Wealth Inequality


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

I just had to watch this video for a class in college. Finally had to do something in this class I enjoy talking about and can discuss easily. I do wonder for my classmates how they are going to react to seeing the theft of their labor in such stark terms. Anyways, its a 6 minute video well worth watching. I expect the usual drivel from the CONservatives and the usual let's go ALL the way to socialism from the lefties but these same people support the duopoly we have in America as well instead of voting for real change.
Thanks for bringing the propaganda you are being fed.

Someday you will be in the real world and get a real education.
And here is one of the CONservatives now. Stupid reply dismissed, clearly didn't watch the video and clearly doesn't realize I have lived in the real world for a LONG time and knew about the theft of labor LONG before this class brought this up.
I'm not upset about wealth inequality. I'm furious about attractiveness inequality!

How is it fair that some people get to look like this...


While the rest of us have to look like this?!

Thanks for bringing the propaganda you are being fed.

Someday you will be in the real world and get a real education.
And here is one of the CONservatives now. Stupid reply dismissed, clearly didn't watch the video and clearly doesn't realize I have lived in the real world for a LONG time and knew about the theft of labor LONG before this class brought this up.
Didn’t have to watch it. I’ve seen Dimsocialist wealth envy for decades.

I just had to watch this video for a class in college. Finally had to do something in this class I enjoy talking about and can discuss easily. I do wonder for my classmates how they are going to react to seeing the theft of their labor in such stark terms. Anyways, its a 6 minute video well worth watching. I expect the usual drivel from the CONservatives and the usual let's go ALL the way to socialism from the lefties but these same people support the duopoly we have in America as well instead of voting for real change.

Your State Government can tax and redistribute the wealth within their State while raising minimum wage to what you consider a living wage.

Now let see if you dispute what I wrote while demanding this should be a Federal Mandate requiring one size fit all for all States while not understanding not everyone want to live with what you want nor agree with you. .

I just had to watch this video for a class in college. Finally had to do something in this class I enjoy talking about and can discuss easily. I do wonder for my classmates how they are going to react to seeing the theft of their labor in such stark terms. Anyways, its a 6 minute video well worth watching. I expect the usual drivel from the CONservatives and the usual let's go ALL the way to socialism from the lefties but these same people support the duopoly we have in America as well instead of voting for real change.

I do wonder for my classmates how they are going to react to seeing the theft of their labor in such stark terms.

How much labor have your classmates done?
Who stole it? How?

I just had to watch this video for a class in college. Finally had to do something in this class I enjoy talking about and can discuss easily. I do wonder for my classmates how they are going to react to seeing the theft of their labor in such stark terms. Anyways, its a 6 minute video well worth watching. I expect the usual drivel from the CONservatives and the usual let's go ALL the way to socialism from the lefties but these same people support the duopoly we have in America as well instead of voting for real change.

I didn't have to listen for very long to get the message. And I have a response. The first sentence was, How do you think the money/wealth is distributed in the US. DISTRIBUTED???? Nothing is distributed. It is earned. So the first sentence should be, How do you think the people have earned their wages in comparison to their education/willingness to work hard instead of hardly working..

The lower wage earners are on the government's welfare, the next level is kids still in high school and older people who never graduated from high school . Then there are also high school graduates that don't want to work hard...they are the "hardly working group."

From there, we get the people that work harder without further education and those who went further and learned trades and those still working and in college. That's the middle class.

Those who really work hard and most went on to college and got multiple degrees are the workers who make more than the middle class and some rise to the higher level of society along with those who started with family fund and began their own businesses.

So what does all of that mean? Stay in school, work hard and make the most of the opportunities afforded to you.

I just had to watch this video for a class in college. Finally had to do something in this class I enjoy talking about and can discuss easily. I do wonder for my classmates how they are going to react to seeing the theft of their labor in such stark terms. Anyways, its a 6 minute video well worth watching. I expect the usual drivel from the CONservatives and the usual let's go ALL the way to socialism from the lefties but these same people support the duopoly we have in America as well instead of voting for real change.

