Welfare Recipient:"Why Would Anyone Want To Work in America??"

Having skimed this thread for a couple of pages, I am absolutely amazed at how mean spirited posters from the Right are on this board. It is obvious that they are not going to change, come hell, or high water (until, or unless, they find themselves down and out, and in need). I have to tell you, RDD, that these are not the kind of people that I would want to know in real life, so I am surprised that you deal with them at all.

Out of here~~~~~>

There's way too many who are cocksuckers who think they know everything. I issue this challenge - if it's so motherfucking lucrative on welfare, TRY IT on for size and find out for your own goddamned self! No, don't stay there, just try it for a year. THEN report back with all your silly-ass statements.

My pride wouldn't let me leech for a year, sorry.

But it wouldn't stop you from bitching about the less fortunate on the internet. Ya....pride.
hating poor people will not win you any elections

What Republicans/Libertarians say: We need to reform our welfare system so that it doesn't enable people to abuse it endlessly.

What retards (like Truthmatters) thinks it means: I HATE POOR PEOPLE! We should just let them all die in the gutter!
hating poor people will not win you any elections

It is the Dem's who hate the poor, by keeping them under control of the welfare programs that they keep passing.

Wanting our poor to be lifted out of poverty is not hating them.
We want programs that help them to become productive citizens by having a good education and programs that will help them to get out of the ghettos and horrible housing projects that the Dem's programs have created.

Wanting a man to walk again is noble...Taking his crutches and screaming WALK DAMMIT is callous.

not if he doesn't need the crutches anymore.....just sayin....
Having skimed this thread for a couple of pages, I am absolutely amazed at how mean spirited posters from the Right are on this board. It is obvious that they are not going to change, come hell, or high water (until, or unless, they find themselves down and out, and in need). I have to tell you, RDD, that these are not the kind of people that I would want to know in real life, so I am surprised that you deal with them at all.

Out of here~~~~~>

There's way too many who are cocksuckers who think they know everything. I issue this challenge - if it's so motherfucking lucrative on welfare, TRY IT on for size and find out for your own goddamned self! No, don't stay there, just try it for a year. THEN report back with all your silly-ass statements.

My pride wouldn't let me leech for a year, sorry.

You already are a leech and are too stupid to know it. No, check that, you're neither. You're one more sucker to the silly partisan game.
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It is the Dem's who hate the poor, by keeping them under control of the welfare programs that they keep passing.

Wanting our poor to be lifted out of poverty is not hating them.
We want programs that help them to become productive citizens by having a good education and programs that will help them to get out of the ghettos and horrible housing projects that the Dem's programs have created.

Wanting a man to walk again is noble...Taking his crutches and screaming WALK DAMMIT is callous.

not if he doesn't need the crutches anymore.....just sayin....

Exactly. But those who feel righteous when they approve of the government using other people's money to encourage dependency won't understand that.

Compassion is not feeling self righteous because you care or have sympathy.

Compassion is not giving others what they want.

Compassion is giving others what they need, what is best for them, what will help them help themselves.

And to encourage dependency to the detriment of somebody is not compassion but is self-serving cruelty.
Clean out your headgear flat top! Follow the money and look at all the corporate and `1% welfare being dished out. Same for you Claudedresser...........

Hey dumb fuck....corporations provide the very jobs that provide tax dollars for loser welfare slugs to be on welfare.
You sound like a moron when you when you try to compare the two.
But go ahead and keep it up.

You're not about to read books and study the issue, so carry on with your bumper sticker dime store slogans.

So you're saying it's not true? Go ahead and tell me how generations of welfare recipients have helped America. I'll be waiting.......for a long time I'm sure.

Your you tube post is about taxes not welfare programs.
States with the highest welfare recipients
The Biggest US Welfare States

Notice that it is California that is number one.
Then Maine
New Mexico
New York
Rhodie Island
All Blue States

The facts remain the Blue states pay for the backward jesusland cracker rightwing controlled red states, who get more then they pay in. In any thinking persons books that spells WELFARE.:eusa_whistle:

the regions of America most hooked on Mr. Santorum’s narcotic — the regions in which government programs account for the largest share of personal income — are precisely the regions electing those severe conservatives. Wasn’t Red America supposed to be the land of traditional values, where people don’t eat Thai food and don’t rely on handouts?

The article made its case with maps showing the distribution of dependency, but you get the same story from a more formal comparison. Aaron Carroll of Indiana University tells us that in 2010, residents of the 10 states Gallup ranks as “most conservative” received 21.2 percent of their income in government transfers, while the number for the 10 most liberal states was only 17.1 percent.

Now, there’s no mystery about red-state reliance on government programs. These states are relatively poor, which means both that people have fewer sources of income other than safety-net programs and that more of them qualify for “means-tested” programs such as Medicaid.

