Wedding Hosts Guilty of Discrimination


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2015
These people cannot be allowed to do what they want on their own property! They must be punished and re educated.

NY Court: Farmers to Be Re-Educated, Pay Fines for Not Hosting Homosexual Wedding
A couple who hosts occasional wedding ceremonies on their New York farm have lost an appeal to overturn the $13,000 in fines levied against them by the state’s human rights agency, which ruled that their refusal to host a wedding for two women was discriminatory.

On Jan. 14, the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Third Department, upheld the agency’s order and the fines, a decision the Alliance Defending Freedom - which represented Robert and Cynthia Gifford - said amounted to confirming, “that the government can punish the Giffords for declining to coordinate a ceremony that conflicts with their conscience.”

The couple lives in a barn they built on their farm and have occasionally hosted weddings on the first floor and the surrounding backyard area, according to ADF.

“After the agency ruled that the Giffords were guilty of ‘sexual orientation discrimination,’ it fined them $10,000, plus $3,000 in damages and ordered them to implement re-education training classes designed to contradict the couple’s religious beliefs about marriage,” a press release issued following the court decision stated.

In order to comply with the order, the couple will have to attend those “re-training” classes or have a “trainer” come to them, according to ADF.

“All Americans should be free to live and work according to their beliefs, especially in our own backyards,” ADF legal counsel Caleb Dalton, who argued before the court on behalf of the couple in Gifford v. Erwin, said in a statement. “The government went after both this couple’s freedom and their ability to make a living simply for adhering to their faith on their own property.

“The court should have rejected this unwarranted and unconstitutional government intrusion, so we will consult with our client regarding appeal,” Dalton said.

ADF attorneys argued that the First Amendment prohibits the government from forcing a wedding coordinator like Cynthia to plan and participate in a ceremony that violates her faith.

“The appeals court decision, however, sidestepped that argument and is allowing the government coercion to continue,” the ADF press release stated.
We are a nation of laws ... laws, laws, laws everywhere. There's a lot of stuff that my hubby and I can't do on our own property. We can't allow our grass to get too high. That would be in violation of civil ordinances and we would have to pay a hefty fine. So we mow our grass. What the hell has America come to? you know, when people can't do whatever they want ...
If you run a business catering to the public, then you are subject to the law.

Break the law, get punished.
If you run a business catering to the public, then you are subject to the law.

Break the law, get punished.

Thank you for that public service announcement, Comrade.
Believing in our American way of life is commendable and moral. Your comment is neither. :lol:

My view of the American way of life originated with Americans, not foreign sources. Your rights end where mine begin.
In your head only.
Any society is doomed once discrimination is used as a dirty word and enforced by the state.

I've read your posts. To hear you tell it society is doomed for something different every other day. If you don't like society, take your tinfoil hat and go live in a cave somewhere.
We are a nation of laws ... laws, laws, laws everywhere. There's a lot of stuff that my hubby and I can't do on our own property. We can't allow our grass to get too high. That would be in violation of civil ordinances and we would have to pay a hefty fine. So we mow our grass. What the hell has America come to? you know, when people can't do whatever they want ...
There are reason for the lawn law in certain jurisdictions, tall dry grass can burn the neighbor's house down too. But there's no reason the prevent people from associating with who they want. If I don't want to serve someone, forcing me to do it isn't good for me or them.
Any society is doomed once discrimination is used as a dirty word and enforced by the state.

I've read your posts. To hear you tell it society is doomed for something different every other day. If you don't like society, take your tinfoil hat and go live in a cave somewhere.
You're a liar. It's pretty much all you do. Why don't you go stuff your head back up your ass where it belongs?
I don't see how people think the extermination of individual liberty is good. Especially since its contradicts the whole fuckin meaning of being an American.
This is disgusting.
I thought it was the right that wanted to "regulate the bedroom"? This is LITERALLY their home.
Goddamn idiots
If you run a business catering to the public, then you are subject to the law.

Break the law, get punished.

Thank you for that public service announcement, Comrade.
Believing in our American way of life is commendable and moral. Your comment is neither. :lol:

My view of the American way of life originated with Americans, not foreign sources. Your rights end where mine begin.
In your head only.
So you think some peoples rights trump others? No wonder you are a leftist limp wrist.
Any society is doomed once discrimination is used as a dirty word and enforced by the state.

I've read your posts. To hear you tell it society is doomed for something different every other day. If you don't like society, take your tinfoil hat and go live in a cave somewhere.
You're a liar. It's pretty much all you do. Why don't you go stuff your head back up your ass where it belongs?
So you can't hanlde the truth about yourself.

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