Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen

Said1 said:
Good, I'm glad you get *it*.

ps: You have poop on you.

Things with Dillo, Clay, and RWA turning a little sour? :funnyface
Said1 said:
Shattered and GZ:

I'm sure I'm alone on this one, but both of you are really starting to make me ill.

No offense of course. :)

Would you rather watch Titanic with her?

Ummm....I didn't realize.
Now THIS is a thread I can get into!

Eraserhead would definitely be high on the list. It's one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen, and there's not very much in it that's actually in-your-face SCARY, except for the baby of course, which was one of the most disturbing things ever.

some other weird ones:

Waking Life
Silent Hill
Being John Malkovich
True Stories
Dan said:
Now THIS is a thread I can get into!

Eraserhead would definitely be high on the list. It's one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen, and there's not very much in it that's actually in-your-face SCARY, except for the baby of course, which was one of the most disturbing things ever.

some other weird ones:

Waking Life
Silent Hill
Being John Malkovich
True Stories

I knew you would like it!

I want to add another movie to the weird list: AI

It's not really in the same league as EH for weirdness, but it is a very strange movie.
Abbey Normal said:
So, what is the weirdest, strangest movie you've ever seen?

Did you like it?

For me it has to be Eraserhead, directed and written by David Lynch.

I really enjoyed his Blue Velvet, but Eraserhead was too freaky for me.

"Even Cowgirls get the Blues" would be one of the weirdest I've seen. It was actually pretty good, until KeanU Reeves showed up wearing golfer pants. Up until then, it was disturbing, but funny.

"Lost Highway" would be the other weirdest I can think of right now. It's hard to say if I liked it or not. I guess I did, but I have no desire to sit through it again.
Clockwork Orange: loved it.

2001 Space Odessey: was ok but very slow moving.

Doctor StrangeLove: loved it

I think I see a pattern here
Lefty Wilbury said:
the Gift
200 motels
OMG... 200 Motels.... Frank Zappa's movie? With the opera singer singing "Munchkins get me hot!"?!??!?! I saw that movie.... definitely in the .... mind expanding... category!

Wierdest movies I have seen.... well, recently.... (and I'd also say "creepiest")

Nesferatu (the original silent version)... VERY creepy AND

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (another silent movie)....

Definitely something to watch during Halloween....
deaddude said:
Clockwork Orange: loved it.

2001 Space Odessey: was ok but very slow moving.

Doctor StrangeLove: loved it

I think I see a pattern here

The man made some great flicks.

Any Donnie Darko fans here?

The first time I watched it I had no idea what the fuck happened in that movie. Second time through it became more clear.
1549 said:
The man made some great flicks.

Any Donnie Darko fans here?

The first time I watched it I had no idea what the fuck happened in that movie. Second time through it became more clear.

Loved Donnie Darko, that reminds me we need a smurfete on these boards.
deaddude said:
Clockwork Orange: loved it.

2001 Space Odessey: was ok but very slow moving.

Doctor StrangeLove: loved it

I think I see a pattern here

I can't believe I forgot A Clockwork Orange. Been years since I've seen it, but yeah, that was a wierd one.
I didn't read through this entire thread so this movie might be listed already.

28 Days.

A virus is let loose in England after monkeys are set free by PETA. The virus causes people to become extremely violent and basically kill everyone who's normal. gave me nightmares......I sat in bed thinking about the best way to barricade my house, or where the safest place would be to run to. I didn't sleep good for probably a week after I saw that darn movie.

The only good thing about it is. The people who are infected don't eat so 28 days later they start to die from starvation, as long as they don't get off the island everyone else is safe.
1549 said:
The man made some great flicks.

Any Donnie Darko fans here?

The first time I watched it I had no idea what the fuck happened in that movie. Second time through it became more clear.
ONe of the best movies and one of the toughest to follow. but hey arent all good movies a little on the wierd side.. :thup:
Forgot about Donnie Darko, that was great. I watched it three times in a row when I first rented it.
Abbey Normal said:
So, what is the weirdest, strangest movie you've ever seen?

Did you like it?

For me it has to be Eraserhead, directed and written by David Lynch.

I really enjoyed his Blue Velvet, but Eraserhead was too freaky for me.

Blue Velvet was an excellent movie!!

I would have to say two of the weirdest movies I have seen are "Clockwork Orange" which was disturbing on many levels and "Boxing Helena".