I didn't have to listen for very long to get the message. And I have a response. The first sentence was, How do you think the money/wealth is distributed in the US. DISTRIBUTED???? Nothing is distributed. It is earned. So the first sentence should be, How do you think the people have earned their wages in comparison to their education/willingness to work hard instead of hardly working..

The lower wage earners are on the government's welfare, the next level is kids still in high school and older people who never graduated from high school . Then there are also high school graduates that don't want to work hard...they are the "hardly working group."

From there, we get the people that work harder without further education and those who went further and learned trades and those still working and in college. That's the middle class.

Those who really work hard and most went on to college and got multiple degrees are the workers who make more than the middle class and some rise to the higher level of society along with those who started with family fund and began their own businesses.

So what does all of that mean? Stay in school, work hard and make the most of the opportunities afforded to you.

Go ahead, preacher, respond to my post.
For a different opinion on equality, read Harrison Bergeron .

I have. Great book, good thing we aren't talking about everyone having an EQUAL amount of money. As the video states THIS would not work because then there is no incentive to work.
I just had to watch this video for a class in college. Finally had to do something in this class I enjoy talking about and can discuss easily. I do wonder for my classmates how they are going to react to seeing the theft of their labor in such stark terms. Anyways, its a 6 minute video well worth watching. I expect the usual drivel from the CONservatives and the usual let's go ALL the way to socialism from the lefties but these same people support the duopoly we have in America as well instead of voting for real change.

I didn't have to listen for very long to get the message. And I have a response. The first sentence was, How do you think the money/wealth is distributed in the US. DISTRIBUTED???? Nothing is distributed. It is earned. So the first sentence should be, How do you think the people have earned their wages in comparison to their education/willingness to work hard instead of hardly working..

The lower wage earners are on the government's welfare, the next level is kids still in high school and older people who never graduated from high school . Then there are also high school graduates that don't want to work hard...they are the "hardly working group."

From there, we get the people that work harder without further education and those who went further and learned trades and those still working and in college. That's the middle class.

Those who really work hard and most went on to college and got multiple degrees are the workers who make more than the middle class and some rise to the higher level of society along with those who started with family fund and began their own businesses.

So what does all of that mean? Stay in school, work hard and make the most of the opportunities afforded to you.

Not how it works but its nice you think it does. It would be great if it worked that easily, it would be even better if those that want to go to college can do so without racking up 100k in debt to do so but the system is rigged to enslave people in debt for their entire lives.
This is not news. It's always been this way.
Not always. Until 1913 we didn't have a Fed Reserve who manipulated our money and things were NO WHERE near this bad as far as until the 1960's. It will continue to get worse until the system collapses. Without all us workers the CEO's and Presidents of companies have no one to make the products from which they steal the wealth of the working man....all it takes is for a mass walkout and the whole corrupt system collapses.
Not how it works but its nice you think it does. It would be great if it worked that easily, it would be even better if those that want to go to college can do so without racking up 100k in debt to do so but the system is rigged to enslave people in debt for their entire lives.
I have been involved with a successful family, child that went to college without debt and is presently above the middle class. My father worked very hard and was successful. Went to college but did not graduate. I went to college, have 2+degrees and am now retired fine in the middle class. My son worked all the time he went to college and every summer. He paid his was thru school with minimal help from me.

There was no distribution from government, but there was a family of workers, hard workers. Eaqch of us got what we deserved. The government does not steal from the workers...we have to pay our way to help this country function and that is in the order of taxes.

You want to be the hardly workers making scads of money. Sorry chum. The US doesn't work that way. Thank God..
I watched the video. I've seen it before.

I am a middle class person. My needs are met. I have a roof over my head, plenty to eat, etc

I do not base the quality of my life on "keeping up with the Jones" Historically, I am richer than 99% of those that came before me.
For a different opinion on equality, read Harrison Bergeron .

I have. Great book, good thing we aren't talking about everyone having an EQUAL amount of money. As the video states THIS would not work because then there is no incentive to work.
I just had to watch this video for a class in college. Finally had to do something in this class I enjoy talking about and can discuss easily. I do wonder for my classmates how they are going to react to seeing the theft of their labor in such stark terms. Anyways, its a 6 minute video well worth watching. I expect the usual drivel from the CONservatives and the usual let's go ALL the way to socialism from the lefties but these same people support the duopoly we have in America as well instead of voting for real change.