By the way, the same logic explains why there has been a jump in dependency since 2008. Contrary to what Mr. Santorum and Mr. Romney suggest, Mr. Obama has not radically expanded the safety net. Rather, the dire state of the economy has reduced incomes and made more people eligible for benefits, especially unemployment benefits. Basically, the safety net is the same, but more people are falling into it.

But why do regions that rely on the safety net elect politicians who want to tear it down? I’ve seen three main explanations.

First, there is Thomas Frank’s thesis in his book “What’s the Matter With Kansas?”: working-class Americans are induced to vote against their own interests by the G.O.P.’s exploitation of social issues. And it’s true that, for example, Americans who regularly attend church are much more likely to vote Republican, at any given level of income, than those who don’t.

Still, as Columbia University’s Andrew Gelman points out, the really striking red-blue voting divide is among the affluent: High-income residents of red states are overwhelmingly Republican; high-income residents of blue states only mildly more Republican than their poorer neighbors. Like Mr. Frank, Mr. Gelman invokes social issues, but in the opposite direction. Affluent voters in the Northeast tend to be social liberals who would benefit from tax cuts but are repelled by things like the G.O.P.’s war on contraception.


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Having skimed this thread for a couple of pages, I am absolutely amazed at how mean spirited posters from the Right are on this board. It is obvious that they are not going to change, come hell, or high water (until, or unless, they find themselves down and out, and in need). I have to tell you, RDD, that these are not the kind of people that I would want to know in real life, so I am surprised that you deal with them at all.

Out of here~~~~~>

There's way too many who are cocksuckers who think they know everything. I issue this challenge - if it's so motherfucking lucrative on welfare, TRY IT on for size and find out for your own goddamned self! No, don't stay there, just try it for a year. THEN report back with all your silly-ass statements.

Sorry,no can do. I would have to refuse to sell drugs to supplement my gubbamint check.
Used to "trickle down," but now it trickles UP. This oughta make right-wingers happy.

Welfare Statistics: Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Than..

probably makes rich Democrats happy too.......

Yup. Since its mostly them that are getting the 'corporate welfare'. :)

Most corporations however are simply businesses that at least started out as mom and pop operations and grew into entities that provide most of the jobs in the country. And they aren't receiving anything from government other than more and more regulations all the time and threats of higher taxes all the time.

And they are providing most of the money that is going to those receiving government funds for not working or barely working.

I think compassion is helping private enterprise to thrive, grow, expand, and hire so almost nobody NEEDS taxpayer funded assistance in order to support themselves andtheir families.
Listen to this welfare recipient ask why anyone would want to work in America with all the benefits they get from not working.

Click through to Cameron Harris: Welfare Recipient: "Why Would Anyone Want To Work In America" to see the video

Smells like :doubt:propaganda to me, amigo.

If you're trying to convince us that life on welfare is a sweetheart deal, you've got a long row to hoe.

Well, it's not a sweetheart deal, but neither is getting up each morning and commuting 1-2 hours a day in heavy traffic to go to work with people you'd rather not be with and working for a supervisor you can't tolerate, performing tasks you find exhausting and boring. Spending 9-12 miserable hours a day, five days a week, to earn enough money to barely survive on after taxes ain't exactly a cup of tea, and many people prefer welfare to such demanding efforts. Simply put, they would rather have less than work to get more. I would rather see them work because it is the people who do work who pay the tab for their preferred lifestyles.
Hey dumb fuck....corporations provide the very jobs that provide tax dollars for loser welfare slugs to be on welfare.
You sound like a moron when you when you try to compare the two.
But go ahead and keep it up.

You're not about to read books and study the issue, so carry on with your bumper sticker dime store slogans.

So you're saying it's not true? Go ahead and tell me how generations of welfare recipients have helped America. I'll be waiting.......for a long time I'm sure.

Sure it sucks, but you tell me how Corporate Welfare helps the overall well being of our country - I know I'll never get an answer to that one.
Used to "trickle down," but now it trickles UP. This oughta make right-wingers happy.

Welfare Statistics: Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Than..

probably makes rich Democrats happy too.......

Yup. Since its mostly them that are getting the 'corporate welfare'. :)

Most corporations however are simply businesses that at least started out as mom and pop operations and grew into entities that provide most of the jobs in the country. And they aren't receiving anything from government other than more and more regulations all the time and threats of higher taxes all the time.

And they are providing most of the money that is going to those receiving government funds for not working or barely working.

I think compassion is helping private enterprise to thrive, grow, expand, and hire so almost nobody NEEDS taxpayer funded assistance in order to support themselves andtheir families.

