Weeping Scalp


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Seborriheic derma. Psoriasis. Bad dandruff. Dry scalp. So...my derma doc said I have Seborriheic derma. Lucky me. Not.
Anyway...it's gonna be 105 today, which means sweat. Which means the back of my head near my neck will get it going, which means it will eventually seep clear fluid, which will dry, which will cause me to have helmet head. It sucks. My hair is halfway down my back now...longest its been since just before we had to leave the beach. I had to whack it all off when we landed in Banning, then in Paradise due to the extreme heat. Its hot here too, but I missed my long assed hair. So I wear it up in a bun but I am scared someone will see my red flakey scalp above my neck and think I have leprosy or something.

I also have Seb Derma in little spots all over my body. Especially my back. Tiny...but I know they are there although nobody else does and I only find them when I use my back scratcher.

Anyway..I digress. Point of this thread is to commiserate misery with others with the same problem of seeping skin in patches either on your scalp or behind your ear(s) which is what I have too, on the right ear where it connects to my head and once in awhile, under my one boob I have left.

Anyone here suffer the same shit? If so..what do you use to keep it under control?
There is a cure for that, ya know....

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Seborriheic derma. Psoriasis. Bad dandruff. Dry scalp. So...my derma doc said I have Seborriheic derma. Lucky me. Not.
Anyway...it's gonna be 105 today, which means sweat. Which means the back of my head near my neck will get it going, which means it will eventually seep clear fluid, which will dry, which will cause me to have helmet head. It sucks. My hair is halfway down my back now...longest its been since just before we had to leave the beach. I had to whack it all off when we landed in Banning, then in Paradise due to the extreme heat. Its hot here too, but I missed my long assed hair. So I wear it up in a bun but I am scared someone will see my red flakey scalp above my neck and think I have leprosy or something.

I also have Seb Derma in little spots all over my body. Especially my back. Tiny...but I know they are there although nobody else does and I only find them when I use my back scratcher.

Anyway..I digress. Point of this thread is to commiserate misery with others with the same problem of seeping skin in patches either on your scalp or behind your ear(s) which is what I have too, on the right ear where it connects to my head and once in awhile, under my one boob I have left.

Anyone here suffer the same shit? If so..what do you use to keep it under control?
Have you tried the stuff Cyndi Lauper uses.....See Me!!!!!!

Occasionally I get some of this on my palms. Lidex does the trick. But I don't think you can smear it all over your head

Shit I'm itching right now. You contangious online?
Well i'm sorry you have to deal with that. Has your doc said anything about nutrition or more specific..the way you eat and doing something different? Seems to be lots of info online and even some using essential oils.
Seborriheic derma. Psoriasis. Bad dandruff. Dry scalp. So...my derma doc said I have Seborriheic derma. Lucky me. Not.
Anyway...it's gonna be 105 today, which means sweat. Which means the back of my head near my neck will get it going, which means it will eventually seep clear fluid, which will dry, which will cause me to have helmet head. It sucks. My hair is halfway down my back now...longest its been since just before we had to leave the beach. I had to whack it all off when we landed in Banning, then in Paradise due to the extreme heat. Its hot here too, but I missed my long assed hair. So I wear it up in a bun but I am scared someone will see my red flakey scalp above my neck and think I have leprosy or something.

I also have Seb Derma in little spots all over my body. Especially my back. Tiny...but I know they are there although nobody else does and I only find them when I use my back scratcher.

Anyway..I digress. Point of this thread is to commiserate misery with others with the same problem of seeping skin in patches either on your scalp or behind your ear(s) which is what I have too, on the right ear where it connects to my head and once in awhile, under my one boob I have left.

Anyone here suffer the same shit? If so..what do you use to keep it under control?

Have you tried first scrubbing the area with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide? Let that dry a bit and allow a white film to form and crust a bit then repeat this time with isopropyl alcohol as needed. Prop the hair so that air can circulate.
Apple cider vinger. Ouch. But it works too. But not when I'm in flare up mode on my scalp. Rubbing alcohol would be worse I think. OUCH. Mainly, mayo clinic and other places recommend zinc shampoo, t gel shampoo, or any dandruff shampoo that says "medicated" on it. I've tried them all.

It's this damn heat. And sweating where my hair is dripping along with the rest of my body. I gotta stop being so active during days like this.
Apple cider vinger. Ouch. But it works too. But not when I'm in flare up mode on my scalp. Rubbing alcohol would be worse I think. OUCH. Mainly, mayo clinic and other places recommend zinc shampoo, t gel shampoo, or any dandruff shampoo that says "medicated" on it. I've tried them all.

It's this damn heat. And sweating where my hair is dripping along with the rest of my body. I gotta stop being so active during days like this.
Wear a mask.
I've tried them all.

Yes, and you KEEP trying them all. They treat symptoms, they don't get to the root of the problem, the bacteria in the skin and the oil. The iso alcho will also help with the heat by cooling the area. Try what I said. Sometimes a lot of relief is worth a little suffering. :SMILEW~130:
i never wear dark colors...and i keep my hair short when it hits...if you can get it under control..which is hard....i use selsun blue medicated about twice a week...having psoriasis as child when the solution was 8 hours of sun....natural or under a sun lamp...so now i have skin cancer....on and off...good luck..
Head is fine now. But I have an angry rash from the back of my neck to a few inches below to my back and towards both shoulders. So I KNOW what this is. Allergic reaction. I had shrimp scampi last night. Sometimes, I can't eat shrimp or shell fish. Last night was the sometimes kicking in. But at least my head is ok now.
My grandfather had skin problems in his last 10 years ago. He itched constantly at first. Wish i recall what it was now, but his doctor prescribed him something that really helped for it as an off-label use. It was something I would have to periodically argue with his new doctors about because the med was prescribed primarily for something he didn't have and I would have to convince them he didn't have that but it was an off-label thing related to the itching. I would carry the bottle with me and not just a list when I took him somewhere new as it said right there that it was prn for itching.

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