I didn't have to listen for very long to get the message. And I have a response. The first sentence was, How do you think the money/wealth is distributed in the US. DISTRIBUTED???? Nothing is distributed. It is earned. So the first sentence should be, How do you think the people have earned their wages in comparison to their education/willingness to work hard instead of hardly working..

The lower wage earners are on the government's welfare, the next level is kids still in high school and older people who never graduated from high school . Then there are also high school graduates that don't want to work hard...they are the "hardly working group."

From there, we get the people that work harder without further education and those who went further and learned trades and those still working and in college. That's the middle class.

Those who really work hard and most went on to college and got multiple degrees are the workers who make more than the middle class and some rise to the higher level of society along with those who started with family fund and began their own businesses.

So what does all of that mean? Stay in school, work hard and make the most of the opportunities afforded to you.

Not how it works but its nice you think it does. It would be great if it worked that easily, it would be even better if those that want to go to college can do so without racking up 100k in debt to do so but the system is rigged to enslave people in debt for their entire lives.
This is not news. It's always been this way.
Not always. Until 1913 we didn't have a Fed Reserve who manipulated our money and things were NO WHERE near this bad as far as until the 1960's. It will continue to get worse until the system collapses. Without all us workers the CEO's and Presidents of companies have no one to make the products from which they steal the wealth of the working man....all it takes is for a mass walkout and the whole corrupt system collapses.

Damn son I see you have never run a company or been involved in understanding how they work. I can also tell you have never worked in the payroll or human resources of a large company.
Most companies only make a small percentage of what they charge. Out of that they have to pay all costs. That is not only labor. They are paying Uncle Sam, social security, Medicare, or compensation. They are also paying federal, state and city taxes. Utilities, raw materials, transportation. I could go on and on. Each thing takes a portion of that percentage.
It's nice to believe that they are making millions off workers but that is not reality.

As far as being in debt. I started out in a company that usually required a college degree just to be hired. I had one year of college. I started at the bottom worked my way up. I retired at 60 and traveled the U.S. I took the little bit of social security I had coming at 62. I did not have a mound of debt. I still have no debt.

I just had to watch this video for a class in college. Finally had to do something in this class I enjoy talking about and can discuss easily. I do wonder for my classmates how they are going to react to seeing the theft of their labor in such stark terms. Anyways, its a 6 minute video well worth watching. I expect the usual drivel from the CONservatives and the usual let's go ALL the way to socialism from the lefties but these same people support the duopoly we have in America as well instead of voting for real change.

Socialists need different figureheads....They have this guy telling us he deserves to be a cosigner on our checking accounts.


They need this guy telling me I should share my cash with him.

Hopefully you can connect the dots.
Not always. Until 1913 we didn't have a Fed Reserve who manipulated our money and things were NO WHERE near this bad as far as until the 1960's. It will continue to get worse until the system collapses. Without all us workers the CEO's and Presidents of companies have no one to make the products from which they steal the wealth of the working man....all it takes is for a mass walkout and the whole corrupt system collapses.
"Without all us workers the CEO's and Presidents of companies have no one to make the products from which they steal the wealth of the working man....all it takes is for a mass walkout and the whole corrupt system collapses."

Okay. Let's have a massive walkout and the company folds. There goes your job, your chance of climbing the ladder of success, and money to put food on the table, to save for your kids college and yu beer money is gone.

So what did you prove? Steal the wealth of the working man? The real working man would never walk out of his job.

I just had to watch this video for a class in college. Finally had to do something in this class I enjoy talking about and can discuss easily. I do wonder for my classmates how they are going to react to seeing the theft of their labor in such stark terms. Anyways, its a 6 minute video well worth watching. I expect the usual drivel from the CONservatives and the usual let's go ALL the way to socialism from the lefties but these same people support the duopoly we have in America as well instead of voting for real change.

dont worry someday you will grow up and realize all that is bullshit,,,

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