Website Started If You Want To Infiltrate A Tea-Party Gathering


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The message board below was started to encourage Tea-party crashers to show up at events and cause a ruckus.

Question: Why do they feel they have to do this? :hmpf:

Answer: Because they really don't want to leave it up to the so-called racists and homophobes that the media claims populates the Tea-Party itself. They feel they have to give it a little bit of a push. Yell the N word or scream "Faggot" and hold up Nazi signs and you're doing your job.

I signed up just to see what was being discussed and this is a sample:

----If the Tea Party people are a bunch of racists and homophobes, why do we need to infiltrate them? Aren't they exposing themselves as such without our help? Just wondering.:eusa_shifty:

----In the first place, I agree with you, infiltrating the Tea Party is silly and probably counterproductive. That being said, I think that this group is tapping into something that many people, myself included, feel. Namely, that we're getting mighty tired of meaningless slogans (Obama's a socialist, he's taking away your rights, the healthcare bill was "forced down our throats") and the claims of the Tea Partiers being accepted as gospel truth with no context, explanation, etc. As with any such movement, it's tapping into frustration at the directon of the discourse.:banghead:

I will say, though, that if you can find me some footage of a tea party rally with a single black face, I might be somewhat less inclined to believe that the movement isn't, if not racist, at least completely unconcerned with the interests of African Americans.


----I am new here and your comment makes perfect sense. What is the point of the infiltration? Going in and posing as tea partiers is dishonest and sooner or later will be exposed as a fraud. The tea party will become the victim of so-called intolerance. So what is the point?

Hello Party Crashers! • View topic - What do you need us for?

Funny thing....many of the members on the site are smart enough to question the purpose of committing such a dishonest act.

It just shows anyone with an open mind that even among those on the left there are some who don't think these kinds of tactics are honest.

But still, they're going to be doing it. Radicals are going to infiltrate the party events and attempt to focus attention on themselves in an attempt to make the actual party members look like the racists and homophobes they claim them to be. Expect the SEIU to be involved. Andy Stern is the President of SEIU and is currently one of Obama's closest advisers.

Anyone who wants to join the discussion merely has to register like I did.
I'm going to one in White Plains on Tax Day and I will gladly beat the crap out of any Librul poseur stupid enough to start yelling racial slurs in my vicinity.

Think of it: Tea Party attendees beat foul mouthed protester senseless.

Works for me

I tired to crash a Coffee Party but I was the only guy on line
It appears they aren't exactly falling over themselves with members ready to help. In fact, there appears to be a lot of support for the TEA parties. Which I find funny.

Their home page claims they are a group of 'democrats, republicans and independents' but... ake a look at the bottom of their home page...... If you are a capitalist - and it gives a link for the Washington TEA party.... If you are a socialist - and it has a 'donate' button. Hmmm. I wonder how their donations are going? Now, there might be a few democrats who are socialists but I don't see many GOP or indies being overly enthusiastic about socialism.
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I'm going to one in White Plains on Tax Day and I will gladly beat the crap out of any Librul poseur stupid enough to start yelling racial slurs in my vicinity.

Think of it: Tea Party attendees beat foul mouthed protester senseless.

Works for me

I tired to crash a Coffee Party but I was the only guy on line

Don't touch them. Just get a bunch of people together and shout the idiot down. Ether that or if you have security have them escort the fake out of the area.
What the Tea Baggers should do is infiltrate the infiltrators and make signs supporting Obama

That will really screw them up
Thursday is supposed to be a big rally. Expect the usual racist remarks and such being broadcast all over the MSM.

Big question one should ask is why everyone that dares to question Obama becomes a liar, stupid, a racist, never ends.

