Wealthy Dems want Bill's wifes head on a stick...


'Ole Wise One'
Apr 20, 2016
Honolulu, Hawaii
Bill's wife has dug a terrible hole for herself and took a whole ton of potentially good money down the hole with her... Inquiring minds want to know what the hell went on to blow over a billion $$$ on a losing campaign. The autopsy begins...

Clinton Campaign Post-Mortem: Away Goes the Money

Democratic donors call for Clinton campaign post-mortem

Democratic donors want an autopsy report on Hillary’s stunning loss - Hot Air

Donors Demand Autopsy of Clinton Campaign - Political Wire

I want to know what happened to all those NYC fireworks that got cancelled. I hope they go on sale soon...Trump offered her 5-cents on the dollar...
Somebody is not a happy camper...


Hillary Clinton was spotted looking glum as she arrived at New York's Plaza Hotel to host her holiday party on Thursday for the deep-pocketed donors who helped fund her campaign

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4039350/Hillary-Clinton-arrives-holiday-party-New-York-s-famed-Plaza-Hotel.html#ixzz4T0wtjwfd
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Vogue editor Anna Wintour hid her face behind a male friend as she walked through the hotel and made her way into the party

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4039350/Hillary-Clinton-arrives-holiday-party-New-York-s-famed-Plaza-Hotel.html#ixzz4T0yraHcg
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Wonder how it feels to go from queen of the ball to the ugly stepchild?
"Donations" indeed.

Big donors were expecting payback on those "donations" and now realize they pissed their money down a hole.

Likely a lot of profanities screamed by these folks and the Clinton Foundation "donors" as well, who are also now out that money which could have been used to bribe someone else instead....

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