Corporate welfare is important to both parties since that's the "kickback" they give to their deep pocket owners. Then they send jobs overseas instead of reinvesting in America.
Any of you assholes know how much someone on welfare "makes?" I've yet to see any decent homes on welfare row. Christ, I have a friend on disability and he's going belly up because he can't make the bills on that and he's legit, not faking. Now we can bitch and moan about what "Welfare Mama" makes on welfare, but of course we're NEVER going to talk about the government welfare/corporate welfare the elite get.
if we stopped wasting money on healthy people taking advantage of the system there would be enough resources to pay out to people like your disabled friend so he could pay his bills .
"Demanding payment". LOL. You do pay taxes, don't you? I am voicing my opinion of where I would like to see OUR tax dollars go. I want it to go to help people who are truly in need, you don't. Simple as that.

And your version of "treating people equally" is in fact not equal. I've proven this to you before countless times in numerous threads. You're obviously too closed minded to be able to grasp the concept so I'll let you continue to live in ignorant bliss.

Uh huh.. tax dollars you want more of from others.. while wanting yourself to pay less. and some to pay nothing at all

You have only proven that taxing someone more than the zero they currently pay is an increase... you have proven nothing.. everything you have given is the SUBJECTIVITY of perceived impact and 'fairness'

I want tax monies to ONLY go to those things SPECIFICALLY listed in the constitution.... and I want people to take care of their own personal needs, and for those who have a calling to support a cause to VOLUNTARILY contribute to those out of the goodness of the ir own heart. .and if, unfortunately, some people wish to exercise their freedom and give nothing, well that is on them.... But even if you don't like it, you do not get to infringe and FORCE Them to give for your want of charity

You sir, continue to be an idiot

There is that strawman again. Feel free to show where I advocated I pay less while others pay more. I'll wait.

When you can't show this, I'll have shown you to be another idiot who needs to create strawmen to try and make a point. Emphasis on try, as you get knocked down each and every time we do this.


Look who never returned. I rest my case.
There's way too many who are cocksuckers who think they know everything. I issue this challenge - if it's so motherfucking lucrative on welfare, TRY IT on for size and find out for your own goddamned self! No, don't stay there, just try it for a year. THEN report back with all your silly-ass statements.

My pride wouldn't let me leech for a year, sorry.

But it wouldn't stop you from bitching about the less fortunate on the internet. Ya....pride.

Yes, I will bitch about the healthy useless every chance I get, I sure will.
If you'll notice the related videos, that is a "recording artist" talking about her song
How much they make?? Jesus. How bout how much we taxpayers have to provide for them.

Free rent.

Free food.

Free medical and dental.

Free everything there dimwitt. They pay for nothing. We the taxpayers foot the tab for every one of em.

So why don't you do it? If it's so great, join them. Put up or shut up time.

Fuck off RD.

You and I will never agree on Welfare. You nobly think everyone should give their hard earned money to someone who won't take care of themselves and make irresponsible decisions in their lives. You blithly ignore all the freeloaders who take advantage of the system. You think those that make irresponsible decisions in their lives should get a free ride at the expense of those of who do make those responsible decisions.

THERE IS NO CHARITY in the constitution. None. There is no line in there that takes from one group to support another. In fact I think the FF would turn over in their graves if they could see the America of today.

If you and likeminded want to support these folks then start your own charity. Ya better have loads of money though because you will be broke in no time.

Your nobility makes you feel good but the rest of us have no say we are FORCED to support every freeloader in this country.

Nope. You and I will never agree. The only folks I feel morally obligated to support are those who are truly mentally or physically handicapped. The rest of em can kiss my ass.
How much they make?? Jesus. How bout how much we taxpayers have to provide for them.

Free rent.

Free food.

Free medical and dental.

Free everything there dimwitt. They pay for nothing. We the taxpayers foot the tab for every one of em.

So why don't you do it? If it's so great, join them. Put up or shut up time.

Fuck off RD.

You and I will never agree on Welfare. You nobly think everyone should give their hard earned money to someone who won't take care of themselves and make irresponsible decisions in their lives. You blithly ignore all the freeloaders who take advantage of the system. You think those that make irresponsible decisions in their lives should get a free ride at the expense of those of who do make those responsible decisions.

THERE IS NO CHARITY in the constitution. None. There is no line in there that takes from one group to support another. In fact I think the FF would turn over in their graves if they could see the America of today.

If you and likeminded want to support these folks then start your own charity. Ya better have loads of money though because you will be broke in no time.

Your nobility makes you feel good but the rest of us have no say we are FORCED to support every freeloader in this country.

Nope. You and I will never agree. The only folks I feel morally obligated to support are those who are truly mentally or physically handicapped. The rest of em can kiss my ass.

That's laughable. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You've said so yourself. Stop pretending that you give a shit about anyone that truly needs help because if you did you wouldn't be generalizing and lumping everyone together as moochers.

You're lazy and selfish. That's all there is to it.

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