I suppose the GOP doesn't even want to let anyone know who's running for POTUS until the last minute because they will become the new target. We'll start hearing stories from "credible sources" that they did something wrong in their lives or worst of all..believes in God...unlike Obama who says he's Christian but still gets a pass.
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It's going to be interesting to see how the Media spins the Tea Parties this year. Last year, they tried to paint them as minor events - despite the fact that approximately 750,000 across the country participated

This year is going to be bigger and better. Obama has also been alienating the media lately - will they stay in Pravda-mode - or actually do some reporting this year?
I have a feeling that these people are going to show up and cause some problems at our rallies. The best thing we can do is escort them out of the area. Don't throw punches, or anything like that. It will get more air time than what happened in New Orleans to Bobby Jindals Aid. Just have them removed!!
I have a feeling that these people are going to show up and cause some problems at our rallies. The best thing we can do is escort them out of the area. Don't throw punches, or anything like that. It will get more air time than what happened in New Orleans to Bobby Jindals Aid. Just have them removed!!

Whatever you do....Don't cheer when they hold up their signs. It makes it look like you support them
This is an interesting ploy by the Tea Party people to drum up attendance at their own event.

I have not heard hide nor hair about this from anyone except Tea Party supporters, and this suspicious web site.

I think it actually may be an effective ploy, but a ploy nonetheless.
It's going to be interesting to see how the Media spins the Tea Parties this year. Last year, they tried to paint them as minor events - despite the fact that approximately 750,000 across the country participated

This year is going to be bigger and better. Obama has also been alienating the media lately - will they stay in Pravda-mode - or actually do some reporting this year?

Really? Only 750,000 this time?

Not the 2.1 million you guys claimed at the time? LOL.

And now it's "across the country" rather than 2.1 million just at the Washington rally...
I'm going to one in White Plains on Tax Day and I will gladly beat the crap out of any Librul poseur stupid enough to start yelling racial slurs in my vicinity.

Think of it: Tea Party attendees beat foul mouthed protester senseless.

Works for me

I tired to crash a Coffee Party but I was the only guy on line

Thanks mate. Despite our heated exchanges, it's good to know some people truly have a commitment to their ideals, and not just a blind hatred of our "monkey president." Despite me vehemently disagreeing with you, I wanna apologize for probably (can't really remember, but its highly likely) using degrading remarks and grouping you with an extreme class up here.

As for this movement, I'm actually interested in going and seeing what one's about, but I'm exceedingly lazy when it comes to shit like this and convincing friends (that aren't ultra left or right wing) to come to something like this would be hard, but I'm pretty sure everyone can agree on lower taxes, fiscal responsibility from the government, and managed government.

It kind of sucks, because a combination of the media and genuine fucking psychos kind of muddled the TP movement. I'd much rather see them replace or at least usurp a large amount of the republican's base, forcing them to get more in line with their values. Despite voting democrat and generally supporting democrats recently, when I look back on a line of presidents like HW Bush and Ford who acted on true classical liberal, American conservative values (as these are essentially one in the same, which is why its frustrating to see liberal thrown around without a modifier before it when people usually are referring to more Socialist-Democratic policies), I find that I support them a lot.

Whichever party wants to embody these values will have my vote, but sadly this won't be the case, and so voting for the lesser (far) evil is inevitable.

Youtube that Frank if you get a chance.

Edit: On second thought and upon further review of other comments, i'm inclined to agree. Fighting would be funny and teach bigoted asshats a lesson, but the media WILL latch on to that.
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With all due respect, I feel that this thread should be moved to the "conspiracy theory" category.

That's because you're not very smart. The OP has linked to a website that is encouraging people to infiltrate. That's not a conspiracy, it's a fact. I can see why you have problems differentiating between fact and fiction but you really should at least try.
With all due respect, I feel that this thread should be moved to the "conspiracy theory" category.

That's because you're not very smart. The OP has linked to a website that is encouraging people to infiltrate. That's not a conspiracy, it's a fact. I can see why you have problems differentiating between fact and fiction but you really should at least try.

LWC has immersed himself so much in the fantasy world of the left that reality is unrecognizable.
Who is behind Crash the Tea was not created by a Republican or an independent, but instead by someone with a red-tinted sickle to grind. In this instance, the suspect appears to be a conspiratorial 36-year-old from the Pacific Northwest named Jason Levin. He started promoting the site on April 8 on his personal Twitter account, but failed to do an adequate job of covering up his personal information when he registered the domain five days earlier. He later attempted to cover his tracks, but the original information was quickly disseminated around the internet by those who wondered who was behind the group.

