the occasion of six innocent dead people.

bunch of garbage boi troll... you and your ilk are the problem. now let the grownups talk, nutter.

You are an IDIOT Jillian. Some of us aren't fuckin PARTISAN BLIND as you.
You made me proud. You showed empathy and made many of us feel better. Thank you.
"One does not win by making others lose."
Did He actually say that?
With a straight face?

Liberalism is defined, in part, by the idea that if some people cannot keep up with the Joneses, the solution is to bring the Joneses down to them - that to improve the lives of the have nots, one only need take from the haves.

This is exactly the OPPOSITE of His quote.

No, Obama did not say that. It is one of the quotes I hold in my wetware database, and some of the authors are long forgotten. So I just wrap them in quotes, indicating they are not from me, but that I hold them dear. I apologize for the confusion. :)
You made me proud. You showed empathy and made many of us feel better. Thank you.
"One does not win by making others lose."
Did He actually say that?
With a straight face?

Liberalism is defined, in part, by the idea that if some people cannot keep up with the Joneses, the solution is to bring the Joneses down to them - that to improve the lives of the have nots, one only need take from the haves.

This is exactly the OPPOSITE of His quote.

No, Obama did not say that. It is one of the quotes I hold in my wetware database, and some of the authors are long forgotten. So I just wrap them in quotes, indicating they are not from me, but that I hold them dear. I apologize for the confusion. :)
Thank you for the clarification.
I didn't want Bush in office (I didn't vote for him) but we all gave him a chance, and then he shocked us all, but that was later.
You -have- to be kidding. There was no end to the seething, cynical, ignorant, bigoted, partisan, anti-Bush rhetoric from the day after the 2000 election to the day present.

And isn't it ODD that newpolitics has to quantify BUSH?


I do NOT trust Obama in this situation, or any other based upon his record...period.
I didn't want Bush in office (I didn't vote for him) but we all gave him a chance, and then he shocked us all, but that was later.
You -have- to be kidding. There was no end to the seething, cynical, ignorant, bigoted, partisan, anti-Bush rhetoric from the day after the 2000 election to the day present.

While I certainly agree from the time he was elected up to September 10th 2001 there was a lot of people not willing to give him a chance on the other side. But after 9/11 he had the high approval ratings in history-people wanted to rally around him...somewhere along the line he just kind of dropped the ball. Bush wasn't a good president, not matter how people shake it down (for the record I don't think Obama's better).
Did He actually say that?
With a straight face?

Liberalism is defined, in part, by the idea that if some people cannot keep up with the Joneses, the solution is to bring the Joneses down to them - that to improve the lives of the have nots, one only need take from the haves.

This is exactly the OPPOSITE of His quote.

No, Obama did not say that. It is one of the quotes I hold in my wetware database, and some of the authors are long forgotten. So I just wrap them in quotes, indicating they are not from me, but that I hold them dear. I apologize for the confusion. :)
Thank you for the clarification.

You are welcome and I "thank you" for the opportunity to correct something others may have also confused. The result, a perfect example of freedom of speech.
Sorry bout that,

1. I think Palin said it better, the mainstream media is always looking to her to say something, (Why didn't you come out sooner and say something, and how is it you're to busy too say something sooner? Kinda like, "When did you know it and what did you know when you knew it?") *the mainstream media says on thier news casts*, as if she's the real President, then after she says something, they immediately begin to ridicule her words, trying to tear down each of her sentences, that she does say.
2. Also Obama came across as pompus, every so often he would stick his chin out, telling those watching just how great he is for what he has said, and what HE is about to say, is even greater.
3. I didn't buy it.
4. Obama came across as aloof to me, sure some things he said were okay, when he spoke of the little girl, that was nice what he said.

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I didn't want Bush in office (I didn't vote for him) but we all gave him a chance, and then he shocked us all, but that was later.
You -have- to be kidding. There was no end to the seething, cynical, ignorant, bigoted, partisan, anti-Bush rhetoric from the day after the 2000 election to the day present.

While I certainly agree from the time he was elected up to September 10th 2001 there was a lot of people not willing to give him a chance on the other side. But after 9/11 he had the high approval ratings in history-people wanted to rally around him...somewhere along the line he just kind of dropped the ball.
Or, more likely, people that supported him in the heat of the moment became bored with, or simply forgot about, the crisis at hand and went back to playing politics. Bush deviated little from his post 9-11 rhetoric - that is, he did pretty much exactly what he said he would do - and so if support was lost along the way, its not because -Bush- moved away from what got him that support.
The speech left me with a feeling of hope, that maybe, just maybe, we can be united, instead of divided.

Did you need the President to give a speech to feel that way? Things must be worse than I realized in this world.

There is always hope. And we can always be united instead of divided. We just have to work at being the change we want to be in the world. If we stand and lift where we are, so to speak, we can do it.

I'm talking about all the hate and finger pointing from the last few days, have you noticed that too?

Maybe now, people from BOTH SIDES can stop trying to play the "blame game" and move on.

Let's hope, eh?

the blame game is lame so yes let's hope.

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