When contacted by Pajamas Media, Levin confirmed his involvement in the effort, stating, “Our stated intentions, or ‘manifesto’ as some of the conservative bloggers have called it is absolutely sincere.” He claimed to have operatives in tea party groups in every major city. Levin concluded with a taunt: “Good luck stopping us. See you on 4/15.”

He is a middle school technology teacher who isn’t impressed by his students or his current job. He promotes a Firefighters for 911 truth site, which establishes his own conspiratorial bona fides as a truther. He indulges in his dislike of Republicans in general and in Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck in particular. Predictably, he doesn’t like Fox News. Other tweets on Mr. Levin’s page indicate that he is pro-ObamaCare and loves Keith Olbermann. Interestingly enough, he claims to not be a Democrat — presumably, his views are further to the left.

On the site there are both Facebook and Twitter accounts that have been created for the group, both apparently created after Levin registered the domain name. The oldest post on the Facebook account dates back to Friday (April 9), while the Twitter account started promoting the site on Wednesday (April 7). The most recent activity on the official Twitter account notes that the site is getting media and online attention, while Levin gloats on his personal site that his creation has “gone viral.”
The message board below was started to encourage Tea-party crashers to show up at events and cause a ruckus.

Question: Why do they feel they have to do this? :hmpf:

Answer: Because they really don't want to leave it up to the so-called racists and homophobes that the media claims populates the Tea-Party itself. They feel they have to give it a little bit of a push. Yell the N word or scream "Faggot" and hold up Nazi signs and you're doing your job.

I signed up just to see what was being discussed and this is a sample:

----If the Tea Party people are a bunch of racists and homophobes, why do we need to infiltrate them? Aren't they exposing themselves as such without our help? Just wondering.:eusa_shifty:

----In the first place, I agree with you, infiltrating the Tea Party is silly and probably counterproductive. That being said, I think that this group is tapping into something that many people, myself included, feel. Namely, that we're getting mighty tired of meaningless slogans (Obama's a socialist, he's taking away your rights, the healthcare bill was "forced down our throats") and the claims of the Tea Partiers being accepted as gospel truth with no context, explanation, etc. As with any such movement, it's tapping into frustration at the directon of the discourse.:banghead:

I will say, though, that if you can find me some footage of a tea party rally with a single black face, I might be somewhat less inclined to believe that the movement isn't, if not racist, at least completely unconcerned with the interests of African Americans.


----I am new here and your comment makes perfect sense. What is the point of the infiltration? Going in and posing as tea partiers is dishonest and sooner or later will be exposed as a fraud. The tea party will become the victim of so-called intolerance. So what is the point?

Hello Party Crashers! • View topic - What do you need us for?

Funny thing....many of the members on the site are smart enough to question the purpose of committing such a dishonest act.

Anyone who wants to join the discussion merely has to register like I did.

My guess that the comments questioning the "honesty" of infiltrating might have been posted by "members" who, like yourself, were not there as Tea Party Crashers.

At any rate, just the THREAT of a rukus has had a personal effect.

My 14 year old's birthday is today, and he desperately wanted to attend the Tea Party that begins at 1000 on the lawn of the Capitol of Colorado building. I agreed to bring him, but because she had reverently listened to FNC, Delilah refused to allow it, expecting tear gas and rubber bullets to be flying along with batons of police in riot gear, etc., intent on harming 14 year olds. He was so upset he refused my invitation to instead just go out for lunch.:(

Of course, she encouraged ME to GO.:redface:

My point is, that the Media Hype, in addition to increasing newspaper sales, may also be designed to maintain the 2 party oligarcy that makes their job of creating Good and Evul themes that all fiction needs to keep an audience's attention much easier.
It's going to be interesting to see how the Media spins the Tea Parties this year. Last year, they tried to paint them as minor events - despite the fact that approximately 750,000 across the country participated

This year is going to be bigger and better. Obama has also been alienating the media lately - will they stay in Pravda-mode - or actually do some reporting this year?

Really? Only 750,000 this time?

Not the 2.1 million you guys claimed at the time? LOL.

And now it's "across the country" rather than 2.1 million just at the Washington rally...


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